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How do you beat Porn Addiction

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Started by #521857 at 08,Nov,19 20:58
I’m sure I’m not the only person on this site to want to solve his/her addiction to porn. I wonder if some of you got out of this hell.

I’m a classic case, I found porn when I was 12, I started being obsessed with it when I was 14, I was homeschooled(from 14 to 17) at that time and it was how I explored my sexuality because I was really lonely. I was masturbating at least 5 times a day at that time, it started with pictures(mostly on good old ) then videos and games ( I still play some meet n fuck games once a while) I started to be more and more selective on what I watch. And I got gradually started to watch more intense content cause I get blasй by what I watch. Like, most of the time when I crave something it’s porn that makes me feel bad about myself afterwards. Porn sex is not even the kind of sex I want to have, I’m a lover, a romantic, penetration is not my favorite part of the love making and yet, I watch the total opposite because of my addiction. Like when I smoke weed or cigarettes or drink caffeine I always end up talking higher dose after a while. I’m sure this addiction is the main reason of why I’m still a virgin at 25 and I realized it was also bad for my self esteem. So yeah if you know a way to be able to watch porn in a more healthy way or to stop completely please help me.

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New Comment

By Ananas2xLekker at 21,May,21 23:51 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Like with food addiction, it wouldn't be healthy to stop completely.
So you need to find a way to cut it down to healthy proportions.
Maybe decrease the quantity and increase the quality?

By leopoldij at 21,May,21 17:43 other posts of leopoldij 
Just find someone to fuck daily. [deleted image]

By #551147 at 03,Jul,20 12:26

With a good supply of vaseline or other lubes, duh!

By #1102 at 03,Jul,20 12:26
me get off just no sex thought then

By #1102 at 03,Jul,20 12:25
me a pornaholic

By #1102 at 03,Jul,20 12:24
me look at porn all the time

By #1102 at 03,Jul,20 12:23
just jackoff all the time

By #275407 at 03,Dec,19 20:07
I beat porn addiction with my left hand, as soon as I cum, I don't want anything to do with sex for a while
By #1102 at 03,Jul,20 12:22
the best way

By veryshyguy at 03,Dec,19 21:35 other posts of veryshyguy 
Interesting. I am far from one to give any advice. As for myself I pretty much limit myself to several women and most of that is chatting. Sometimes we get pretty into it. I must admit I do "look" at a lot of the women on the site. As for the commercial porn, I pretty must don't care about that. It is pretty much scripted and fake.

I prefer finding someone to chat with and go from there. I have never had the desire to meet anyone here directly. Just online.

By #551147 at 10,Nov,19 06:12
I'm not so sure "porn" is your problem. I have loved it all my life too. One difference between you and I, is, when I was the same age as you, it was NOT so easily accessible. That part is a lil more difficult for me to relate to. That being said, I wouldn't go blaming porn. Perhaps your socially inept and maybe don't know how to approach and or are fearful to approach the sex of your desires. Whether it be a Male or Female. One thing is for sure, they aren't gonna come knocking at your door like salesman. You MUST get out there and socialize, or try a dating app. Learn how to share the things that you find important about yourself. It's usually a simple ice breaker to have commonalities. Be genuine, no rush, whichever sex you prefer you need to know how to treat them. Talking about your dick is a sure way to put most people off. Even addressing sex too quickly is generally a bad idea. Learn to be smooth. If you don't wanna have patience and work for it, like many of us have, and you just want some sex just for the sake of. Then I would suggest you just suck it up and pay for it. There's pay to play sluts everywhere and in both genders. If YOU truly believe it's the porn. Then I suggested you learn the meaning of discipline, delete your account, never look back and stay away from it. It's all I got buddy, good luck!
By #521857 at 10,Nov,19 22:50
Thanks mate, I really like the way you think. I’m not into getting sex for the sake of it. Don’t worry I’m as smooth as my shaved body I just don’t have much opportunities to meet girls since I live in the middle of nowhere
By #23212 at 01,Dec,19 08:27
"... the middle of nowhere" ???
You live in a city of just under 200,000, and you are about an hour from Montreal, the largest city in Canada.
Your excuses just go on and on!
Get some help!!
By #521857 at 01,Dec,19 16:43
Ok Sherbrooke is the closest real city from where I live(at 1h), you know this website don’t have every single town in their database 🙄. I literally live at 5 minutes from the US border. But then again, you’re a total stranger on the internet, you don’t know shit about my life and I don’t owe you an explanation on how and why it’s hard to meet people where I’m from.

By #521857 at 01,Dec,19 17:11
But if you really want to know, message me. Maybe you’ll understand my situation better and maybe you know about some options I didn’t envisaged.

