Your views, thoughts or simply opinions. The Economy is not well (understatement). I know there are some here that will try to link the country they are residing in as problems of the USA. Sorry the USA cannot be responsible for 100% of the problems in the world nor should they be expected to help repair all problems.
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I can't get the fucking link to work but this is the latest video from the maker of the 1 I posted above. Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren Support Ukraine #elizabethwarren #chuckschumer #zelensky #trump
2 days ago
Elon and DOGE say they are finding all this fraud all over the government, yet to date, there have been zero arrests or referrals for prosecution, and ZERO proof has been provided. Now that is strange.
Maybe because they are lying and just full of shit!
A enemy of Trump is more than likely a enemy of America because if Trump fails, America fails. And only liberal democrats want failure so they can seize further control of the population.
Ok let me see here if I can draw a picture.
Trump is a business man ,a real estate investor. He owns numerous golf courses and other business's. if the economy falters, what happens to his investments the value of his real estate and so on ? It goes down, he looses money ,he fails in other words.
For that to happen , the American economy would have to fail. would it not??
November is old news. Remember how all you MAGAS were complaining about the stock market saying Biden was injuring the trade? What do you think now?
How about all those town meetings where REPUBLICANS are complaining about the Clown's crap? Sure, November was a mark on Biden economics. But, it was a long time ago.
Excuse me, I believe if TRUMP fails then the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA fails. I know how you feel about the USA. Besides the clown (although brain dead) was fired by a majority of Americans.
Well, then America must be failing because, for sure, Trump is failing major time. --------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
Biden was fired by a majority of Americans? He wasn't running. What's more, except for grocerie prices, the economy was doing good. This Clown retread said he would take care of grocerie prices on day one. It's going through the roof. Same with all his campaign promises.
That clown was running until Trump made him look like a demented old fool. Then without any votes they stick in cumala, wow what an idiot move that was then to pick tampon tim. Three strikes I think.
You can say what you want but the election was between Harris and the Clown. He won fair and square but, by the popular vote, it was anything but a landslide. --------------------------------------- added after 85 seconds
And his campaign promises are NOT being honored and THAT is now, not history. What is he doing now?
Please, take a few minutes to read.
When people get jobs, good paying jobs, they can afford a better life.
When energy is affordable, people can produce things,haul things and use things.that means they can also afford things because transport cost and manufacturing cost are lower when energy is affordable.
so you are saying that you don't believe the CNN news? My goodness, I would have expected you to discredit a conservative news source but CNN??? What has happened?have you suddenly woke up to the fact you might be getting fed bullshit from your liberal media?? theres hope for you yet!
Start naming campaign promises not kept, also keep in mind he has only been there for little over a month. 4 years of clownish BS and you expect immediate results. What fucking planet are you on?
“I will stop the Ukrainian war on the first day”. “I will start reducing prices on day one “. “I will make the stock market very profitable”. None happened and no one expected that it would but, in one month he has disrupted the whole Federal government WITHOUT a clear goal. He has started a tariff war on the two biggest trade partners. Alienated most European countries and thrown the Ukraine to the wolves. He threatened taking over a section of Panama, invade Greenland, and Amex Canada. --------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
BTW, unfortunately, I’m on the same planet as the Clown. Think about this, he’s been president a little over one month and all you MAGA have to defend his policies continuously. Any other president had that problem?
I don't think there is a problem. To many democrats that can't even stand in respect for a 13 year old cancer victim or for a woman who lost her daughter to the actions of a illegal their own policy's allowed in.
The dems CAN"T defend themselves, they exposed their true face.
Russian missiles are pouring in on civilian areas all over Ukraine today. And there is not Intel to stop them because Trump cut it off. Trump is literally helping Putin massacre innocent Ukrainians!
the war has drug on for 3 years. the only reason it is not over is the US keeps sending money and weapons, thus putting US , the Americans at war. why is it a european country can't supply some intel? Has all the equipment the US has already sent been blown up?
Kids are dying of measles. Egg prices are skyrocketing. Bird flu is out of control. Planes are falling from the sky.. Inflation is rising. Tariffs are here. Consumer confidence is collapsing. A recession is now likely. The stock market is dropping.
very sad really. What are the democrats hiding that they are working so hard to cover up?
IF the democrats have been honest, they have nothing to fear.
I don’t want my private information on some oligarchs data pool any more than I want a data breach at my bank or my doctor’s or anywhere. My information is private. If you are so keen on sharing your info then I invite you to share your social security number and address along with your name a birthday right here, on line.
You are fussing at me about this and everytime I mention the idea of a "boogieman" behind the tree you pounce on me like a duck on a june bug, now which way is it?
And besides, How else would ANYONE find fraud in the system, even a person or entity that YOU trusted,can't access the information?
It is like you just would rather money continue to be defrauded from the system than to try to prevent and stop it.
The House on Tuesday narrowly passed a Republican budget resolution that calls for
$4.5 trillion in tax cuts FOR THE WEALTHY and a $2 trillion reduction in spending cuts,
of course cutting benefits like Medicaid, for the poor and middle class.
Well, what do we have here?
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progressive democrats, heeheheeee, most racist of them all!
right up to this very MINUTE,
Cox’s book, which took him 14 years to research and write, is an extraordinary exposй of the very dark side of the founder of the Democratic Party’s Progressive movement.
Perhaps it’s time for Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and all their progressive minions to deeply apologize to the American people for 100 years of idolizing someone who was anything but "progressive."
Do you want Democrats to apologize for this or something?
You're supporting a president who calls all black people "unqualified",
just because of the color of their skin.
Oh how horrible, help black people overcome the history of slavery and segregation.
IT IS LOGICAL. Anyone left behind is keeping America down.
You are just jealous, because it's not you.
They would give you restitution too, if you would let them.
You should get disability allowance. Democrats would probably do that at some point, Republicans would rather starve you. Just wait, they are doing their best at it.
The problem is that you don't want help, or just a fair shake, you want to be exploited.
You have tried to explain that logic, but you always fail.
That's because the results of your ideas are apparent everywhere.
Dumb ass, I believe the Rep fought the Dems (slave lovers) in the civil war.
Besides they made mistakes, we all do even you. We cannot pay restitution every time a fucking libtard wins. Shove your bullshit up your ass.
Besides you do not live here or pay taxes here, so stop your bitching us around.
Why does your little country not pay up with NATO. I do believe that Poland and the US contribute the most. Maybe your little country should be kicked from NATO.
As of 2023 the US pays 3.49% of GDP. I wonder what the netherlands pay and their ranking. The US is just under Poland.
We are #2 under Poland. Care to know the netherlands ranking? Try #18 with 1.7% GDP. I know Poland and us are being ripped off by little meaningless countries like yours.
Oh sure, make believe that it was liberals who wanted to keep doing slavery.
Show this is even an issue; how much have the Democrats paid in restitution?
Meanwhile, Republicans are cutting billions in taxes for the wealthy.
Your right that it is not my taxes, but why don't you care about that?
"pay up with NATO"? It's not a subscription. We don't PAY, we SPEND!
I hope you understand the difference.
Since Trump made sure that the US is not interested in keeping their end of the agreement of NATO anymore, explain to me how we rip you off? It's not like you spend money on our defense, you're only spending on what is to your own benefit. We have not asked for your help in decades, but we have come to your aid several times. Why would we have to spend money on something that only benefits the US?
My country considered it more useful to spend money on education, healthcare and other things that are actually useful to people. Since we are a small country, that can be destroyed with just a few nukes, we sold our tanks and lowered our number of soldiers. We are not like the US, who meddles in other countries politics, for cheap resources, so we didn't think we needed to spend so much money in arming ourselves. The Russians proves us wrong.
We are spending a lot more now, but just buying equipment without having people to use them is stupid, so it will take some time ramping up our defense.
Personally, I don't want our country to buy American made weapons anymore. Your country has proven itself to be an unreliable partner. You might even pick Russia over us now. Therefore, we have to ramp up our own military industrial complex, no matter how much I hate that concept. I just hope we keep control on it and not let billionaires run it. Arming ourselves should not enrich anyone, because that would give those people an incentive to put us at war.
Of course we are a meaningless country; it's very small and we have 18 million people. Do I need to be ashamed for that? We would need to all be soldiers if we wanted to be any meaningful force against Russia, China or the US.
Do you even think, before you say something?
He's literally calling everyone who is not a white straight male; a DEI hire.
In other words; completely "unqualified" and just hired because of identity politics.
If you think that, it just shows how unqualified you are yourself.
It means you have no insight into what management is all about.
DEI is about eliminating prejudices from the hiring process.
It's the exact opposite of what you think.
Eliminating DEI means bringing back the stupid prejudices.
That would be very harmful for companies to do.
It would leave talent unused, just because of the color of their skin
or the plumbing between their legs.
That's called the waste of "Non-utilized human potential".
Remember this one? You said: "Who gives a shit."
As a supporter of capitalism, you should give a shit.
Because your country is losing the competition against countries
that are doing this much better than the US.
Eliminating waste is the exact thing Elon says he's doing.
If he was, I would congratulate you, but he's not, he's lying.
He's just firing everyone who was bugging him personally.
And cutting money he calls waste, because it's not helping HIM.
While Elon is claiming to eliminating DEI in the government, he's firing white boys
from Tesla and hiring those brown H-1B visa people; DEI hires.
You're so cucked by Elon, it's funny as heck.
Automate, automate, automate, then there is no wasted human potential. and no workers comp, no retirement, no health coverage ,no overtime no ,oh my the wasted potential of automation!
Working from home,how can the employer know they are getting their moneys worth from the wages if they can't see you working in the office or in the lab. At home you can actually get a program that will send key stroke signals to the office to make them think you are working on the computer when you aren't
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Unless you go back to the office and drag your fanny, your production would be better in the office because you would actually be working your whole shift instead of loafing at home. More product,more profit.
Automate, automate, automate, until workers are obsolete.
Where is your argument now that billionaires are job-creators?
Sure, people are not paid enough to live on, but at least they work.
And now you even want to destroy jobs completely.
What do leave for people to survive on?
Do you have ANY principles?
I support PUBLIC ownership, so that when everything is automated, people share in the created prosperity. You support private ownership of the wealthy, which means that 99% of the people will be obsolete, when they replace workers with robots.
