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Sucking cock?

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Started by #603883 at 09,Dec,19 15:31
How common is it for a straight guy to think about sucking another mans cock?

Similar topics: 1.Thinking about sucking a dick   2.I DID IT, MY FIRST GUY ON GUY EXPERANCE....   3.I'm Thinking of Sucking a Big Cock   4.Sucking cock   5.Wanting to suck a really big cock  

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By #612667 at 25,Mar,20 05:33
I would think it would be prety comon now in this day and age

By #613707 at 23,Mar,20 16:20
No because straight men are not into cocks,mouths,yeah but cocks no!But be who you are,don't worry about a label.

By #578931 at 20,Dec,19 19:54
I've done it a few times with my long time best mate, I enjoyed it, he enjoyed it and vice versa, it's a longtime ago now, I remember it with pleasure but I don't fantacise about it or long for it.

By #536019 at 10,Dec,19 02:04
A straight guy who fantasizes sucking cock = a bisexual.
Nothing wrong with that! I'm bi myself.
By WHATSUPDOC at 20,Dec,19 05:54 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
I always hated any kind of label especially if society boxes people into, but everett runs on a spectral line from not at all to all the time. I probably think about cock now maybe 25% of the time but when I want cock it dominates my thinking to where nothing else matters. That is the only thing I want desire and have to have.

By #64328 at 18,Dec,19 16:45
I think it very common and I also think most guy would if nobody they knew that nobody would ever know.

By #603883 at 09,Dec,19 15:58
Agree i have fantasies about it alot
By Darthshame at 09,Dec,19 19:31 other posts of Darthshame 
--------------------------------------- added after 118 seconds

I'm afraid to catch cooties though.
--------------------------------------- added after 253 hours

Same. That shit forever.

By german_guy at 09,Dec,19 20:57 other posts of german_guy 
me too

By knewbi at 09,Dec,19 15:55 other posts of knewbi 
Back before I tried it I was totally straight and still thought about it all the time. Thankfully I gave it a try as I love doing it.

By #606106 at 09,Dec,19 15:33
I think about pretty often. There's something very intriguing about this.

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