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POLITICS...Pertaining to the United States of America.

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Started by tecsan at 13,Sep,22 07:10  other posts of tecsan
Your views, thoughts or simply opinions. The Economy is not well (understatement). I know there are some here that will try to link the country they are residing in as problems of the USA. Sorry the USA cannot be responsible for 100% of the problems in the world nor should they be expected to help repair all problems.

Similar topics: 1.American men?   2.nude   3.Donald Trump 45th President of United States   4.🎆 🇺🇸 HaPpY BiRtHdAy America!! 🇺🇸 🎆   5.The Nobel Peace Prize 🏅  

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By leopoldij at 27,Jul,24 02:05 other posts of leopoldij 
A great book

God's Man in the White House: Donald Trump in Modern Christian Prophecy

By James Beverley and Larry N Willard

Quite unknown by most of the general public is the fact that Christian prophets have been claiming for over a decade that Donald Trump is the chosen one, that he is God’s man for the White House for this particular hour. In this book, God’s Man in the White House, Professor James A. Beverley documents the hundreds of prophecies about Donald Trump that started over 10 years ago, and provides the political and religious context for the ongoing prophecies and controversies about the 45th president.

Here is the most complete collection of over 500 prophesies and statements made by more than 100 prophets and top Christian leaders, including: Kim Clement, Mark Taylor, Lance Wallnau, Lana Vawser, Lou Engle, Jeremiah Johnson, Michael Brown, Frank Amedia, Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell, Jr., Paula White, Stephen Strang, Robert Jeffress, Rodney Howard-Browne, Jim Garlow, and James Dobson. Whatever your view- you will benefit greatly from this collection.

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 25,Jul,24 13:49 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
This is for the site alley CAT. Looks like it’s time to make a call to the Florida state sex offender office.

By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Jul,24 08:06 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Wow, if these pathetically silly antics are MAGA's only idea to attack Kamala Harris with,
it will be a landslide victory for her.

Please come up with something better. You owe it to yourself.

You need to fake shit, while Democrats can just speak the truth about your guy.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 26,Jul,24 12:18 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
When you live in America, come back and try again to insult me. Idiots like you always think their opinions matter. You think because you can use google and watch the news you have an inkling of how living in the United States actually is. But then again you are anal licker and agree with allowing ****philes on-site and people that fuck dogs. A perfect candidate to be a Democrap.

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By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Jul,24 12:23 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
That's only an answer, when you have nothing better.
Can you only parrot things other people say?
Why don't you try thinking for yourself?

Is it normal in America to elect sex offenders, who were friends with sex traffickers
of minors, and most likely engaged in crimes with those sex traffickers of minors,
to the presidency? Would I understand, if I lived in America?

That was a funny video though.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 26,Jul,24 15:56 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Imagine being so obsessed with the political affairs of another country you know nothing about that you have to interject yourself into everything to make yourself appear well rounded and intelligent. I mean no one gives a fuck about the Dutch so why not huh?
By kebmo at 26,Jul,24 22:48 other posts of kebmo 
Canadians give a fuck about the Dutch.

Now I’ll wait for you to say something clever.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 26,Jul,24 23:37 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Whatever Kebmo, you’ve really turned into a jackass. Or maybe you e always been one and your true colors are finally showing. I’d say no one gives a crap about Canadians either, but my friend Daffu was a Canadian and one of the coolest, and smartest people I had the pleasure to call a friend. I guess you’re the exception to Canadians being nice.
By kebmo at 26,Jul,24 23:47 other posts of kebmo 
My jackassedness is reciprocal to yours.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 27,Jul,24 00:44 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Insert eye roll. Okay Uncle Fucker.
By kebmo at 27,Jul,24 01:32 other posts of kebmo 
I have always found it interesting that unintelligent people like yourself invariably resort to name-calling when they have no intelligent retort to someone else’s comment.

By #578610 at 26,Jul,24 12:46 other posts of #578610 
It looks like Kamala is a force to be reckoned with.
By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Jul,24 13:09 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Seeing the absolute panic breaking out under MAGA, I tend to agree.

If she picks the right VP candidate, they are done for,
because they already regret picking JD Vance.

I just saw clips of Trump's white nationalist base losing their goddamn mind
over Vance being married to an Indian/American woman, having children with
Indian names and picking an Indian vegan diet over the 'traditional American diet'.
Damn, what a bunch of racist lunatics.

Yep, they would need to consider that she could be first lady, one day.
Seeing Trump's 'traditional American diet', his heart is on borrowed time.
By #578610 at 26,Jul,24 15:46 other posts of #578610 
I agree. He eats like the pig he is.

By kebmo at 14,Jul,24 07:16 other posts of kebmo 
Trump’s shooter is identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks, a registered Republican voter.
By tecsan at 14,Jul,24 09:46 other posts of tecsan 
A sad day in AMERICA. (Crooks the coward).
By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Jul,24 10:25 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
When you said Hamas are cowards, because they killed children, you had a point.
But, someone who tries to kill a grown-ass man, protected by snipers, is not a coward. Even if he turns out to be a Nazi, who is angry at Trump for not building destruction camps yet, hoping Nicki Haley will do that job better. The act of sacrificing your own life for what you believe in is not cowardice. Even Nazi soldiers fought with courage.

Trump is a coward for using stochastic terrorism against his political opponents
and the Justice System, for holding him accountable for his crimes.

Trump was a coward for sicking his cult members on the capital, who had a gallows outside to hang Mike Pence and Nanci Pelosi, for his lie to keep him in power, while he was watching TV. Trump is a coward for lying about it for eternity and ordering his sycophants in the Supreme Court to give him immunity, so he will never face consequences for his TREASON. He deserves to have his brains splattered all over,
but as a humanist I try to suppress such primitive feelings.
As someone who understands cause and effect, I know that Trump is only a symptom of the disease. He didn't think of Project 2025, and while he would love to be the dictator, there are many Republicans who would be even more evil and more effective.
At least Trump is not a religious zealot, and is not really interested in doing Christian sharia. He just wants to be de deity himself, like his one and only true love; Kim Jong un.

By dgraff at 14,Jul,24 10:20 other posts of dgraff 
If you know any history about the Biden crime family you will find out that Joe had ties with the Scranton mafia just ask Jill Biden’s x husband there were hits put out on him to
By kebmo at 14,Jul,24 15:48 other posts of kebmo 
So his 50 years in politics were just a cover for his crime family?

Dgraff, I was born at night, but it sure as hell wasn’t last night.
By dgraff at 14,Jul,24 16:03 other posts of dgraff 
I live 50 miles from where he lived and I have to tell ya he’s made the Pennsylvania news papers plenty in the last 50 years some good and some bad but he was always in the newspaper
By kebmo at 14,Jul,24 16:34 other posts of kebmo 
So why has he never been arrested? Oh let me guess, he owns the cops too.
--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes

And by the way, if you were suggesting that President Biden had his fingers in this pie, which I think you are, I can guarantee you he would not send some 20-year-old kid to do the job. Agreed?
By dgraff at 14,Jul,24 17:08 other posts of dgraff 
I remember him being in the news papers for owed parking fines because he thought he should be able to park that piece of shit Volvo station wagon he had any were he wanted the glove box was full of unpaid parking tickets
--------------------------------------- added after 99 seconds

So you see kebmo I’m a little more familiar with that family than you can find on the internet
By kebmo at 14,Jul,24 17:15 other posts of kebmo 
Do you agree that if Biden had anything to do with this that he would send someone other than a 20-year-old kid with no military background?
By dgraff at 14,Jul,24 18:13 other posts of dgraff 
Biden himself yeah he would not send a 20 year old but if he went through some of his old buddies they might have sent a 20 year old I’m sure the Scranton mafia has some recruited

By #578610 at 14,Jul,24 19:18 other posts of #578610 
I think that Biden should send Seal Team 6. After all, it's legal now.
By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Jul,24 10:40 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
They won't say anything, but be sure they remember you said it...
It's only a joke to your side. They take it deadly seriously.

By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Jul,24 11:15 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"that piece of shit Volvo station wagon"
The elites have taught you well, to shit on the normal American.
Yes, Biden came from humble roots and Trump from a wealthy dad.

I prefer my representatives to have shit Volvo station wagons,
instead of Bentleys and Rolls-Royces. All those affluenza ridden
silver-spoon-fed spoiled fail-sons that you prefer, don't understand anything
about the life of the normal American, who you pretend to care about.

You can't go bankrupt six times and then still shit on a golden toilet.
That's why Trump doesn't give a fuck about you. He only cares about the wealthy people. He spent his life trying to present himself as one, but they all considered him a vulgar pretender. They now stroke his ego, asking him nicely to not regulate them and give them more tax-cuts. They bribe him too, which he like too, but it's mostly that they 'love him' now. They don't, but he's not able to see the difference between love, respect and just pretending. That's why he married Melania.
By dgraff at 15,Jul,24 11:23 other posts of dgraff 
That pice of shit Volvo station wagon was 40 years ago back when old joe could still comprehend driving skills back before any one heard of old Joe Biden but because he lived so close to me I had to read about his crooked antics in the news paper all the time
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

That’s what is great about America 🇺🇸 you can start a business and if it fails file bankruptcy and start a new business under another name
A beautiful option
By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Jul,24 11:28 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You do get my point, you're just deflecting.

I'm sure those newspapers were very objective.

Ever read up about what Trump was doing all his life?
Why do you think the chickens are coming home to roost now?
You can hide a lot, but in politics you're under the microscope.
You are crying about parking tickets, while Trump is a r@pist, a fraud
and a traitor. And he was spending more time in court, before he was president, than you have spent in school. Biden hasn't.

What are you crying about then, about your garage going bankrupt under Biden?
Just throw all your debts on your creditors, your banks, your subcontractors
and your employees, and start over, like Trump did 6 times.
It doesn't work that way for a small entrepreneur, doesn't it?
To the elites, you are working class. They only protect their own.

Biden was chosen by Obama, because he had the appearance of working class.
He wasn't, he's a career politician, but he understands some of their struggles.
When they try to make a fist against the elites, he supports them, while Trump supports the elites. "Back to the mines with you, peasants! Go shovel!"
By dgraff at 15,Jul,24 11:51 other posts of dgraff 
I meet trump he is actually a nice guy he put me up in a sweet at trump place and gave me 1000 dollars in **** chips to get started
--------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes

No I’m way too smart for bankruptcy I m figuring things to get a lot worse if some how Joe Biden is re-elected so I already sold off all my investments and all my equipment and closed the garage down and retired my government is not putting my dick in the dirt i still have my mountain property and my gun collection
By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Jul,24 12:45 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You were in a suite at Trump's place and he gave you $1000 in chips?
Under what circumstances did that happen? I need a bit more to believe you.

No he isn't. Just because he smiled at you, doesn't make him a nice guy.
Every single politician has the ability to make you think they are a nice guy,
if you meet them, especially when the person they meet already warship the ground they walk on. Go look at the people who work for them, or have to live with them, or live next door, then you see what kind of people they are.
By dgraff at 15,Jul,24 13:58 other posts of dgraff 
That was years ago I was in my twenties and in Atlantic City ****
By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Jul,24 15:34 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
And because of that experience you think he's a nice guy.
Well, first impressions count, they say. I would say; not that much.
It must have been blind infatuation, for you to disregard everything
he did after that.

Or you just have a really strange idea about how nice guys act.
He even craps on guys and gals who were nothing but loyal to him.
And literally everyone else he ever worked with hate his guts
for him using them like chumps. A nice guy doesn't do that.
Of course there are some self-loathing cucks who come back for more.

Trump even uses his own children as the scapegoats.
They just stick with him because of his inheritance and because
they think they can bank on the Trump brand for a career.
They have even less brains and talent than their father,
so they need him to stay relevant.

Seen Melania lately? That nice guy is certainly a good husband.
By dgraff at 15,Jul,24 20:20 other posts of dgraff 
I know right he treats her like a queen he worships the ground she walks on what a great guy he must be
By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Jul,24 20:46 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Oh, common, he treats her like a thing or a piece of meat.
He worships the ground Ivanka walks on. In a dirty way.