What is your limit to how far normal people should grovel for the elites?
Is there any point where you say; now we have to stand up for ourselves?
Well for decades the wealthy have provided jobs,and a good living for millions of people. All people have done is complain and bitch and beg more money ,more time off ,more this and more that. The employer did not start a company just for the peoples benifit. the employer or group of investors are starting and running a company to provide a product or service at a PROFIT. PROFIT, what part of that is so hard to understand? And when the ungrateful workers join unions to squeak more money and other demands from the employers, then the employees get the shaft when the trusty robots roll in. They are getting what they deserve, the fucking boot up the ass and out the door. Ungrateful fuckers.
I appreciated my job, I did my job, my work impressed my employers to a point i was being trained for promotions until fate took a wrong turn. People that are not grateful for their jobs don't deserve them. Period.
As for the unemployment problem, use the rubbers we send overseas here at HOME and quit making more people that will need jobs in the first place. Very simple.
Because that's how YOU organized it in the US.
In my country, ownership of companies is much less centralized.
People might complain, because inequality has risen massively in the US.
Do you know the term the "golden age of capitalism"? It refers to the US around 1955, when the economy was booming and the middle class saw the biggest rise
in their wealth and prosperity EVER. The top tax-bracket for the wealthy was 90%. Those taxes were used by the government to invest in infrastructure, education, housing, social security, healthcare and lots of other benefits for the middle class.
Then came Reagan, and he started to cut taxes for the wealthy. The development
of the middle class came to a halt. Successive presidents, some Democrats, but mostly Republicans, gave more tax-cuts for the wealthy. THE DIRECT RESULT:
the middle class started to get poorer. Now there is hardly any middle class left.
Now you wear hats saying Make America Great AGAIN, but instead of increasing the top tax-brackets anywhere near the 90% of your "golden age of capitalism", you believe the bullshit that it requires tax-CUTS for the wealthy to get there. It's a super transparent lie, but because the wealthy pay the media to tell it to you 24/7,
you believe it, against any simple understanding of history.
Even IF that's true, is 1 person a pattern of fraud, waste and abuse?
How many millions of old people are getting social security?
Elon was presenting lots of examples like those, but all of them so far were proven
to be lies. It's just two systems not connected correctly with each-other,
turning into false ages, when the date of birth wasn't filled in in one system.
Present evidence that this anecdote of yours is actually true.
You already had an agency that was fighting fraud, waste and abuse.
It's called the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and it's fully transparent.
They reported a below 1% rate of fraud, waste and abuse in the social security system. That's to be expected, because old people do not have the highest financial skills,
and when they DIE, they do not have the ability to stop the payments. Understand?
It is the job of the GAO to correct and if necessary prosecute it.
You have been presented with NO EVIDENCE that the GAO was doing a bad job.
You just want to believe that, because it's what they told you 24/7.
What is your thinking that they are the fox? Their sole purpose for existing is oversight. That's really distrustful of people who are hired to do a job. I have direct experience with the FDA, a government organization, with the sole purpose of oversight on pharma businesses. I have seen their professionalism first hand. They are the best of the best and Trump is firing people like that, like they are garbage. I think it's loathsome.
You let an unelected billionaire raid the treasury and trust everything he says.
He is literally doing crime right now, but you believe what he says.
Literally all news outlets who fact check Elon show he's lying.
Why keep trusting him, when there is clear evidence that he's untrustworthy?
Do YOU trust YOUR government?
I DO NOT. BUT the past month or so, the new head of the EPA for example, not affiliated with Musk work, has found 20 billion that was stuffed into a bank for distribution after biden harris left the building. To folks of questionable means.
Oh this is from the GOVERNMENT so it has to be true right?
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The money from fema to new york, 80 million I think? you can't be in agreement with that unless your are high on crack coccaine. fema is to help in emergencys,not housing illegals
would we have known about all this waste without Elons work? I doubt it, I about would bet 100% we would know NOTHING of any of it had harris went in and it would have been bloated to mega millions wasted because of her and obama's agenda.
No dumb-ass, that's WHY I want oversight on my government.
Trump is destroying all oversight.
DOGE is NOT oversight, it's a billionaire DESTROYING oversight.
Every organization has a bank account with funds on it.
They don't get paid every day, but they do have BILLS TO PAY!!
It's so easy to lie to you, because you don't know anything.
Just being an active member of a political party provides more insight.
My local party board also discusses funding. The local branch of the party
gets a certain amount of money periodically from the national branch.
We keep a big portion of it unused on the account, for when we need to spend
a lot of money all at once, for instance during elections.
The EPA is a large organization with high costs, for instance when they are engaged in legal battles. A sum of 20 billion is logical for such an organization, because they are in conflict with many large companies worth trillions of dollars. It's possible they were keeping a buffer, because they knew Trump was about to defund them.
Elon Musk is now doing that, calling it waste, fraud and abuse. It's a LIE!
Don't expect me to cry for you when Americans get poisoned by their tap water or some toxic cloud or a train full of highly toxic waste derailing in some neighborhood. You lot have literally voted for companies to poison you.
Here is a question for all you Trump haters out there.
Had harris and tampon tim won the election, would we have heard a single word about government waste in the news?
New york would have got it's 80 million to house illegals, abrams would have gotten her 20 billion and we would all be running in circles trying to find some logic in the world.
Democrats are just jealous that their money machine has a wrench in it's gears.
The same folks that investigated Trump for years, suddenly don't like being investigated themselves in directly. I hope to see criminal charges made against people that ok'd alot of the waste being found.
Are you kidding? Especially lefties are constantly pointing out the waste, fraud and abuse in the government. Don't you remember how they talked about the audit of the Pentagon?
H.R.2961 - Audit the Pentagon Act of 2023, was introduced by Democratic Rep. Lee, Barbara, under Biden.
Under Obama, Biden was called "Sheriff Joe".
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He recovered actual fraud, not those lies Elon is presenting and are easily debunked.
Elon is just using FAKE waste, fraud and abuse as an excuse to destroy the government,
so none of your tax-dollars are waste on YOU anymore, but all of it can go to the robber barons. Trump is letting him do that, because destroying the government is needed to become a full fascist dictator.
Just on day one? No, but just as long as necessary to destroy democracy.
Remember how he lied, not being associated with Project 2025? It's in full swing.
What Musk is doing, taking over the treasury and other sensitive departments is not an "audit". Elon Musk is not an auditor. It is a coup by unelected bureaucrats. He deserves to be investigated.
Anyone afraid of what he is doing is hiding something.You can't put the fox guarding the chickens.
Besides, the government has had decades to "audit" it's self and has done little to nothing of the sort.Just bloating budgets,and sending money overseas for bullshit. Food and water and medicine,I doubt most of us would complain,but rubbers and dei related stuff? that is NOT needed.
Just talked to a local guy that was employeed by the US forestry . He took the buy out program,BUT he took a couple days to apply for and get a better paying job for himself BEFORE he applied to take the buy out. he is now making 4 dollars more on the hour,shorter drive to work and is still drawing his fed check for several months! not to mention his time with the service carrys over for his retirement!
So the buy out got 1 man out of a low paying job,into a better 1,and off the government dole. what loss was there in this case? None. I feel sure he is not alone.
Trump and Musk just cut funding for 9/11 survivors and firefighters, police, and first responders. The World Trade Center Health Program was just cut by 20% and forced to lay off staff and slash critical care.
Can't stand him': From policy to personnel, Trump scores historically low poling numbers.
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These are Donnie Boy's approval ratings after one month in office. Disregard the messenger, Rachael Maddow from MSNBC, and focus on the companies doing the polling.
No one is happy with his administration.
Our government may finally be turning around.
"chose to continue to work in the federal government are required to return in-person work and embrace new "performance standards" and be "reliable, loyal and trustworthy" in their work, among other new "reforms" across the government."
in other words, give the American tax payer their moneys worth. For far to long you could work for the government,be lazy, non productive and be difficult to get rid of. and expensive to keep
The only thing Trump cares about is that they are loyal to him.
He sucks at actually 'picking the best people', so it will be a disaster.
The ones that leave will be the good ones, who can easily find another job.
The ones who stay will be the lazy dumb ones, and Trump will add a lot of stupid people.
You can expect all kinds of disasters.
What's the number of plane crashes up to by now?
Good job crushing the TSA and aviation safety committee.
What do you think abolishing OSHA will do? They don't just protect workers,
but also everyone else, from workers fucking up.
Trump is destroying every agency that protects citizens from crooks and idiots.
I don't know what YOU thought "destroying America" looked like, but this is it!
Unless you worked here in the US, you wouldn't really know the real world ways that osha can royally fuckup a wet dream.
Some of their regulations are just plain stupid.
For a prime example,requiring hard hats. Ok, a guy with a afro in a hard hat.
I found this example but I have actually saw this on jobsites and it is ridiculas. osha can't ask him to cut his hair,nor can the boss, but what frickin good is the hard hat?
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and if you could see the required work to dig a square hole in the ground for a pipe and drain system to be built in,to pass osha, it triples the cost of the job because to dig down about 20 feet square, the hole has to be angled back about 60 feet all sides!
Before OSHA was created, the number one cause of death for workers was falling down a vat. Workers were considered to be expendable. They will be again, if you let Elon and Trump run your country. Two people who never worked a real job for one minute, deciding that there should be more people like you.
Wearing a hard hat is the most common sense preventative measure I could think of and you think it's an argument against safety regulations, just because one black guy has hair that you think won't work with it. If a hammer falls down from the fifth floor of a scaffolding on his head, that fro is not enough to save his life, the hard hat is.
When you don't know enough about OSHA, it's just a nuisance to you, but it's mostly about training specialists to oversee people, so they don't kill themselves, their colleagues, or civilians. When you allow companies to meddle with safety, people will suffocate in a big tank, because it wasn't cleaned or vented properly. Scaffolding will collapse onto workers, because one clamp was forgotten. Planes will crash, because someone used the wrong bolts for a porthole. Trains full of poison will derail on some village, because they cheap out on brakes. Gas pipes will explode taking out half a city block, because they cheap out on quality of parts. Buildings will collapse, because trained engineers will not be required to make important decisions and some dumb-ass will drill away half of a support beam to get his pipe through.
