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Started by Dev01 at 08,Jun,18 21:31  other posts of Dev01
If your sick and tired of threads like..is my dick small....pissing at urinals or maybe stinky wristwatches go here /blogs/36685.html


Similar topics: 1.seducing strangers for sex / bj   2.pics   3.help wanted to take some pics   4.Skype Self Sucker   5.Rate my Ass and Legs  

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By 2nice at 09,Jun,18 12:21 other posts of 2nice 
My buddy sent me a video of a dude fucking a chicken. It was months ago and I still cannot get that image out of my head. I mean...why???
By #491031 at 09,Jun,18 12:29
It takes a special kind of crazy to look at a chicken and think: "Damn! I really need to stick my dick in that sexy piece of poultry."
By 2nice at 09,Jun,18 12:38 other posts of 2nice 
By kebmo at 17,Jun,18 17:37 other posts of kebmo 
Who came first, the chicken or the egghead?

By #275407 at 09,Jun,18 00:16
I think anyone who sais they had sex with **** whether it's true or not should be banned from this site..............a n I m a l s.
By Dev01 at 09,Jun,18 09:46 other posts of Dev01 
By #485312 at 17,Jun,18 09:38
most blokes l know say they never look at another blokes cock at a urinal, l sometimes think its all a fantasy for those blokes saying they look and end up blowing some random dude in there, *Lix*

By #491031 at 09,Jun,18 01:07
The guy should read up on Mr. Hands and the Enumclaw horse sex case.
That sick stuff can get you seriously killed...
By Dev01 at 09,Jun,18 09:45 other posts of Dev01 
I just watched a doco called z00 about Mr Hands. It's a fucken weird world Will
By #491031 at 09,Jun,18 13:01
"Death by Horse Pecker" is not something I want to read in anyone's obit... (Except, maybe, in Donald Trump's).
By Dev01 at 10,Jun,18 08:09 other posts of Dev01 
It was strange, like having a hamburger with no meat. I call that a salad roll, but yes i wish i had not watched it. It's like jerry springer tho.. you always feel better about yourself after watching it

By Sir-Skittles at 08,Jun,18 22:09 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

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