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High Heels & Stockings?

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Started by #44121 at 05,Feb,10 15:26
Some Trannies like me love heels and stockings and some of the guys who post here do. What turns you on when you have on same? Some of the ladies here also love heels and stockings, but those in public do not share the love. ???

Similar topics: 1.stockings female feet!   3.High Heels??????   4.Do you guys know any fetish web sources?   5.If UR A Sissy, Cuckold, Or Otherwise, And/Or UR A Man Who Likes 2 Dress Frilly....  

New Comment

By Pantyhose1 at 01,Jan,23 06:22 other posts of Pantyhose1 

By Lvphose at 16,Nov,21 21:59 other posts of Lvphose 
This one

By Lvphose at 16,Nov,21 21:56 other posts of Lvphose 
I have this [deleted image]

By knewbi at 15,Nov,21 16:56 other posts of knewbi 
I don't have heels but do have stockings as well as hose. It just feels so damned sexy when I jerk off wearing them...

By #627819 at 19,Oct,20 17:34
I've done it, I had a couple of girlfriends who would have me put their high heels and stocking, panties etc on and fuck them.

Definitely worth trying but I'd be lying to you if I said everybody was into it cuz THEY ARENT lol...

I would definitely try it with a guy if they wanted to... the topic has never come up lol....

By Pantyhose1 at 07,Oct,20 06:49 other posts of Pantyhose1 
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 13 seconds

Blue heels

By SluttySarah069 at 12,Mar,20 14:13 other posts of SluttySarah069 
When I dress I love to wear suspenders, stockings and High Heeled Boots - I always get switched on and have to cum.

By #612635 at 11,Mar,20 05:03
I don't dress normally but will if the guy really wants me to. If it turns him on and I get fucked better it's worth it! I've been asked to wear some interesting outfits.

I do like wearing the outfit my wife wore on our wedding night and taking a nice cock!!

By Lvphose at 13,Feb,20 08:28 other posts of Lvphose 
For me I guess it’s I was coming of age in the 60s So women wore nine stockings a new one pantyhose came around they wore them! I guess what I noticed is they really help define shape of a woman’s legs and feet. Around age 10 and 11 with my friend and his family we go on vacation they did ask me to feed the dog and let it out. And one of my duties there I start exploring his mothers drawers found a pair Her pantyhose & Put them on. I guess I like the feel of the lawn on my three big cock balls! I was lucky enough to have a girlfriend for a few years who understood my nylon stockings and pantyhose fetish it would indulge me in it!

By Pantyhose1 at 12,Feb,20 15:48 other posts of Pantyhose1 

By spermkiss at 03,Mar,10 18:37 other posts of spermkiss 
For me, seeing a man in ladies' undergarments is a major turn off. However, judging by the huge number of photos posted on this site and elsewhere, there must be a lot of men, both straight and gay, who like to wear this kind of attire, and there must be a lot of people, both men and women, who like to see men wearing these things. To each his own.

By COCKSUCKERSLUT at 01,Mar,10 21:43 other posts of COCKSUCKERSLUT 

By #43515 at 08,Feb,10 19:53
Love to wear stockings and garter belts. I feel so sexy and kinky

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