Recent Posts of member whatsupcocks


By whatsupcocks at 29,Mar,25 09:10
Hay bella! I was wondering if you ever heard back from the gall that was having problems sleeping and was using sleeping pills that weren't working out for her? I wounder if she ever found her inner peace.

By whatsupcocks at 21,Feb,25 03:37
IF wear briefs I wear Munzing-Wear briefs. They have a large pouch in front keeps Mr Happy very comfortable and the pouch has a large opening on top for easy access. What sucks is they are hard to find a place that sells them. Dam comfortable. Otherwise is Boxxers.

By whatsupcocks at 21,Feb,25 03:12
I enjoy a toy now and then but its yourself that know how to please yourself and get-R-done.
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I will check out your review channel. Its a good thing to learn something new every day. Happy wanking.

By whatsupcocks at 21,Feb,25 02:56

By whatsupcocks at 21,Feb,25 02:20
I wish I wasn't Circumcision . Ya it left a scar, but the Quack who did me cut to deep. It left a bump of scar tissue right behind the top of my cock head. Because of that I have a spot on the top back of my cock head that has no feeling in it. Sometimes the lump on my Circumcision can be irritating at times as well. A good lube job helps a lot. My Doc had a look and he told me the same thing I was cut to deep.

By whatsupcocks at 19,Feb,25 19:23
visit your local gun club. There should be a handgun range there.

By whatsupcocks at 10,Jan,25 07:19
Great to know. you never know when a snaffo could pop up.

By whatsupcocks at 10,Jan,25 06:02
Wow great information. That would definitely make posting in Cyber space much better. thanks .

By whatsupcocks at 09,Jan,25 01:40
As Hank Williams SR would sing " Those hang-over's hurt more then they used too, and no body wants to get drunk and get loud and all my rowdy friend's have settled down."

By whatsupcocks at 09,Jan,25 01:24
This always puts a smile on my face when I hear Donald's name. only registered users can see external links

By whatsupcocks at 09,Jan,25 01:13
When I became a member on this site in 2015, I was never asked if I was 18 years old or had to show ID for proof. May be my clean record had something to do with it. I am a dirty kinky old bloke that's why I,m still here.

By whatsupcocks at 09,Jan,25 00:16
Better late than never . Why did Santa have 3 girls. So he could say HO HO HO.

By whatsupcocks at 03,Nov,24 04:09
THE CANDY BAR JOKE 😄😄😄 One day MR.Goodbar wanted a Bit-of-Honey so he took MS.Hershey behind the Power House on 5th Avenue were he began to fill her Mounds which were Almond Joy.She let out a Snicker as his Big Hunk slid up here Milky Way.The results were a Baby Ruth .

By whatsupcocks at 15,Sep,24 18:10
Kevin has so many great songs, in fact all his songs are great, that one slipped my mind tell now. Mick has a double joined ass.

By whatsupcocks at 22,Aug,24 08:51
Thanks that is going in the archive.

By whatsupcocks at 22,Aug,24 08:06
I know.

By whatsupcocks at 22,Aug,24 08:02
I like the Nigel and Wilma song. I'm just a man, and I'm not made of fucken Bricks. Can't forget " Absolute Cunt of a Day ".

By whatsupcocks at 22,Aug,24 07:39
Thanks I just listen to Kevin, and his songs bring happiness into my life. I love the bloke.

By whatsupcocks at 22,Aug,24 07:23
hay that's a song called Drop Bear's , by Kevin Bloody Wilson. The Fucking Legion. I love the bloke.

By whatsupcocks at 03,Aug,24 23:00
This one is a good ear-worm

By whatsupcocks at 03,Aug,24 22:41
Powder puffs, Snowflakes, and Trolls bumming you out.
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By whatsupcocks at 24,Jul,24 05:23
There are many ways to meditation. It's kind of like day dreaming but much deeper. Make sure you practice controlling your breathing. Sometimes when I can't fall a sleep I will take long slow deep breaths. That may not work for you because every one is different but it's worth a try or two. all so there are classes that help you . When I took a marshal arts class they show you and will spend time doing it. It was part of the class. I have rambled on to much all ready. I hope you can get this Snafu in your life put behind you.

By whatsupcocks at 23,Jul,24 22:16
Your welcome. 2023 was a ruff one for me. After losing 6 loved one's in one year, I felt like I was going to end up in a rubber room. Meditation helped me from going and doing something stupid.

By whatsupcocks at 23,Jul,24 11:44
Try Meditation. There are classes you can take. You may find that peace your looking for. I wish you luck.

By whatsupcocks at 23,Jul,24 11:12 has always been good to me. All through I am not a fan of there new format, it is still the same

By whatsupcocks at 23,Jul,24 10:53
THE CANDY BAR JOKE 😄😄😄 One day MR.Good-bar wanted a Bit-of-Honey so he took MS.Hershey behind the Power House on 5th Avenue were he began to fill her Mounds which were Almond Joy.She let out a Snicker as his Big Hunk slid up here Milky Way.The results were a Baby Ruth.

