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Bella Is A Racist!!!!!!

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #584706 at 20,Nov,22 01:40
Should Queen Bella be allowed to use racist terms in the forums? She called me an "Abo" princess which is the equivalent in Australia as calling me the "N" word....its absolutely DISGUSTING!!!!! The odd thing is I'm Asian and NOT even Australian!!!!!

Similar topics: 1.Need some objective opinions...   2.Is mi-lips mi-lips and bella's new target   3.Have you seen bella??   4.Racist   5.So, you can't live in peace  

New Comment

By PITBULL at 21,Apr,23 02:22 other posts of PITBULL 
hey racist bella! you are a fuck head, do you think I care about polls. Go cry to the Admn.

By Jamie at 19,Apr,23 20:48 other posts of Jamie 
I'm glad this shity page is in the dumster.

By PITBULL at 19,Apr,23 13:16 other posts of PITBULL 
hey racist bella! you think you are very smart. fucking cow making a fake profile of me.

By PITBULL at 18,Apr,23 16:21 other posts of PITBULL 
hey, menopause crone bella! you nasty bitch you are as racist as Trump.

By 2nice at 17,Apr,23 22:45 other posts of 2nice 
This post is lame, and dead.

By PITBULL at 17,Apr,23 20:31 other posts of PITBULL 
hey, racist bella! go see a psychiatrist for your mentally unstable mind You have a sick obsession with me, you lunatic.

By PITBULL at 17,Apr,23 13:31 other posts of PITBULL 
yes, you fucking fat cow racist bella! you are telling members to blacklist me. You lied as always, you bitch. You even have told new members to blacklist me. And you think I will never find out about it.

RACIST ...go back to the KKK

By PITBULL at 16,Apr,23 23:11 other posts of PITBULL 
hey, racist bella! I know you told Mydoll to blacklist me. You the moron

By PITBULL at 12,Apr,23 01:33 other posts of PITBULL 
yes she is a racist bitch

By PITBULL at 10,Apr,23 01:24 other posts of PITBULL 

--------------------------------------- added after 66 minutes

--------------------------------------- added after 2 hours

I love this forum about the racist bella!

By PITBULL at 09,Apr,23 17:41 other posts of PITBULL 
Yes, bella! the wack fat cow of this site attacks minorities on this site. GO JOIN THE KKK again you racist bitch

By PITBULL at 09,Apr,23 00:44 other posts of PITBULL 
bella! is racist and homophobic

By #610414 at 07,Apr,23 11:46
By leopoldij at 08,Apr,23 11:10 other posts of leopoldij 
they talk about eating babies?
By #610414 at 08,Apr,23 12:14
Try this: sign off from SYD and go to forums. Hit on her thread, Just Stuff. You'll get an eyeful.
By leopoldij at 08,Apr,23 12:39 other posts of leopoldij 
Really? Even though I'm banned?
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

You're right. I can see.
I'm not gonna waste time though.

By leopoldij at 08,Apr,23 12:44 other posts of leopoldij 
Lots of interesting posts.
I can't waste time though with these trolls......

By bella! [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 23:08 other posts

Please excuse the "mess". Seems that PA-MORON experienced a psychotic episode after he soiled himself. 💩
[+] 0 [-] Reply

By PA-Freddy [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 22:08 other posts


take this in your ass
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 22:13 other posts

You take everything up your ass you fricken mongoloid.
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By PA-Freddy [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 22:28 other posts

[+] 0 [-] Reply
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 22:36 other posts scare me!
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By PA-Freddy [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 22:37 other posts

[+] 0 [-] Reply
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 22:37 other posts ⤴

Run along, you are acting like an angry little man.
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By PA-Freddy [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 22:40 other posts

[+] 0 [-] Reply

By PA-Freddy [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 22:03 other posts

[+] 0 [-] Reply
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 22:13 other posts

Fuck off you ignorant FUCKTARD.
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By PA-Freddy [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 22:22 other posts

go clean your page because I am coming after you...I HAD ENOUGH OF YOU
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 22:24 other posts

