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A gay friend strange wishes

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Started by Greek18cm at 08,Nov,18 02:32  other posts of Greek18cm
so there is this guy that we are not really close but spend time together that has this strange thing.

He is fond of looking my cock. Flaccid errect retract not retract. at any state. his favorite is when i put on a cock ring and my cock gets rock.

i asked him if he wants to touch it or play, jus to see what he saysbut no his thing is just to look at it.

i told him there is pictures of bigger cocks in internet and he said that it gets him exited that he is looking at a cock of someone who knows.

Only intrest in me is that someone is geting wank at looking at my cock plus that the **** of that guy is living in the same room so sometimes she is there and i spoting her look at my cock.

Wierd thing all this and even weird i am tolarating it but still, i need his place some times so... let him look

i wish he did not discuss my cock with everyone we know but he do...

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New Comment

By Richie at 07,Dec,24 18:52 other posts of Richie 
Damn why can't I find guys who like looking at my cock

By thicknsmooth at 23,Nov,24 05:02 other posts of thicknsmooth 
Ok well my x wife had a long time friend that was gay. He came out of the closet when we were in high school. He was skinny and very good looking with blonde hair his name was Michael. I secretly dreamed of playing around with him but was afraid of making a move as I was straight but have secretly played around with other boys for years. One night while he was visiting my wife at our home. We were partying a little and he started hitting on me a little here and there. We were out in the backyard and my wife had gone into the house and I asked him if he wanted a line of coke and he said yes so we went to my van that was parked in the driveway and I opened the passenger side door and started to put the coke out on a book cover and he slowly started to feel me up from behind me. It felt good and he asked me if I was ok with it because he said I was hot and he couldn’t resist. I said I was ok with it and he turned me around and pulled my pants down and started sucking my cock. It felt so good and he said that my cock was so big and thick he loved my cut head. I then pulled his pants down and started sucking on his cock. It was long and skinny cut and he had really big low hanging smooth balls. I loved playing with him. We did this secretly for a couple of years
By Letscompare at 06,Dec,24 05:57 other posts of Letscompare 
Super hot!
By thicknsmooth at 06,Dec,24 06:01 other posts of thicknsmooth 
Yes it sure was

By german_guy at 06,Dec,24 19:49 other posts of german_guy 
u sure did have a real good time

By thebeewolf at 29,Nov,24 22:17 other posts of thebeewolf 
If I were you I might tell him he can't look anymore unless he's willing to touch it. He has to stroke it and make it hard. Make him do a little more each time. Pretty soon you'll have him deepthroating your cock while your girl watches.

Adult Discussion Forum