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Racist Comments

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #3997 at 08,Feb,10 18:02
Admin: is there anything that you can do about these comments honestly, or to any members that care about this issue, or am I alone in this boat??? It had been happening alot lately especially by anonymous people left and right, I love this site and enjoying coming here, but thats starting to make me not want to anymore truly!!!!

Similar topics: 1.What makes you block somebody or delete a comment?   2.2014 - Is having a foreskin (uncut) a fashion statement?   3.Racist   4.What do U S citizens think about Trump's comments.   5.Bella Is A Racist!!!!!!  

New Comment

By #3375 at 10,Feb,10 17:55
SB, don't concern yourself with these type of people, because this is a public site, these folks can hide behind the cloak of anonymous, they sure have no problem looking at anyone and making comments, but they are to insecure to show themselves. Just remember this no matter what, we (this means everyone) all have the same requirements to sustain life (ie.. food, water, air, and so forth). This has been going on since man began and will continue long after we are all gone. The main thing to understand that there alot of good people here who enjoy you and your comments, and pictures, and this is all that matter's. It's called respect. Put your pic's back up, and when you get or see a nasty remark no matter what, think this ; this person who wrote this is a real insecure loser with no pride or respect in themselves or anyone else.
By #3997 at 10,Feb,10 18:47
Very well put and i appreciate that Pas, appreciate it to the highest my friend

By #3997 at 10,Feb,10 17:48
Thanks again all, I appreciate it, just sometimes still bother you a big no matter how much you ignore it, but i appreciate all the positive things being said!!!

By MoeJoe at 09,Feb,10 17:38 other posts of MoeJoe 
Bigoted comments come in all flavors around here it seems. Today I was called an "old gay asshole" by some guy who claims to be "straight", because I posted a complimentary comment on his equipment and it bothered him.
By #24286 at 10,Feb,10 00:21
Well you can comment on my bits and pieces MoeJoe. It makes no difference to me if you're straight, gay, man, woman, black, white or Martian. I'm sure it's not what this site was created for. I would describe myself only as an "Assholeist".
By MoeJoe at 10,Feb,10 09:30 other posts of MoeJoe 
You certainly do have a nice cock.....

By #28707 at 09,Feb,10 00:33
Supa, I am certain that I am only one of many on this site that regrets and resents any racist comments directed toward you or any other peron. I sincerely hope you will be able to get past the jerks and enjoy the site.
By #3997 at 09,Feb,10 16:06
Thanks Dreason, I love this site, I know i pulled down my pics for the time being, but just enjoy the site, I enjoyed looking as much as i enjoyed sharing my pics, this site is great!!!

By boy at 09,Feb,10 00:13 other posts of boy 
ADMIN has already explained here that you can simply block all anonymous comments in your profile.
Just ignore them and have fun!
By #3997 at 09,Feb,10 16:06
Thats true and Its not on mine just like if you have a pic of a woman with a black cock or something thats when they come there on others pages that I see, and I know can't do anything about

By #3034 at 08,Feb,10 22:26
Coming from someone who can truly feel your pain. IGNORE It. I deal with racist shit everyday at my job so the bullshit they throwing out on here is not even worth a laugh. They cowards and you leaveing is excatly what they trying to acheive so don't let them succeed you know what I mean.
By #3997 at 09,Feb,10 16:05
I totally know what you mean, I deal with alot where I am too!!

By #5532 at 08,Feb,10 21:48
Hey SB, I certainly have never walked in your shoes, so far be it from me to say much; Don't let the ignorant, narrow minded, sperm bubble brained, assholes ruin your pleasure. I have been noticing lately more anonymous comments (mostly rude) showing up. Screw them, if they can only build themselves up by tearing others down, pity to them. As far as I am concerned, you are a gentleman and far above the fray of brain damaged individuals such as those aforementioned. Stay here, ignore the idiots, and enjoy.
By #3997 at 09,Feb,10 16:04
Thanks luv, you always finda a way with words, and I know you meant that, I appreciate it, and can learn to live with it I have, you can't change them all I know that, Thanks again!!!

By COCKSUCKERSLUT at 08,Feb,10 21:40 other posts of COCKSUCKERSLUT 

Adult Discussion Forum