Don't worry about my page, clean up your own page, asshole!
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By PA-Freddy [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 22:27 other posts


[+] 0 [-] Reply

By bella! [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 22:22 other posts

Not only has PA-MORON pissed his pants, he shit himself, too!
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By PA-Freddy [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 22:23 other posts

[+] 0 [-] Reply

By PA-Freddy [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 22:03 other posts

[+] 0 [-] Reply
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 22:13 other posts

You make my ass itch.
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By PA-Freddy [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 22:23 other posts

[+] 0 [-] Reply

By PA-Freddy [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 22:03 other posts

[+] 0 [-] Reply
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 22:14 other posts

I think you done pissed your pants!
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By PA-Freddy [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 22:21 other posts

[+] 0 [-] Reply
--------------------------------------- added after 60 hours

Marvelous, isn't it?

By PITBULL at 08,Apr,23 03:58 other posts of PITBULL 
Bella; is a racist 100%, troll, who loves to bully others here, hates gay people and makes fun of them, and attacks them on her forums and others.
--------------------------------------- added after 87 seconds

and I going to keep this forum up so everybody on this site knows she is a racist.

By PITBULL at 08,Apr,23 02:05 other posts of PITBULL 

By leopoldij at 05,Apr,23 23:21 other posts of leopoldij 
Bella! loves embroidery when chatting about her church circles.
By phart at 06,Apr,23 00:31 other posts of phart 
And you love Beetle fighting while chatting about your garden club circles?
By leopoldij at 06,Apr,23 22:21 other posts of leopoldij 
I like chicken too.
--------------------------------------- added after 61 hours

By leopoldij at 04,Apr,23 16:45 other posts of leopoldij 
I heard that Bella went to NY to support trump who's racist too.
By phart at 04,Apr,23 16:57 other posts of phart 
I can't afford to go and even if I could, I wouldn't. The crime rate in that state is very high And instead of protecting their citizens they choose to raise a stink over some money and a clapped out Porn star.
I support Trump. Do I agree with him on everything? Hell no,after you posted some pics of that stormy gal, DAMN, globby looking overgrown boobs, sheesh,his dick must have got the better of him for sure to want that.And the fact he supports farmers growing corn for bio fuel ,I don't agree there either,plenty of seaweed and grass's that can make fuel that won't affect our food supply
By leopoldij at 04,Apr,23 18:58 other posts of leopoldij 
are you mumbling about?
I said that bella went.
Are you her man or what?
By #275407 at 04,Apr,23 22:02
Phart, most of the corn that is used for fuel and animal feed is substandard corn, anotherwords, not fit for human consumption. We can't get farmers to grow food anymore because there's no money in it anymore. I feel farmers should be given money from the government to grow food with a substantial profit and use the food to feed this country first, just my opinion for what it's worth.
By phart at 05,Apr,23 03:55 other posts of phart 
Corn for corn squeezin's and cornbread, dinosaur juice for fuel.

By #691759 at 06,Apr,23 00:34
Try telling that to vegans, Cody. My vegan friends will not hear one word about the truth of monocropping and how it has destroyed the small farmer all across America.
By phart at 06,Apr,23 00:52 other posts of phart 
Well vegans are such a small part of the population they don't matter much.
Besides, most of them grow their own. And not just food in alot of cases!

Over priced equipment ,land being sold for development, high labor costs and etc are the major contributors to farm loss.
All the damn new yorkers and calinfornians buying land to build 4 houses per acre not far from here have driven land prices and taxes thru the roof.
They leave a damn shit hole their ideas create, only to create another. Creating suffering and poverty among the innocent people born and raised here.
By leopoldij at 06,Apr,23 15:28 other posts of leopoldij 
Humans have evolved to eat almost everything. It's hard to replace meat protein. Everything in moderation is best.

