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The Queen

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Started by milesbferry at 09,Apr,20 21:29  other posts of milesbferry
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Similar topics: 1.KING and QUEEN of the site   2.Can we get a new king?(or a queen like cum4steffi)   3.Mi-lips "Queen" of the site   4.QUEEN ELIZABETH II   5.King and queen  

New Comment

By bella! at 09,Apr,20 22:02 other posts of bella! 
And we will be with our friends again, we will be with our family again and we shall meet again!

Her speech was fantastic and she looks FABULOUS!
By DJS at 10,Apr,20 06:34 other posts of DJS 
Very well said bella
By bella! at 10,Apr,20 07:29 other posts of bella! 
I wish that I could take credit for saying that but it was something said by Queen Elizabeth II in her speech. Although I'm feeling a bit of loneliness and anxiety, those words resonated with me and give me peace.
By #608173 at 10,Apr,20 08:36
Its a sign of a "Small World" . So vast , yet we are so close together in times of trouble .

By DJS at 10,Apr,20 10:24 other posts of DJS 
Yes I no she did,to me it just wasn't for the British & think she spoke to the whole world
By bella! at 10,Apr,20 12:12 other posts of bella! 
I do believe that you are spot on about that, her message was meant for the entire world!
By DJS at 10,Apr,20 17:03 other posts of DJS 
Great minds think alike bella

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