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Started by cardinal at 06,Apr,18 00:26  other posts of cardinal
Any lady's want me to send dirty messages and umm you send some single masturbation vids I'am good for it sup!

Similar topics: question for smart phone   2.uploads from my phone.   3.Phone Sex   4.Phone sex   5.Matching a new phone with computer  

New Comment

By phart at 15,Apr,18 23:07 other posts of phart 
I know a fellow ,17 at the time,called 1 of those numbers,and the bill thru At@t was a little over 4 grand. And the family had to pay it!. The boy was "motivated" to get a job and pay back the family for his fuckup.

Myself,thinking about phone sex. I aint found a soft orifice in any of my phones to insert my penis in that I have laying around here. do you all have some kind of special phone?

By #553253 at 11,Apr,18 21:15
I called a phone sex company once....bitch stuttered.....cost me $8000.00!
By t-rex at 15,Apr,18 12:47 other posts of t-rex 

By cardinal at 12,Apr,18 03:59 other posts of cardinal 
Never was the social type seeing a woman shoot me pics or vids more for my liking you're out your mind paying that much Christ I wouldn't pay no more $60 for sex that's only if I was desperate I'll watch porn instead fuck it passion romance that means alot more than just feeling being used.
By leopoldij at 12,Apr,18 07:51 other posts of leopoldij 
Amazing English sentence!
Reads like James Joyce!
Is that on purpose, or were you trying to imitate Ulysses' style?

Adult Discussion Forum