By leopoldij at 05,Apr,23 13:48 other posts of leopoldij 
Actually, I don't think bella is a racist. She's all kinds of things, including her inability to understand that this is a sex site, but she's not racist per se. She'd deluded, for sure, as she divides people into those who are part of her clan and those who are not, but she doesn't care about one's provenance or race (if there is such a thing...), so long as they obey her.

By 2nice at 20,Nov,22 05:00 other posts of 2nice 
Bella is NOT a Rasict.
By Alan81 at 20,Nov,22 05:13 other posts of Alan81 
Well Aborigines or Native Australians take offence to the term ABO so she needs to retract her comment and apologise for her ignorance about that term, or unfortunately she will be viewed as a racist IMO

By #584706 at 20,Nov,22 06:37
Would a normal person call an African-American a N$%%3r? It's exactly the same thing here.....complete racial hatred to call me an Abo Princess.....just because I'm brown and live in Australia!!!!!
By qhaos at 20,Nov,22 08:27 other posts of qhaos 
i think there's a similarity here in italy with the word "terrone" is a little offensive here but it identifies an italian from the south, and some people find it offensive and some people not. have you told her this?
By leopoldij at 21,Nov,22 06:14 other posts of leopoldij 
Of course she hasn't told her this.
Because she doesn't know the word "terrone".

By the way, "abo" is much worse than "terrone". No comparison. The latter is, as you says, a little offensive. The former, however, is mega-offensive.
By qhaos at 21,Nov,22 10:59 other posts of qhaos 
My meaning was: does Bella knows that the 'abo' word is offensive? she told her? obviously if the answer is positive a ban is unavoidable...
By leopoldij at 21,Nov,22 14:35 other posts of leopoldij 
Let's see. All we have to do to check is to look at the place where she first
posted the word "abo".
Let's go to her thread
On 17 Nov. 2022, 5:41 am, she writes, in response to an Australian who,
apparently, told Bella about the word "abo":

"When you suggested that she was an `abo' about, that must have pissed her off,
big time!"

This suggests that the word was made known to Bella by someone else. The fact
that Bella writes that the word would have pissed UnderCoverAngel (Andrea) off
shows that Bella had understood the meaning of the word.

On 17 Nov. 2022, 6:10, she writes:
"My guess is that our well educated, well traveled Abo princess only wanted to
amend the (WHY?) of my blacklist."

Again, using the offensive word "abo" as an adjective to the proper inoffensive
word "princess" shows that she used it as a further insult.

On the other hand, dozens of people, Bella included, insult others daily. That's
what's considered normal on this site. The bottomline is that Bella hates
UnderCoverAngel (Andrea) just like she hates people who don't praise her.
UnderCoverAngel is not the only one she hates.

By phart at 21,Nov,22 14:29 other posts of phart 
I don't have time to research the meanings of every word before I use it.

We are in a age of everyone is offended by something because it is the new trend,not because they are actually harmed by it.
Just flip them the bird and go on with life.quit making a stink over a word.
By leopoldij at 21,Nov,22 14:44 other posts of leopoldij 
In your case, "I don't have the time to research the meaning of every word" is an excuse for a three things.

1) You're a racist yourself and a far-right-wing guy who would easily use the N word, especially when hiding his face behind a, say, ku klux klan hood.

2) You're slow to catch up with the modern world. What would take someone a minute to realize, it takes you days or weeks or years.

