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Tim Brooke-Taylor, the Goodies RIP

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Started by #485312 at 12,Apr,20 21:05
Lost another legend, Goodies Tim Brooke-Taylor passed with complications from this terrible virus. this virus is taking its toll, and lm surprised not more older celebrities have succumbed to it. we've lost a great comedian, in times when need the goodies even now for a good laugh ... *lix*

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By #612988 at 22,Apr,20 04:07
rip goodies, thisvirus taking many good talented people, now up to 49,000 deaths.

By frederic at 15,Apr,20 17:51 other posts of frederic 
I loved the goodies I wonder if that cat is ok the one who climbed the post office tower you will not get funny things like that any more Monty python the best

By BearBen_SYD at 14,Apr,20 04:17 other posts of BearBen_SYD 

Vale TBT

By #509705 at 13,Apr,20 16:52
Ikky thump with the black puddings. And the Giant pike named Chris that loved the song 'Tulips from Amsterdam'.

By routemaster at 13,Apr,20 09:08 other posts of routemaster 
Yes, it is very very sad news, I was a fan of The Goodies and he will be very much missed. Tim also appeared on panel games like the BBC's radio show "Just a minute" where they have to speak on a given subject for a minute without hesitation, repetition or deviation and other star contestants buzz in if they veer from those rules. After The Goodies finished, Bill Oddie became an ornithologist and Graeme Garden went back to his medical career. Another "celebrity" who passed away recently from this terrible virus was the comedian Eddie Large who was one half of a comedy duo named Little & Large, the other guy being Syd Little (both stage names of course). Eddie was in hospital with a heart condition and caught the virus while he was in there, such a shame. And as of last night, the death toll in the UK had risen to just over 10,600, its staggering, like something out of an H.G. Wells novel and doctors and nurses have been among the victims. To all frontline staff across the world, doctors, nurses, paramedics, etc, I salute you.

By #601068 at 13,Apr,20 00:21

By #551482 at 12,Apr,20 22:02
The Goodies...…Goody Good Yum Yum. Grew up on the Goodies

By #591157 at 12,Apr,20 21:23
yes very sad loss to the world

By steve3095 at 12,Apr,20 21:12 other posts of steve3095 
Vale Tim. I loved The Goodies. Respect for a man who gave me so much enjoyment.

By leopoldij at 12,Apr,20 21:11 other posts of leopoldij 

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