By phart at 15,Jul,24 23:42 other posts of phart 
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By Ananas2xLekker at 16,Jul,24 07:34 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"Donald Trump quietly driving his Rolls Royce while listening to Taylor Swift’s “Blank Space", filmed by Melania from the back seat with flash on."

He's a Swiftie, but he cannot handle that she's rich, but not just thinking about herself and paying less taxes, but cares about other people too.
He cannot even fathom the concept.

By #578610 at 15,Jul,24 15:48 other posts of #578610 
But if you are retired and the Republicans (Trump) want to abolish Social Security and Medicare, what will happen to you, Dgraff.
By dgraff at 15,Jul,24 20:15 other posts of dgraff 
Were did you get an idea like that
That’s a bunch of hogwash i never seen nor heard anything about doing away with social security
By #578610 at 16,Jul,24 00:16 other posts of #578610 
I saw this the other day
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By dgraff at 16,Jul,24 00:29 other posts of dgraff 
That’s from joe Biden’s mouth the old fool thinks his name is actually Brandon but i never heard anything from the republican on this issue for years Joe Biden voted to raise taxes on social security as a senator so i don’t trust him one bit
By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Jul,24 13:59 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"House Republicans Resurrect Plan to Gut Social Security and Medicare"
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"FACT SHEET: 80% of House Republicans Release Plan Targeting Medicare, Social Security, and the Affordable Care Act, Raising Costs, and Cutting Taxes for the Wealthy"
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"Calls for over $1.5 trillion in cuts to Social Security, including an increase in the retirement age to 69 and cutting disability benefits."

Or how Fox 'News' shifts it: "Republicans warm to Social Security, Medicare reform as 2024 election nears"
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Sure, "reform", how Leatherface 'reforms' people with a chainsaw.
By dgraff at 17,Jul,24 14:57 other posts of dgraff 
I’m sorry are you talking to me cupcake
By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 13:09 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I wouldn't be so bold as to assume you would be persuaded by facts.
But, maybe some has a use for it.
By dgraff at 18,Jul,24 13:26 other posts of dgraff 
I believe what I want to believe facts mean nothing to me
By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 14:52 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
At least you know and admit it.
By phart at 18,Jul,24 18:04 other posts of phart 
your facts, his facts,my facts,the governments facts, obama's facts, bidens fact's, Trump's fact's, fauchi's facts,
so many facts, so little proof that any of them are viable except what you can see with your own eyes, feel with your own hands, smell with your own noses, hear with your own ears ,and afford to live with out of your wallet.
and my facts are that the economy has SUCKED out loud for the past 3 years.
By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jul,24 09:15 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You are at least understanding one of the biggest problems;
if even our facts are different, how can we agree on anything?

Proof doesn't exist. It's impossible to know anything 100% for sure.
But there is lots of evidence and there is logical reasoning.

There are clear methods of measuring the economy. You are using them, when you want to say Trump did a good job. You are completely rejecting all of the same measuring methods, to keep believing the lie Trump tells you.

You are not objective. It's not a bubble, it's willful self deception.
Trump did not invent the term 'alternative facts' for nothing.
By dgraff at 20,Jul,24 15:03 other posts of dgraff 
And I guess you don’t think any lies come out of Biden’s mouth it is to laugh he’s been lying to us for 50 years
By Ananas2xLekker at 21,Jul,24 17:18 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I don't listen to Biden. The last thing you should do, if you want
to know how a/your country is doing, is listening to politicians.
You need to find the most objective sources available.
By dgraff at 21,Jul,24 19:30 other posts of dgraff 

By #578610 at 20,Jul,24 12:35 other posts of #578610 
$1000 in casino chips is like a tip to the car porter. You lose it soon and then you lose yours. It's what is known in retail as a loss leader item. At least you had fun.
By phart at 20,Jul,24 13:55 other posts of phart 
although i must admit,i have never did any g@mbling, it would be nice to win a few 1000 to take care of some bills. but I just can't bring myself to do it, i was raised to understand sometimes the best way to double your money was fold it and put it back in your pocket.

By the way, Gaxbling is a word not allowed here it got x'd out when i typed it and entered
By #578610 at 20,Jul,24 16:11 other posts of #578610 
It must be too sexually sugestive
By phart at 20,Jul,24 16:26 other posts of phart 

By dgraff at 20,Jul,24 14:58 other posts of dgraff 
Yeah that’s the way I figured it was a bus trip and a bunch of us went they dropped us off on a Friday and picked us back up Sunday they had fabulous all you can eat buffets and free drinks all in all i had fun
By #578610 at 20,Jul,24 16:12 other posts of #578610 

By phart at 20,Jul,24 16:26 other posts of phart 
now the buffets, I could get into that!!!! UM SHRIMPS,!um.
By dgraff at 20,Jul,24 16:42 other posts of dgraff 
They had shrimp that big you could make a sandwich out of them
By phart at 20,Jul,24 17:03 other posts of phart 

By #578610 at 20,Jul,24 18:37 other posts of #578610 
Nothing like a bucket of shrimp and a bucket of beer. Some shrimp cocktail and lime. Oh, yeah, good company.
By phart at 22,Jul,24 20:46 other posts of phart 
when Red lobster has the all you can eat shrimp, that is when I do my once a year trip to Red lobster,so I can get all the shrimp scampi!!!! i could eat my weight in that stuff every day the rest of my life I do believe, damn it's good.And sop up the juice with a cheese bread roll!
By #578610 at 22,Jul,24 21:53 other posts of #578610 
I've heard that Red Lobster is going into bankruptcy because of the all you can eat shrimp.
By phart at 22,Jul,24 23:22 other posts of phart 
Well I only made it once a year so it weren't my fault. But if i could afford to I would have eat it at least once a week.
By #578610 at 23,Jul,24 11:36 other posts of #578610 
Me too

By #578610 at 23,Jul,24 14:25 other posts of #578610 
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By phart at 20,Jul,24 20:28 other posts of phart 
I am thinking the gift chips are probably a different weight and when inserted go thru a different chute in the machine so they do not win much if any, just enough to hook you.
I used service similar machines and there was a couple knobs you could adjust and you could either win or loose alot based on the adjustments.

By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 15:34 other posts of #578610 
Born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, Biden moved with his family to Delaware in 1953. He graduated from the University of Delaware in 1965 before earning his law degree from Syracuse University in 1968.

Must have been another crime family.

By #578610 at 25,Jul,24 12:43 other posts of #578610 
The family moved out of Pennsylvania in the early 1050’s

By phart at 14,Jul,24 21:53 other posts of phart 
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As I have tried to explain to the hard headed liberals like cat, FIX THE SCHOOL BULLYING PROBLEM>
"Jason Kohler attended Bethel Park High School with Crooks and said he remembers the 20-year-old sat alone at lunch and was “bullied every day.” Kids picked on Crooks for wearing camouflage to class and his quiet demeanor, Kohler, 21, said."

How long before people figure out if kids are bullied in school it harms their mental state and turns them into killers??

Also, Anannas always says he is a good observer of the US because he lives outside it. So do the Russians, and I agree 100% with their statement in regards to the Trump shooting.
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By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Jul,24 12:10 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Yes, I'm a good observer of the US.

Apart from not being part of a "well regulated militia",
Thomas Matthew Crooks took the 2nd amendment very seriously.
He was using his AR-15, like all the other extremist gun nuts.
He understood that "tyranny" was afoot and he wanted to "thwart" it.
Unfortunately, he has probably given democracy the last cut.
The Constitution is shredded, the Supreme Court is corrupted
and Law And Order has been nullified. Long live Emperor Trump.

It's not an atmosphere Biden created, it's REALITY!!
Biden is too fucking WEAK, to point out reality clearly.
He's probably scared of the firing squad, that Trump is planning for him.
Just like all the other cowards, who don't want to replace him anymore now.
All of a sudden, they all unite behind Biden. Good call, hiding behind a corps!

When Putin took power, all of the Russian government resigned.
I see this happening in the US in the near future, in the best circumstances.
Liberty Dies, With Thunderous Applause, from YOU!!!

Should I be surprised that you agree with Putin? DUH!!!

By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Jul,24 16:02 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Now they know he is a registered Republican voter, they all say it doesn't matter.
Don't you just think it would matter to them, if he was a registered Democrat?

My hypothesis after hearing the latest information; he's just another bullied school kid,
with a gun fetish, who wanted to commit suicide with a statement.
This one just didn't shoot up a school, but had another 'bright idea'.

I say that, because he used the AR-15, the choice tool for mass murderers.
It's not intended for accuracy, it's designed for maximum kill numbers.
That's why the national guard snipers don't use the AR-15.
If he had used the correct rifle, Trump would be dead now.
That rules out a professional hit-job; they would not make this mistake.

Don't blame Democrats for rightly pointing out Trump as a danger to democracy,
blame Republicans for allowing AR-15's to be sold like candy to schoolkids.
By phart at 15,Jul,24 23:46 other posts of phart 
FIX the bully problem, and the guns would not be a issue.
ANGER,Hate, desire for revenge, those things make a person seek out a tool to take action against their aggressor. FIX THAT.
As for the AR, i don't own 1 because after the first shot, the damn thing starts going up because of recoil, you can't hit a damn thing with it.
What I shoot, hits the fucking target.every time.
By Ananas2xLekker at 16,Jul,24 07:46 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Fix everything except the real problem. I've heard it 100 times.
But you don't want to fix the other problems either, because they cost money.
And it's all very woke to consider the feelings of the students.
And your Christian extremists are replacing professional school counselors
with preachers. If you are bullied, a bible verse won't help you.

ANGER, Hate, desire for revenge, are the MAGA culture.
Trump and all the cult members are giving the wrong example 24/7.
That it could ever come back to bite him, he never imagined.
Well, stop making people crazy, crazy people are unpredictable.

Most of your mass-shooters are 20 year oldish white males.
At that age hormones are raging through their bodies,
they have all those anxieties about their studies, debt, future
and the world they need to find a place in for themselves,
find a job that might in the future pay for a house and family,
while jobs don't pay shit, because everyone in your culture
still considers them to be a stupid kid, worth nothing.

You think those young people are mostly stupid and useless,
but they can join a gun-club and learn to shoot like a SWAT team member
and easily buy an AR-15 or get it from dad, who has it lying around.
They are not much use for self defense, if they are in a safe, right?
Hell, your Republican politicians are sending Christmas cards
where even the children are holding assault rifles. SICK AS FUCK!!!
I've never seen "crazed lunatic" Nanci Pelosi "sick woman with mental problems"
do that. With Republicans, every accusation is a confession.

It's not a serious responsibility to defend yourself, it's a GUN FETISH!
And MAGA is "poisoning the blood of your country" with it.
By phart at 16,Jul,24 13:13 other posts of phart 
You are in a bubble.
I guess the terrorist that shot Trump was killed by a slingshot?

Thoes 20 somethings, don't understand that the "old" people didn't get their homes and cars for free. They didn't wake up 1 morning to a 30 dollar a hour job. They WORKED their way up a ladder.They took that crumby 2 dollar a hour job in 1973 and worked their way up to a salary that would cover the house and car.
UNtil schools teach it takes work,and then teach them HOW TO WORK and how to maintain a budget, they will always be dumb at 20. not all their fault,but partly. They could stay out of drugs, they could work summer jobs to stay out of trouble, that is the goal of a kid working during the summer, make a bit of money,and keep them OCCUPIED so they don't have time to explore drugs and crime.
YES, fix every problem , the gun is not the problem.
Many folks are rotting in the ground from rocks, knives,arrows, fist, acid ,poisons
By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Jul,24 11:28 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"I guess the terrorist that shot Trump was killed by a slingshot?"
Who killed this terrorist? Not a responsible armed citizen, right?
What's your idea here, that I think the national guard shouldn't have guns?

It's pure ignorance, if you don't see the difference in affordability of living now and 50 years ago, or even 20 years ago. One low education steady full-time job could support a family. That same living standard is now unobtainable for most people. When I entered the housing market, I could not do it on just my own HIGH education steady full-time SHIFT job, we needed the income of my girlfriend too. I would not be able to enter the housing market today. It requires TWO HIGH education steady full-time jobs now. Less than that, and you are happy to afford buying small apartment. Rent has gone up by at least a factor of 4, in the last 20 years. Wages have not even been keeping up with inflation.

