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For uncut men

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Started by #4650 at 12,Feb,10 19:28
When u wear underwear,do u pull your foreskin back so your cock head is rubbed,likes cut men or not?

Similar topics: 1.cut vs. uncut ..What are you,, and what do you like?   2.How and by who u Cut? UnCut can comment too u prefer cut or uncut?   4.Uncut Dicks   5.Any uncut guys near Jackonville, Florida?  

New Comment

By #54637 at 15,Feb,10 01:03
i once caught my foreskin in the zipper of my jeans n it hurt like hell as at times i wish i was circumcised so i wouldnt have 2 wash behind my foreskin daily n then i wouldnt have 2 be extra carefull when i pull my zipper up in my pants.
By #6568 at 15,Feb,10 08:51
Well you know what to do;....get to a doctor and get it chopped off as soon as you can!........

.....don't put up with that stupid piece of useless and tiresome skin any longer!!!......

.......Washing EVERY DAY!!!.....What a drag!...(??)
By #406673 at 10,Jul,13 22:42
That last statement, I hope to God you're being sarcastic.
By bigone21 at 11,Jul,13 20:17 other posts of bigone21 
I put my last dollar on oldbugle being sarcistic!

By #33070 at 11,Jul,13 04:22
Tried doing that skin always end up going back and covering the head. Also is uncomfortable I luv being uncut thou . Washing who cares ! Feels great to fuck rubber or no rubber Suckin jerkin everything about usually looks hot

By #291618 at 10,Jul,13 22:38
Its ok i really dont care if my cock is covered or not

By bigone21 at 10,Jul,13 18:30 other posts of bigone21 
I always keep it covered, when it's uncovered, I'm having sex!
By #149276 at 10,Jul,13 21:53
me too or

By #137412 at 10,Jul,13 12:10
No, cock head is too sensitive, I only pull my foreskin back when fully erect.

By #215672 at 06,Aug,12 01:24
no my knob is to sensitiv

By #34282 at 13,Feb,10 19:33
Doesn't this kind of defeat the purpose of being uncut, just out of curiosity?

I'll admit I've tried once or twice, but it never stays pulled back.
By #6568 at 15,Feb,10 08:47
There IS no "purpose of being uncut"'s the natural way to be and how we come into this world, and we are made like that for a reason.

By #37540 at 13,Feb,10 13:54
Once wore nothing under my jeans for a whole day through friction at end of day developed a huge blister on my left testicle i was in absolute agony never again.
By #22155 at 13,Feb,10 18:49
hmmm....ive gone freeballin in jeans with no problem. were they tight?

By #22155 at 13,Feb,10 01:57
my foreskin is pretty pretty much stays back on its own, without me pulling it. except when it is absolutely 150% soft...

By #34500 at 12,Feb,10 22:40
im uncut but i just got my frenulum cut
By slipper at 12,Feb,10 23:00 other posts of slipper 
Intentionally? Pix? Any explanation, just curious since I've a rather short one, myself. PM me, if you like. Thanks.
By slipper at 12,Feb,10 23:03 other posts of slipper 
I PM'd you; hope that's okay.

By slipper at 12,Feb,10 21:02 other posts of slipper 
Sometimes for a short while for the stimulation, since the head and frenny are sooooo sensitive.

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