3) You're the kind of American that gives America a bad name. Of course you "don't have the time to research" when you spend your whole life deep in the worst shit that America produces and have no clue what's happening a few metres beyond your nose. (Fortunately, there are other, enlightened Americans, like CAT who shows that there is still hope for America.)
By phart at 21,Nov,22 14:58 other posts of phart 
I am so glad you are over there where you can be less of a danger to our country.
If your country was so great, 1000's of people would not have left on ships to come over here to get away from it way back when to live in a free country.
I am not slow to catch up. There is no gain for most people to bother trying to learn everything about every culture .
I can see what little is great about Australia by looking it up on the internet .thankfully I don't have to go there to see it.
If you would look at a dictionary old enough that the fucking ink was dry you would find the "n" word was used to describe someone's life style as being a trashy tite wad. only into the 20's and up was the word defined as derogiatory to discribe a black person. 1 source explains it as a slang for Negro,which is a perfectly sound word to use as it is the spanish word for BLACK.
I don't need a KKK sheet over me.
Besides,I am a bit smarter than those clowns. I would know not to wear the same damn BOOTS without the sheet!
By sherryann at 21,Nov,22 21:41 other posts of sherryann 
Leo calling phart a racist too speaks volumes & keeps this thread going. Plus how dare you blame religion for a word uttered that none of us has ever heard of let alone know the meaning of.
Pharts post about life being short is just that, life is short. Live it in a good way. Sorry for the loss of your 5 friends phart.
By phart at 21,Nov,22 22:35 other posts of phart 
I try to practice what I "preach" and let leo's remarks like calling me a racist pass me by.I forgive him and can clic off the site and move along with my day.
In his defense he lives in a liberal utopia ,highly regulated, highly taxed country that spends millions keeping up royalty that serves no real purpose but tourism. The country was so bad back century's ago, that my ancestors left along with leaving Germany to come here to get away from all that. He has no concept of being robbed .He has no concept of what it is like to see others around you suffer economically because of poor leadership. He has no concept of what it is like to have crazy ,medicated people running roughshod and loose around him that could pop at any minute.
he lives in a utopia. Ignorant or stupid is not quite the right words to describe him. inexperienced and uneducated in the real world experience is his downfall.
By #610414 at 02,Apr,23 23:05
And you, Phart, live in foggy world of half truths, innuendos, and plain denial.
By phart at 03,Apr,23 04:52 other posts of phart 
And you cat, live in a wonderful state, with great leadership.
Yet ,you are so naive and full of hatred of 1 man, that you hate everything that makes your home state what it is today. I am surprised you haven't moved to california.
By #610414 at 03,Apr,23 12:56
Naive? Full of hatred for one man? Who's being naive? Great leadership is provided by great leaders. So far Ron DeSantimonious has destroyed our educational system, made the biggest employer in Central Florida, with close to 75,000 employees mad enough they almost left the state (he lost), got in a big fight with the cruise industry who employs almost 150,000 (he lost), he took on the education system, teachers are leaving by droves (he's loosing), he took on the LGBTQ community (he lost). He has opened the state to countless lawsuits (most he lost), he's loosing the state's popularity with his overkill of "Anti-Wokeness". People don't want to settle here.
I don't want to leave Florida. I love this diverse and wonderful state. I just hate how one asshole is ruining it solely for political purposes. He's not trying to help with home insurance. He's not helping with making the state educational system number one in the nation. He's not interested in making voting an easy thing for all. He's just not a visionary. He's just another Trump.
By phart at 03,Apr,23 16:09 other posts of phart 
Won't help with home insurance?? What's to help? people keep rebuilding after each storm on the whole countrys dime and no one is supposed to be upset? yea right.
By #610414 at 03,Apr,23 17:16
They pander to the insurance/mortgage groups. You can't finance a home without mandatory insurance. They also allow insurance companies to OPERATE in the state, yet, allow them to close up shop when they start showing a loss. If a homeowner gambles on location and the insurance company gambles on location, that should be enough and the state should back up the worthiness of the insurance company. Banks require insurance before they'll give you a mortgage. If, after a time, your insurance drops you and you can't get re-insured, the bank will take out insurance that covers the minimum, the payout goes to the bank, and costs you three times as much as other insurance. The state should step in and say that is wrong. Here, in Florida, the insurance companies will drop you if your roof is 15 yrs old, no matter what shape your roof is in. That's wrong. The state should do something about it.
By phart at 04,Apr,23 01:24 other posts of phart 
A 15 year old roof is far more susceptible to damage in the storms you folks have that a newer 1. so if the roof is damaged that is 17 years old, you can experience MORE water damage. Meaning more money to have to pay out.
Insurance was meant for accidents and occasional disasters, not as a lifeline to permit constant rebuilding in dangerous areas.
By #610414 at 04,Apr,23 12:14
What if the roof is not damaged? Trained roof inspector should say what roof needs replacement, not some pensil pusher on the other side of the country. Why did I know you would take the insurance companies side?
By phart at 04,Apr,23 13:08 other posts of phart 
Well I am not taking sides so to speak, I am just trying to get you to understand the horn of plenty of money has a bottom.
And if someone doesn't draw a line or at least ask some questions, folks would be getting free rides constantly.
Insurance has to set a standard. age is a common standard used in replacing fire trucks for example.age decides when a department replaces a truck,regardless of mileage and wear.I feel the same as you,why let someone make that decision for us to have to stay in debt that doesn't help pay it?
BUT it was a standard made decades ago. Same with your issue,perhaps it is time to look at it and make changes. metal roofs last longer than shingles, diesel engines last longer than gas in our things have changed on our end,but not on theirs.
By #610414 at 04,Apr,23 13:42
Not true. The 15 yr rule is something resent