By #599073 at 30,Nov,19 18:29
It's like every addiction: If it looses effect simply stop watching it. After some time it will become interesting again.
And don't worry about your weed smoking, the worst case that can happen is that you don't get out of your bed. Count the stars until you get to the planet Jupiter and wait until nighttime arrives
By #521857 at 01,Dec,19 16:53
True. And I don’t worry a lot about weed, the real danger is falling asleep when I cook dinner 😅 I started a massive slowdown on porn watching, I’m already watching stuff I really fantasize about instead of what I’m craving at the moment . I’m just at a point where I question myself a lot about everything. I’m surprised how much hate messages I got from wanting to be healthier, and the fact that some strangers « cares » about what I do with my body. Thanks for the constructive comment

By #275407 at 09,Nov,19 06:36
I think depression has something to do with it, get a life and start living it. You will find you have less time for porn.
By Sir-Skittles at 09,Nov,19 14:09 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Oh, you were serious about site outreach to help Bjuka...
By #521857 at 09,Nov,19 18:11
for Some reason this blog seems to make you uncomfortable, why does it bother you? You want to talk about it.
By Sir-Skittles at 09,Nov,19 18:31 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
You bother me. You sound like a whiny clit. And also a fucking virgin at 25. Get your shit together then respond.
By #521857 at 10,Nov,19 05:27
You amuse me, but you would never say that to me face thought. Also I’d never allow someone that make misogynistic & racist comments online(or in real world) to tell me anything. Get it together, nobody worth knowing cares about if I’m a virgin or not. Grow up. Thanks to comparing me to a clit, they’re the best 😘
By Sir-Skittles at 10,Nov,19 14:56 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Have you ever seen a real clit? And your pics are cuckhold style for sure!

I would never say that to your face? Wake up. I nearly pissed myself..

In fact, you are ONLY to be Called Small Ken from now on. In reference to Ken31234. Another virgin retard.
By #521857 at 10,Nov,19 22:40
Being a virgin doesn’t mean I didn’t have sexual experiences, I just mean I haven’t have vaginal penetration yet. You can call me whatever you want on this site, as I told you your opinion don’t matter to me. I’m glad you checked out my cock, I would not mention any pics if I were you, your page screams frustration and self esteem issues. I hope somebody hugs you and tell you that everything is gonna be alright, you sound like you need it.

By #521857 at 09,Nov,19 18:06
Depression had a part before, I have « a life » a good job, some good friends, constructive hobbies & long and short term projects.
By #23212 at 10,Nov,19 02:58
Good for you that you dealt with your depression. But now you need to see a Ph.D. level psychologist, because, as you obviously know, you have an 'addictive personality', and you need help with that.
By sherryann at 10,Nov,19 05:54 other posts of sherryann 
This is great advice,
very well said. I hope
you can beat your

By #521857 at 10,Nov,19 22:48
Yeah, you’re probably right, it’s a bit scary to leave my whole lifestyle, but it’s the next step in getting my life together I guess
By #23212 at 26,Nov,19 22:26
So, now you're calling 'addictive personality' a "lifestyle"! Just another form of denial.

By DJS at 08,Nov,19 21:19 other posts of DJS 
How do you beat Porn Addiction

Beat 1 off..
By #521857 at 08,Nov,19 22:04
By DJS at 10,Nov,19 21:58 other posts of DJS 
Only way

By #588327 at 09,Nov,19 22:39
Depression or if you did not think your lovable and you kinda have trust someone to get that close and personal.

By #588327 at 09,Nov,19 03:41
When you were younger porn was sex because that's all we know. That's what we are told sex is by people that want to sell porn. Parents don't even talk about sex or nudity. So what if we are told or learn or think porn and seeing people naked is sex? Then everything is sexual and you can't stop thinking about it and jerking off.

Sex is more about making the other person feel good. That's your job, to help them have an orgasm and help them feel good and sexual. Let or have them share their sexual side with you. They are opening and sharing their sexuality with you. Then it's your turn to let them help you have an orgasm and you share your sexuality with them. You share your body and thinking with them.

Now your both having sex to make each other feel good vs just yourself like in porn or when we were younger and just masturbating all the time. I think that would be more romantic and loving and people would feel good about themselves after because it was not all about yourself. It was all about each other

By #592419 at 09,Nov,19 01:49
Cum and try to shoot the moon..It takes great aim..

Jacking off too much till it starts to hurt and get sore is not your problem,, its a symptom but it is not the root cause. You must find out the root cause as to why you feel so down and out about yourself.. Another problem is only you can do that. Face your fears and don't be afraid to take risks..

By dgraff at 09,Nov,19 01:02 other posts of dgraff 
You don’t beat pornography addiction just go with the flow and in joy it

By Sir-Skittles at 08,Nov,19 21:44 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
You are whining about this.. ON A PORN SITE?
By #521857 at 08,Nov,19 22:04
Because it’s exactly the right place to do so

By #603925 at 08,Nov,19 21:08
I don't think I'm addicted but I come and go on this website all the time. I don't think it's a problem for me because I still live a normal life. This is just what I do with some of my free time. I just get off to nudes and chats though. I don't watch much porn other than some amateur stuff once in a while.
By #521857 at 08,Nov,19 22:03
That’s how I would like to consume porn.

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