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Similar topics: 1.guys with small penis'? 2.under 35yrs old with small penises or likes small penise.... 3.a refuge for small penis 4.Penis Enlargement 5.Small penis??? New CommentComments: |
The most accurate, unbiased, scientific study of penis size (over 15,000 subjects measured by doctors) shows that statistical average erect size for an adult man is ~5.2" x 4.6". The Internet & porn has skewed the perception of "average", so that many guys with large cocks think they're on the small side. Here's the study:
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From the study above:
According to the team’s analysis, the average flaccid, pendulous penis is 9.16 cm (3.61 inches) in length; the average erect penis is 13.12 cm (5.16 inches) long. The corresponding girth measurements are 9.31 cm (3.66 inches) for a flaccid penis and 11.66 cm (4.59 inches) for an erect one.
A graph of the size distribution shows that outliers are rare. A 6.3" erect penis falls into the 95th percentile: Out of 100 men, only five would have a penis larger than 6.3". Conversely, an erect penis measuring 3.94" falls into the 5th percentile: Only five out of 100 men would have a penis smaller than 3.94":
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All that said, I always say who cares as long as it cums and feels good doing it. I love how small dicks look, especially uncut. I love big dicks too, and everything in between. Actually I'm pretty sure smaller dicks have the same number of nerves as big ones, so they may actually be more sensitive than big ones.
Nearly all previous studies relied at least in part on self-reported numbers from condom maker surveys and/or Internet-based surveys that also rely on self-reported numbers. Everyone in the scientific/medical communities knows that self-reported penis size numbers typically run nearly 2" larger than reality.
This graph shows the statistical distribution of over 15,500 men from around the world, measured by doctors using a specific method:
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Also - it doesn't matter what other guys think they see on a daily basis. They're not running around restrooms & locker rooms with rulers, using the scientifically-accepted method of measuring (BPL, measured from the top of the base of the shaft to the tip).
So, I don't put any value in casual approximations based upon what some guy thinks he saw in the restroom/locker-room hours earlier.
Science rules!
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Furthermore, that chart does not show the most common penis sizes. It solely shows the percentage of people you are longer than taking no regard for exactly how those lengths are distributed. If you are longer than 95% of people, that means that you could be 8"(or whatever) and the other 90% could be 7.9. That chart is meant to be simple, not accurate. If it was representing the actual raw data it would look more like this.
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The average of this is 6.1, even though the most common of the numbers represented are 5 and 8. The fact that there are more samples above 5 than below distorts the average to 6.1. In fact if you flipped the chart, it would perfectly prove my point. 6 would be the most common number as there is 10 but no 0 so 5 would become 6. However, the average would be 5.1, even though 6 is be the most common number on the flipped chart. In this case 3 is be the second most common, and there are more samples below 5.1 than above. This distorts the data away from the most common number of 6 on the flipped chart.
Science is good, but you need to understand how to interpret data properly. Else you could misunderstand what the science is saying.
Edited to add additional data then to re add the chart.
Anyway - "size queens" always want to disagree with any scientific study on penis size - because all of the studies that are accepted by the scientific & medical communities as being conducted with proper scientific process show that average erect size is ~5.2" long x 4.6" in girth - and they also show that there is no statistically-significant difference between ethnic groups.
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But far more important than size is shape and proportion. And, man, you excel in both of these qualities. I went to you page and looked over your portfolio of photos and downloaded some to put in my Penis Portraits collection.
pricking around in the Oval Office.
All jokes aside... if your bigger than a Jezus Krist
light switch, you rule the world!
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Mine is small