Started by routemaster at 09,Sep,15 11:58  other posts of routemaster
Similar topics: 1.KING and QUEEN of the site 2.Can we get a new king?(or a queen like cum4steffi) 3.Mi-lips "Queen" of the site 4.King and queen 5.Hm Queen Elizabeth 2.. New CommentComments: |
These things are vestiges of a lost empire and of the monarchy.
Not that a "democracy", in the sense that it is today, is necessarily better.
Nevertheless, it's remarkable that she's been on the throne more than other people who had that role, also because of accidents of birth. So congrats to Liz.
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I prefer the ass of his ****-in-law
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*** = ****.ter
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***.ter =
......Sbe does not rule by either power or birthright,..she rules by grace, love, dedication, and actually bloody hard work!....things that the detractors don't 'get'
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Oh, I forgot. It's fashion and art too. The queen promotes these fashionable hats and the prince of whales promotes art.
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And let's not forget that she's representing the English god on earth: she's the CEO of the Anglican church.
a bunch of german parasites, the uk is a joke.
.......But I know the real thing when I see it!
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In her 60 plus years she has had to stsand bye and watch as her kingdom has been betrayed and the indigenous population humiliated and disrespected. She has kept station while her communities have been sold into the slavery of poverty from once happy purpose and industry that supplied a way of life that has changed the world for the better.
She has had to stand and care while her country has been sold to foreigners and spat on by a powerful group of traitors who pretended to offer an honourable future while atually betraying all that is good....andn there was much to celebrate.
She has not put a foot wrong and has worried and fretted in private along with her real subjects. ALL REAL BRITONS will ALWAYS rise to her support as she has unselfishly risen to theirs......Few people in the world enjoy such genuine respect.......She IS the living figurehead of the kingdom that we all have lost......