Do you not know this? If not, can you inform yourself?
If you do know, can you at least admit THIS? It's not much to ask.
By phart at 17,Jul,24 20:33 other posts of phart 
1 income would pay house payments when a welders wages were around 6 bucks a hour and a hamburger was .69 cents.

The burger joint in 1970 paid 1.80 a hour.
Now fast food folks think they need 18 a hour or 20.
So the burger cost 5 bucks.

When wages go up, cost go up, can't you at least admit money does not grow on trees?

Where do you think labor cost is supposed to come from if not out of the cost above product for a hamburger,a house or a car if not from increaseing the price to cover it??
By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 10:08 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Just deflection again. I could just say: "You admit nothing, so I won't!"

Again, what's different then between then and now?
Did wages not add up into the costs, back then?

Actually, productivity has gone up by over 250%, which means the cost percentage of labor has gone down. Instead of employees benefiting from that, the owner class benefited from that. That's how millionaires became billionaires and will soon be trillionaires, while the working class becomes the poor.

True, money does not grow on trees.
It's just how the pie or hamburger gets divided.

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 14:59 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"According to a Fox News interview with Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso, the agency responsible for protecting the former president identified the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, as a "character of suspicion” more than an hour before Saturday's shooting which wounded Trump and left one person dead."

"He was identified as a character of suspicion because (he had) a rangefinder as well as a backpack. And this was over an hour before the shooting actually occurred,” said Barrasso."

It's just "suspicious" to carry around a rangefinder near the president?
In my country, they at least take you to the police station
and don't let you go until it's clear why you would have one
and they would search your house for illegal weapon possession.
In your crazy gun country, that's just a prop for a normal hobby.
By phart at 18,Jul,24 18:06 other posts of phart 
the back pack bugs me far more than the range finder.
what was in it? Bomb? Acid? Poison? we know what the range finder can do, if you don't own any binoculars you can see your candidate up closer with a range finder.
If it's all I had to see better with,it's what I would use.
By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jul,24 09:32 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
OMG, he might have had a bomb, acid or poison in his backpack!
You allow people to carry around a much more effective mass murder tool.
He didn't use the bomb, acid or poison, because a fucking AR-15 works better!

How can you see the difference in your country, between a 'good guy with a gun' and a guy with a gun, who's intending to kill a (former) president?
The only CLUE could have been that he had a rangefinder in his back pack.
There was no bomb or acid in it, so he was just a guy with a hobby.


By #578610 at 20,Jul,24 12:37 other posts of #578610 
Phart, I assume from your strong post you were bullied in school?
By phart at 20,Jul,24 13:57 other posts of phart 
uh,yes, And to be frank with you, had i been able to reach a bomb or some acid or a gun or a bulldozer,there would be some dead sumbitches.I would have preferred a bulldozer because I could have pushed down the school! that would have felt so good. I would have done it during a pep rally to,I hated them fucking events
BUT i will say, I had 1 of them come up to me crying years later asking forgiveness and he later killed himself so i guess i was the better man after all.

And the sad thing is, nothing was ever done to stop the bullying, 1 principle told me to man up and fight and quit whining everytime it could I fight? I was underwieght because my mother starved me, Some response from people i was supposed to be able to trust..
What could have been done is suspend the bastards and then I could have went to school,and felt able to pay attention and learn,and coulda went further in life because I would have higher grades.
But no, it was allowed to continue for years, go to class sore,bruised,both from being beaten at home and on the school bus, food thrown on me, stuff stolen from me,how the fuck could I be happy go lucky? How could i be expected to go thru life loving everything and everybody when I only saw the bad side of people?
FIX that problem in the schools and so much would be better.
By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Jul,24 09:55 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Funny, how you put the gun between a bomb, some acid and a bulldozer.
In countries where people use a bomb, some acid or a bulldozer,
those are the best means available to them, because the gun ain't legal.
In your country, a gun is much easier to get than a bomb, some acid or a bulldozer.

I was bullied from time to time too, but I was never bruised from being beaten.
They could torment me, but whenever they laid a hand on me, I got the red mist before my eyes and I just exploded on the person. I've never been in a fight, that I haven't ended in more than one kick or a few punches. Then, they were crying on the ground and I was raging: "Did you want to fight?" or "Never tough me again!"
and then it was over, every time. I broke my hand once, in two places, but they guy never bothered me again.
These outbursts helped me against bullying, but that I didn't like that temper.
My younger brother was on the receiving end once or twice, and I lost a friend over it once. It also almost got me kicked off Judo, but they did put me in a group with older kids. I was small for my age, so I was in a group of a bit younger children, but they put me in a group with a bit older children. The first day, my toenail got kicked half off, taking weeks to heal and then I stopped doing Judo. I think I've got that monster inside under control, because I haven't seen it come out the last 20 years. Having a girlfriend who had an even worse temper, I had to be the most controlled one. I have never beat or kicked her, but I've seen her smash stuff and I had to push her off me once when she wanted to scratch my skin open. She had a horrible childhood, but she has recovered from it. She has progressed in a lot of things, the past 25 years.

There are many school programs to stop bullying kids. It starts with acceptance of kids who are different. They don't have to be LGTB, but kids who accept kids who are LGTB are also better in accepting kids with ADD, Asperger, autism, low IQ, high IQ, being small, slouching, crooked legs, ugliness, etc. These programs are all considered 'woke' by conservatives. It's just a term for accepting 'different' people.
Nothing brings out the bad in people as much as intolerance.
By phart at 22,Jul,24 15:25 other posts of phart 
I didn't want to "kill" the assholes as so as much as I wanted to terrorize them as much or moreso than they did me.
I think the school crumbling down around their evil little ass's would have put the fear of God in them.
By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Jul,24 13:29 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
So you would make a school crumble and affect all children,
just because of some bullies?

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 09:42 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Normally, the right-wing media will go after the parents of a murderer like that.
They will ask themselves what they did wrong. How awful are these parents?
Want to know why they don't do that now?

His father Mathew Crooks was profiled in Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign database, as a strong Republican supporter, gun owner and hunter. He had a score 0.99 on a scale of 0-1 in 'gun owner enthusiasts'. That's a 99% GUN NUT!
He ranked 17th as "SRONG GOP", from the 19,320 citizens of Bethel Park.

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Thomas Matthew Crooks was raised by a Republican voting gun nut, he was a Republican registered gun nut and he used the preferred weapon of gun nuts.

His profile matches the large majority of mass shooters: young adult white male loner, raised in gun culture, bullied at school, suffering from depression.

His phone's search history shows searched for images of both the former president and current president. He searched for the dates of the former president's rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and for dates of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
Crooks also conducted searches online about "major depression disorder".

He was just another mass shooter, wanted to commit suicide by cop and get on the news. Trump just showed up closest to his house.
By phart at 18,Jul,24 11:21 other posts of phart 
You acknowledge the 20 year was bullied and depressed, you acknowledge he researched his prey,

He also had bombs in his vehicle .Which the vehicle confuses me because it had out of state tags, no one is explaining that 1.if he lived such a short distance away, why would his tag be out of state?
There were numerous security flaws,

BUT as I have said before, liberals wear blinders and the only problem they see here is the Ak, all these other issues are null and void.
You and folks that align with your mindset think if the gun magically evaporated , none of this would have happened.
The bomb in the vehicle? oh,he would never have made that had he not had a gun i guess right?

Fix the bullying, fix the depression, these other problems would greatly reduce.
By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 13:28 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"prey"? He was researching how to make a big splash.

Mass shooters do that. It's not like they just snap one day.

The bombs could have been his backup plan.
Blowing yourself up with the president or former president
is making a big splash too.

When assault rifles were legalized, mass shootings tripled.
But, you go ahead trying to fix bullying and depression,
it will never work, because you have no idea how to do that.

That's because your culture is worsening the causes for them.
You promote selfishness and antipathy between people.
That's asking for bullying and feelings of despair.

But, do tell how your plan to fix bullying and depression,
with your message that young people should not want anything
and should just work as hard as they can for $5/hr, while rent is $1500/month.
Or that maybe they can make $15/hr, if they go in to $200,000 of student debt.
Meanwhile, you let the billionaires destroy their future, by climate change.

Your plan is just to say "Shut up and take it!", right?

Well, the fact that he researched both Trump and Biden shows how much his Republican father brainwashed him. He should have known who is the cause for
his "major depression disorder"; the guy who wants to make him work for peanuts
until he dies and plans to accelerate climate change.
By phart at 18,Jul,24 14:18 other posts of phart 
for generations people worked hard,provided for themselves. They shut up and took it.
Only after this bullshit of worrying about peoples feelings did the depression set in.
People laying around,wanting for nothing because they don't work or work very little,have plenty of time to think,get in trouble.

Just a quick googleing,
"Context: During the 1950s and 1960s, anxiety was the emblematic mental health problem in the United States, and depression was considered to be a rare condition."

Results from the 2024 Mind Health Index show a rise in the number of people struggling – up by 3 points to 15% overall. Fewer than a quarter of people in the world are now flourishing (down by 1% to 24% this year), while just a third are getting by (down to 33% from 35%).Mar 5, 2024"

what changed?
People got lazyer because of welfare programs.people demanded higher wages, but it doesn't look like it is buying happiness does it?
By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 15:19 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
For generations people COULD provide for themselves, by working hard.

"people demanded higher wages, but it doesn't look like it is buying
happiness does it?"
Because they didn't get it!!!
Wages have not in any way kept up with cost of living.
Whatever welfare programs you have don't cut it.
They are hardly a band-aid against bleeding out.
Young people have a reason to be depressed, because
your generation had affordable education and a chance to build a life.
Your generation has destroyed most of that for them.
And your generation keeps making it even worse.

I told you you have no plans to "Fix the bullying, fix the depression".
So, what do you want, "Shut up and take it!" advertisements on TV?

You keep confirming you have NO FIXES. Even if was true, and people were lazier now, YOU better shut up and take it, accept that they're lazy AND DO SOMETHING, or get the guns away from them, OR ACCEPT EVEN MORE MASS MURDERS.

Your plan for everything is do nothing and just accept that it's getting worse.
Well, you're voting for the correct party, they excel at making things worse.
By phart at 18,Jul,24 18:12 other posts of phart 
you think taking the guns away will fix the depression, and other issues.
If anything it will cause MORE issues as mass bombings will take place,a van full of 10-10-10 and some diesel fuel will harm alot more than 20 rounds from a rifle.
How is my generation makeing it worse?
My father paid for my college education with interest from investments made during his employment.
I can't help people my age have 8 kids and can't do that.

I can't help houses cost some much. I didn't jack the price up. nor did my parents or other family.
cost were raised by regulations and laws, wage hikes, taxes and fee's and other things .Not to mention half the forest have burned down the past few years from lack of land Maintenace.

You don't offer any fixes to the problems other than takeing away a gun.
we had asylums for crazy people.not any more
We had low income housing for decades.
It was called Mobile homes, a young couple getting started could buy 1 and rent a lot for it. as their lives improved they could sell it or rent it. Not any more,zoning laws and regulations have all but made them illegal. towns and countys were not collecting much tax from them. so poof.some of that governmemt regulation for you.
i guess people like you think the gov should put everyone in half million dollar homes at the tax payer exspense.

Tear down some of these damn foot ball stadiums and such and build 10 story dormitory's for the homeless. 1 set of plans, duplicate as 1000's on architect bills.
By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jul,24 09:46 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
NO, taking the guns away will NOT fix the depression people feel.

I have told you why people are feeling depressed.
I have told you to not allow depressed people to have AR-15's.

Are you able to simultaneously understand 2 separate logic chains?

You can EITHER fix the depression, OR take away the guns.
You don't want to do THE ONE OR THE OTHER.

1) Your ideas are making people MORE DEPRESSED.
You are creating more young adult white male loners, bullied at school,
suffering from depression.

2) AND you have no solutions for keeping AR-15's away from THEM.
You are raising everyone in gun culture and allow them easy access to AR-15's.

Do something to fix EITHER 1) OR 2) and you WILL have less mass murders.

