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Started by routemaster at 06,Feb,20 03:48  other posts of routemaster
Kirk Douglas has passed away at the ripe old age of 103. Not quite the last of the great stars from the golden age of Hollywood as Olivia de Havilland is still alive and she is 103 too now. R.I.P. Kirk.

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By #485312 at 06,Feb,20 03:52
theyre all heading for that Hollywood in the sky. He had a great innings, and a great life *Lix*
By whatsupcocks at 06,Feb,20 04:21 other posts of whatsupcocks 
He was a rock when it came to my parents growing up and then they got me watching his movies and he will be missed RIP.

By #591921 at 06,Feb,20 04:15
I was a fan loved the movie Vikings and all his westerns. He was definitely a class act. His son is a pretty good actor too but not as good as the dad.

Adult Discussion Forum