Sometimes people interpret safety incorrectly and they start doing useless things. The solution is to have highly trained people make decisions balancing safety and efficiency, not cut away all safety and just let people die, because companies want to save a buck.
This is just Elon Musk who is screwing everyone over a personal grievance. Tesla is 4% of the US Auto manufacturing market, yet they make up 75% of OSHA violations. It just shows he has no real innovation strength anymore, to just make the best product, with the best quality, for the best price. He thinks he needs to screw over his workers, to be competitive. That's a race to the bottom, that will reach his consumers. He was already losing to the competition, before he turned away his customers, for acting like a Nazi. Keep up his stupidity, and he will just have another car brand that no one outside the US wants to buy.
"When you allow companies to meddle with safety, people will suffocate in a big tank, because it wasn't cleaned or vented properly. Scaffolding will collapse onto workers, because one clamp was forgotten. Planes will crash, because someone used the wrong bolts for a porthole. Trains full of poison will derail on some village, because they cheap out on brakes. Gas pipes will explode taking out half a city block, because they cheap out on quality of parts. Buildings will collapse, because trained engineers will not be required to make important decisions and some dumb-ass will drill away half of a support beam to get his pipe through."
News flash, this is STILL GOING ON even with the bloated Osha agency in play. We had a bridge replacement project locally. there was a issue that a inspector was upset neighbor watched the supervisor pull 2 bottles of liquor out of the tool box on his truck and the job was checked off as passed. we have hit that $#*@($# bump in the road now for over 20 years. osha folks are just as fucking crooked as the people they watch over.
Yes, I know, because Republicans have been deregulating
and cutting and gutting labor inspections for decades,
because they get lots of donations from companies that couldn't
care less about their workers, or citizens, or the environment.
The solution is improving OSHA, not eliminating it.
Do you want to legalize murder, because people are getting murdered anyway?
No, I want murderers punished in such a way as to deter others from doing the same,and in ways that deter THEM from doing it AGAIN.
There is ways of doing jobs safely without making them difficult.
but it hurts profits and slows things down the way osha wants it done.
Profits and production should be priority with worker safety being next .without the worker the work is not done, kinda stupid to claim employers don't care about the worker, they know without them there is no money made.and the fact that people do not want to work makes it even more problematic.
Trump isn't fixing jobs safely, he's doing away with it.
He doesn't care about people getting hurt or killed,
he only cares about making the 0.1% even wealthier.
Why is it stupid to claim employers don't care about the workers,
when they literally take away the rules that made jobs safer?
Do you think people will keep supporting your ideas, when it kills them?
Those changes weren't implemented in history for fun, people demanded them.
You are just asking for a massive uprising.
Trump voters in Alabama, are now paying an additional $100 a month in their utility bill,
directly caused by Trump's 'policies'. Remember how he promised to halve them?
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A group of 14 states have just filed a lawsuit against Elon Musk and Trump, arguing that the authority granted by the White House to Elon Musk and Doge is unconstitutional.
well, they will have trouble proving it because the executive office has the power to do what is needed to run the country.Trump took a oath to do what was best for America.
Both parties have had decades to fix things, obama wanted to pay for his health care plan with the waste he acknowledged was in the federal system.
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this link shows that feeble attempts were being made last year to do something and apparently the shit didn't work.
So now Big Balls and many others are hard at work to find fraud and fix it.
Your democrat party can't defend the fraud, or they wouldn't get a vote from a dead person,much less live 1's, so the safest thing to do is make false claims and slow down the process. which will back fire in most cases.
What really impressed me was the other day when Trump and Elon were in the oval office, Elon was ask a question and he said ,quoting the best i can," I know I will get proctology exams every day, you all may as well camp out there"
IN other words he knew the media and democraps would be up his ass all the time so he just told them to camp out there!
You're wrong, the executive office doesn't have the power to override congress on funding for important agencies. No one had a problem with the advisory role that DOGE was supposed to have, but they do have a constitutional obligation to be transparent and they failed to provide that. That means they should have not been allowed to do anything, until they provided it. The president cannot give an authorization that goes against The Constitution. What DOGE is DOING now, is NOT the advisory role that DOGE was supposed to have. They are canceling programs and agencies as we speak. That is wildly unconstitutional. Only congress has the power to do that.
Trump took an oath to faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and to the best of his ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United State.
The Constitution describes a separation of powers and Trump is destroying it.
Trump is again committing treason to The Constitution.
Trump has no right to decide by himself what's best for America.
You have elected representatives of the people in congress to do that.
What you say, would be a king of the old days or a dictator of modern days.
What is being canceled is not related to fraud or wasteful spending. What is being canceled is how your country has operated for many decades.
There is no way that the president has the power to cancel what they are canceling
or to give that power to an unelected foreign-born citizen.
The FBI would normally stop that immediately, but it has been taken over by a Trump loyalist. It's a coup at every level. It's worse than I even imagined. I at least expected Trump to go through congress to destroy all those agencies.
Tell us what text in The Constitution you think describes the POTUS power to do what Trump does now.
This autocratic attempt may work for Trump. It worked for Putin and Xi Jinping. A constitutional amendment has been introduced in the House of Representatives that would allow Trump to run for a third term.
um, now to see if i can find out who pushed for this 2 term limit.
Ah, so the only man to hold the position for 3 terms was a DEMOCRAT. and republicans are the 1's that pushed thru the 22 admin to prevent it from happening. Apparently folks are learning from their mistakes made in history.
THe democrats should be tickled pink about this because they could put their Lord and Savior Obama back in office for example. or even bill clinton.
so what's the gripe? Republicans are trying right their wrong of 1951?
No, it's childish! "Throwing six now means you lose!" is a child's game.
If men are just changing gender to win in sports, that would be childish too.
You just think that's what transgenders are doing, because you agree with cheating.
Yes, i think that is the very thing most trans are doing in sports, duct taping their dicks in to their ass cracks and growing hair and using lipstick just so they can get a trophy they couldn't get competing against other males. and for a while it was easy to do and acceptable. now it's fixed and males will have to learn to accept the fact they are fucking loosers OR get better at whatever it is they want to win! DUH, what a concept.
Sure, you THINK that's what happening, but that's bullshit.
If that was happening, I would be on your side, but it just isn't true.
It's just the culture war nonsense Republicans are distracting people with,
to vote against their own best interest. They need to lie and cheat to win.
if the fellow that won the womens swim competition was any good at it, he would have won the MENS and would not have been there. his foot taller size gives him a big advantage over the smaller women that work hard for what they are trying to get. Sports is not 1 of my interest ,but if wrong is permitted in sports, it will get worse in other subjects that do fit my interest. And watching people that work hard for something be shit out of it by a man trying to act like a woman is just plain wrong
Here is a offer we should take, hell reduce the price, let em have it for a dollar, if they will just take all it's stupid laws,stupid people and problems with it!.
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When it's this easy to troll your president, it means he's a clown.
California is funding most of your red states.
If California were a country, it would be the 5th largest economy in the world
and more productive than India and the United Kingdom.
I suggest a trade. Denmark gets California and the US gets Greenland.
Denmark would be crazy to decline that offer.
I Would consider that, at least we could mine the minerals and drill for oil and such from Greenland while denmark is stuck baby sitting the vegan tree huggers.
Don't think you are a majority in America, you're not.
You're about 15% - 30%. Your guy only won the election,
because liberals have standards and right-wingers do not.
Well here is the website for folks to read about what the DOGE is doing for the American people. I can't beleive, although I should not be surprised , at the wasteful spending we have done to overseas countries. America FIRST.
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"Today, the Department of Agriculture terminated 18 contracts for a total of ~$9mm, including contracts for “Central American gender assessment consultant services”, “Brazil forest and gender consultant services”, and the “women in forest carbon initiative mentorship program.”
05:58 PM · Feb 10, 2025"
Just WHAT the hell is our department of agriculture doing spending money regarding gender assessments in CENTRAL America? what the hell dudes?
Bare in mind, the same folks whining about Elon Musk having 19 year olds helping find waste on the US government are the same 1's that wanted us to listen to a 13 year old with autism talk about climate change!
Yes, Greta Thunberg has Asperger syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and selective mutism
So uh, what's this about Elon again?
Something else to consider, if a educated 19 year old can find the fraud in our government, why hasn't members of government found it by now and fixed it??
Trump spent $15 million of taxpayer dollars to attend a single football game, but Musk's Dogebags can't find the money to fund childhood cancer research.
Finding, and that's dubious, and recovering it is two different things.
As Clown #1 said to Clown #2, "Don't get your cock caught on the zipper as you pee the economy down the wall. 🤣🤣😈
So you are ok with government waste? When all you can do as a democrat is cricitze what Musk is doing instead of coming back with logical reasons why Hamas for example, should be getting money from USAID and suck you are simply saying you were perfectly fine with the waste.
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Phart, you do know FEMA and USAID ARE TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT ENTITIES, don't you?
I don't like waste either but, what do you think of the President going to the Super Bowl game at the tax payers dime? Or should I say millions?
anytime Trump moves it cost money. IF he is going to lead,and earn respect, he has to interact with the people. If I were president, i would not have went to the super bowel, i woulda stayed at the white house. but biden spent over a 1/3 of his 4 years away from the white house and you said nothing
As for usaid and fema, of course they are 2 different piglets sucking off the teats of the sow. time to ween them
did you know there is a bill being put thru congress now to stop paying DEAD People social security? Elon's searches have came up with people still drawing social security at 150 years old! WHY hasn't SOMEONE caught on? And Once this is stopped, someone has been cashing those checks, they should be in JAIL> of course social security could go bankrupt with DEAD people still drawing on it.
Well, if that's how canada feels maybe we need to play elsewhere?
we built the panama canal, and carter gave it away, or excuse me,before cat reminds me, we sold it for a dollar.
gaza strip, Hell no, i disagree with Trump on that 1. Sell Isreal some surplus dozers and backhoes and let them clean up the shit themselves and keep it for them selves.we don't need the burden as you know it would be a constant target of terrorist.
Gaza is a shit hole who would want it burn 🔥 it off clean scrap it down and let the vegetation claim it back
Hell in 40 years we can call it the Gaza jungle
Everything your country is paying for with tax-dollars is given away to private wealthy people. Don't be angry when they then decide to sell it to who ever pays the most for it.