When the assault rifle ban was lifted, there were not all of a sudden 3 times as many depressed young white male loners, who got bullied at school. STILL, there were 3 times as many depressed young white male loners, who got bullied at school, DOING MASS MURDERS!!!. They didn't do all of them before, with just the handguns, knifes, bombs or poison, but they started doing those mass murders, when they got their hands on AR-15's. It's like they were all waiting for a tool that was especially designed to do mass murder.


"I can't help people my age have 8 kids and can't do that."
People cannot afford any kids anymore. Is your news telling you anything useful?
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Can you at least agree on the fact of the declining birth rate?


Increasing costs of housing are caused by one thing. The government used to support affordable housing with regulations and housing projects funded by taxes.
That responsibility has been fully transferred to the market. It is only intended to maximize profits for the rich. They don't care about people being able to afford a house. Instead of investing money, to provide affordable housing, they maximize profits, by exploiting scarcity.
YOU did that, by voting for Republicans, who tell you a fantasy story about people benefiting from wealthy investors, which is CLEARLY NOT TRUE!
You are confirm that you are believing their stupid stories, by telling me their stupid straw-men stories, about what Democrats want to do, which is exactly what your government did before, when people could still afford a home to live in.

By #578610 at 22,Jul,24 12:59 other posts of #578610 
The South is still full of mobile homes. Municipalities have changed construction codes to more durable housing. Hurricanes have devastated communities with large mobile home areas. Also, check Florida, Georgia, and Alabama mobile home prices. These days it's not unusual for the price to be in the six figure range even for preowned ones.
Those damned football stadiums bring in huge amounts of money to a city and the taxes generated bring tremendous help to city budgets. I'm not going to mention the employment that it supports, not only at the stadium or game itself, but at the amount of labor needed to accommodate the fans, The hospitality industry, fast food, other tourist attractions, all benefit from a stadium. The same stadium can accommodate many different venues.
One more thing, in case it slipped your mind, these "stadiums" are private property.
By phart at 22,Jul,24 15:17 other posts of phart 
The Charlotte City Council today is set to discuss the plan to spend $650M in public money renovating Bank of America Stadium, but "for the first time publicly, Charlotte officials say in the terms that the city would agree to begin negotiating for a new stadium by 2037." The new stadium "would be located in Charlotte ...Jun 24, 2024

just a nearby city paying 650 million towards a staduim
The same foot ball teams owner backed out of a deal with a city in south carolina for a practice place and the city lost millions on it.

As for the mobile homes, countys around here condemn them regularly and have contractors go around tearing them down and the owners are forced to pay for it. There have been multiable trailer parks around here that were zoned out by towns looking to bring in larger brick homes with higher tax values.
By #578610 at 22,Jul,24 17:01 other posts of #578610 

By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Jul,24 07:50 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
That's how capitalism works: public investments creating private profits,
for a few already wealthy people.

As a socialist, I want public investments creating public profit.

I also think the government has a responsibility to provide affordable housing to everyone. In your example, they are screwing poor people, to the benefit of people with a higher income. I'm sure those tax incomes are an incentive to do so, but there is more likely someone getting money from someone else making lots of money from those larger brick homes.
Those houses will be unaffordable for the people who lived in the trailers, because private investors demand a quick and big return. As a socialist, I want public investments in housing for the poor and middle income. That would still provide a return for the public, but it doesn't need to be quick and big, because the public already benefits from people being able to afford housing. Then those people who lived in the trailers, would be able to afford those larger brick homes.

By #578610 at 22,Jul,24 13:03 other posts of #578610 
Phart, I don't think anyone believes firearm controls will help anything other than less injury and death by firearm.
Every other problem is just that, another problem. Me? I want less firearms and more controls of the ones left.
By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Jul,24 16:36 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I do, because there is a direct correlation between firearm controls and the number of deaths do to gun violence. When the assault rifle ban was lifted,
the number of deaths from mass shootings tripled, in a very short time-frame.

That was a statement from Biden, but it was fact checked and determined to be 'Mostly True'.

One thing that resulted from the assault rifle ban expiring, is that cops are too afraid to do their jobs. They are not up to task against an AR-15. They will wait outside a school, while some kid is going around killing children, because they fear for their lives. Banning assault rifles again might give them back the courage to go save the children.
By #578610 at 22,Jul,24 17:03 other posts of #578610 
Can't fault them but it's their job.

By phart at 22,Jul,24 20:52 other posts of phart 
NOT UP TO THE TASK of a AR-15???
You aint looked inside the police cars around here sir.
AR-15's in brackets attached to the dash on the passenger side.
And yes I have seen them out before!
THey are up to it in rural areas where the law don't put up with as much shit as they do in big citys.

And honestly,I am having similar discussions regarding our firefighers around here, if you aint man enough to face the fire, face the high water,see the blood,deal with the hazards of the job, WHY are you taking up a position on the force?????
Same for police, You may not have a Legal obligation to protect, but you have SWORN to protect when you took the fucking job. Protect or quit.
By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Jul,24 13:08 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Have you seen the news on Crooks, about a cop trying to stop him?
He had that AR-15 pointed at him and he retreated.
Crooks took a shot at Trump, directly after that.
That cop was most likely armed with just a handgun.
He was outgunned, by a 20 year old boy.

How many cops walk around with an AR-15?
It's not much use, if it's in the car.

Do you want cops to carry around AR-15's?
They are cops, not soldiers.
By phart at 24,Jul,24 14:53 other posts of phart 
I want cops to be armed with whatever it takes to protect us from criminals.
And if you read about the officer that the crooks pointed his Ar-15 at, you will find the cop has his hands occupied trying to hang on the side of the building, when the gun was pointed at him, he had to let go and fell 8 feet to the ground.
Your cops in your country may have a 3rd arm,but over here they only have 2.
By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Jul,24 21:54 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
True, but he could have shot him directly after he got down, but I'm sure he was too scared.
By phart at 24,Jul,24 22:48 other posts of phart 
Thomas Matthew Crooks, saw the officer and pointed his rifle at him before the officer, holding to the roof's edge, dropped down to safety. Slupe, who said the officer was unable to use his gun under the circumstances,

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"When a police officer climbed up to the roof to investigate, the gunman turned and pointed his rifle at him. But the officer did not — or could not — fire a single shot."

Where is fear? I am still looking for the link that said he fell 8 feet , he was helped up by another officer, and was hanging on with both hands,
By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Jul,24 08:00 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I already said "True", so you didn't need to copy/paste the story.

Are we just going to trust HIS words?
I would be very surprised if he admits he was outgunned.

Actually, he was being brave to even put himself in that danger.
Most cops would just shoot a suspect, to be safe.

Of course he wasn't an unarmed black guy doing something 'suspicious',
he was an white guy with an AR-15, who you ask nicely to put it down.
Even Secret Service Snipers will wait until a white guy has fired 8 bullets.

He should have not gone up the ladder, he should have taken his gun out and shouted: "You on the roof, stand up and put your hands in the air!".
Maybe that way, he could have controlled the situation of a Glock 9 against an AR-15, or he would have been dead too.

By phart at 25,Jul,24 01:54 other posts of phart 
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Fell 8 feet , could you fall 8 feet to the ground and jump up like rambo ,glock 9 blazing? i doubt it,
By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Jul,24 10:14 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
The only thing Trump owes his life to is ridiculous luck and Crooks being a bad shot. Security was failing for 20 minutes straight, because a white gun nut is not considered to be a threat.

By #578610 at 25,Jul,24 11:57 other posts of #578610 
Violent crime is down by a large amount.

By phart at 24,Jul,24 23:26 other posts of phart 
Here ye go, this is the kind of person harris is, paid to get a criminal out so he could kill again

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By phart at 24,Jul,24 22:55 other posts of phart 
watching Trump on youtube at the rally, good speech.Explaining harris's record and such.

By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 15:36 other posts of #578610 
Kamala Harris will be the next president of the US.
By phart at 24,Jul,24 17:24 other posts of phart 

By #578610 at 23,Jul,24 14:18 other posts of #578610 
Trump is going down.
By leopoldij at 23,Jul,24 21:39 other posts of leopoldij 
You think so?
By #578610 at 23,Jul,24 22:07 other posts of #578610 
Yes, I do

By leopoldij at 23,Jul,24 21:40 other posts of leopoldij 
Why does trump admire hannibal lecter?

By #578610 at 21,Jul,24 18:09 other posts of #578610 
President Joe Biden just announced he's dropping out of the 2024 race.
By phart at 21,Jul,24 18:42 other posts of phart 
Somewhere in florida a cat is crying in the bushes.
I am glad we don't have to face 4 more years of biden,but oh my, what the hell will they replace him with?
no one fit to run as a democrat, I am sure there is a moderate somewhere that could run but they want radicals

By kebmo at 20,Jul,24 15:22 other posts of kebmo 
Here’s my scenario:
Joe Biden bows out now and gives the presidency (and the $91 million war chest) to Harris. This will allow her to run as incumbent president making her chances of success higher.
According to the 22nd amendment, because Harris will serve less than two years, she will be eligible for two more full terms if the people want her to.
The question here is not do you like or dislike Harris, the question is is this a clever political move.
--------------------------------------- added after 22 hours


By phart at 19,Jul,24 20:28 other posts of phart 
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By phart at 18,Jul,24 14:10 other posts of phart 
Just something to think about. Trump got shot last week and is going on as if nothing happened.
biden is at home in the bed with just a virus.

By #578610 at 11,Jul,24 23:17 other posts of #578610 
Kamala Harris should run for president. Biden needs to step aside.
By dgraff at 12,Jul,24 00:19 other posts of dgraff 
I agree Biden needs put out to pasture but the democrats don’t have any one any better and Kamala can’t beat trump and they know it
By #578610 at 12,Jul,24 00:52 other posts of #578610 
You may be right but the money is tied up to Biden or Harris. I don’t know anyone else that can step up this late in the game. The election is less than four months away.
By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Jul,24 07:56 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
That's true. It might be too late to prop up someone who can actually win easy.

By BlazerDad at 12,Jul,24 23:15 other posts of BlazerDad 
I woudn't say it's too late in the game. Consider more than 60 countries have held elections since January. Including the one in France that consumed 30 days.
By kebmo at 13,Jul,24 15:52 other posts of kebmo 
America is ALWAYS in election mode!

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By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Jul,24 07:42 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Correction; the Democrats have several much better people who could win,
but the corporatist Democrats and the corporate media don't like them.
That's why they only poll Democrats who they like.
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That's why Bernie Sanders isn't in that poll. Bernie Sanders would have won both the primaries against Hillary and Biden, if the Democratic elites, donors and corporate media hadn't conspired against him. He filled football stadiums to the brim with fans.
He is still the most liked senator ever. He has approval ratings that no Republican and no other Democrat has ever reached. But, the so called 'left-wing media' gave Bernie the silent treatment and chose to show an empty stage where Trump was about to speak, while Bernie was speaking to a filled football stadium. They are not the 'left-wing media', they are the supporters of the corporate Democratic elites. They can sensor a candidate with one phone-call. But, if the DNC wants to win and supports Bernie, they could crush Trump and the Republican party for ever.

Besides Bernie, I think Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and Rep. Jamie Raskin would beat Trump easy. They don't have the name recognition of Bernie, but all the Democratic voters know they would be great presidents. Some lesser known younger Democrats are Jared Moskowitz are Eric Swalwell. They would crush Trump in a debate, so he wouldn't show up. But they have the energy to show up everywhere and humiliate him so much, even you can't stand to vote for him.

You might ask; why not AOC? First of all, I don't like her as much as you might think. She has been shaky in supporting progressive strategies, choosing her own strategy over substance. She might be right in her strategies and she made it to The Committee of Oversight and Reform on it, but I prefer unwavering progressives.

And why did I only mention white men and not Ro Khanna, Katie Porter, Cori Bush, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar or Jasmine Crocket? Because it's a fight against a bigot, who will use the fact that they are not white, or a woman, or both to his advantage.
By #578610 at 12,Jul,24 18:28 other posts of #578610 
If Bernie was an option I’d vote for him. How about Harris/Sanders?
By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Jul,24 20:08 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
If they do it, it might work. They could still use the donations Biden/Harris got,
while both pleasing the corporatists and the progressives.

