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Silent, moaning,screaming...

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Started by up-for-it at 01,May,18 11:27  other posts of up-for-it
When having sex , do you prefer your partner to be noisy or quiet?

I like them to moan,haven't had a screamer yet,but i think i would like that too!Total silence doesn't do it for me,makes me feel they are not enjoying it!

Before you ask:
I have done my share of moaning, not been screaming....yet!

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New Comment

By Lvphose at 17,Aug,21 21:27 other posts of Lvphose 
I once had a gf that first time I fucked her was at her apartment and she was a screamer! Like mosners & screamers but not through really thin wall for the first time.

By boombastic at 15,Aug,21 22:22 other posts of boombastic 
Not constantly moaning from start to finish, but when you jizz,you should moan. Sometimes they are strong and you cannot avoid grunting and looking like your face is changing shape

By #551379 at 02,May,18 22:58
Nice thread .. i did have sex with a deaf guy , and , let me tell you....the moment i fuckd him the way he liked it ... walls were shaking, he could not hear himself SCREAM in joy ..I.tried to keep going but it got way too loud ... let just say my neighbors had fun making me feel bad about that .. so for me,no more screamers ...
By up-for-it at 03,May,18 18:09 other posts of up-for-it 
Have sex in a soundproofed room next time

By leopoldij at 01,May,18 16:02 other posts of leopoldij 
Screeming, moaning, etc, is best.
By up-for-it at 01,May,18 16:06 other posts of up-for-it 
It is, i just love it when it happens!

By #545929 at 01,May,18 14:39
Talking back and forth to make sure they are ok and natural moaning is a turn on. Saying the same word, such as fuck, over and over again while sounding like a porn star or screaming is a complete turn off.
By up-for-it at 01,May,18 16:05 other posts of up-for-it 
I agree , it has to be natural,otherwise it's just off-putting

Adult Discussion Forum