If you want to democratically control vital infrastructure and vital services, then you need to keep it in PUBLIC OWNERSHIP. Stop crying that capitalism fucked over your country.
Trump is promising ethnic cleansing of Gaza. The Palestinians will of course resist,
which will be his justification to start exterminating them again.
Can I call Trump a Nazi already? What does he need to do, to deserve it?
I personally think you are crazy to try and go toe to toe with MR blue he is a well educated man and he has done his research or he wouldn’t have said anything in the first place
A U.S. District Judge Engelmayer just blocked Elon Musk and Doge from accessing the Treasury payment system and ordered the destruction of all downloaded data obtained by anyone with access since January 20.
Elon Musk should be criminally indicted. He's violating the Appropriations Clause and the Antideficiency Act. He's also committing federal funds in advance of an appropriation, which is both unconstitutional and unlawful.
It also means that they’re getting access to extraordinarily sensitive private information
that is covered by the Privacy Act and a number of other statutes and regulations designed to protect the American people from identity theft. If reports that they’ve copied this information onto other servers are true, and those servers get hacked, then many of Americans could have their bank accounts emptied by the federal government.
what better way to hide wrong doing than to hide where it is difficult to find? How can we expect Elon to fix anything if he can't go in it and look at it? and the folks you want "permission" from, are the very 1's that know how to hide and cover up stuff. You have to be able to walk in, shut shit down,go in and look at it to observe the problems. You know what he had to get so called high school kids to do it? Because older folks didn't know how,or wanted way to much money for the work . these younger folks working for Elon will be our next billionaires, I am happy for them.
The Trump Administration fired Coast Guard Admiral Linda Fagan just for being a woman. But a Trump official told her she had only three hours to vacate her house. So, don't tell me Republicans support the military.
$50 million to fund condoms in Gaza
$1.5 million to advance DEI in Serbia's workplaces
$70,000 for the production of a DEI musical in Ireland
$47,000 on a transgender opera in Colombia
$32,000 for a transgender comic in Peru
$37 million to the World Health Organization
$16 million in funding for institutional contractors in gender development offices
$4 million of funding for the Center for Climate-Positive Development
$12 million in support services to the Bureau for Resilience, Environment, and Food Security
$6 million in non-emergency funding for redundant administrative supports for the Center of Excellence
$3 million in non-emergency funding to provide evaluation services for planning and learning programs
$600,000 to fund technical assistance for family planning in Latin America
Money being dumped into ukraine and covered up,in other words more money than congress was approving was going there,
up to 2 million dollars per business.!
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and you are wondering why government spending was paused? NONE of these exspenses helps America AT ALL>
Funny story about those condoms.
Last week Trump said there was $50 million in condoms
and this week he said there are $100 million in condoms.
Considering the fact that the population of Gaza is about 1.5 million
and only half of them are men so that makes 750,000 and probably half of those people are not sexually active i.e. children and seniors.
That leaves 375,000 people on the receiving end of $100 million in condoms.
For the sake of argument let's say the condoms cost a dollar each.
Here's your math lesson for the day:
100 million divided by 375,000 equals 266.666
So each sexually active male is getting about 267 condoms.
The White House has said that Elon Musk, who also has billions of government contracts, is also an official employee, he's violating: 18 U.S.C. section 208, which prohibits him from participating in any government matter that could affect his own financial interest.
7 months pay for nothing,if they just leave? Better than, you are fired,and nothing.
Liberals have bloated our government with so many redundant positions.
if you reduce employees' that means they are handing out less money. costing less in workers comp and health insurance and etc.
eventually he will have government running much cheaper and the money it spends will be for AMERICAN needs not some little 3rd or 4th world country that gives nothing back.
What i am looking forward to is when tax session is over and they go into the irs and rip it to shreds. bloated,over complicated, the government already knows your salary because you have taxes taken out of each pay check along with social security. why have to fill out a bunch of forms confirming what they already know? why take money if you are going to have to refund it? alot of extra steps that could be eliminated, making tax time less stressful on the people and the department cheaper to operate.
Trump has no authority to promise them that. It's a LIE, a fucking SCAM!
He is tricking them in not showing up for work, so he can fire them with NOTHING!
President Trump has appointed Chris Rocheleau as Acting Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), following the resignation of Mike Whitaker on January 20, 2025.
the senate left the position unfilled during the interem,not Trumps fault the man resigned.
Trump froze the hiring process to weed out dei.
Perhaps Trump felt like the remaining forces should be implemented to study crashes, eliminating redundancy that cost money.
Last year Canada exported 4.3 million barrels of oil per day to the US.
Effective Tuesday this oil will cost Americans 10% more because of your president's tariffs. Prepare to see the effects of this at your gas pump within a week.
Let's be very clear, despite what your president has been saying for years these tariffs on products are paid for by the importer of them not the exporter. When this oil or other Canadian products cost 10 to 25% more the cost will be paid by the American Importer and then passed on to the American consumer.
Everything from China will go up 10% and everything from Mexico will go up 25% and that will come out of your wallet.
It's called a Trump tax for that reason.
Nobody wins in trade wars, it's a lose lose situation.
Just watch what happens In the Dow Jones on Monday. It's going down. --------------------------------------- added after 81 minutes
Well the idea is the importer may buy from someone else or buy US oil,leaving you without a customer. I also noticed that your leaders are putting their own tariffs on stuff for revenge so your cost will go up to.
But you would think mexico for sure would be happy to stop the drugs and illegals coming over the border to stop any of this from happening. but i still say, canada and mexico are trying to harm the US by NOT stopping the drugs before they get to the border. china sends it to mexico and canada and it has to travel around in those countries even for just a short while,why don't you folks STOP the flow of drugs and stop killing your customers children?
The amount of fentanyl that goes from Canada to the US is roughly one percent of what comes from Mexico. Ditto for illegal aliens.
Of course everyone agrees that fentanyl is the worst thing in the world but where does it really come from? It comes from China. Almost all of the chemicals to make fentanyl come from China. Personally, I have a hard time understanding why drug dealers would want to kill their customers.
Do you know what the worst import from the US to Canada is? Illegal guns. Illegal guns killing Canadians. Whose responsibility do you think it is to stop those illegal guns from coming into Canada?
Your president campaigned on a promise to lower prices but this will achieve exactly the opposite. Inflation will go up in all three countries. Unemployment will go up in all three countries.
And just for the record Canada and Mexico will especially target red states and swing states.
Nobody will win in a trade war… ever. --------------------------------------- added after 47 minutes
It was just announced that Trump has cancelled tariffs on Mexico for a month.
Well apparently your country has to.
UM , must be something to this tariff thing after all, we got results without any of our prices going up?
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Putin understands it. This is the respect America is supposed to receive. Europe will figure out soon enough it will work with us or else.
I asked you earlier who do you think is responsible for stopping the flow of illegal guns coming into Canada killing our citizens? The question stands.
Guns are legal here in the states, so until they go over the border they are still legal.
Besides, if your country was as safe as we are lead to believe there would be no market for guns there. Has your leader mentioned this problem to Trump?
Perhaps he might would do more for the issue if he is aware of it. Perhaps your leader should have used this as a lever to counter act the tariffs instead of just threatening more from your side.
It is illegal for any American to cross any international border with guns.
I suppose the Secret Service would be an exception to that rule if a US dignitary is travelling abroad.
The guns are sold to gangs.
Tariffs are always met with counter tariffs. Trump knows that from his first go round with Canada.
Illegal guns are just that they are illegal in your country and the ones coming in to your country are illegal in the USA they are either stolen or left behind by military pulling out of a country and leaving them behind just like joe Biden did when we left Afghanistan but they are sold in the black market we have strict laws and all paperwork must be in order for legal guns in the USA
I saw on the Canadian news this morning that a person could buy a handyman for $500 in the US and sell it for $5000 in Canada. There is a market for it and the purchasers are criminals. Yes phart, Canada does have criminals.
It’s a long time overdue
Other countries have been walking all over the United States 🇺🇸 for years we buy from every country and they don’t even come close to what they buy from us and it’s mainly our own fault because we don’t make anything anymore except maybe cardboard boxes 📦 that came about back in the early 70s when we empowered a group called the EPA that said it’s to dangerous to manufacture anything go figure
Dgraff, you are saying we should have allowed manufacturers to pollute the environment and produce dangerous products to keep them in America?
What happened with "they moved out because labor is much much cheaper than in the US"? Labor is by far the biggest expense in any business entity.
EPA, give me a break.
We used to mine iron ore and coal Pennsylvania is rich in both the EPA determined mining is dangerous so with out iron ore all the steel foundries had to close no longer being able to make bearings tools car parts I’m going to have a talk with Elon about looking into what the EPA does and how much power they should have --------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
Why should we worry about what contamination mining iron ore causes when China doesn’t care
Undocumented people do not qualify for federal grants, student loans, Medicaid, CHIP, SNAP, or TANF. The funding blackout is strictly hurting poor U.S. citizens, like most GOP policies. Undocumented folks were just a convenient MAGA fear and anger at.
your statement is correct. BUT there is something called FRAUD. if they don't care about breaking our immigration laws, do you think they care about breaking other laws? no.
Do have evidence of those brilliant illegals, who manage to defraud the government,
to get federal grants, student loans, Medicaid, CHIP, SNAP, or TANF?
What a strange solution to the problem of an incompetent government, incapable
of identifying fraudsters; let's cut all those things for everyone!
You say the police is being incompetent. Is your solution to do away with police?
So, Phart, you are saying that ALL these people are getting illegal help through fraudulent ways? They don’t have a pot to piss in but they can afford hundreds of dollars for fake documents.
And, another point, they DO break the law by entering the country illegally, but, that’s done without malice or forethought. The crime is a byproduct of a travel decision. Fraud is a deliberate crime that takes planning and willingness to commit a crime.
Frankly, I just don’t understand your thought process can see it any other way. You, like your MAGA brethren, know that illegal entry into our country is a victimless crime fueled by the great need of these people, so, you have to accuse them of other, more heinous crime in order to support your bigoted ways.
Trump was run thru the wringer for a victimless crime and you had no problem with it at all.
Explain why my neighbor that was going to the local health department couldn't get service because of the long lines of spanish speaking people crowding the place with screaming kids wanting shots?