By phart at 12,Jul,24 00:56 other posts of phart 
I keep trying to tell people, biden can't "step aside". He might try but he would wind up falling and busting his ass again.
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So embarrusing.
No wonder world leaders are looking to putin and china for allies, our country has no leadership at all.
By #578610 at 12,Jul,24 00:59 other posts of #578610 
I don’t care if he’s a cripple physically. I care what would happen if a president with Alzheimer’s should be elected. I don’t want Trump
By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Jul,24 08:00 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Don't forget that Trump is ALSO showing signs of Alzheimer’s.
If Biden talked about preferring sharks over electrocution, MAGA would
ridicule it to no end. But, if the cult leader does it, it's wisdom.

Trump was not showing his speech impediments in the debate, but his job was easy;
just repeat the same lies he has been telling over and over and over.
He will probably still be uttering the same lies as a corps in his coffin.

Biden's job was impossible; fact check all those lies and present the truth,
in a time-frame that a fast rapper couldn't manage.
That shouldn't have been Biden's job, but CNN's job.
By phart at 12,Jul,24 13:15 other posts of phart 
look at the stress Trump is being placed under. I doubt you would hold up as well under that much stress.
By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Jul,24 14:31 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
All by his own making. Still, stress doesn't cause those kinds of brain damage.
By phart at 12,Jul,24 17:04 other posts of phart 
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stormy was paid to shut up, she violated her contract. not Trumps fault

Documents were much safer at Trumps home than bidens garage.
By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Jul,24 20:28 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Because the contract serves a crime, she has a good reason to speak out.
Trump has a good reason to demand his money back.

What Biden had in is garage is nothing compared to what Trump had.
When the asked Biden to return those documents, he immediately did,
while Trump lied he didn't have them, have his lawyers sign those lies, tried to move them and try to destroy evidence of moving them.
Trump isn't indicted for having those documents, but for all the other things.

By dgraff at 12,Jul,24 13:46 other posts of dgraff 
Your a trump hater I can tell but sometimes you have to put your reasons for hating someone aside and think about your country and others
Let me ask you this do you like the prices of everything being so high
Do you like drug cartels and terrorist groups being able to just walk across our borders do you feel safe knowing that other countries see us as a pushover
Take a good look at the big picture before you vote just because you hate someone
--------------------------------------- added after 78 seconds

If you don’t like any of the things I mentioned and you still vote for Biden then you are part of the problem
By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Jul,24 14:35 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
If the reasons for hating Trump are because he would destroy the country,
that makes no sense at all.

The big picture is that Trump is set on destroying democracy.
He has been given immunity and he will use it to destroy the
separation of powers, firing everyone in the government who
protect democracy and replace them with absolute loyalists.

People don't hate Trump for his personality, but because of his ACTIONS and PLANS.
You don't set those aside for the good of the country, because they aren't.
He is literally planning more treason against The Constitution.
He will turn your country into a dictatorship like Russia.

By #578610 at 12,Jul,24 18:33 other posts of #578610 
I don’t hate Trump. He didn’t do anything for me when he was in office and he’s not giving us any ideas how he’s going to bring down prices or stop illegal immigration. If it was 2016 I would probably vote for him instead of Biden. Now all I see is a bitter old man wanting to get even.
If you look at my original statement, I think it’s called a post, I clearly said Biden should step out of the race.
By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Jul,24 20:32 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
And at least Democratic voters now want their candidate to drop out.
How many crimes does Trump need to commit, before Republican voters
want Trump to drop out?

It's a lot worse to be a criminal, than to become senile.
One is a choice, the other is out of your hands.

By dgraff at 12,Jul,24 21:28 other posts of dgraff 
Don’t listen to anal licker his opinions don’t count he’s not even from this country
So I’m glad you are on the fence I can help you understand how Trump will bring the prices back down you see the republicans believe that if you give the wealthy the tax breaks they will stay in this country and being that they own all the businesses from oil to fast food companies and everything in between they will keep their prices low they in turn will spend the money they save and it will trickle down to the poor that system works not fast but it works
The democrats believe that you tax the wealthy heavily that either makes them move to another country or raise their prices to make up the difference causing high inflation
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

And believe me I’m not a big trump fan but right now he is best for our country the country we both love
By BlazerDad at 12,Jul,24 23:49 other posts of BlazerDad 
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Go read the above and after you do, if you do, and you still hold Trump as your hero, you really don't have a clue. You deserve to have someone make decisions for you every day.

By Ananas2xLekker at 13,Jul,24 11:12 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Just because I'm not from the US, I'm a more neutral observer.
My opinions do count, because the US turning into a dictatorship
threatens everyone on this earth.

The Republicans DON'T believe that if you give the wealthy tax breaks they will stay, they just use it as an argument to fool you. They have told you this lie for decades and if you don't see that it hasn't been good for the working class, then they can make you believe anything. Since Reagan started selling you trickle down theory, the middle class has been reduced to almost nothing. A postman or shop attended could feed his family, now they cannot afford a shed to live in.

Republicans serve the wealthy and don't give a fuck about you.
Stop believing their incredibly silly lies. You are smarter than that.

By #578610 at 13,Jul,24 12:34 other posts of #578610 
These super rich people have been getting a break for the last six years +/-. Where are the lower prices? It’s all BS. Neither side can control crap. The problem needs a working Congress to solve. Trump giving tax breaks won’t solve it.
By dgraff at 13,Jul,24 13:08 other posts of dgraff 
Maybe so but I believe Biden is going to get us into a war we can’t win and he has us at odds with Russia 🇷🇺 the only country that would have stood beside us to fight the Chinese i still think we are better off with trump in stead of the weak democrats
By #578610 at 13,Jul,24 13:54 other posts of #578610 
You think we are weaker than Russia? And what makes you think we are heading for war?
By phart at 13,Jul,24 15:29 other posts of phart 
Uh, remove your blinders, we are already at war with russia, we are using ukraine as renta soldiers.
once we supplied 1 bullet to ukraine, we may as well have declared war on russia.

right at the moment, i would say we are as weak if not weaker than russia.
We have no leadership.
our government is more concerned about which bathroom a mentally ill person uses than they are about our borders, our national security.
By #578610 at 13,Jul,24 16:31 other posts of #578610 
In that case Germany, the UK, France, and the rest of the NATO alliance is at war with Russia too.
--------------------------------------- added after 13 minutes

Also, what would make Trump any better? The last time he tried to build a wall on our southern border and plates hoochee-koochee with known US enemy leaders.

By dgraff at 13,Jul,24 15:45 other posts of dgraff 
Phart gave you my answer and if you ever read the Bible the Old Testament says the bear and the eagle will fight the dragon and we will lose and live under communism rule for 8 years then the people that took to the mountain will come together and fight china when there guard is down then their will be 50 years of peace till the next big blood bath and that will be the end of earth this comes from a Bible printed in the 1860s my old family bible
By #578610 at 13,Jul,24 16:32 other posts of #578610 
The Old Testament writers knew about Communist Russia?
By dgraff at 13,Jul,24 17:04 other posts of dgraff 
Apparently they did

By phart at 13,Jul,24 19:25 other posts of phart 
Alot of stuff is coming out to be proven real lately.
Buildings and stuff are being found right where the Book says they were.

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 10:19 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"if you ever read the Bible the Old Testament says the bear and the eagle will fight the dragon and we will lose and live under communism rule for 8 years then the people that took to the mountain will come together and fight china when there guard is down then their will be 50 years of peace till the next big blood bath and that will be the end of earth"

The Dragon and the Woman (12:13–17) ?

The Woman, the Child, and the Dragon

12 Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. 2 Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth.

3 And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. 4 His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born. 5 She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her Child was caught up to God and His throne. 6 Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days.
Satan Thrown Out of Heaven

7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, 8 but they [a]did not prevail, nor was a place found for [b]them in heaven any longer. 9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

10 Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. 12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.”
The Woman Persecuted

13 Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male Child. 14 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent. 15 So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood. 16 But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth. 17 And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus [c]Christ.

If you want to read something about Russia here, sure, it can fit whatever narrative you want. The bible is a very useful book. You can read into it, however your bias tells you to.
Other people can also use it to make you believe whatever they want you to.
They can make it support autocracy, fascism, r@pe, murder, slavery, child sacrifice, child marriage, having more than one wife, killing your wife if she
got r@ped, killing disobedient children, hating people who are 'the others', hating people who are 'created' differently, and abortion (some things are OK).

We do have the whole new testament, where Jesus is lefty pacifist.
The idea that Jesus would like Trump more than Biden is ridiculous.

If you completely rewrite what the bible says, you can justify all your ideas. Which is exactly what right-wingers do, all the time.
Not like that's even necessary, because you can find whatever you want
in the bible, just with some creative interpretation.

If you believe you are judged by your beliefs and actions, when you're dead,
do you think God will appreciate you rewriting and creatively interpreting
his words?

By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Jul,24 12:32 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Russia the only country that would have stood beside us to fight the Chinese?

WTF! Russia and the US are the warmongers. China is too smart to start big wars. They just grow their economy by investing trillions to raise their people out of poverty and to make products the world is asking for. They use their investment power to buy up all the resources, they don't start wars over them like you do. Sure, the US is still just a bit more democratic than China and Russia, but that's only a matter of time. China is a autocracy, but they manage to keep most of their citizens happy, by giving them better lives.
The US is heading to an autocracy, just like Russia already is, but they are keeping their citizens dumb, with fearmongering and trickle down fantasies.
Their citizens will suffer more and more, and it will only serve their decline.
China is doing the opposite; adopting education, science and progress.
They are not the superpower who threatens to destroy humanity,
they might be our last hope. It won't be Russia or the US.

You are just admitting that you cannot win from China, without starting a war.
You are willing to make friends with your oldest enemy, because you have become them.

By BlazerDad at 12,Jul,24 23:30 other posts of BlazerDad 
If you think Biden is responsible for areas you mentioned, you haven't a clue about life. You should do a bit of study about what tariffs do to supply chains and economies then a little study on legislative efforts since 1986 to revamp the Reagan immigration law any administration must follow until Congress revamps the law. Presidents can't and don't make law. The legislative branch does.
By dgraff at 13,Jul,24 04:55 other posts of dgraff 
Well well well another communist steps forward and from the great red state of Texas don’t you belong in California with the rest of the commies listen I don’t care what you dig up from the internet I can find just as much bad stuff on the democratic so go preach your Biden gospel on Facebook oh and by the way I’m on Facebook bashing liberals just like on here
By Ananas2xLekker at 13,Jul,24 11:14 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
More and more people have their eyes opened by Trump.
There is a level of lying that a brain is capable of accepting.
Trump has passed that level a long time ago, but he's getting worse.
It's time you wake up too.

It's not a Biden gospel, because Biden and the Democrats suck too.
It's hard to find any good people in politics, but they are certainly not
in the Republican party. Do you have any character judgement?
By dgraff at 13,Jul,24 11:27 other posts of dgraff 
I’m not a trump fan at all but as long as we are dealing with high prices on everything every time a democrat is in office I will vote for the Republican it’s to coincidental that the same thing happened with obama and now Biden
--------------------------------------- added after 96 seconds

I guess we will see come November
By #578610 at 13,Jul,24 13:56 other posts of #578610 
It happened in both parties administrations. Some dealt well with it. Some not. Economy wise look at what happened with Bush Jr
By dgraff at 13,Jul,24 15:52 other posts of dgraff 
When bush Jr was in office i didn’t feel anything and i was in business for my self but the Obama era and the Biden era has about crippled me with the prices of everything and the taxes i have no wiggle room to make any money if Biden is elected again I will have no choice but to close down my business and retire
By #578610 at 13,Jul,24 16:47 other posts of #578610 
Ok, Bush Jr didn't affect you but the rest of the country went into the biggest recession since the great depression of the 1930's.
By Ananas2xLekker at 16,Jul,24 12:30 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Even if you found records of him filing for bankruptcy in that time,
he would just say that it wasn't Bush's fault or Trump ain't Bush.

This is their thinking:
Biden's term: Everything bad: His fault! / Everything good: Pure chance.
Trump's term: Everything bad: Pure chance / Everything good: Trump did it!

