Started by #8589 at 16,Feb,10 11:23
Similar topics: 1.have u ever caught a girl shit or piss? taking a shit 3.Results of test: business of toilet times for the garden of Vesse! 4.WHY??? 5.Toilet times for the Liter Box Of KITKAT New CommentComments: |
.........The real problem tho', is the stance taken by the owner who aparently wants and assorted freak show of nameless perverts rather than a true cock interest site.
You may have seen my post today; 'Less interesting now' which is about the general decline of this site and it's visitors. The more intelligent and interesting people are ebbing away now and leaving the perverts, single cell brains, arsehole enthusiasts and the little boys giggling at eachothers willies to all enjoy it together!
As you will have noticed, 'joanne', of excrement fame is now back and vengefully making comments! I have no objection to her wanting to play with her own shit,'s just that a cock site is not the place. However, the problem seems to be that this is the accepted place for anyone with a perversion. The implication of this, which I strongly object to, is that we MUST all be perverts if we show our private parts so why not have ALL perversions here however extreme!......
.....It really is a shame, this used to be a great site that served a useful purpose and was interesting too!
I've been seeing these topics "X forum/board/site is not the same any more" for years everywhere, where new people are allowed to come. The funny thing is - when you close a community from newcomers supposedly to preserve those intellectual advantages of odies, it dies instead or turns into "one actor theatre". And very quickly. I have not seen other outcomes so far.
Also, you are making typical mistake that moderation can make it interesting for you. Moderators are always people with their own interests, which may be totally different from yours. A wish for a wise moderator is very socialistic. It's like a wish for a wise governor that will solve all people's problems. When in reality all that all governors are conserned with - is getting more money and power for themselves.
If so happens that moderator has the same point of view as you have - you will be, indeed, happy, but in reality in most cases your point of views are different. That's why I try to intervene as less as possible.
I remind all of you that:
1. you can report illegal pics and I always delete them
2. you can "evaluate" pics not being proper for the particular category and do not go to the categories you do not like
3. you can ban from your pages anonymouses and any members you do not like
4. you can explain all above to those who do not know this
5. you can do not go to the pages of people you do not like or to the pages where they are allowed.
Is it not enough?
Seriously, are you getting treatment for the psychosis?
Perhaps the keepers have got the 'scat' sites filtered out and thats why you want to bring it here....(??)
....Do remember to take your medication dear......
Smart people get wiser with age, stupid people - just stronger in their stupidity.