By leopoldij at 03,Apr,23 18:39 other posts of leopoldij 
I like you brown skin!

By leopoldij at 05,Apr,23 13:43 other posts of leopoldij 
do you still think so?

By leopoldij at 05,Apr,23 09:38 other posts of leopoldij 

By leopoldij at 03,Apr,23 23:00 other posts of leopoldij 
By phart at 04,Apr,23 01:22 other posts of phart 
ask what?

By phart at 21,Nov,22 03:27 other posts of phart 
bella! [Ignore] 1hr ago other posts

Several days ago I referred to another member as an "Abo Princess" and in my ignorance, had no idea that the term "abo" was considered a racial slur.

It is apparent that I unintentionally offended a number of members and for that, I sincerely apologize.
By #584706 at 21,Nov,22 05:56
In the age of information......ignorance is a choice!! 80% of people in the poll I am running agree and say she should be banned!!!!
By PITBULL at 21,Nov,22 14:27 other posts of PITBULL 
she will never get banned from this site.

By phart at 21,Nov,22 14:33 other posts of phart 
You don't have to accept her apology. But you don't have to let this event keep running you down either.
You have said how you felt,she knows it,
to keep it up is only stressing YOU, and not fixing anything.
Forgive,forget and move on.
Life is stressful enough without getting upset over a word or a name or a phrase.
By Ray10754 at 21,Nov,22 18:08 other posts of Ray10754 
Some people just cant live with out DRAMA !! They just keep beating a downed horse till it is dead and then some!
There are a LOT of Drama Seekers on this site.

Just my two cents worth!!

By #610414 at 21,Nov,22 21:31
I can’t agree with you, UnderCoverAngel. I consider myself well informed and I did not know that term is as derogatory as the “N” word is to Afro-Americans. Bella! is not easy to swallow, but, I think her apology is as sincere as anyone can expect. Some of the threads in the forums lend themselves to insults. There are more important reasons to try to ban someone than for something like this. Let it go.
By phart at 21,Nov,22 22:38 other posts of phart 

By leopoldij at 25,Nov,22 18:50 other posts of leopoldij 
When is the last time you tried to swallow bella? Were you that hungry?

Did you succeed?
By phart at 25,Nov,22 18:53 other posts of phart 

By #610414 at 25,Nov,22 23:08

By biggg at 26,Nov,22 22:59 other posts of biggg 
By leopoldij at 27,Nov,22 00:34 other posts of leopoldij 
Nicht wahr mein Freund? Wie kann man mit bella hungrig sein. Fьr mich, das ist unmцglich.