Trump admitted in a post on Truth Social, his social network, that there would “maybe” be “some pain” from his tariffs. “But . . . it will all be worth the price that must be paid,” he wrote on Sunday.
Global investment banks warned that the tariffs would hit the US economy alongside the rest of the world. Analysts at UBS and Morgan Stanley forecast that if the tariffs were sustained they could halve US real GDP growth this year — reducing it by more than 1 percentage point. --------------------------------------- added after 23 minutes
Making the president immune from the law was "blatantly unconstitutional" too.
Trump will send it to the supreme court, and they will crap all over the 14th Amendment.
It's only a matter of time, until The Constitution is just toilet paper.
The laws exist with the intent of doing the right thing.
Sometimes the law fails to do that, but mostly they are correct.
That's why a president should obey the law, because then solutions they use to fix things have less risk of hurting people.
Those impeachments were acting against Trump blatantly disrespecting the law, for his own benefit. He didn't want to fix anything, he was fixing (as in castrating) democracy.
Why is it so hard to understand? If 2 American citizens have a child it is a citizen.Birth rite citizenship.
If illegals have children,where it is said the child becomes a citizen? and then how do you propose dealing with the parent or parents? They are here illegally.
It is called anchor babies. mexican women come here, get prego, drop 4 kids with 4 daddys they can't find and then guess who gets to keep them up? We the tax payer .What entitlement does that illegal have to OUR money just for dropping babies? Sure it's not the babies fault, and as for the Dreamers, they came under the direction of their parents under the age of 18, they were not able to decide for themselves to come or not. so a reasonable path should be made for them, and sure, maybe the baby of the illegal can stay and be a citizen in a compromise but the illegal must leave. how many would do that?
fix the border and alot of this shit would not be a issue.
Read your 14th amendment! Your founders intended newcomers to create
new Americans. That's how ALL of you became Americans.
What are the words written on the Statue of Liberty?
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore."
If you don't want (children of) (illegal) immigrants to become Americans,
that's the problem, when YOU create a system that allows for employing illegals,
because they are desperate enough to work for less money.
You keep accusing those illegals of being bad, but the people who exploit them are worse. They are hurting desperate people and they are hurting American workers.
You are supporting that system, because they told you that it makes food cheaper.
That is a lie; it makes food more profitable for people who own the food business.
The affordability of food (and every other product) is dependent ONLY on supply
and demand AND the ability of the market to price gauge consumers, due to
their ability to eliminate competition.
Why did I say the "affordability of food" and not the "price of food"?
Because the price is just a number and not important, it's the ratio between
how much money the sellers are asking for the food and how much money the buyers can spend to buy food (and everything else they need and want in life).
COSTCO and its shareholders just rejected President Trump's executive order on DEI. COSTCO is sticking to its DEI policies. The retailer said its customers enjoy seeing diversity reflected in its workforce.
Well come back in a couple months with some info in regards to their financial situation then. you may find that only a select few enjoy being served by folks that can't even speak english. I think most of us call it a boycott. in other words, knowing this, I would do business elsewhere if I used wholesale stores.
I tried to ask a lady for help getting some spray paint at the local walmart because it is locked up, she could not speak english and just walked away.didn't care that she couldn't do her job
A federal judge has temporarily blocked Trump's freeze on Federal Grants and Loans after Medicaid portals shut down following Trump's decision to freeze dollars in federal funding.
the white house press conference stated that it was not included in the freeze. so i am willing to bet a democrat sympathizer shut the portals for just the effect you see here to sabatage the Presidents work
Sorry, I didn't realize your news over there didn't cover a serious security issue related to our borders.
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How many Chinese immigrants came to the US in 2024?
So far in FY24, 24,376 Chinese nationals have been encountered at the Southwest border, 24,214 of them apprehended illegally crossing the border. Encounters of Chinese nationals in March 2024 increased over 8,000 percent compared to March 2021, and have surpassed all of last fiscal year––just six months into FY24.Apr 18, 2024
Now please bare in mind we have had chinese spy balloons flying over our country recently. THere has been hacking into our national treasury, once in our oil pipeline systems and alot more. this is easier for china to accomplish if you have operatives on the ground here in the US
Honestly, I have never heard that. It seems you are right about their numbers.
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"Last year, a record number of Chinese migrants crossed the U.S. southern border without authorization. In search of jobs and freedom from China's heavy-handed pandemic response, they followed paths long walked by migrants from many countries.
Politicians on the right, led by former President Donald Trump, baselessly claim Chinese migrants are spies or drug smugglers, sent by Beijing to harm Americans."
Two point though: They are a tiny percentage from the total number of immigrants
and they were apprehended, showing that your border security is doing pretty well.
If you find some that broke through, they are probably harvesting oranges.
That spy balloon story has been debunked. China is surely hacking everyone
they can hack, but only stupid people think that a balloon would be helpful to do that.
If your national treasury would be vulnerable to wireless hacking from a balloon,
it would have been already looted a long time ago.
Funny how you're scared of Chinese spies, but don't care how Putin is paying
your right-wing YouTubers to spread harmful disinformation. It's destroying America, but you like America to be destroyed in that way. You want to BE Russia.
You want to have a fake-alpha leader, who controls your country, to steal all the money from the people, have fake elections where the outcome is set before the voting even begins, all political enemies killed or get missing and your young men to die in glorious battle, by the millions, to steal new territory for the oligarch empire, just like Russia.
Everything I told you is already set in motion by Trump.
If you voted for Trump because of the "Economy" thanks for showing your true colors. Thanks for showing me how little you care about those less privileged than you. Thanks for showing me how nasty it is to brainwash people who lack Ethics and Morality.
Thanks for showing us YOUR true colors by claiming we don't care about the less privileged.
You help those people by supplying jobs ,so they can work and make money to buy their own homes instead of standing around at the methadone clinic waiting for handouts. OH yea, that methadone democrats give to dope heads, created by the NAZI'S. Research it.
Democrats showed us their true colors when they ram rodded Soro's purchase of radio stations back in september. that license change normally takes a year long review process. But it was rammmed thru so soro's could buy the debt for 50 cent on the dollar and profit from it.
3 democrats in the fcc voted for it,2 republicans tried to protect free speech on talk radio by voting now.
HOw can you have free speech with a communist owning the communications?
Democrats showed their true colors when they said it was fine for a baby to lie crying on a table and die if the parents decided last minuted they didn't want it.
Democrats showed us their true colors when they chose a fish over adequate water supplies in california.
Fema under democrats showed us their true colors when they denied service to Trump supporters.
Democrats showed their true colors when pelosi tore up the state of the union address in front of the world.
Democrats are also showing us their colors when they protect illegal alien criminals over their tax paying citizens.
not democrats showing any of those quality's. You would be hard pressed to find ANY person in politics that had BOTH , you just have to choose the lesser of the 2 evils. The days of having qualified candidates are over. the way the press ruins their reputations and such, who would want the job that is really qualified?
if you say harris is qualified,you are nuts
this fellow has a good youtube channel, really explains it like it is.
I can't get the fucking link to work but this is the latest video from the maker of the 1 I posted above. Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren Support Ukraine #elizabethwarren #chuckschumer #zelensky #trump
2 days ago
Maybe because they are lying and just full of shit!
I'm speechless.
Trump is a business man ,a real estate investor. He owns numerous golf courses and other business's. if the economy falters, what happens to his investments the value of his real estate and so on ? It goes down, he looses money ,he fails in other words.
For that to happen , the American economy would have to fail. would it not??
How about all those town meetings where REPUBLICANS are complaining about the Clown's crap? Sure, November was a mark on Biden economics. But, it was a long time ago.
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Biden was fired by a majority of Americans? He wasn't running. What's more, except for grocerie prices, the economy was doing good. This Clown retread said he would take care of grocerie prices on day one. It's going through the roof. Same with all his campaign promises.
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And his campaign promises are NOT being honored and THAT is now, not history. What is he doing now?
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Please, take a few minutes to read.
When people get jobs, good paying jobs, they can afford a better life.
When energy is affordable, people can produce things,haul things and use things.that means they can also afford things because transport cost and manufacturing cost are lower when energy is affordable.
wow,9000 less than expected, I would say it was pretty good myself. No worse than before Musk started cutting off the fat, so things aren't bad!
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BTW, unfortunately, I’m on the same planet as the Clown. Think about this, he’s been president a little over one month and all you MAGA have to defend his policies continuously. Any other president had that problem?
The dems CAN"T defend themselves, they exposed their true face.
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Without USAID, My Neighbors in Sudan are Starving
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Donald Trump is golfing.
IF the democrats have been honest, they have nothing to fear.
And besides, How else would ANYONE find fraud in the system, even a person or entity that YOU trusted,can't access the information?
It is like you just would rather money continue to be defrauded from the system than to try to prevent and stop it.
The House on Tuesday narrowly passed a Republican budget resolution that calls for
$4.5 trillion in tax cuts FOR THE WEALTHY and a $2 trillion reduction in spending cuts,
of course cutting benefits like Medicaid, for the poor and middle class.
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progressive democrats, heeheheeee, most racist of them all!
right up to this very MINUTE,
Cox’s book, which took him 14 years to research and write, is an extraordinary exposй of the very dark side of the founder of the Democratic Party’s Progressive movement.
Perhaps it’s time for Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and all their progressive minions to deeply apologize to the American people for 100 years of idolizing someone who was anything but "progressive."
Do you want Democrats to apologize for this or something?
You're supporting a president who calls all black people "unqualified",
just because of the color of their skin.
IT IS LOGICAL. Anyone left behind is keeping America down.
You are just jealous, because it's not you.
They would give you restitution too, if you would let them.
You should get disability allowance. Democrats would probably do that at some point, Republicans would rather starve you. Just wait, they are doing their best at it.
The problem is that you don't want help, or just a fair shake, you want to be exploited.
You have tried to explain that logic, but you always fail.
That's because the results of your ideas are apparent everywhere.
Besides they made mistakes, we all do even you. We cannot pay restitution every time a fucking libtard wins. Shove your bullshit up your ass.
Besides you do not live here or pay taxes here, so stop your bitching us around.
Why does your little country not pay up with NATO. I do believe that Poland and the US contribute the most. Maybe your little country should be kicked from NATO.
