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Started by #127522 at 25,Feb,11 20:47
WOW..had my first guy on guy experiance!! it as with a bi married guy. he had a 8" shaved cock and balls, i could not get enough of his cock and let him cum in my mouth twice. he got me off twice as well.i think im a bottom, i enjoyed him sucking me and playing with my ass and balls, but i was way more turned on by sucking him, rubbing his cock all over my face, sucking his big ball sack and touning his ass. i would love to do a circle suck and let every one cum on me...........

New Comment

By #348488 at 07,Mar,13 21:25
well i want to suck dick for first time but i can fine,,any one..discret..if something happen after that is ok is my first time too...
By Bicock66 at 12,Mar,24 17:25 other posts of Bicock66 
Look on the sniffles app.

By #172995 at 25,Jun,11 22:26
I get a charge out of being able to give another guy orgasms.
By Sfax#17 at 26,Feb,24 22:35 other posts of Sfax#17 
That's important to me to. Being able to give pleasure to my partner, with my mouth and my tongue is part of the pleasure that I equate with fellating another man. Pleasing him, as well as myself, is very important to me.
By dgraff at 26,Feb,24 23:43 other posts of dgraff 
Dude you do realize that you just commented on a 12 year old post that has been dead for years

By #545468 at 12,Dec,18 16:44
Yeah ... I can relate ... WOW. Now that you have been initiated, you will soon see why ther is nothing better and nothing more hot than sucking a guy's cock and tasting his cum.

By spermkiss at 25,Feb,11 22:37 other posts of spermkiss 
Welcome to the wonderful world of sucking cock. Now that you're a cocksucker you know that there is nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, as rewarding, validating, fulfilling and satisfying as sucking another man to climax and receiving the gift of his sperm. He has given you part of himself and his sperm will go down into your gut, be digested and turn into muscle tissue in your body. Part of him will become part of you.
By #535819 at 15,Jun,17 02:41
What a nice thought.

By #509942 at 14,Jun,17 04:06
My first time i went to a video store to watch some porn.
I went into a booth, there were no doors. I went back out because this guy was playing with his dick in another booth. He had a big dick. I started rubbing my dick watching him. He turned around and saw me. So i went down to the last booth. I sat down on the chair and he came in with his hard cock out. He asked me if i like to give or receive. I said receive. He went to put some money in the video player so i grabbed his dick and put it in my my mouth. My dick got so hard as i sucked his dick. It didnt take him long before he started to cum in my mouth. He then pulled my shorts down and starwithted stroking my dick and licking my balls and playing with my ass. I started cumming as he shoots another load of cum in my mouth again
By #516354 at 14,Jun,17 10:07
Had a similar experience myself but in an adult cinema


By slipper at 26,Feb,11 05:56 other posts of slipper 
Next one right here!

By #519672 at 19,Dec,16 01:20

By #359087 at 07,Mar,13 10:30
My first true suck to climax and swallow was a dark and mysterious affair, verging on sleazy, which it was I guess. One night some years ago I was feeling particularly horny and had summoned up the courage to go for a walk in a park where I new gay guys frequented. I don't know where this bravado came from but I noticed a 4x4 parked outside the toilet and as I approached, there obviously was a guy sitting in the drivers seat playing with himself and bold as brass I stuck my head in the window and said, what have you got there? Before I new it I was sucking this guys cock and I loved it, up and down pushing myself harder to get more of that cock down my throat, then this strange feeling of him squirting, with so much velocity, this is his cum filling my mouth I realised, so much I just had to start swallowing and swallowing until it was all over and not a drop spilt, wow that was so good. As I walked away I thought, I didn't even see his face.
By spermkiss at 07,Mar,13 21:56 other posts of spermkiss 
Great story man. Sure, sex within a Meaningful Relationship is good, but there are times when a guy just wants sleazy anonymous sex. To suck off a total stranger whom he has never seen before and will never see again, without even seeing the guy's face. It can be a lot of fun to be a cheap cocksucker.
By #436014 at 30,Jul,15 22:23
for me nowadays i could hardly care what the guy looks like, he could be 300 pounds, as long as he has a nice suckable cock. with guys on the dl it's so much about the cock, for the obvious reason that nice cocks are awesome
By spermkiss at 30,Jul,15 23:50 other posts of spermkiss 
"...nice cocks are awesome" Spoken like a true cocksucker.

We men all know how good it feels to get good oral service, to be brought all the way up to climax, over the top and then to unload into a waiting mouth. To give that pleasure to another man is enormously rewarding, satisfying and fulfilling. Real men suck cocks.

By #519672 at 19,Dec,16 01:19
that is right

By #495037 at 30,Jul,15 00:39
I haven't suck a real cock yet But I been practing on this 9.5 "x 2" cock for some time and can deep throat with ease, I also been practice on a 12"x2 1/2"cock that I only so far can only get 7" of this huge cock down my throat and I love sucking them can't wait till I find the right guy cock.
By #436014 at 30,Jul,15 22:14
you should have no problem deepthroating a lot of real big cocks with ease, so get to it already

By #364688 at 25,Apr,13 01:08
climbing trees, bare-arsed.......fuck, i am ROFLFHO

By #68656 at 26,Feb,11 06:59
Will the married gentleman discuss his extra-marital activity with his trusting wife.?
Did he remember his marriage vows of faithfulness to her or did they mean nothing.?
By #292465 at 28,Mar,13 02:23
you know what...your right....i keep finding myself here, all the while my wife is asleep for the night. i cant keep myself from looking at dick and wishing i was sucking one. what can i do.please help
By #250164 at 23,Apr,13 23:57
Take some time really going inside yourself and find out who you really are. Are you straight? Bi? Gay? Maybe some sessions with a therapist would help. When you do find out, the main thing is to be true to yourself. I've seen so many men who lived lives of lying to themselves for years deciding that it's time to really be themselves at a later time in life. The sooner you find out the better for everyone involved. The main thing is, BE TRUE TO YOURSELF.

By bigone21 at 19,Apr,13 20:29 other posts of bigone21 
JohnS, man! You are annoying! You think you are the only one that has got moral standards??

There are about 1000 answers as to what "the married gentleman" does or does not discuss with his wife. And it may range from:

She is alone at the home taking care of 7 retarded c h i l d r e n by herself after working her butt off at McDonalds all day not knowing her guy is being sucked 24/7;


She thinks it's fine! The neighbour does her at the same time, and afterwards they have a great time together telling stories about what happened and have a grand finale together!

What are you trying to say on a site like this? That monogamy is the ONLY way to have a relation? That sex is evil?

The first thing on my mind after reading "let him cum in my mouth twice" was, wow, is that a clever thing to do, safesexwise?? Hiv and Hep C are still going on out there!

But you JohnS, you are a man of ethics and morals, and we should ALL know about that! Thanks! I can do without the reverend!

Question: does your trusting mother know you climb trees bare-assed and put 332 pictures of that on the internet??

By #348488 at 14,Mar,13 21:05
am looking for one man i can suck his dick my firts time ...i never suck or get fuck... but i think am ready just someone discret..

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