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Started by #24318 at 16,Apr,20 15:38
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By #336173 at 19,Apr,20 18:08
Chinese Originated Viral Infectious Disease 19.

By spooky at 18,Apr,20 04:19 other posts of spooky 
To refer to fox news as a source of any credible news is useless. This conspiracy theory has been floated by some far right individuals without any credentials. What they have done is take concerns about the Wuhan Viral Lab safety practices and have turned it into this nonsense.

By Sir-Skittles at 16,Apr,20 20:29 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
NEVER trust China!!!
By #24318 at 16,Apr,20 22:17
We need to boycott China.....STOP Buying stuff from them
By Sir-Skittles at 18,Apr,20 00:58 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
thus Easier said than done, but they are going to pay dearly for this...

By cumcouplessa at 17,Apr,20 04:41 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Wherever it originated, one thing for sure is that it has brought the entire world to its knees . We're all the way here in South Africa, on full lock down. No smokes no alcohol, no socializing, which means we can't even swing . First week, all we did was make love, but now even that has gotten a little boring. Getting desperate for some 3'some fun, but think thats not happening anytime soon. What a crappy year 2020 is turning out to be?????

By #188992 at 16,Apr,20 15:47
Given that the "sources" are consistently not named, I would suspect it's mere conjecture at this point.

"Sources emphasized -- as is often the case with intelligence -- that it’s not definitive and should not be characterized as such. Some inside the administration and the intelligence and epidemiological communities are more skeptical, and the investigation is continuing."

So, jumping to conclusions would seem to fit too.
By phart at 17,Apr,20 02:13 other posts of phart 
Whistle blowers and "sources" seem to have the ablity to remain unknown for some reason.

By mr_blue at 16,Apr,20 16:34 other posts of mr_blue 
Kennedy started it,with Barney the dinosaur in their magical castle made from soros' cash...
And did you know tik tok is Chinese yet people still use it and 5g but are not blaming tik tok for covid-19.

By #24318 at 16,Apr,20 22:14
you are so funny ....Don’t ever Change... You’re GREAT FUN

By #577079 at 16,Apr,20 15:41
I thought this all along

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