As of 2023 the US pays 3.49% of GDP. I wonder what the netherlands pay and their ranking. The US is just under Poland.
We are #2 under Poland. Care to know the netherlands ranking? Try #18 with 1.7% GDP. I know Poland and us are being ripped off by little meaningless countries like yours.
Show this is even an issue; how much have the Democrats paid in restitution?
Meanwhile, Republicans are cutting billions in taxes for the wealthy.
Your right that it is not my taxes, but why don't you care about that?
"pay up with NATO"? It's not a subscription. We don't PAY, we SPEND!
I hope you understand the difference.
Since Trump made sure that the US is not interested in keeping their end of the agreement of NATO anymore, explain to me how we rip you off? It's not like you spend money on our defense, you're only spending on what is to your own benefit. We have not asked for your help in decades, but we have come to your aid several times. Why would we have to spend money on something that only benefits the US?
My country considered it more useful to spend money on education, healthcare and other things that are actually useful to people. Since we are a small country, that can be destroyed with just a few nukes, we sold our tanks and lowered our number of soldiers. We are not like the US, who meddles in other countries politics, for cheap resources, so we didn't think we needed to spend so much money in arming ourselves. The Russians proves us wrong.
We are spending a lot more now, but just buying equipment without having people to use them is stupid, so it will take some time ramping up our defense.
Personally, I don't want our country to buy American made weapons anymore. Your country has proven itself to be an unreliable partner. You might even pick Russia over us now. Therefore, we have to ramp up our own military industrial complex, no matter how much I hate that concept. I just hope we keep control on it and not let billionaires run it. Arming ourselves should not enrich anyone, because that would give those people an incentive to put us at war.
Of course we are a meaningless country; it's very small and we have 18 million people. Do I need to be ashamed for that? We would need to all be soldiers if we wanted to be any meaningful force against Russia, China or the US.
Do you even think, before you say something?
In other words; completely "unqualified" and just hired because of identity politics.
If you think that, it just shows how unqualified you are yourself.
It means you have no insight into what management is all about.
DEI is about eliminating prejudices from the hiring process.
It's the exact opposite of what you think.
Eliminating DEI means bringing back the stupid prejudices.
That would be very harmful for companies to do.
It would leave talent unused, just because of the color of their skin
or the plumbing between their legs.
That's called the waste of "Non-utilized human potential".
Remember this one? You said: "Who gives a shit."
As a supporter of capitalism, you should give a shit.
Because your country is losing the competition against countries
that are doing this much better than the US.
Eliminating waste is the exact thing Elon says he's doing.
If he was, I would congratulate you, but he's not, he's lying.
He's just firing everyone who was bugging him personally.
And cutting money he calls waste, because it's not helping HIM.
While Elon is claiming to eliminating DEI in the government, he's firing white boys
from Tesla and hiring those brown H-1B visa people; DEI hires.
You're so cucked by Elon, it's funny as heck.
Working from home,how can the employer know they are getting their moneys worth from the wages if they can't see you working in the office or in the lab. At home you can actually get a program that will send key stroke signals to the office to make them think you are working on the computer when you aren't
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Unless you go back to the office and drag your fanny, your production would be better in the office because you would actually be working your whole shift instead of loafing at home. More product,more profit.
Where is your argument now that billionaires are job-creators?
Sure, people are not paid enough to live on, but at least they work.
And now you even want to destroy jobs completely.
What do leave for people to survive on?
Do you have ANY principles?
I support PUBLIC ownership, so that when everything is automated, people share in the created prosperity. You support private ownership of the wealthy, which means that 99% of the people will be obsolete, when they replace workers with robots.
What is your limit to how far normal people should grovel for the elites?
Is there any point where you say; now we have to stand up for ourselves?
I appreciated my job, I did my job, my work impressed my employers to a point i was being trained for promotions until fate took a wrong turn. People that are not grateful for their jobs don't deserve them. Period.
As for the unemployment problem, use the rubbers we send overseas here at HOME and quit making more people that will need jobs in the first place. Very simple.
In my country, ownership of companies is much less centralized.
People might complain, because inequality has risen massively in the US.
Do you know the term the "golden age of capitalism"? It refers to the US around 1955, when the economy was booming and the middle class saw the biggest rise
in their wealth and prosperity EVER. The top tax-bracket for the wealthy was 90%. Those taxes were used by the government to invest in infrastructure, education, housing, social security, healthcare and lots of other benefits for the middle class.
Then came Reagan, and he started to cut taxes for the wealthy. The development
of the middle class came to a halt. Successive presidents, some Democrats, but mostly Republicans, gave more tax-cuts for the wealthy. THE DIRECT RESULT:
the middle class started to get poorer. Now there is hardly any middle class left.
Now you wear hats saying Make America Great AGAIN, but instead of increasing the top tax-brackets anywhere near the 90% of your "golden age of capitalism", you believe the bullshit that it requires tax-CUTS for the wealthy to get there. It's a super transparent lie, but because the wealthy pay the media to tell it to you 24/7,
you believe it, against any simple understanding of history.
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just listen to the numbers and you tell me if there is a problem.
they all turn out to be false. He's LYING!!!
How many millions of old people are getting social security?
Elon was presenting lots of examples like those, but all of them so far were proven
to be lies. It's just two systems not connected correctly with each-other,
turning into false ages, when the date of birth wasn't filled in in one system.
Present evidence that this anecdote of yours is actually true.
You already had an agency that was fighting fraud, waste and abuse.
It's called the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and it's fully transparent.
They reported a below 1% rate of fraud, waste and abuse in the social security system. That's to be expected, because old people do not have the highest financial skills,
and when they DIE, they do not have the ability to stop the payments. Understand?
It is the job of the GAO to correct and if necessary prosecute it.
You have been presented with NO EVIDENCE that the GAO was doing a bad job.
You just want to believe that, because it's what they told you 24/7.
You let an unelected billionaire raid the treasury and trust everything he says.
He is literally doing crime right now, but you believe what he says.
Literally all news outlets who fact check Elon show he's lying.
Why keep trusting him, when there is clear evidence that he's untrustworthy?
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I DO NOT. BUT the past month or so, the new head of the EPA for example, not affiliated with Musk work, has found 20 billion that was stuffed into a bank for distribution after biden harris left the building. To folks of questionable means.
Oh this is from the GOVERNMENT so it has to be true right?
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The money from fema to new york, 80 million I think? you can't be in agreement with that unless your are high on crack coccaine. fema is to help in emergencys,not housing illegals
would we have known about all this waste without Elons work? I doubt it, I about would bet 100% we would know NOTHING of any of it had harris went in and it would have been bloated to mega millions wasted because of her and obama's agenda.
Trump is destroying all oversight.
DOGE is NOT oversight, it's a billionaire DESTROYING oversight.
Every organization has a bank account with funds on it.
They don't get paid every day, but they do have BILLS TO PAY!!
It's so easy to lie to you, because you don't know anything.
Just being an active member of a political party provides more insight.
My local party board also discusses funding. The local branch of the party
gets a certain amount of money periodically from the national branch.
We keep a big portion of it unused on the account, for when we need to spend
a lot of money all at once, for instance during elections.
The EPA is a large organization with high costs, for instance when they are engaged in legal battles. A sum of 20 billion is logical for such an organization, because they are in conflict with many large companies worth trillions of dollars. It's possible they were keeping a buffer, because they knew Trump was about to defund them.
Elon Musk is now doing that, calling it waste, fraud and abuse. It's a LIE!
Don't expect me to cry for you when Americans get poisoned by their tap water or some toxic cloud or a train full of highly toxic waste derailing in some neighborhood. You lot have literally voted for companies to poison you.
Had harris and tampon tim won the election, would we have heard a single word about government waste in the news?
New york would have got it's 80 million to house illegals, abrams would have gotten her 20 billion and we would all be running in circles trying to find some logic in the world.
Democrats are just jealous that their money machine has a wrench in it's gears.
The same folks that investigated Trump for years, suddenly don't like being investigated themselves in directly. I hope to see criminal charges made against people that ok'd alot of the waste being found.
H.R.2961 - Audit the Pentagon Act of 2023, was introduced by Democratic Rep. Lee, Barbara, under Biden.
Under Obama, Biden was called "Sheriff Joe".
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He recovered actual fraud, not those lies Elon is presenting and are easily debunked.
Elon is just using FAKE waste, fraud and abuse as an excuse to destroy the government,
so none of your tax-dollars are waste on YOU anymore, but all of it can go to the robber barons. Trump is letting him do that, because destroying the government is needed to become a full fascist dictator.
Just on day one? No, but just as long as necessary to destroy democracy.
Remember how he lied, not being associated with Project 2025? It's in full swing.
Besides, the government has had decades to "audit" it's self and has done little to nothing of the sort.Just bloating budgets,and sending money overseas for bullshit. Food and water and medicine,I doubt most of us would complain,but rubbers and dei related stuff? that is NOT needed.
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So the buy out got 1 man out of a low paying job,into a better 1,and off the government dole. what loss was there in this case? None. I feel sure he is not alone.
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So much for Never Forget"
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These are Donnie Boy's approval ratings after one month in office. Disregard the messenger, Rachael Maddow from MSNBC, and focus on the companies doing the polling.
No one is happy with his administration.
Are you seeing how America is crumbling around you, already?
Our government may finally be turning around.
"chose to continue to work in the federal government are required to return in-person work and embrace new "performance standards" and be "reliable, loyal and trustworthy" in their work, among other new "reforms" across the government."
in other words, give the American tax payer their moneys worth. For far to long you could work for the government,be lazy, non productive and be difficult to get rid of. and expensive to keep
He sucks at actually 'picking the best people', so it will be a disaster.
The ones that leave will be the good ones, who can easily find another job.
The ones who stay will be the lazy dumb ones, and Trump will add a lot of stupid people.
You can expect all kinds of disasters.
What's the number of plane crashes up to by now?
Good job crushing the TSA and aviation safety committee.
What do you think abolishing OSHA will do? They don't just protect workers,
but also everyone else, from workers fucking up.
Trump is destroying every agency that protects citizens from crooks and idiots.
I don't know what YOU thought "destroying America" looked like, but this is it!
Some of their regulations are just plain stupid.
For a prime example,requiring hard hats. Ok, a guy with a afro in a hard hat.
