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Wife **** fantasy...

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Started by #532415 at 19,Sep,18 10:14
My wife wants me to fuck her and let my Dad watch...

Similar topics: 1.MMF, how common is this fantasy?   2.Wife with a bigger man?   3.Fantasy come true?   4.Wife approving ur gay fantasy   5.Favourite Wank Fantasy.  

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By knewbi at 19,Sep,18 21:10 other posts of knewbi 
Why not let her fuck your Dad and you watch? That way she will get what she wants and you might get a thrill out of it too. I love watching my wife fuck other guys. Never had her fuck a relative of mine but it might be fun...
By #532415 at 19,Sep,18 21:27
She already told me that she would if she got the chance.

By #532415 at 19,Sep,18 21:30
As a matter of fact I told him that she would f*** him. And then I asked him what would you do.
By knewbi at 19,Sep,18 21:33 other posts of knewbi 
Great!! you are almost there... If there is a problem moving on find some big dicked older guy and set her up... then you can share it with your dad to entice him or if it was her that balked tell her how much better your dad would be.

By #532415 at 19,Sep,18 21:32
He looked at me kind of grined and then said it'll be a good experience for all three of us.
--------------------------------------- added after 7 hours

All that has to happen is the right place and the right time...
By knewbi at 21,Sep,18 17:29 other posts of knewbi 
My Gawd man... Make that happen. It is so fucking hot seeing your wife taking another man and I would imagine even hotter when it is your Dad...
By #532415 at 22,Sep,18 03:12
Yeah will it will happen soon. Trust me...

By aussie at 19,Sep,18 16:08 other posts of aussie 
Okay ?? She must like your dad.
By #532415 at 19,Sep,18 16:23
Yup. We were camping and she saw his dick when we all went swimming in the river. He's thicker and longer than I am and she secretly wants to fuck him. She hasn't admitted it but...

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