The problem is that those good and bad things they have in their head,

MAGA voters are rewriting their own memory, just to justify their voting.
They 'cut' a crisis from the memory record of one of their cult members,
And then 'paste' it on the memory record of a Democratic president.
By #578610 at 16,Jul,24 14:46 other posts of #578610 
Many Trump supporters don't have a working knowledge of how things work. They take the party line (Trump's) and run with it.

By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Jul,24 12:40 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
If the US had the same numbers under Trump, as now under Biden,
you would sing songs of praise 24/7.

Corporations are making record profits. The stock market is at an all time high.
Inflation is back to normal or at least rates you want to lower the debt burden.
Unemployment is at record lows. When will it start trickling down?

If Trump is elected and does give the wealthy and corporations even more
tax-cuts, how will he make sure it trickles down? It won't and never did.
He will destroy labor unions and whatever else people need to stay afloat.
Then they won't have money to spend at your garage.

Start a bike repair shop or a bus repair shop, because people will only use
their cars to sleep in, on the parking lot of their 12/7 shift jobs.
Then they won't require your services.

By phart at 13,Jul,24 15:31 other posts of phart 
You may be educated in how government works by a book or by written rules.but reality is different.
But we as citizens are getting a education rammed up our ass by biden and his administration and executive orders. 3.39 for a gallon of gas because biden stopped the pipeline with the stroke of a pen. that line woulda been about finished by now,and opec would be less of a slave holder of the US because of it.
By kebmo at 13,Jul,24 16:43 other posts of kebmo 
Phart, The Keystone pipeline that you are referring to has been a blessing in disguise for Canada. We have since finished the Trans Mountain Pipeline (TMPL).
it goes from the oil fields of landlocked Alberta to tidewater in Vancouver British Columbia. This enables our landlocked oil another route to the sea to sell on international markets.
The TMPL runs parallel to a pipeline that was already in operation. This increased Alberta’s pumping capacity from 300,000 to 900,000 barrels per day (BPD) to the sea. The oil that Canada sells to the US is sold at a discount about 20-30%.
Joe Biden does not control the world price of oil. You should know that and I think you do. if Canada was shipping another 900,000 (BPD) of oil to the US your gas would still cost the same. Also, as you well know, the US is currently producing more oil than it ever has in it’s history and it is producing more than any country in the world yet gas prices still dodge you because Joe Biden does not control the price of oil.
Gasoline is expensive right here in Alberta where I live and where it’s produced. It is also expensive everywhere in Europe, Africa, Asia and South America.

So who controls the price of oil? I can explain the whole situation to you in three words: Supply and Demand.

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By Ananas2xLekker at 16,Jul,24 12:56 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
The gas prices are so high, purely because of corporate greed.

They have been raking in $3 billion A DAY in profits for the last 50 years
and since you pay more for gas, they are making all time record high profits.
They are also taking $757 billion per year in SUBSIDIES, paid for by your taxes.

"In 2022, fossil fuel subsidies in the United States totaled $757 billion"
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"Fossil Fuel Subsidies Surged to Record $7 Trillion" globally.
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If the fossil fuels on American soil were publicly owned, you would pay much less
for social security, healthcare and education.

By the way, at cheapest gas station in my area, I pay Ђ 1.94/L, which is $8.00/gal.
But at least that money went to a nice new road that will reduce my traffic to work.

By kebmo at 13,Jul,24 15:57 other posts of kebmo 
President Roosevelt served his term in a wheelchair.
By phart at 13,Jul,24 19:26 other posts of phart 
but his handicap was not in his brain,it was in his body.

By #578610 at 13,Jul,24 19:56 other posts of #578610 

By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Jul,24 10:54 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Did anyone read their love letters between Trump and Kim Jong un?
While he was the president, those letters should be publicly archived.
Since the Supreme Court declared almost everything official acts now,
those love letters are definitely official acts and therefore public ownership.

By phart at 14,Jul,24 02:37 other posts of phart 
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“I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,” Biden said.

Ok so if Trump can be accused of causing a riot, could biden be accused of the attempted murder our President?

Frankly, I don't think so< Trump didn't order people to tear into a building, nor did biden order Trump shot, BUT using democrat logic?? eh, um, there could be alot of folks blaming biden.
By kebmo at 14,Jul,24 03:05 other posts of kebmo 
Putting someone (or something) in the bull’s-eye is a common term in the English language figuratively meaning to do something just right and to get the best result possible.
By phart at 14,Jul,24 11:07 other posts of phart 
we that have a little common sense know that you are correct but if this had been joe, and Trump had said it, they would be pointing fingers.
By dgraff at 14,Jul,24 11:24 other posts of dgraff 
Had the democrats paid me a large chunk of money in advance I would have done the job only i don’t miss my 50 caliber BMG bo mag with tripod at 2000 yards should have done the trick
By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Jul,24 12:07 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I have seen those movies too. In the end, they always get the assassin.
Now one would try this, unless they were convinced of the cause.
They will either kill you on the spot or track you down and kill you.
So, I might be convinced you had the skills, but not that you would try.
You could be recruited to kill some of Trump's enemies, if you think it helps.
By dgraff at 14,Jul,24 12:33 other posts of dgraff 
I’m not as stupid as you might think the price would be 5 million from 2000 yards away I would have enough time to get to my hired helicopter and air lifted to a small private airport where I would immediately fly out of the country to Mexico where I would then fly immediately to Afghanistan and disappear into the hills where I would then find and sell pieces of our left behind military equipment to groups like Alqaedia and isis and make millions more all off the stupidity of the democrats sounds like a plan to me
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

So you see the democrats hired the wrong man to do the job
By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Jul,24 13:00 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Well, you've got a good plan ready, but you would need help from politicians
and intelligence agencies to pull it off, because you trying to arrange all of that
on your own, or just some smaller organization helping you, would trigger all the internet warning signs at the NSA.

This guy just had a gun and went to a Trump rally.
That's about as normal as you get (in the US). Impossible to predict.
That's why I don't consider a conspiracy the most likely hypothesis.
It's very difficult to pull off and not flag warning signs and not leave
evidence all over the place. Occam's razor says this is a lone gunman,
until evidence says otherwise.

It's possible Democrats hired him, but they would be incredibly stupid.
They either get a Trump replacement, with massive support
or they get an emboldened Trump, they cannot vilify as much anymore.
If Democrats want to kill someone, to win the election, it would be Biden.
"I'm sorry, our beloved president has died in his sleep, last night.
We now have to support the Kamala/Bernie ticket, to carry his torch."
That would be the end of your race and not the end of Democrats now.
What do you need; a few guys and a pillow, not a suicide killer.

By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Jul,24 11:43 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
First of all; I condemn any and all violence against any and all politicians.
Since Trump almost died from Covid, but then kept on spreading lies about it, my sympathy for the man is mostly gone, but I would feel bad if he actually got murdered. The man is evil, but there is almost no one in the world that I think deserves to get killed.
In all cases, Law And Order should prevail. And I am against capital punishment.

I see you're already speculating about the assassin's motives and want to see Biden involved in it. Can I remind you that when some MAGA idiot wanted to kill Paul and Nancy Pelosi, you lot all pretended it was some gay sex thing, including your president?
No self-respecting liberal or lefty is claiming this is any conspiracy by the right, even while Thomas Matthew Crooks was registered as a Republican and was wearing a T-shirt from a unrestricted gun rights activist group. I would expect him to wear something he would blend in with, but this is a very specific choice. It seams he is one of those right-wingers or libertarians who hate Trump, not a liberal or a lefty. Not everyone, who thinks like you, likes Trump. It just depends what internet algorithm conspiracy rabbit hole the guy threw himself in.

Would I believe Democrats are capable of actually conspiring to kill Trump? Well, they have shown themselves to be completely stupid in protecting the US against the fall of democracy, elevating the worst candidate for president towards that office, so I wouldn't put it past them. It would be the dumbest thing they could do, because whether he lives or dies, the movement to destroy democracy lives on, in an emboldened fashion.
If Trump dies, someone would step forward, who is just as evil or worse, but possibly more effective and who doesn't have such a clear record of r@pe, fraud, election interference and treason. If he lives, which he obviously will, he can and will use it to his advantage, in whatever way he chooses, either by act presidential, by starting civil war,
or anything in between.

I can't predict what exactly will happen, but I think the chance of it being good is very low.
I see dark times ahead.
By leopoldij at 14,Jul,24 15:32 other posts of leopoldij 
You're very right my friend. I like your analysis. And I too think that dark times are ahead. Unfortunately.
By phart at 14,Jul,24 21:47 other posts of phart 
we agree on this,
i am honestly surprised biden was not the first 1 to get shot at, and I expect him to be before this is all over.
my idea of Dark days as in we can't have safe, fair ,honest rally's ,debates and elections anymore.
By leopoldij at 14,Jul,24 21:50 other posts of leopoldij 
You live in a very dangerous country

By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Jul,24 07:43 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I'm surprised too. The argument is that the media has caused this attack by demonizing Trump. There is some truth to that, they are calling him a danger to democracy. So? He IS! They have a responsibility to say it.

If you see the clear stochastic terrorism that Trump is doing, targeting his political enemies, it's a downright miracle that no crazy MAGA lunatic hasn't killed Biden,
the preferred Democratic scapegoats, a judge, a prosecutor or anyone else involved in Trump's cases, yet.

Trump literally posts hit-lists on truth social. You lot all post your violent r@pe fantasies of AOC on the web. What you do is a million times worse.
The truth is, you don't have a reason, liberals do. Republicans are really threatening the soul of democracy.

Trump emails all his supporters with language clearly hinting at civil war.
"I'll need millions of patriots, standing by my side, ready to DEMOLISH the Deep State and rescue our country from these FILTHY LUNATICS!" That's him being chill.

You know what the 'Deep State' is? Just government workers doing their job. All those laws that the House writes and the Senate approves, need to be put into action. Budgets need to be adjusted, local authorities need to be informed, Tax regulation needs to be adjusted, software needs to be updated, tax inspectors need to be informed, the public needs to be informed, procedures need to be rewritten, personnel needs to be reassigned, hired or fired, contractors need to be asked for quotations, projects need to be finished, etc etc. If you have any legislative experience, like I do, you would know that it's a hell of a job to implement what higher management has puked over the organization this time. A well-working organization respects procedures and will inform their management if their ideas are causing unintended harm or are just not possible.

I understand why Trump hates that 'Deep State' so much; he's used to people doing exactly what he says, even if it's his dumbest idea ever. I'm sure that when he was president, they told him constantly that what he wanted was not possible, because the government has procedures.
He got frustrated, because he's a spoiled child and a dumb-ass. That's why he now want to get rid of all of them and turn them in to yes-men. Well, that's what they have in North Korea. He saw it and now he wants it.
I'm not making fun, when I'm saying you are asking for COMMUNISM. I'm not talking about communism how it's defined, but how Kim Jong Un and Stalin interpreted it.
Extremist nationalism, servitude to the elites, with a strong man controlling everyone, government controlled ideology and brutal persecution of the scapegoats. Every time this was implemented, millions of people and soldiers died to fight against this evil.

By #578610 at 14,Jul,24 19:21 other posts of #578610 

By #578610 at 13,Jul,24 22:47 other posts of #578610 
Trump was shot at a campaign rally. It looks like two shots fired. He was bleeding from the area of his right ear. It doesn't look that dangerous.
By kebmo at 13,Jul,24 23:37 other posts of kebmo 
Gunman, and one attendee are dead Trump has minor injury.
By #578610 at 13,Jul,24 23:49 other posts of #578610 
It has comed to this? I can't believe it.
By phart at 14,Jul,24 00:41 other posts of phart 
sadly it has,
if you notice, Presidents that try to make a difference are the 1's shot? Lincoln, Garfield, Kennedy, Reagon ,now Trump.
1 attendee dead, another shot bad, 1 source said 3 medivacs came and left.
By dgraff at 14,Jul,24 11:27 other posts of dgraff 
Absolutely phart all the great presidents have had attempts on their life
By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Jul,24 12:13 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
The good ones were assassinated, the bad ones survived.
Or at least that is a trend. I have not checked all of them.
Evil does not favor good presidents.

By #578610 at 13,Jul,24 20:03 other posts of #578610 
If the Democrats win both houses of Congress, they should codify Judaism as the national religion of the US government.