I found this example but I have actually saw this on jobsites and it is ridiculas. osha can't ask him to cut his hair,nor can the boss, but what frickin good is the hard hat?
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and if you could see the required work to dig a square hole in the ground for a pipe and drain system to be built in,to pass osha, it triples the cost of the job because to dig down about 20 feet square, the hole has to be angled back about 60 feet all sides!
Wearing a hard hat is the most common sense preventative measure I could think of and you think it's an argument against safety regulations, just because one black guy has hair that you think won't work with it. If a hammer falls down from the fifth floor of a scaffolding on his head, that fro is not enough to save his life, the hard hat is.
When you don't know enough about OSHA, it's just a nuisance to you, but it's mostly about training specialists to oversee people, so they don't kill themselves, their colleagues, or civilians. When you allow companies to meddle with safety, people will suffocate in a big tank, because it wasn't cleaned or vented properly. Scaffolding will collapse onto workers, because one clamp was forgotten. Planes will crash, because someone used the wrong bolts for a porthole. Trains full of poison will derail on some village, because they cheap out on brakes. Gas pipes will explode taking out half a city block, because they cheap out on quality of parts. Buildings will collapse, because trained engineers will not be required to make important decisions and some dumb-ass will drill away half of a support beam to get his pipe through.
Sometimes people interpret safety incorrectly and they start doing useless things. The solution is to have highly trained people make decisions balancing safety and efficiency, not cut away all safety and just let people die, because companies want to save a buck.
This is just Elon Musk who is screwing everyone over a personal grievance. Tesla is 4% of the US Auto manufacturing market, yet they make up 75% of OSHA violations. It just shows he has no real innovation strength anymore, to just make the best product, with the best quality, for the best price. He thinks he needs to screw over his workers, to be competitive. That's a race to the bottom, that will reach his consumers. He was already losing to the competition, before he turned away his customers, for acting like a Nazi. Keep up his stupidity, and he will just have another car brand that no one outside the US wants to buy.
News flash, this is STILL GOING ON even with the bloated Osha agency in play. We had a bridge replacement project locally. there was a issue that a inspector was upset neighbor watched the supervisor pull 2 bottles of liquor out of the tool box on his truck and the job was checked off as passed. we have hit that $#*@($# bump in the road now for over 20 years. osha folks are just as fucking crooked as the people they watch over.
and cutting and gutting labor inspections for decades,
because they get lots of donations from companies that couldn't
care less about their workers, or citizens, or the environment.
The solution is improving OSHA, not eliminating it.
Do you want to legalize murder, because people are getting murdered anyway?
There is ways of doing jobs safely without making them difficult.
but it hurts profits and slows things down the way osha wants it done.
Profits and production should be priority with worker safety being next .without the worker the work is not done, kinda stupid to claim employers don't care about the worker, they know without them there is no money made.and the fact that people do not want to work makes it even more problematic.
He doesn't care about people getting hurt or killed,
he only cares about making the 0.1% even wealthier.
Why is it stupid to claim employers don't care about the workers,
when they literally take away the rules that made jobs safer?
Do you think people will keep supporting your ideas, when it kills them?
Those changes weren't implemented in history for fun, people demanded them.
You are just asking for a massive uprising.
directly caused by Trump's 'policies'. Remember how he promised to halve them?
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Both parties have had decades to fix things, obama wanted to pay for his health care plan with the waste he acknowledged was in the federal system.
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this link shows that feeble attempts were being made last year to do something and apparently the shit didn't work.
So now Big Balls and many others are hard at work to find fraud and fix it.
Your democrat party can't defend the fraud, or they wouldn't get a vote from a dead person,much less live 1's, so the safest thing to do is make false claims and slow down the process. which will back fire in most cases.
What really impressed me was the other day when Trump and Elon were in the oval office, Elon was ask a question and he said ,quoting the best i can," I know I will get proctology exams every day, you all may as well camp out there"
IN other words he knew the media and democraps would be up his ass all the time so he just told them to camp out there!
Trump took an oath to faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and to the best of his ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United State.
The Constitution describes a separation of powers and Trump is destroying it.
Trump is again committing treason to The Constitution.
Trump has no right to decide by himself what's best for America.
You have elected representatives of the people in congress to do that.
What you say, would be a king of the old days or a dictator of modern days.
What is being canceled is not related to fraud or wasteful spending. What is being canceled is how your country has operated for many decades.
There is no way that the president has the power to cancel what they are canceling
or to give that power to an unelected foreign-born citizen.
The FBI would normally stop that immediately, but it has been taken over by a Trump loyalist. It's a coup at every level. It's worse than I even imagined. I at least expected Trump to go through congress to destroy all those agencies.
Tell us what text in The Constitution you think describes the POTUS power to do what Trump does now.
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um, now to see if i can find out who pushed for this 2 term limit.
Ah, so the only man to hold the position for 3 terms was a DEMOCRAT. and republicans are the 1's that pushed thru the 22 admin to prevent it from happening. Apparently folks are learning from their mistakes made in history.
THe democrats should be tickled pink about this because they could put their Lord and Savior Obama back in office for example. or even bill clinton.
so what's the gripe? Republicans are trying right their wrong of 1951?
Now Trump wants to be president longer, so you want to change it.
You're not trying to right a wrong, you want to change the rules while playing.
If men are just changing gender to win in sports, that would be childish too.
You just think that's what transgenders are doing, because you agree with cheating.
If that was happening, I would be on your side, but it just isn't true.
It's just the culture war nonsense Republicans are distracting people with,
to vote against their own best interest. They need to lie and cheat to win.
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California is funding most of your red states.
If California were a country, it would be the 5th largest economy in the world
and more productive than India and the United Kingdom.
I suggest a trade. Denmark gets California and the US gets Greenland.
Denmark would be crazy to decline that offer.
But here is the deal with other countries: they are not yours!
You're about 15% - 30%. Your guy only won the election,
because liberals have standards and right-wingers do not.
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"Today, the Department of Agriculture terminated 18 contracts for a total of ~$9mm, including contracts for “Central American gender assessment consultant services”, “Brazil forest and gender consultant services”, and the “women in forest carbon initiative mentorship program.”
05:58 PM · Feb 10, 2025"
Just WHAT the hell is our department of agriculture doing spending money regarding gender assessments in CENTRAL America? what the hell dudes?
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Yes, Greta Thunberg has Asperger syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and selective mutism
So uh, what's this about Elon again?
Something else to consider, if a educated 19 year old can find the fraud in our government, why hasn't members of government found it by now and fixed it??
As Clown #1 said to Clown #2, "Don't get your cock caught on the zipper as you pee the economy down the wall. 🤣🤣😈
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I don't like waste either but, what do you think of the President going to the Super Bowl game at the tax payers dime? Or should I say millions?
As for usaid and fema, of course they are 2 different piglets sucking off the teats of the sow. time to ween them
did you know there is a bill being put thru congress now to stop paying DEAD People social security? Elon's searches have came up with people still drawing social security at 150 years old! WHY hasn't SOMEONE caught on? And Once this is stopped, someone has been cashing those checks, they should be in JAIL> of course social security could go bankrupt with DEAD people still drawing on it.
Listen to Elon explain.
how can you find fault in finding waste and fixing it?
When hell freezes over.
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Did you also hear that the American national anthem was booed at an NBA game and two NHL games in Canada?
we built the panama canal, and carter gave it away, or excuse me,before cat reminds me, we sold it for a dollar.
gaza strip, Hell no, i disagree with Trump on that 1. Sell Isreal some surplus dozers and backhoes and let them clean up the shit themselves and keep it for them selves.we don't need the burden as you know it would be a constant target of terrorist.
Hell in 40 years we can call it the Gaza jungle
If you want to democratically control vital infrastructure and vital services, then you need to keep it in PUBLIC OWNERSHIP. Stop crying that capitalism fucked over your country.
Trump is promising ethnic cleansing of Gaza. The Palestinians will of course resist,
which will be his justification to start exterminating them again.
Can I call Trump a Nazi already? What does he need to do, to deserve it?
I think it’s funny how Vince McMahon screwed Bret hart Shawn Michaels rules
yea right, if it was worth a damn, russia or china woulda done got it.
Scroll down and read "Conflict".
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It also means that they’re getting access to extraordinarily sensitive private information
that is covered by the Privacy Act and a number of other statutes and regulations designed to protect the American people from identity theft. If reports that they’ve copied this information onto other servers are true, and those servers get hacked, then many of Americans could have their bank accounts emptied by the federal government.
Here is the list of USAID expenses:
$50 million to fund condoms in Gaza
$1.5 million to advance DEI in Serbia's workplaces
$70,000 for the production of a DEI musical in Ireland
$47,000 on a transgender opera in Colombia
$32,000 for a transgender comic in Peru
$37 million to the World Health Organization
$16 million in funding for institutional contractors in gender development offices
$4 million of funding for the Center for Climate-Positive Development
$12 million in support services to the Bureau for Resilience, Environment, and Food Security
$6 million in non-emergency funding for redundant administrative supports for the Center of Excellence
$3 million in non-emergency funding to provide evaluation services for planning and learning programs
$600,000 to fund technical assistance for family planning in Latin America
Money being dumped into ukraine and covered up,in other words more money than congress was approving was going there,
up to 2 million dollars per business.!
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and you are wondering why government spending was paused? NONE of these exspenses helps America AT ALL>
Last week Trump said there was $50 million in condoms
and this week he said there are $100 million in condoms.
Considering the fact that the population of Gaza is about 1.5 million
and only half of them are men so that makes 750,000 and probably half of those people are not sexually active i.e. children and seniors.
That leaves 375,000 people on the receiving end of $100 million in condoms.
For the sake of argument let's say the condoms cost a dollar each.
Here's your math lesson for the day:
100 million divided by 375,000 equals 266.666
So each sexually active male is getting about 267 condoms.
I think the 8 million that was being given to politico was pitiful to.
makes perfect sense, pay off the media to produce "good" storys and reinforce bad rumors to maybe? Um.
and offering seven months severance pay.
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Liberals have bloated our government with so many redundant positions.
if you reduce employees' that means they are handing out less money. costing less in workers comp and health insurance and etc.
eventually he will have government running much cheaper and the money it spends will be for AMERICAN needs not some little 3rd or 4th world country that gives nothing back.