By #660342 at 26,Nov,22 18:50
By phart at 26,Nov,22 23:15 other posts of phart 
Eh? what does that symbol mean?
By #275407 at 26,Nov,22 23:40
The symbol means that some members just want to keep this post alive and post a symbol to move it to the top
By phart at 26,Nov,22 23:42 other posts of phart 

By leopoldij at 02,Apr,23 20:09 other posts of leopoldij 
Like this

By biggg at 27,Nov,22 00:42 other posts of biggg 
I would assume itґs a tongue and refers to cunnilingus. But then, it might be something else
By phart at 27,Nov,22 00:56 other posts of phart 

By PITBULL at 02,Apr,23 19:55 other posts of PITBULL 
do you agree or disagree?
By phart at 03,Apr,23 04:54 other posts of phart 
Time to ditch this discussion. IT gets no one no where.

By phart at 31,Mar,23 15:49 other posts of phart 
you mean someone dragged this shit up again? This was discussed, and had sunk down and out of the way.
THIS dredging shit up from the bottom is why racism is still alive.
Every time it gets quietened down, people get back to their lives and real problems, Some jurk has to bring it back up.
once settled ,leave it the hell alone.
By Jamie at 02,Apr,23 02:53 other posts of Jamie 
This crap belongs in the dumpster.
By sherryann at 02,Apr,23 03:28 other posts of sherryann 

By #610414 at 02,Apr,23 12:52
I agree with you Jamie. Why isn't it in the dumpster?
By phart at 02,Apr,23 13:41 other posts of phart 
a pa freddy appears to be the 1 that brought it back up from the bottom,
By #610414 at 02,Apr,23 14:09
It figures. Troll rat.

By PITBULL at 02,Apr,23 01:55 other posts of PITBULL 
wondering if bella! and ken31234 are related. Both hate Asians and blacks

By PITBULL at 30,Mar,23 23:11 other posts of PITBULL 
BELLA! wack job of this site is a racist. She hates blacks and Asians

By #491031 at 21,Nov,22 19:41
While I am sure that all of the Aboriginal People of Australia are overjoyed to have you speaking up for them, they might be saddened that you refuse to accept bella!s sincere apology for her error on their behalf.
When you attend the next meeting, you might want to bring this up with them and see what they say.
I mean, she apologized, explained her error, and promised not to let it happen again.
Unless you have some sort of crazy-person ax to grind, let it go and move on--like a grown-up person would do.
By phart at 21,Nov,22 19:56 other posts of phart 
I agree sir.100%
By #680315 at 21,Nov,22 21:20
By sherryann at 21,Nov,22 21:30 other posts of sherryann 
I too agree sir

By #275407 at 21,Nov,22 06:27
There's been name calling on both sides, Bella as well has been offended by comments said to her. She has apologized and I think uca should apologize as well and both parties should go there own seperate ways and not comment about each other. That would be the right thing to do, me on the other hand, if someone started with me I would make there life so missurable, then again, Bella did apologize and she's a better person then I would ever be.
By #680315 at 21,Nov,22 14:05
By PITBULL at 21,Nov,22 14:25 other posts of PITBULL 
Bella apologized, time to move on.
By #680315 at 21,Nov,22 14:35
Yes she did but not your friend uca..
By #275407 at 21,Nov,22 16:17
Freddy said it right, everyone should just move on instead of making it worse then it is.

By oscar17 at 21,Nov,22 15:41 other posts of oscar17 
Religion was created when the first con man met the first fool.

By DeepThroatThis at 20,Nov,22 16:54 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
She should apologize but don't expect one from her.....early poll results show 78.9% think Bella is in the wrong.
By leopoldij at 20,Nov,22 20:43 other posts of leopoldij 
She will never apologise.
She's religious and self-righteous.
By phart at 21,Nov,22 15:02 other posts of phart 
Uh, wrong, she did.
NOW, even though you HATE religion, 1 thing it teaches is to forgive and turn the other cheek.
Are YOU LEO or Undercover angel, willing to do that?
No religion necessary. Just being a kind human being with a heart and soul and willingness to work towards PEACE.
By leopoldij at 21,Nov,22 15:17 other posts of leopoldij 
I don't hate religion. It is, simply, wrong. Religion deals with myths and fairy tales. Actually, there isn't even a single religion. Religions contradict one another. Religions are collections of arbitrary, unsubstantiated, myths. And the myths are different from one religion to another. So there is no basis, absolutely none, for choosing a religion. Even if there was a single religion that was true, what criterion should one use to find it?