By sizzzlencock at 29,Jun,24 09:41 other posts of sizzzlencock 
The only way Trump could win a debate against Biden is if Biden was dead..WTF is wrong with you people, can't you see that Trump is a conman??? The only thing he did was give tax breaks to the rich fucks and impose tarriffs supposedly on China that we as consumers have to pay...
By dgraff at 30,Jun,24 23:46 other posts of dgraff 
Back in yer box muppet i will personally call you when it’s liberal bashing time until then keep your trap shut
By phart at 01,Jul,24 01:39 other posts of phart 
By Ananas2xLekker at 03,Jul,24 10:27 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
dgraff didn't argue anything, but just bullied the other side to shut it up.
He's clearly showing you're NOT the 'Freedom of Speech' people.

And you give that a thumbs up? I would be too embarrassed, if an ally did that.
That's why I never give a thumbs up, when a 'liberal' is doing that.

For 'Freedom of Speech', you need 2 things:
- Freedom to express your opinions
- Opinions that are yours
That last thing is often undervalued.
By dgraff at 04,Jul,24 11:09 other posts of dgraff 
If there is one thing the democrats taught me is to win at all costs even if i have to cheat yes i used my might to shut a liberal up so what that’s a battle i won
By Ananas2xLekker at 04,Jul,24 12:22 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Projection! Every accusation from a MAGA is an admission.
It's not a win, it's sign of weakness.
Winning with arguments is an actual challenge.
By dgraff at 04,Jul,24 14:49 other posts of dgraff 
I would argue with him all day long if he wanted some but as I suspected he’s just another fat slob with a big mouth and nothing to back it up with
By Ananas2xLekker at 04,Jul,24 15:04 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
His appearance has no relation with his Freedom Of Speech.
He didn't have a 'big mouth', he argued against your candidate,
saying he's a conman and that the only things he did was giving tax breaks to the rich and impose tariffs supposedly on China that you as consumers are paying.
I don't see you argue against that, because it's quite accurate.

Sure, Biden is a zombie and will most likely die during his next presidency,
if he is elected, but he's still preferable to Trump. Even RFK Jr. is preferable
to Trump and he's a genuine lunatic, who had half his brain eaten by worms.
At least we can all have fun about them, but Trump is an existential crisis.
By dgraff at 04,Jul,24 15:18 other posts of dgraff 
worm food
By Ananas2xLekker at 04,Jul,24 15:21 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Yeah, both of them are worm food, but better them than me.
I like my life and I like to keep enjoying it for a while.

I don't like presidents who seriously ask why he can't use nukes, three times.
Or one that thinks nukes are a good idea to stop hurricanes.
Or brags that his button is bigger than anyone else's.
That combined with him having the shortest fuse of any president ever.
While surrounding himself with sycophants, who do whatever he asks.

At least democrats will put grandpa Joe back in his rocking chair.
We still have a world left and after 4 years I hope you vote wiser.

By phart at 06,Jul,24 21:26 other posts of phart 
I gave the thumbs up for saying what needed to be said. Muppets that think biden could win anything need to be quite. biden is not in this world,he is just a puppet incapable of winning a pie eating contest on his own merit.
By Ananas2xLekker at 07,Jul,24 12:22 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
And if Biden was running against anyone other than Trump, I would give you that. However, 90% dead Joe Biden is running against a guy who wants to destroy your democracy and turn the US into Russia. The supreme court gave him the power of a king and Trump would actually use that. The Republicans have plan (Project 2025) to destroy democracy and they need Trump because he changed their voters to the cult that the need to do that. There are several Republicans saying on camera that they are planning a revolution and that it would be bloodless, IF the libs give them what they want. Which is; just hand over the country to them, forever. That's the end of democracy.

Only Democrats would want to turn that back to how it was the last 235 years.
That's when you just vote to preserve your vote for the future.
By phart at 07,Jul,24 13:09 other posts of phart 
what are the goals of biden's keepers? If they were good,they would not have to have a puppet to run the country as they worked behind the scenes.
By Ananas2xLekker at 07,Jul,24 20:10 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I have no idea. I'm sure most are regretting supporting him for the last months,
but now are thinking that replacing him is a greater risk than just soldiering on.
The longer they wait, the more difficult it will be to replace him.

Trump has been a puppet for the wealthy, by giving them their tax-cuts and he
has been a puppet to the Christo-fascists by giving them their supreme court candidates, who destroyed Roe v. Wade. He doesn't give a fuck about anything, besides being idolized. As long as you give him that, he's a good puppet to his overlords, who work him behind the scenes.
By phart at 07,Jul,24 20:29 other posts of phart 
well, here is the way i look at this.
IF Trump was only out for himself, don't you think by now the torturous crap he has been thru would have been enough deterrent to just drop it? Have you ever wanted something so bad you would be willing to go thru all these trial and shit? Not much out there that would be worth it to me. And to think he had buildings, golf courses,mulitable homes,and etc, he had more than he ever needed,why go thru the hell?
Could it be that he knows if America fails,he fails?
By Ananas2xLekker at 07,Jul,24 20:55 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I agree he's tenacious. I think he thinks being president again is his only chance to keep the law from crashing down on him. Sure, Trump has a lot of assets to his name, but I think the value of his assets is overshadowed by his debts.
He has also been sucking at creating a cash flow from his assets. His cult has helped him a lot to keep him afloat, sending him hundreds of millions of dollars. It's his best grift ever. He cannot give that up, because he has legal expenses
to pay, for as much as he ever pays his lawyers.

Can you paint a picture of how you see America failing?
And how Trump might think he would be the one who can save it?

I agree America is failing, but probably for completely different reasons.
By phart at 07,Jul,24 23:01 other posts of phart 
America is failing for so many reasons.
For example, the government allowed Remington to get sued so bad they sold their ammo division to a FORIEGN country to get cash. Who do you think will make ammo for us if we go to war? the enemy?

America is failing because nothing is made here, jobs consist of construction, and delivery types.
We were a manufacturing giant, Trump created tariffs to try to fix that. what little is made here, is expensive.
Take this for example,
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The 1 i bought from wang fooey china, was about 30 bucks and has already failed. Lucky me found the Hexcon for 5 bucks at a yard sale! no way I could afford the American made unit.
The government has allowed for wages that are to high to pay and make a profit and keep prices low to compete with off shore equipment.
I could go on and on. But the failures are evident.
By Ananas2xLekker at 08,Jul,24 10:27 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
If you want your government to control the military industrial complex, you should NATIONALIZE it. Because you want everything in the hands of private ownership, you have no control over it. By privatizing and deregulating everything, you give the owners full control over their investments, to do whatever they like with it, like selling and outsourcing everything that is important for your economy and national security.

I'm not saying you should nationalize everything, but if you want the US to keep some manufacturing jobs, you need REGULATION. Tariffs might work, but after decades of privatization and deregulation, what Trump tried to do was childishly naive. The consumer just ends up paying for those tariffs.
Trump was acting like a tough guy against Carrier, but ended up giving them lots of presents and then they went to Mexico anyway.
Trump withdrew the US from TPP, but the replacement was even more a giveaway to companies doing outsourcing. He's a cuck to big business, so he will always fail to protect manufacturing in the US. The corporations want deregulation, so he will give it to them. If they think they can make 0.1% more profit by screwing America, they will do it! And Trump will let them.

You cannot compete with the rest of the world on labor costs, because Americans cannot survive on the income of a Chinese, an Indian or a Bangladeshi. And even if an American company would pay their employees the same, they could still not compete, because their owners and top management takes much more of the profits than a Chinese, Indian or Bangladeshi company. It's a race to the bottom to even try to do that, completely destroying your consumption oriented economy. Working class Americans who try to survive on low wages are terrible consumers. Still, right-wingers have been trying to go this route, for decades now. That's why America is failing.

America became the strongest economy in the world, when it strengthened the working class. The American dream was that everyone could afford a house with a picked fence and a car and send their kid to school. You lost that, when Reagan started cutting taxes and cutting funding of social benefits for the working class. People's wages went down, their spending went down and tax income went down, resulting in even more cuts to spending. People started coping by working more and women entered the working place by necessity, to feed their families. Most people cannot rely on the income of just dad anymore. Many people don't even have the money to start a family in the first place.
To the employers this doesn't matter, they design their production to fit uneducated workers and just get immigrants to do the job. That's not the fault of those immigrants or Democrats who 'open the border', that's because of YOU, who voted for a party that gives the wealthy tax-cuts and deregulation. Tax-cuts crippling your social benefits and education and deregulation making it possible to pay wages only immigrants accept. If that doesn't create enough profit for the owners and top management, they just leave your country to find even poorer employees. There's no regulation stopping them.

Some of your American made products are indeed still better than cheap Chinese products, but that's you relying on your technical advantage, which you are losing rapidly. You don't invest in the technical advancement of your country, while China is investing trillions. When Democrats try to do something, like the chip-act, Republicans fight against it, because it costs money. And when you do invest, your public investments are only creating private profits.

You've been sold a lie, by the exact people who are destroying America and you keep supporting their efforts to destroy it even more. America can only survive as a high-tech economy with highly educated employees. Unless, you want to flip positions with China of a few decades ago, be poor like the Chinese all were and you be their assembly line workers, while China does all the highly skilled work and reaps the rewards from your back-breaking work.
It's heading that way, because they are smarter than you.
Your MAGA cult propagates ignorance. It's anti-education, anti-science, anti-knowledge and even anti-progress. That's not how you'll win from China.
By dgraff at 08,Jul,24 11:42 other posts of dgraff 
Here is what I see is wrong with the democrats way of thinking they believe that you tax the wealthy heavily and give tax breaks to the middle class and the poor in thought that’s great but the wealthy own everything from your oil companies to McDonald’s and everything in between so if you tax them heavily they will either pack up and move to another country or they will raise their prices to compensate hurting the middle class and the poor 4 years ago gas was 1.80 a gallon now it’s 3.89 a gallon milk was under 3.00 a gallon now it’s 5.00 dollars a gallon my electric bill was 35 dollars a month now it’s 200 a month I could go on and on at least trickle down economics worked it was slow but it worked eventually the wealthy spent the money they were saving on taxes and it slowly filtered down through the middle class and the poor and it kept prices low
By Ananas2xLekker at 08,Jul,24 13:30 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You are very much generalizing the Democrats there, because most of them are corporatists, who don't support taxing the wealthy heavily. The party as a whole comes out to a bit more taxes for the wealthy, but mostly make the wealthy pay closer to what YOU are paying, while still being very soft on them. The majority of them is indeed agreeing with me that is NOT OK that the wealthy are now getting away with paying almost NO taxes.
Only a minority is even thinking about making the wealthy pay close to what they paid only a few decades ago.

Whatever you are trying to point to with the prices going up, is not related to taxes, because Democrats were hardly successful in increasing taxes on the wealthy much. They cut some loopholes which were giving some of them the ability to avoid paying taxes and they party undid some of the tax-cuts of Trump, but the tax-burden of the wealthy was even higher before Trump.
That's just the facts.

Just because the wealthy are crying on Fox'News' about their taxes, doesn't mean they are right. They are lying to you.

Someone has to pay taxes to cover the expenses of your country. You need roads and education etc. and you have the biggest military in the world.
It's either the wealthy who pays for that or YOU. In the last decades, they have shifted most of the tax-burden that the wealthy paid to working class people and small companies. While they were doing that, the middle class was getting poorer. Those prices didn't go down, but people just had more and more trouble to pay for everything. Don't say you noticed nothing before inflation shot up (which started under Trump), because you know that's not true. The middle class was already dwindling for a long time.

That inflation was not caused by Biden and certainly not by Biden raising taxes. It was caused by shortages during the pandemic, but it continued due to GREED. Inflation is now back to normal levels, under Biden. You are not noticing, because that greed is still keeping the prices high. The oil price is back to normal, but they don't lower the gas price, because they love their RECORD PROFITS, and they fooled you to not blame them.

By BlazerDad at 12,Jul,24 23:54 other posts of BlazerDad 
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By tecsan at 01,Jul,24 05:57 other posts of tecsan 
He is dead, the family forgot to call the funeral home.

