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penis or genital injuries

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Started by galaxy123 at 05,Feb,19 15:53  other posts of galaxy123
Have you or your partner ever injured or damaged your genitals while having sex or being intimate?
If so what happened? And how bad was it?
It has happened to me a few times over the years and I am curious to see how common it is?

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New Comment

By cricrilover at 09,Feb,19 12:28 other posts of cricrilover 
Before being circumcised, my brake was often torn when a guy retracted my foreskin tight to the maximum. It was bleeding but nothing serious.
My glans too is often hurt, when a guy jerked me very hard rubbing very hard my galns in his hand as to file. Very often it tears the skin of the crown of my glans ....

By #558172 at 05,Feb,19 22:57
My brother tore his frenulum when seeing to his Mrs needs, bit of bleeding but fully recovered. One off. And my worst thing is catching my cock skin and getting a cut from a firm wank. No lasting damage!
By galaxy123 at 06,Feb,19 16:30 other posts of galaxy123 
I have torn my frenulum twice. Once in a bike accident, docs fixed it up. 2 stitches and then similar to your brother it snapped while having sex with a girl at collage. mine bled a lot. now I have almost no frenulum

By pifad at 06,Feb,19 14:06 other posts of pifad 
Fractured my penis years ago having sex. Although it’s healed and functional it does “crackle” when I bend it while erect

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