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looking for a male friend to talk on the phone with regularly (i live in Florida)

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Started by #512385 at 05,Jul,18 20:41
this may seem a bit strange but i'm 22 years old and i live in clearwater florida. I really get lonely a lot. all the guys down here just want one time hookups but i'm honestly not into that.

i'm looking for a guy to talk to on the phone regularly, a guy who likes giving blowjobs/oral sex and who likes to talk about it with me regularly.

if you're interested, just send me a message. doesn't matter how old you are or what you look like, just as long as you're a male.

i honestly prefer someone older though.

and also, you don't have to live in Florida either, but just be within the Continental USA

Similar topics: 1.looking for a man for a mmf in the jax florida area.   2.I've became a 'sexual prude' since i moved to Florida...   3.I want to live with a Man who loves sucking cock.... (Florida)   4.(CLEARWATER FLORIDA) I'm looking to live with an Older Reclusive Retired Man who'd want to suck my cock Everyday   5.here's a list of all the guys who have sucked me off since I moved to Florida. curious if anyone else does anything like this.  

New Comment

By #625564 at 10,Oct,20 16:59
I would love to do that with you

By bella! at 06,Jul,18 19:04 other posts of bella! 

You are truly unique and are so young to be so, I'm not even sure what word(s) I'm looking for, maybe sad and miserable. Miserable in the way you are feeling.

Aside from the things that make you unique sexually, you are 22 and this SHOULD BE some of the best time in your life, yet you would be content and possibly happy if you could find someone to talk with over the phone. I've kinda followed your threads, I know you've made a big move from the north down to Florida but what else? Have you found a job, are you working? What are you doing for yourself to get out of this slump?
By #512385 at 18,Jul,18 09:28
if you really want to know, i actually can't hold a job because of my Autism and ADHD and personality disorder. i'm not 'psycho' or violent at all but those conditions do affect me. I am trying to get on SSI/disability if that counts though.

i'm not quite miserable really, sometimes i am but not always. just bored. depends what my mood does.

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