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New section - custom contests

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by admin at 08,May,18 12:52  other posts of admin
One of the members asked me to add tits challenge section for women to this site. I did not see much sense in it, since women do not participate much even in POTM. But after some thinking I decided to add open theme contests section to the site. I doubt it's gonna be used since I tried to remove most of the usual drama from it, but I made it anyway in a moment of inspiration, so it's here.


The idea is - you can create your own thematic photo contest with any topic you like. Best tits, best dick, best outdoor photo, most artistic photo, etc. Whatever you wish. But it's your own responsibility to gather people into it. If you fail - the contest won't be executed, but will be discarded and all the points spent on it will be lost. Read the rules on that page's bottom.

I added notifications to it, so that your friends will be notified automatically and you don't have to beg everyone to come. Still, you will probably have to make some additional announcements to attract people.

At the moment there can be bugs. I can't really proof-test it without participants. I have only done crude testing that I could do on my own. So if you see any problems there - don't hesitate to report them to me.

Similar topics: 1.MASTURBATION CONTESTS   2.ARTISTIC OR GLAMOUROUS CUNT SECTION   3.Photo contests   4.Slight change   5.Swordfights contest round one closing soon  

New Comment

By bella! at 09,May,18 13:49 other posts of bella! 
Please clarify something for me and anyone else that might wonder the same. With regard to the new contest(s) your rules state; "During that time the creator of the contest can kick photos out if they are not fit to the theme of the contest, and points for the image submission are not refunded. People who are blacklisted by creator can't enter the contest."

So up til now, if a member blacklisted another, the blacklisting member made their "target" basically non existent, invisible. The blacklisting member chose to not see their targets pictures, comments, blogs, etc.

With that very logic in mind, I'm curious how a member who has blacklisted me was able to enter a contest that I created? How is it that they were able to see my creation?

I can't post on their blogs, their forum threads, their pictures AND that was by their choice, they chose to make me invisible. So just how did they see the contest(s) that my 20 points created?

Looking forward to your anticipated response. Thank you.
By admin at 09,May,18 14:12 other posts of admin 
You can read the line that says "There may be bugs" can you? I can't think of everything at once. Now when you pointed this out, I will correct this.
By bella! at 09,May,18 14:18 other posts of bella! 
I do not want the member(s) "kicked out" of the contest(s), I was just curious how they were able to enter. Just as I have decided that I would not "kick out" members who did not post correctly based on the THEME of the contest. Thank you.
By admin at 09,May,18 14:36 other posts of admin 
I gave you a tool to be a moderator of your contests. How you use it is up to you.
By bella! at 09,May,18 14:46 other posts of bella! 
I recognize that you provided a tool but I was concerned when you fixed something that you hadn't given any previous consideration to, aka "bugs", that your correction would eliminate, aka "kick out", the member(s) in question.

By Roadie_is_back at 09,May,18 21:52 other posts of Roadie_is_back 
In my opinion, even though you didn't ask , if they can't follow the simple rules such as OUTDOORS, or CLOSE-UPS they should be ousted BUT as always, you are way too kind to do such a thing. Hopefully, the voters will see the wrong in what they did.
By bella! at 10,May,18 02:43 other posts of bella! 
I would like to think that the members who posted incorrectly just had a bad case of "happy fingers" and clicked and dragged their best picture into the wrong contest. I don't want to kick out anyone and have them feel that it is something personal, even though there seems to be a spot where you can place a reason. I hope the voting members consider the topic and vote accordingly.

It's a new contest and I would like to see how it "flies"!

By bella! at 10,May,18 02:44 other posts of bella! 
You're welcome.

By bella! at 10,May,18 02:45 other posts of bella! 
No need to be condescending.

By bella! at 08,May,18 19:09 other posts of bella! 
I've read the rules, I understand that the numbers related to the voting will be invisible HOWEVER I am not clear about these points;

- is there [HOT] and [NOT] voting or only the ability to vote [HOT]?

- on day 5, when the voting begins, is the contest then closed or is it possible that someone can enroll on day #9 and win the contest?

- can you vote for more than one contestant?

- can you vote more than once for the same contestant?

- is voting free or are points assessed?
By admin at 08,May,18 20:28 other posts of admin 
You can't enter into it after the contest has began.

The votes are free, otherwise I would mention it in the rules.

As stated, I tried to weed out everything you usually whine about as being unfair. So there are no direct links to solicit votes, pics will be shown randomly on the page and you will have to cast exactly 2 votes for 2 different images, not just one. And they are all +1, there is no negative.
By bella! at 08,May,18 20:36 other posts of bella! 
Thank you but the part about "everything you usually whine about" was so you and really unnecessary.

Adult Discussion Forum