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Craigslist personals everywhere in the world closed now?

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Started by kebmo at 03,May,18 23:37  other posts of kebmo
I just checked and all CL personals are closed. I hope it's a glitch because I couldn't find anything on Google about it. We'll see.

Similar topics: 1.Experience with Craigslist Personals:)   2.RIP Craigslist Personals   3.Free personals??? places to find locals interested in fooling around?   5.Craigslist alternatives  

New Comment

By #555337 at 11,May,18 04:56
There's a new site like C/L. It's called double
It is new but still nice. All free
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes my mistake
By kebmo at 11,May,18 05:17 other posts of kebmo 
Thanks, I'll check it out now.
--------------------------------------- added after 17 minutes

Thanks Stephen!! There is one for large breasts called so don't confuse them.

Doublelist is new and of course there will be issues so be sure to protect your privacy. Read the info before signing up. I live in a smaller city of 100,000 so we don't have our own yet but there is a search for entering the name of my city which is on the same page as the larger, nearby city. There's also a place where you could add the name of your city to put it on the list for future updates.

Protect your privacy!!!
By #555337 at 11,May,18 05:58
Your welcome

By #517674 at 09,May,18 07:21
Best site to meet up and fuck in my area, I miss meeting men who are DL and hornier than most, where do they find sex now?

By #550094 at 05,May,18 03:45
In my opinion, I think Craig is using an unpassed
U.S. bill as an excuse to remove the Personals section
from ALL Craigslist sites world-wide, because he's not
making any money from free Personals ads...

The timing of these shutdowns (beginning with the U.S CL)
occurred soon after new fees were imposed for individuals
and small businesses who offer Services...
...think about it.

Meanwhile, $cammers continue posting on Craigslist.
By Darthshame at 05,May,18 04:59 other posts of Darthshame 
I think you got a point. They're probably scrambling to find a way to make money on the personal section under the guise of preventing or verifying bs.
By #545732 at 05,May,18 05:14
Actually, now you mention that, I just realised there's no advertising on there, so I wonder how they make any money?
By Darthshame at 05,May,18 05:30 other posts of Darthshame 
That was the idea when they first launched. Free trade. Not sure where they get their funding.
By #550094 at 05,May,18 14:26
I'm not sure where they get their funding.
But a lot of it comes from businesses and private
individuals who place ads offering services,
and employers who place ads looking to hire help.
Those fees have been in place for a while.

Then, back in mid-March new fees were imposed
for ads placed by individuals and contractors
looking for help, in the Gigs section.

When those ads are about to expire, another fee
has to be paid to renew the ad or to place a new ad.

If the trend continues (and it Will), someday soon
we could see Landlords and Property Owners having
to pay a fee to post ads offering apartments,
houses, and commercial spaces for rent.

What starts out as "Free" grows into a paid service
over time and time again.
Good "free" shyit doesn't last forever.

By leopoldij at 05,May,18 10:05 other posts of leopoldij 
It's like the war on dr.ugs, right?
War, my ass...

By #23212 at 05,May,18 06:54
Mr. Craig Newmark is worth at least USD: $1.3 billion!
It would seem that he would not worry whether he is making much money on this 'list' or not, at this time.

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By #550094 at 05,May,18 14:32
He doesn't have to worry, as long as the money
keeps rolling in he can laugh his ass to the bank
every morning like it was gourmet coffee at Starbucks.

President "Cheeto", who is worth a lot more,
always finds new ways to make more money.
And that's just in Real Estate alone, as the tip
of his financial ice berg.
The rich get richer, and the greedy get greedier.

By kebmo at 06,May,18 06:59 other posts of kebmo 
"Craigslist makes money only through a handful of revenue streams. It charges a $25 fee to post a job listing in six major U.S. cities. It charges $75 for a job listing in the San Francisco area. Last, the company charges a $10 fee to list an apartment rental in New York."

-Google Search
By #550094 at 08,May,18 15:24
So, now we know. Interesting stats!

By kebmo at 05,May,18 11:50 other posts of kebmo 
Can someone confirm that their personals are closed down in places other than the US? There's nothing on the news and I'm thinking that it might be an issue with my account.
By #545732 at 05,May,18 12:06
I'm in the UK and it's the same here

By #545732 at 04,May,18 00:56
I think they did close it down. I heard about it going in other countries and now it's gone here in UK too.

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By kebmo at 04,May,18 01:07 other posts of kebmo 
That's about the US closing. It's dated March 22/18. I was looking for something current today and found nothing.
I'm hoping it's some religious nut that got out of control and it's temporary.
By #545732 at 04,May,18 01:11
That was only the first search result in the list, but I'm afraid it ain't some religious nut's doing. Boooo!
By kebmo at 04,May,18 01:25 other posts of kebmo 
I wonder why there has been no announcement from CL about it or a news item.
By #545732 at 04,May,18 01:44
Well if I had a business that was being used by s3x traffickers, I think I'd prefer to keep that news as quiet as possible, haha!
By kebmo at 04,May,18 01:54 other posts of kebmo 
Like the Catholic Church.
By #545732 at 04,May,18 01:57

By Pistonbroke at 04,May,18 10:07 other posts of Pistonbroke 
That's why they have so many "Alter Boys"; they need alternate bums while the others heal up!

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