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Me drunk and passed out what would you do to me in this position?

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Started by #553306 at 03,Mar,20 18:32
My brother in law got me wasted drunk while my husband was out of town,to the point I passed out so he undressed me taking pics while doing so and fucked me while I was passed out this is the last position he held me in while he fucked me and finished holding my leg up after a fresh fuck. What would you do to me in this position? plz leave a comment!

Xoxo bbwc05

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Similar topics: 1.Drunk friend   2.Sex with sleeping girlfriend/wife - who does?   3.fucking when you're drunk   4.Me drunk and passed out   5.Me drunk and passed out what would you do to me?  

New Comment

By roastbeef at 03,Mar,20 19:21 other posts of roastbeef 
I would spread your leg further apart and lick you
By #553306 at 04,Mar,20 01:09
Plz tell me more!

By #611458 at 03,Mar,20 18:45
In that position, I'd be eating pussy.
By #553306 at 03,Mar,20 23:08

By #553306 at 03,Mar,20 20:48
My thick calves and thighs
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What do you think?

By #553306 at 03,Mar,20 20:44
Another angle before he fucked me and some clothed pics of me

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My tongue

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By bella! at 03,Mar,20 19:59 other posts of bella! 
Hi. It wasn't that long ago that you used 20 points to post a similar thread. Just an f.y.i., all you needed to do was to locate the buried thread and "say something" by way of a new post (ie something like, "it happened again this weekend") or a post containing a word (I like to use the word, "bump") a symbol (ie punctuation mark) OR an emoji. Those are ways you can avoid using 20 points to open a new thread.

By #553306 at 03,Mar,20 18:44
Position before he fucked me

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Adult Discussion Forum