By whatsupcocks at 23,Jul,24 09:53

By whatsupcocks at 18,Apr,24 16:02
THE CANDY BAR JOKE 😄😄😄 One day MR.Goodbar wanted a Bit-of-Honey so he took MS.Hershey behind the Power House on 5th Avenue were he began to fill her Mounds which were Almond Joy.She let out a Snicker as his Big Hunk slid up here Milky Way.The results were a Baby Ruth.

By whatsupcocks at 17,Mar,24 12:45

By whatsupcocks at 18,May,23 01:27
Romper Room, love it. Studies show that one out of three Trolls are just as dumb as the other to Cunts. " KEVIN BLOODY WILSON ".

By whatsupcocks at 09,Mar,23 22:58
Not having that problem. Maby let the Administrator know, and send some screen captures if you can.

By whatsupcocks at 25,Dec,22 15:23
Kevin has a lot of Christmas tunes. These next four two are classic Hard Core Kevin. Enjoy.
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Christmas with out snow. only registered users can see external links
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Granddad's finger. only registered users can see external links
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Dinglbarries only registered users can see external links
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Cums once a year. only registered users can see external links

By whatsupcocks at 25,Dec,22 14:06
SKUZZ'S Night before Christmas a classic . only registered users can see external links
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I want to fill your Stocking. Another Christmas classic by SKUZZ TWITLY. only registered users can see external links

By whatsupcocks at 25,Dec,22 13:48

By whatsupcocks at 24,Dec,22 06:15
Here's one I have never heard before from the legend wile surfing YouTube . only registered users can see external links

By whatsupcocks at 23,Dec,22 13:35
I really like the song Tattoo of Santa .
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Tattoo of Santa. only registered users can see external links

By whatsupcocks at 23,Dec,22 02:43
Cool you made a forum and played Hay Santa . I add a few more.
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one more.
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I already posted the last one so just copy and paste to top of browser. Have a wonder Holiday.
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Yet another Christmas song buy the fucking Legion. only registered users can see external links
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More please. Santa was Stoned. only registered users can see external links
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Santa was going to town. only registered users can see external links

By whatsupcocks at 18,Oct,22 19:54
that's golden.

By whatsupcocks at 28,Sep,21 07:21

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not same without them. Trying to get a email to auzzie to see how to get in touch with lix.

By whatsupcocks at 19,Sep,21 12:18
Here's a little something to Chase the blues away . only registered users can see external links
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By whatsupcocks at 27,Aug,21 02:56
Ya now everyone will know its him. I bet Nirvana sells a few more million albums now. I Seen them a few times . I live only about 40 miles away from Aberdeen WA. Have a G Day.

By whatsupcocks at 21,Aug,21 06:21
hay cache song, makes me want to play Pokemon. Great post you two. Have a G-Day. O ya (STAY SUPER SEXY) .

By whatsupcocks at 04,Aug,21 13:48
thank you. this isn't about sex, this is about friendship and enjoy talking to each other and its not about this place. We have a rill life not like some others around here. I will miss them two around here. I also have a few groups to rebuild that we came up with and on worked together on. She did 98 % of it I take no credit for all her time and work that she did because she wanted too. I don't blame her for dumpling this site. I talked her in to staying a few times , but we knew that in the end this day would happen.
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I actually have AUSSIE MAM as a contract I'M going through email I will find him.
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I have found him, and shot him a email letting him know there missed . Now waiting for reply

By whatsupcocks at 04,Aug,21 06:50
Well at least we are good friends in fact we have other ways to still keep In touch with out all you low life's . You all can flip each other shit now. Remember what comes around goes around.

By whatsupcocks at 21,Jul,21 07:49
if you don't someone else will.

By whatsupcocks at 10,Jul,21 08:15
Got my shot, one to go. If I get invited to an orgy I won't have to wear a mask.

By whatsupcocks at 10,Jul,21 03:20
5-G can pin-point you to with in inches . I have not hab a cell for 3 months and I don't miss it a bit. when I do have one it stays at home, I have a CB in my car . Any way you all should watch this video . only registered users can see external links

By whatsupcocks at 28,Jun,21 05:52
wow man what a dark circle, and all are fifty rich and are associated. I say wow again , this shit is beyond be leaf. Thanks now I am going to go and read that again. This definitely wouldn't be the last we here about this. Have a G-Day mate.

By whatsupcocks at 24,Jun,21 09:29
Money is the problem . Wish we could do away with it , like in Star Trec. What ever you want you jest use the replicater. I guess he was having a sexual relationships with his s o n. With all that money he could of bought a hole bunch of professional tricks. Hum I wonder if he ever watched porn.

By whatsupcocks at 23,Jun,21 07:45
nice head ring. There a great turn on and fill wonderful .