On the basis of humanity, and humanity alone, on the basis of the fundamental identity of homo sapiens, it is impossible to live one's life by killing, shooting or, indeed, not forgiving. That would cause neurological problems to humans. Hence, nature has evolved to a state where (most, nut not all) humans have to be forgiving. But this has nothing to do with religion. It is, simply, a biological fact.

Likewise, peace is best understood and achieved by studying evolution, biology and physics. Then there is a chance to understand why peace if a basic principle, not because some religions talk about it, but because it's a fact, It's a concept without which long-term survival would be impossible. Religions talk about arbitrary things, some of which turn out to be correct. Examples: Peace is necessary. Humans have 2 hands. Do not copulate with your siblings. Etc. And things that are not correct: Go kill those who do not obey the same god. There is a lord and humans should obey a lord. You are the chosen people. This religion is better than others. And so on. So whether a religion teaches something that is correct or incorrect, good or bad, wrong or right, is irrelevant. Religions have no basis for explaining anything they preach about. And that's why they're so ustable and full of contradictions. Example: some religion teaches peace. The same religion teaches war. Sometimes there is peace in the name of a religion. Sometimes there is war in the name of the same religion. Religions are, plainly, untrustworthy, internally and mutually contradictory, arbitrary collections of beliefs and myths.

By leopoldij at 21,Nov,22 15:20 other posts of leopoldij 
By the way, it's Bella who is a religious bigot and, hence, will never forgive anyone, in the name of her religion. (I don't know what her religion is, probably one of the crazy American religions--practiced in money making megachurches.) I do not have any bad neither good feelings about Bella. In that sense, of course I have forgiven her. But that means nothing to her. She is the one who will never move an inch from the position she has taken. Precisely because she's religious. And religion, actually, fucks up the brain of those who follow it.

By PITBULL at 21,Nov,22 14:56 other posts of PITBULL 

By phart at 21,Nov,22 14:59 other posts of phart 

By phart at 21,Nov,22 14:43 other posts of phart 
So Abo is offensive?
Is it because it was used ona non native person or?
I googled it,because I simply know little about the land down under.

noun: Abo; plural noun: Abos

an Aboriginal person.

Another googleing
What is another word for abo?
boong gin
Jacky lubra
Mary Fuzzy Wuzzy Angel

By PITBULL at 20,Nov,22 15:22 other posts of PITBULL 
If you want racist; Check with CAT and bjuk and leopoldij. And don't forget ken31234
By phart at 20,Nov,22 18:54 other posts of phart 
they are just plain crazy most of the time.I often wonder how leo and cat function in day to day life
As far as racist, they hate white people if they hate anybody. cat just said recently that white people are villains.
By PITBULL at 20,Nov,22 18:59 other posts of PITBULL 
CAT is the worst; she is a racist and homophobic
By phart at 21,Nov,22 14:39 other posts of phart 
CAT [Ignore] 1d ago other posts

White people are villains.

Copied and pasted from a reply to 1 of my post .

By cumcouplessa at 20,Nov,22 16:21 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. We live in an extremely "racist" country, where people of different skin colour don't generally get along. This has always dis-heartened me. Personally, I'm generally colour blind, and find people of ALL races sexy and hot. I do understand however that this country has a history. Something I was never involved with but now have to suffer the consequences 🙈🙈🙈🙈
By leopoldij at 21,Nov,22 06:19 other posts of leopoldij 
You're right. Alas, you have to suffer the consequences of your ancestors' evil.
But you do acknowledge that they did wrong
and that's commendable.
Americans must do also suffer their ancestors' evil. That's why they have so many racial problems.
Australians too. Same problem.

