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Am I sexy enough?

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Started by #452993 at 10,Jul,18 19:44
I have alot of pics posted and love seeing tributes. Why doesnt my page get much attention? Am I sexy enough?

Similar topics: 1.Are Tatoos sexy of big and small sexy bubble butt/asses   3.your sexy total stranger encounters...pls share   4.seXXXy inked up woman SHOW OFF UR INK AND SEXY BODIES   5.What makes a person sexy?  

New Comment

By #532695 at 26,Jul,18 00:22
People have said to improve your pics, but haven't really said how! I would suggest better lighting to start. Also make sure they're in focus; most of your pictures are, so that's probably not an issue. You have a lot of interesting composititions too!

I'd like to see more pics of your lovely breasts...

By #502711 at 26,Jul,18 00:03
You gotta put yourself out there. Post your pic on the main page

By leopoldij at 10,Jul,18 21:17 other posts of leopoldij 
You're very sexy and I'll be paying visits to your page now that I discovered you. Your pussy is very sexy
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 90 seconds

I can identify two reasons for your problem though.

1. You're not too visible. You need to engage more in common activities, forum, etc.

2. Your pics, although very sexy, are not of very giod quality.
By #452993 at 13,Jul,18 17:37
Thank you for the input. I hope more people enjoy looking at me and I'll make sure hubby gets some better pics for me to post soon!!
By leopoldij at 14,Jul,18 21:45 other posts of leopoldij 
Just make the photos better and you'll have a tremendous impact to our horny community!
By #452993 at 23,Jul,18 18:51
Ok pics were posted. Let me know what you think then more to come!!
By leopoldij at 23,Jul,18 22:58 other posts of leopoldij 
[deleted image]
Of course, there's always room for improvement. Not of the subject, you look great, but of the quality of the pics...

By #23212 at 24,Jul,18 22:17
Sorry, but your new pics are still low quality/blurry.

By t-rex at 14,Jul,18 05:50 other posts of t-rex 
Lovely pussy you have 😃
By #452993 at 14,Jul,18 13:16
Thank you!! I hope I make alot of people jack off!!
By t-rex at 14,Jul,18 20:35 other posts of t-rex 

By bigguy at 14,Jul,18 17:13 other posts of bigguy 
Because of your entry here I searched your page. Sexy you are and your pussy looks great. I will comment on your photos. May I suggest that you should either get help with getting the quality of your photos imprived. You look very nice but the photos are not doing justice to you. Not a complaint just opinion to het more attention you seem to seek. Good luck and I look forward to seeing more of you.👍😉

By #182330 at 14,Jul,18 06:49
I think you’re more than sexy enough I’d blow your back out
By #452993 at 14,Jul,18 13:18
Thank you!! I enjoy getting fucked hard!!

By #522791 at 14,Jul,18 01:04
Hell I love your page and visit often... definitely need HD quality pics though...but other then that your definitely sexy enough women!!!
By #452993 at 14,Jul,18 13:16
Well thank you very much!! It's exciting to hear people enjoy my page. I'll definitely work on the pics!!

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