What i am looking forward to is when tax session is over and they go into the irs and rip it to shreds. bloated,over complicated, the government already knows your salary because you have taxes taken out of each pay check along with social security. why have to fill out a bunch of forms confirming what they already know? why take money if you are going to have to refund it? alot of extra steps that could be eliminated, making tax time less stressful on the people and the department cheaper to operate.
He is tricking them in not showing up for work, so he can fire them with NOTHING!
January 20: Trump fires the FAA director
January 21; Trump freezes all Air Traffic Controller hiring
January 22: Trump disbanded the Aviation Safety Advisory Committee
January 28: Trump sends a buyout/retirement ransom letter to existing FAA employees
January 29: First American mid-air collision in 16 years, 67 fatalities.
We are once again ruled by an incompetent fol
the senate left the position unfilled during the interem,not Trumps fault the man resigned.
Trump froze the hiring process to weed out dei.
Perhaps Trump felt like the remaining forces should be implemented to study crashes, eliminating redundancy that cost money.
Effective Tuesday this oil will cost Americans 10% more because of your president's tariffs. Prepare to see the effects of this at your gas pump within a week.
Let's be very clear, despite what your president has been saying for years these tariffs on products are paid for by the importer of them not the exporter. When this oil or other Canadian products cost 10 to 25% more the cost will be paid by the American Importer and then passed on to the American consumer.
Everything from China will go up 10% and everything from Mexico will go up 25% and that will come out of your wallet.
It's called a Trump tax for that reason.
Nobody wins in trade wars, it's a lose lose situation.
Just watch what happens In the Dow Jones on Monday. It's going down.
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But you would think mexico for sure would be happy to stop the drugs and illegals coming over the border to stop any of this from happening. but i still say, canada and mexico are trying to harm the US by NOT stopping the drugs before they get to the border. china sends it to mexico and canada and it has to travel around in those countries even for just a short while,why don't you folks STOP the flow of drugs and stop killing your customers children?
Of course everyone agrees that fentanyl is the worst thing in the world but where does it really come from? It comes from China. Almost all of the chemicals to make fentanyl come from China. Personally, I have a hard time understanding why drug dealers would want to kill their customers.
Do you know what the worst import from the US to Canada is? Illegal guns. Illegal guns killing Canadians. Whose responsibility do you think it is to stop those illegal guns from coming into Canada?
Your president campaigned on a promise to lower prices but this will achieve exactly the opposite. Inflation will go up in all three countries. Unemployment will go up in all three countries.
And just for the record Canada and Mexico will especially target red states and swing states.
Nobody will win in a trade war… ever.
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It was just announced that Trump has cancelled tariffs on Mexico for a month.
UM , must be something to this tariff thing after all, we got results without any of our prices going up?
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Putin understands it. This is the respect America is supposed to receive. Europe will figure out soon enough it will work with us or else.
Besides, if your country was as safe as we are lead to believe there would be no market for guns there. Has your leader mentioned this problem to Trump?
Perhaps he might would do more for the issue if he is aware of it. Perhaps your leader should have used this as a lever to counter act the tariffs instead of just threatening more from your side.
I suppose the Secret Service would be an exception to that rule if a US dignitary is travelling abroad.
The guns are sold to gangs.
Tariffs are always met with counter tariffs. Trump knows that from his first go round with Canada.
Other countries have been walking all over the United States 🇺🇸 for years we buy from every country and they don’t even come close to what they buy from us and it’s mainly our own fault because we don’t make anything anymore except maybe cardboard boxes 📦 that came about back in the early 70s when we empowered a group called the EPA that said it’s to dangerous to manufacture anything go figure
What happened with "they moved out because labor is much much cheaper than in the US"? Labor is by far the biggest expense in any business entity.
EPA, give me a break.
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Why should we worry about what contamination mining iron ore causes when China doesn’t care
They are what tamed the Wild West you know
to get federal grants, student loans, Medicaid, CHIP, SNAP, or TANF?
What a strange solution to the problem of an incompetent government, incapable
of identifying fraudsters; let's cut all those things for everyone!
You say the police is being incompetent. Is your solution to do away with police?
And, another point, they DO break the law by entering the country illegally, but, that’s done without malice or forethought. The crime is a byproduct of a travel decision. Fraud is a deliberate crime that takes planning and willingness to commit a crime.
Frankly, I just don’t understand your thought process can see it any other way. You, like your MAGA brethren, know that illegal entry into our country is a victimless crime fueled by the great need of these people, so, you have to accuse them of other, more heinous crime in order to support your bigoted ways.
Explain why my neighbor that was going to the local health department couldn't get service because of the long lines of spanish speaking people crowding the place with screaming kids wanting shots?
Global investment banks warned that the tariffs would hit the US economy alongside the rest of the world. Analysts at UBS and Morgan Stanley forecast that if the tariffs were sustained they could halve US real GDP growth this year — reducing it by more than 1 percentage point.
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Trump will send it to the supreme court, and they will crap all over the 14th Amendment.
It's only a matter of time, until The Constitution is just toilet paper.
That is what sunk alot of his great ideas the first go round was fighting impeachments and hoaxs and just plain insubordinate personal
Sometimes the law fails to do that, but mostly they are correct.
That's why a president should obey the law, because then solutions they use to fix things have less risk of hurting people.
Those impeachments were acting against Trump blatantly disrespecting the law, for his own benefit. He didn't want to fix anything, he was fixing (as in castrating) democracy.
If illegals have children,where it is said the child becomes a citizen? and then how do you propose dealing with the parent or parents? They are here illegally.
It is called anchor babies. mexican women come here, get prego, drop 4 kids with 4 daddys they can't find and then guess who gets to keep them up? We the tax payer .What entitlement does that illegal have to OUR money just for dropping babies? Sure it's not the babies fault, and as for the Dreamers, they came under the direction of their parents under the age of 18, they were not able to decide for themselves to come or not. so a reasonable path should be made for them, and sure, maybe the baby of the illegal can stay and be a citizen in a compromise but the illegal must leave. how many would do that?
fix the border and alot of this shit would not be a issue.
new Americans. That's how ALL of you became Americans.
What are the words written on the Statue of Liberty?
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore."
If you don't want (children of) (illegal) immigrants to become Americans,
that's the problem, when YOU create a system that allows for employing illegals,
because they are desperate enough to work for less money.
You keep accusing those illegals of being bad, but the people who exploit them are worse. They are hurting desperate people and they are hurting American workers.
You are supporting that system, because they told you that it makes food cheaper.
That is a lie; it makes food more profitable for people who own the food business.
The affordability of food (and every other product) is dependent ONLY on supply
and demand AND the ability of the market to price gauge consumers, due to
their ability to eliminate competition.
Why did I say the "affordability of food" and not the "price of food"?
Because the price is just a number and not important, it's the ratio between
how much money the sellers are asking for the food and how much money the buyers can spend to buy food (and everything else they need and want in life).
I tried to ask a lady for help getting some spray paint at the local walmart because it is locked up, she could not speak english and just walked away.didn't care that she couldn't do her job
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2 hours after the threat of tariffs, the man even offered to send his own plane.
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China also has agreed to take back their illegals to avoid tariffs,
so even more immigrants come looking for a job.
Since when do illegals come from China?
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How many Chinese immigrants came to the US in 2024?
So far in FY24, 24,376 Chinese nationals have been encountered at the Southwest border, 24,214 of them apprehended illegally crossing the border. Encounters of Chinese nationals in March 2024 increased over 8,000 percent compared to March 2021, and have surpassed all of last fiscal year––just six months into FY24.Apr 18, 2024
Now please bare in mind we have had chinese spy balloons flying over our country recently. THere has been hacking into our national treasury, once in our oil pipeline systems and alot more. this is easier for china to accomplish if you have operatives on the ground here in the US
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"Last year, a record number of Chinese migrants crossed the U.S. southern border without authorization. In search of jobs and freedom from China's heavy-handed pandemic response, they followed paths long walked by migrants from many countries.
Politicians on the right, led by former President Donald Trump, baselessly claim Chinese migrants are spies or drug smugglers, sent by Beijing to harm Americans."
Two point though: They are a tiny percentage from the total number of immigrants
and they were apprehended, showing that your border security is doing pretty well.
If you find some that broke through, they are probably harvesting oranges.
That spy balloon story has been debunked. China is surely hacking everyone
they can hack, but only stupid people think that a balloon would be helpful to do that.
If your national treasury would be vulnerable to wireless hacking from a balloon,
it would have been already looted a long time ago.
Funny how you're scared of Chinese spies, but don't care how Putin is paying
your right-wing YouTubers to spread harmful disinformation. It's destroying America, but you like America to be destroyed in that way. You want to BE Russia.
You want to have a fake-alpha leader, who controls your country, to steal all the money from the people, have fake elections where the outcome is set before the voting even begins, all political enemies killed or get missing and your young men to die in glorious battle, by the millions, to steal new territory for the oligarch empire, just like Russia.
Everything I told you is already set in motion by Trump.
Putin is an asshole, but he's smart and even has a good sense of humor.
You help those people by supplying jobs ,so they can work and make money to buy their own homes instead of standing around at the methadone clinic waiting for handouts. OH yea, that methadone democrats give to dope heads, created by the NAZI'S. Research it.
Democrats showed us their true colors when they ram rodded Soro's purchase of radio stations back in september. that license change normally takes a year long review process. But it was rammmed thru so soro's could buy the debt for 50 cent on the dollar and profit from it.
3 democrats in the fcc voted for it,2 republicans tried to protect free speech on talk radio by voting now.
HOw can you have free speech with a communist owning the communications?
Democrats showed their true colors when they said it was fine for a baby to lie crying on a table and die if the parents decided last minuted they didn't want it.
Democrats showed us their true colors when they chose a fish over adequate water supplies in california.
Fema under democrats showed us their true colors when they denied service to Trump supporters.
Democrats showed their true colors when pelosi tore up the state of the union address in front of the world.
Democrats are also showing us their colors when they protect illegal alien criminals over their tax paying citizens.
if you say harris is qualified,you are nuts
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how the hell he qualified for that is WAY beyond understanding,that is a position few ever acheive.
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soros shortcut!
220 radio stations sold. normally takes a year to approve a sale like this.