By #680315 at 20,Nov,22 14:08
As 2nice stated bella! not racist. I known her her for the pass 8 years I been here never seen any such thing as you posted...
By leopoldij at 20,Nov,22 20:44 other posts of leopoldij 
She may not be racist but she's religious,
which is very close.
By phart at 20,Nov,22 22:16 other posts of phart 
Only you would make such a remark.
By leopoldij at 20,Nov,22 22:22 other posts of leopoldij 
Not really. Anyone with little sense can understand that religion is evil. Just like racism. Priests and religious soldiers are hugely responsible for the extermination of whole societies in the Americas. All done in the name of a god. Evil, pure evil.
By #584706 at 21,Nov,22 06:02
She is a nasty piece of shit regardless of being religious or claim she was ignorant of that word actually being racial hatred is a cope out to stop herself from being kicked off the site!!!! She has been up my ass at every opportunity from the day I joined here 3 years ago, I just want her to leave me alone.
By leopoldij at 21,Nov,22 06:11 other posts of leopoldij 
Of course she's nasty.
She hates you because you can show your pussy and naked body, but she can't.
She hates you because you're not fake. If you were an old man, posting fake pics drunk the internet, she'd love you.

By leopoldij at 20,Nov,22 20:42 other posts of leopoldij 
No, she should not.
But she will because she's paying.

By PITBULL at 20,Nov,22 19:05 other posts of PITBULL 
new poll; SHould bella! stripped down of her SYD Best Member titles?

vote now; /polls/3957.html

By Biguyfrfun at 20,Nov,22 12:39 other posts of Biguyfrfun 
It's possible she didn't understand the significance of the term when she used it. Now that it is clear, she should withdraw it and apologise. There should be no place for racism on this site.

By #677384 at 20,Nov,22 08:44
call me anything...except late for dinner hehe...words are just "hispanic" friends always call me white boy..funny thing is my skin is browner than most of them...I have never been a fan of labels, stereotypes, or "isms"..just because I am bald and white doesn't mean I'm a skinhead or a racist...i find if you give someone enough rope they will usually hang themselves with it. Regardless of race, gender, age, wealth, power....etc. I prefer to let someone else judge..I ain't talking about court either. We should chat my dear.

By willylee at 20,Nov,22 05:43 other posts of willylee 
The strange thing is and it is very obvious as you have pointed out is you are of Asian descent and definitely have no obvious "first nations Australian " in you.

By willylee at 20,Nov,22 05:39 other posts of willylee 
Being Australian I am totally aware of how deeply offensive the derogatory and racist term "abo" is to describe Australian "first nations" people. To these people it's equivalent of calling a African American a "n*****" and will generate a similar response when used to describe these people.
As this term is possibly not as known as well as the "N" word as to the extent its offensive nature and hopefully wasn't used in that context, this should be a reminder that we shouldn't use words that are potentially offensive to others when describing them.

By nekekal at 20,Nov,22 01:45 other posts of nekekal 
She should keep her racist mouth shut. I doubt that there are enforceable penalties. But this is a fucking website, trying to encourage nudity and sexual freedom. I know that people who advocate sex with animals are removed. Racists should get the same treatment.
By #584706 at 20,Nov,22 01:54
Its racial hatred.....I think it's a crime.
By nekekal at 20,Nov,22 05:34 other posts of nekekal 
It should be a crime. In most places it is, but the world is still full of racists. What do you think that we should do.

By lillboybell at 20,Nov,22 05:24 other posts of lillboybell 

By #679736 at 20,Nov,22 02:55
There is never any place for racism. I tried to look up Queen Bella, and I can't find her - perhaps she's been banned, or deleted her account?

In the mean time, you are perfect as you are.
By #584706 at 20,Nov,22 03:51
Its just Bella....she is a nasty racist old cow.

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