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Any sides here?

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Started by #559922 at 22,Aug,18 23:55
I recently heard the term 'sides' to describe gay/bi men who are neither tops nor bottoms (ie prefer non-penetrative sex). Is this a well-known term in the gay world nowadays, and are there any guys on this site who identify as sides?

Also, to all the tops and bottoms out there, would you enjoy fooling around with someone who's a side or is that a deal breaker for you? Do sides only hook up with sides?

I'm straight but an LGBT ally.

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By #559941 at 26,Aug,18 16:26
Doesn't matter to me as long as I cum.. I'm easy..

By kebmo at 23,Aug,18 04:49 other posts of kebmo 
I've never heard the term until now. I suppose I am one though. I have NEVER had anal sex, male or female. The concept grosses me out. I'm a chef and I have a bit of an OCD about cleanliness. It's just my personal choice.
I meet guys and we only have oral sex and with some of them, kiss. Before we meet I make it clear that I'm only interested in oral sex but inevitably they ask for anal, always with me on top. I say no. I have considered doing it with my best cock sucking friend and if I do it will be with him.
I also avoid meeting with guys that like to bottom because often they have unsafe habits. Safety is paramount to me and my regular attached friends.
I have never had an STD and that's a good thing.

By cumcouplessa at 23,Aug,18 03:57 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Still trying to figure out what "non penetrative sex" actually is? How does one have sex without penetration? Gees, times sure are changing
By kebmo at 23,Aug,18 04:17 other posts of kebmo 
Oral only.
By #559922 at 23,Aug,18 04:20
Not just oral. Foreplay, French kissing, toys, erotic massage, 69s, tons of stuff.

By #532695 at 23,Aug,18 03:13
I'd skip the labels and find someone who likes to have sex with you, however that plays out.

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