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Craigslist alternatives

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Started by #641766 at 25,May,21 18:29
I know it's been quite a while since the demise of Craigslist Personals (men4men, etc), but I'd like to hear from other male members about what or where you look for discrete online hook-ups nowadays? I know there is Grindr and the likes, but most of those sites require paid membership for premium features. Are there any secret or covert free websites (besides this one) that caters to our local or regional instant gratification needs similar to Craigslist ads approach? Or maybe you've had great success on Grindr and would like to share your techniques? Really need suggestions. Thanks

Similar topics: 1.craigslist   2.would anyone Reconmend Craigslist?   3.CraigsList, Yey or Ney?   4.Other safe anal lube alternatives   5.Craigslist posting is gone  

New Comment

By ForumUser12 at 29,May,21 04:56 other posts of ForumUser12 
give me a shout
By #641766 at 31,May,21 04:55
Me?? Give you a shout how, where? On DoubleList?

By #625564 at 27,May,21 20:16
I've found to be a close alternative to Craigslist
By knewbi at 28,May,21 18:03 other posts of knewbi 
Gee, I had signed up before and never went back. Today I did because of your post and found it to be a lot like the old C/L but without having to wade through lots of trash..
By #625564 at 30,May,21 10:37

By #641766 at 28,May,21 19:29
I just became a member on DoubleList and yes it is exactly what I was looking for! I've already sent a couple of replies to local ads. Thank you so much for the info!
By #625564 at 30,May,21 10:36

Adult Discussion Forum