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How small does a dick have to be for it's considered a sissy's clit?

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Started by #604785 at 25,Dec,19 04:37
Asking for a friend.. its me

Similar topics: 1.small dick or large clit   2.Would I be classified as small?   3.please make fun of my little dick   4.Clit Enlargement   5.What do u consider to be a small penis  

New Comment

By #601496 at 25,Dec,19 12:40
Yours is not that small.
By #604785 at 26,Dec,19 03:38
You really think so? My gf always calls it tiny..
By #601496 at 26,Dec,19 13:20
It's not super big, but I bet we could have fun

By earthy at 26,Dec,19 06:52 other posts of earthy 
Your size is fine. Be proud.

By cumcouplessa at 26,Dec,19 04:52 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Size has never been an issue for us. A willing cock is always a welcome cock. We've shared big as well as tiny cocks over the years, and always had lots of fun. Hubby isnt big, and if the guy we sharing is small or average than they can double penetrate. If the guy is huge, then hubby can only use his tongue. Either way, its enjoyed by all. Some of our best fun has been with a small guy. He clearly was eager to please

By #588327 at 25,Dec,19 11:50
I thought all dicks were dicks no matter the size. Treat it like a dick 24/7. Be proud of your dick and balls.

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