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Started by Dev01 at 04,Apr,22 12:48  other posts of Dev01
Since Aus is due for elections there seems to be a rise in bigatory and anti semitism

Why stand on a silent platform, fight the war and fuck the norm.

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New Comment

By Sir-Skittles at 04,Apr,22 20:08 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Indians causing trouble again?

The cunts have not even said when the election is yet... Go in with 14 or 21 May mate?

PS_ Cody8789 might be an Indian...
By #275407 at 04,Apr,22 20:26
I got the red skin

By #275407 at 04,Apr,22 20:05
Seems like the rise of bigatory remarks and anti semitism is spreading all over this globe. Times are getting tougher. Wish I was born 100 years ago.
By Sir-Skittles at 04,Apr,22 20:20 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Not for not mate-- but 100 years ago you might have been slagged off..

1. You could be missing a limb from World War I

2. Prohibition was in full swing...That would suck ass. No grog.

3. And most importantly, the magic marker was not invented until 1952. So, like no BJUK or Bella could be written on yer back cunt

By #275407 at 04,Apr,22 20:25
I would be living in the country fishing just as long as I was away from any big city

By #491031 at 04,Apr,22 14:25
I don't know who "Norm" is, but I am spoken for so someone else is going to have to fuck him...
By Dev01 at 04,Apr,22 19:17 other posts of Dev01 
Yep norm sucks

By bella! at 04,Apr,22 14:50 other posts of bella! 
An election for Prime Minister? How many years/terms can an Australian PM serve in office?

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