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Started by Andthisisme at 15,Jul,19 19:08  other posts of Andthisisme
Similar topics: 1.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME 2.Trump's cock 3.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME analysis. 4.TRUMP THE FRUMP 5.What we know. New CommentComments: |
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District 14. If you notice, Queens is part of it
However personally abusing people because you do not like their policy or politics is not a good way to go.
Also,Pelosi could use some schooling as well.
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Who employees the everyday folk? Other every day folk? No,the rich. The less tax they pay,the more wages they can pay. Granted,this is the way the system is designed but some do take advantage of it.So yea,take a look at those folks. But to group all the rich into 1 lump and tax em,tax em hard,no, most are doing ok as things are.
OMG.. I hear this a lot, how the employed and poorer folk really benefit from the huge amounts of money that rich folk make, and how they should be really grateful.
That may be the case sometimes but there are way too many people I imagine, as here in the UK, who are employed by corporations or companies that make huge profits but who are payed the lowest possible wage. I would guess that some of those companies will even use illegals as they are even cheaper.
One of the problems in the UK is that while there are many who want to slow or stop immigration the fact is that employers have struggled to find people within the UK to do these jobs - in hospitality and agriculture in particular. Many locals just do not want to do those jobs.
It is not a matter of the people wanting the jobs,it is a matter of them not being given a choice but to go to work if a job is shown to them and they able to do it safely and productively.
If a person gets hungry,they will do 1 of a couple things.steal or go to work.
earmarks in 2018 totaled $14.7 billion, an increase of 116.2 percent from $6.8 billion in 2017.
Among the most blatant examples of pork flagged by the group:
-- $65 million for “Pacific coastal salmon recovery.” According to its website, the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund “was established by Congress in 2000 to reverse the declines of Pacific salmon and steelhead, supporting conservation efforts in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Alaska.”
-- $11 million for an “aquatic plant control program.” The group said that since 1994, there have been 24 earmarks worth $58.1 million for aquatic plant control projects.
-- $663,000 for a “brown tree snake eradication program.” According to Citizens Against Government Waste, the snakes are “native to northern Australia, Indonesia and many islands in Melanesia, and have caused damage to the ecosystem of Guam, where they were likely introduced by the U.S. military following World War II.”
-- $10 million for “high-energy cost grants” within the Rural Utilities Service.
- $2.8 million for the National Capital Arts and Cultural Affairs grant program, which funds arts and cultural institutions in Washington, D.C.
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The word Racist is being used alot and incorrectly by some.As for exmaple a person is racist for not liking a religion.Totaly wrong use of the word.
What makes a disagreement racist is when the points made by one side focus on colour or ethnicity as an argument and the original Trump tweet did exactly that by saying that these Representatives should go back to the failed states that they came from.
Even now he is not articulating the flaws in these four Representatives political arguments he is cheerleading 'Send Them Back' at a rally. Although it may be he realised that with that he had gone just too far.
This is what was actually tweeted:
So interesting to see "Progressive" Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done.
I.e. it's not about race at all. There is literally nothing about race. Neither he suggested to them to be gone for good.
Trump is a skillful troll who makes broad statements that can be interpreted in different ways. It's actually interesting to watch who gets triggered by his statements and what they do.
Whats the expression...'plausible deniability'.
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I don't know your country of origin and it may very well be a failed nation, so I'll not opine,but, even in an all white (99%) nation, there is discrimination. There's the rich against the poor. The landowner against the land worker. The Christian against the Moslem. And even the light brown against the dark brown. I won't touch the Indian Cast system.
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There are many problems to solve in my country. Yet, there must be something that brings the population of other countries to our doors. Some bring solutions, some bring disgrace to their country of origin, some are just regular folks trying to live in peace with their families. What I do know is that Trump, either by ignorance or meanness, is disrupting the moral fiber of a country that always protected the little guy. And it was always done by the opinions and actions of the regular folks, not a king wannabe like Trump
Phart, you stated
"Who employees the everyday folk? Other every day folk? No,the rich"
You are not thinking about this. The majority of the population is the "everyday folks". We are the buying public. Those rich people and corporations make their money because we, the little guys, buy their products and services. How long would GM or Amazon be in business if we didn't buy from them. Our system, capitalism, is designed to work this way. Anthisisme is right. These 3%rs that have the majority of the wealth in this country pay the least amount of taxes they can get away with. Trump is just an example. There are many corporations that hardly pay taxes at all.
"Who employees the everyday folk? Other every day folk? No,the rich"
You are not thinking about this. The majority of the population is the "everyday folks". We are the buying public. Those rich people and corporations make their money because we, the little guys, buy their products and services. How long would GM or Amazon be in business if we didn't buy from them. Our system, capitalism, is designed to work this way. Anthisisme is right. These 3%rs that have the majority of the wealth in this country pay the least amount of taxes they can get away with. Trump is just an example. There are many corporations that hardly pay taxes at all.
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Suspect you never made much of your life and now you blame it on the "freeloaders" and illegals instead of admitting you were not up to it. You always complain about them.
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The national debt is like you getting a loan to buy a car. It will be paid or refinanced until it's paid off or the government defaults. It's happened before. Let me remind you that Clinton, a Democrat, brought it down to zero.
This is CNN news today. I think it says it all.
The better idea is to exspose the blatant iggnorance of the person and let the public read the definition of moron to verify it applies.
That woman got fired from a damn hot dog stand and was a bar tender before she went into office.And the bussiness she worked for CLOSED DOWN shortly after. research the reasons why.
Also,she cost the state of New york jobs in a larger number than the folks that voted for her. Moron is correct but make sure to back it up with facts!
I did not hear the foreign press say anything about that.
Strange how folks pick and choose who they are offended by.
I know sometimes Trump needs to put down the twitter box but all this whineing about his tweets just brings back the double standard thing.Those offended by Trump,could not care less about AOC's blantant display of immaturity and lack of support of our President.I doubt she or the rest could go back where they came from.Probably not wanted there anymore.
AOC has made the roughly 16,000 that voted for her look like idiots for putting a loud,foul mouthed bar tender in a position of power.
To think had she had any brains and had went in with a different attitude,agree or not with Trump,but just went in with a+attitude of lets work together,what potential she had.
Damn shame.
As far as what he said,I have not kept up with all of it.
I do think he needs to use better judgement in regards to sharing his opionions.He is entitled to his opionions,he is American. But telling natural born Americans to back where they came from is not fixing anything.
If you want to know the majoritys opionion on Trump,wait till 2020 november,as myself and 1000's of others vote to return him to office. Perhaps then the stumbling blocks he has ran into while trying to fix America will be decayed and withered away.Flaws or none,he is the best shot America has right now.
The folks that his remarks were directed at have made it a point to say hatful things about and towards our President.Publicly.Folks are not paying any attention to them.Trump on the other hand,can say something with a racial overtone and it is heard all over the world. Bare that double standard in mind and you will realize the racism and such is NOT 1 sided as the media wants to project it to you. Trump is for lack of better way to put it,the donkey everyone wants to pin the tail to.
Racism is the worst amoung the 1's who cry the most about it.