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Porn vid to watch while getting blowjob

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Started by thebeewolf at 22,Mar,20 19:20  other posts of thebeewolf
I'm pretty straight. Men don't turn me on at all. But I discovered how good they suck cock and well... I've let a lot of guys suck it since then. Still do. I find that watching straight porn, while not necessary, can enhance the experience. Why are there no porn videos specifically designed for this situation? There should be!

Absent any purpose-made videos for this, what should I watch? Links or search terms I can use on porn hub please!

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New Comment

By Lvphose at 15,Apr,24 21:58 other posts of Lvphose 
How about a home made vid?

By #570308 at 23,Mar,20 17:27
They are there,look on some of the sites pornhub, hamster, etc

By #536019 at 23,Mar,20 00:22
POV (point of view) blowjobs compilation. No talking; just sucking and licking.
By thebeewolf at 23,Mar,20 00:48 other posts of thebeewolf 
Agree, those are the obvious ones to turn to. It just seems a shame that no one has repurposed one of these specifically aimed at straight guys getting blown by other guys. Maybe I should make one myself.

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