By Cody8789 at 12,Jul,24 23:10 other posts of Cody8789 
Kamala not
By phart at 12,Jul,24 23:27 other posts of phart 

By tecsan at 12,Jul,24 09:40 other posts of tecsan 
Biden flops again two times.
By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Jul,24 11:04 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I haven't seen it, but I believe my favorite source. He agrees with you.
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By phart at 12,Jul,24 13:15 other posts of phart 
he called Zelenski putin. sheesh
By dgraff at 12,Jul,24 13:50 other posts of dgraff 
And don’t forget he said he is proud to be the first black woman to have served under the first black president
By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Jul,24 14:43 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I know, it's all very humiliating.
But Trump did nothing but lying in that debate.
I know you don't care, but to me that was worse.
Every dictatorship starts with leaders lying so much
that no one knows the truth anymore. It's a strategy.

By tecsan at 11,Jul,24 09:17 other posts of tecsan 
The dems got themselves in a mess.
By Ananas2xLekker at 11,Jul,24 13:45 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
With not replacing Biden or with something else?
By phart at 11,Jul,24 16:00 other posts of phart 
it would take a lot of work to build up a new candidate this late in the race would it not?so that means the new 1 would probably the Kamel or hillary, which would be another train wreck.
By Ananas2xLekker at 11,Jul,24 16:11 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Yeah, I think so too. Maybe if it was someone very famous, it would work.
They did a poll, showing Michelle Obama would have a better chance of
beating Trump and Kamala Harris has about the same chance.
The rest would have even less chance to win than Biden.
I cannot express my level of disgust. I would vote for a Chihuahua over Trump.

However, in that poll were only very centrist Democrats.
They don't want to know how much chance Bernie Sanders has of winning
or any of the other well-know progressives. They only want a corporatist.

I'm sure Bernie Sanders would beat the crap out of Trump.
If you want to beat a fake populist, get a real populist.
The problem is that they rather loose to Trump than win with Bernie.

By Ananas2xLekker at 10,Jul,24 08:18 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Mike Johnson is predicting some tough conversations about spending in 2025.
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"Trump warns U.S. House Republicans not to touch Social Security, Medicare"
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After some 'tough conversations', Trump will reverse on that idea.
By tecsan at 10,Jul,24 08:36 other posts of tecsan 
Whatever you say, I am like many here do not care to look at your links. You only picked the ones that benefit a socialist like you
By Ananas2xLekker at 10,Jul,24 09:36 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You only watch links that benefits Republicans, not yourself.

I would watch every link you provide me, but I would just point out all the lies in it to you. You are not willing to watch what I link to you, because you know you cannot find any lies in what they are saying in my videos. The truth benefits a socialist like me.

Your Social Security and Medicare don't benefit ME, they would benefit YOU, if they still exist when you are old enough to be eligible. Keep voting on Republicans and they won't last that long. Better make sure you are saving millions for your retirement, because that's what you need to survive, without that socialism, when you're old.

By phart at 19,Jun,24 17:20 other posts of phart 
some people still do not understand that soro's is a threat.
But what he is trying to do now should make some folks think.

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Literally trying to take control of our media. And just what do you think he will broadcast?
Certainly not conservatives view points.
All to continue the brain washing of our young people.
By Ananas2xLekker at 20,Jun,24 15:25 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
All your media is already in the hands of wealthy rich assholes.
Elon Musk has been posting and reposting fake news on X, since he bought it.
Jeff Bezos bought The Washington Post, which of course is now never critical of what Amazon is doing anymore.
Most of your radio channels are owned by 6 companies, owned by conservatives.

What makes this wealthy rich asshole so scary? Because he's a Jew?
He's just a neo-liberal who thinks the peasants will be happier and not go after the wealthy with pitchforks, if he allows them some personal freedoms.
By phart at 21,Jun,24 03:10 other posts of phart 
what makes this wealthy asshole scary is he is not even a citizen of this nation but is taking control of communications , which is how people are informed.
Regardless of ideals or party, we should want a level field for communications so that folks have options for sources of info,with soro's in control of the larger % of the media, he can use propaganda to discredit what few sources of opposing info is out there. not a good situation.
By Ananas2xLekker at 03,Jul,24 09:53 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Bullshit, Soros has been a naturalized U.S. citizen, since 1961.

You don't get a 'level field for communications' if you allow wealthy people to buy up
the means of communication or if you allow wealthy people to buy your politicians.

It's Republicans who support your system of corruption the most.
Don't cry when it's used by the other side too (which Soros isn't even representing).

Your side just made the president unaccountable.
Don't cry when it's used by a Democratic president in the future.

That's the difference between you and me; I care about protecting democracy
against attacks from all sides. I think ahead.
By phart at 06,Jul,24 21:28 other posts of phart 
whats this about the supreme court? I have been away from all media the past week ,was a nice break
By Ananas2xLekker at 07,Jul,24 12:36 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Holy shit dude, they gave the president almost absolute power to break the law.
I know you were on a break, I'm happy for you, but that was world news.
By phart at 07,Jul,24 13:06 other posts of phart 
yea, I still aint got on the web here to read up on anything.

By Hairless at 04,Jul,24 02:06 other posts of Hairless 
Fuck Joe Biden.
By Cody8789 at 04,Jul,24 03:57 other posts of Cody8789 
I’m not a fan of Joe, but I would never say negative words against an old person, not even trump. Seems alittle harsh
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I actually feel sorry for Biden, I think he should retire and enjoy what’s left of his life.

By Ananas2xLekker at 04,Jul,24 08:08 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Fuck your Supreme Court, for making Joe Biden immune to Law and Order.

Every soldier now has to consider if following the orders of the president is putting themselves at risk of criminal prosecution, because the president doesn't have
that burden anymore.

If MAGA protesters are now in any way threatening, Joe Biden can send the military
to defend the peace 'at any cost', have it escalate and cause the deaths of thousands
of people, without being answerable to the law. According to your Supreme Court,
that would be within the core of his official duties.

By Ananas2xLekker at 02,Jul,24 06:52 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
“The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the country, and possibly the world. When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution.

Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.

Let the President violate the law, let him exploit the trappings of his office for personal gain, let him use his official power for evil ends. Because if he knew that he may one day face liability for breaking the law, he might not be as bold and fearless as we would like him to be. That is the majority’s message today.

Even if these nightmare scenarios never play out, and I pray they never do, the damage has been done. The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.”
--------------------------------------- added after 25 hours

By tecsan at 03,Jul,24 08:38 other posts of tecsan 
You watch too much cnn and rachel maddow on msdnc. Read what the court put out in writing. Please educate youself before you spit out bullshit.
By Ananas2xLekker at 03,Jul,24 09:01 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Come up with some actual arguments!

I know exactly what has been decided, and it's a farce.
It's against the original intent of The Constitution,
much of it goes against the text of The Constitution
and it's fully in conflict with precedent.

The text I provided was from the official descent of Justice Sotomayor,
not something from CNN, Rachel Maddow or MSNBC.
Did you read that? Did you educate yourself?

Even Amy Coney Barrett disagreed with some of it.

The Separation of Powers is enshrined in The Constitution and amendments, it is
its core value. This decision by your Supreme Court goes against that core value.
The president was supposed to be the manager of The Executive branch, with final accountability towards The Legislative branch and Judicial branch. This decision takes away most of his accountability towards Judicial branch. Sure, he still has accountability towards The Legislative branch, but if The Legislative branch is not protected anymore by The Judicial branch, because the president cannot be indicted for imprisoning or killing everyone in The Legislative branch who disagrees with them, that makes the president UNTOUCHABLE.

Remember the "The Buck Stops Here" desk sign of Harry S. Truman?
Republicans took away that 'buck'. The president is now unaccountable.

This is the next step from Republicans in destroying your democracy,
after they legalized bribery, starting with 'Citizens United'.
If Trump gets elected, he will take it all the way, to the level of Russia.

By White_Mamba at 28,Jun,24 08:35 other posts of White_Mamba 
I heard Biden took a nasty shit on the floor during the debates. Afterall he had to stand for 90 minutes. He must of felt so much better.
By phart at 28,Jun,24 10:25 other posts of phart 

It's jover for him
By dgraff at 28,Jun,24 10:53 other posts of dgraff 
I didn’t get to see it by all means fill me in
By Cody8789 at 28,Jun,24 12:50 other posts of Cody8789 
I think Bidens dog has a better chance of winning, and even though trump won, a lot of republicans don’t want Donald in office either because of all the lying he did on stage. Biden didn’t have time to lie because he slept during most of the debate. Really, is this the best we have to offer. I won’t be standing in long lines next year voting for anyone, I have better things to do.
By dgraff at 28,Jun,24 13:05 other posts of dgraff 
Thank you Cody I’m glad to hear Biden did so well
By Cody8789 at 28,Jun,24 13:10 other posts of Cody8789 
And I don’t want Kamala, if that’s how you spell her name, in office either.

By phart at 28,Jun,24 13:51 other posts of phart 
I didn't bother watching it. Maybe should have but I already know who I am going to vote for .
There is no way in hell biden was standing there that long without meds to keep him upright.
By Sir-Skittles at 28,Jun,24 14:22 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Biden looked like a certified window licker last night!

But Donna Brazille and Gaven Newson say ONE bad night does not mean turn your back on him!


I am sure his cunt pig wife changed his diapers last nigh!

Trump SMASHED him!
By dgraff at 28,Jun,24 15:10 other posts of dgraff 
That’s another one for our side

By White_Mamba at 29,Jun,24 07:05 other posts of White_Mamba 
His plan was to let biden hang himself. Fell right into the noose. Trump knew exactly what to do and he profited. The only thing left is to cheat or to accidently(of course) ressurrect Lee Harvey Oswald ..

By phart at 28,Jun,24 18:36 other posts of phart 
This short clip of the end speaks volumes. Trump Leaves on his own,biden gets help from his wife.
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If Trump needed help, I am sure Melania would be there for him.

I understand a wife looking after their husband,i am not dissin' that part of it, it is the fact biden is supposedly our leader and he can't fucking stand up!
By dgraff at 28,Jun,24 18:45 other posts of dgraff 
I know it’s pitiful and the democrats should be held accountable it’s elder abuse to make a man do a job he can’t handle
By Cody8789 at 28,Jun,24 19:08 other posts of Cody8789 
I wonder who really is running this country right now, who’s making the important decisions.
By dgraff at 28,Jun,24 20:30 other posts of dgraff 
Obama of course he’s been running the show all along
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He’s the puppet master
By phart at 28,Jun,24 23:34 other posts of phart 
And george soro's , bill gates, and a few others are bringing the covered dishes for supper.
By dgraff at 28,Jun,24 23:36 other posts of dgraff 

By White_Mamba at 29,Jun,24 03:58 other posts of White_Mamba 
Obama takes orders from Soros and the bilderberg group of globalists let alone bohemian grove of ****philes. The democrats take lessons on learning out to outright lie with a straight face. All of them lie and congress and the senate is rigged.

By phart at 28,Jun,24 23:37 other posts of phart 
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By dgraff at 28,Jun,24 23:41 other posts of dgraff 
By phart at 29,Jun,24 02:58 other posts of phart 
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By White_Mamba at 29,Jun,24 03:45 other posts of White_Mamba 
What would happen if they posted on the news. The news wants biden to win to keep power.. Hannity speciall.. Biden took a shit on the floor. If they published that crap the whole world would know and america is open season.
He got kicked out of the Vatican for doing the same thing. Never learn the lesson. I can't blame them. What would you do if Biden took a shit on your floor.. Ever hear of diapers?.
By dgraff at 29,Jun,24 08:49 other posts of dgraff 
I would make him clean it the hell up that’s for sure
By White_Mamba at 29,Jun,24 22:02 other posts of White_Mamba 
You train a dog wipeing his face with it. I'd make him eat it first.
By dgraff at 29,Jun,24 22:13 other posts of dgraff 
Hell yeah that’s even better
By White_Mamba at 01,Jul,24 03:54 other posts of White_Mamba 

By tecsan at 29,Jun,24 09:24 other posts of tecsan 
If you have seen him in the past two years then you know how it went "dgraff".

Not much else to say.

By tecsan at 29,Jun,24 09:07 other posts of tecsan 
No White_Mamba remember Cumala said he had a slow start and had a big finish. He took a big shit in his pants at the end.

I wonder who has to clean his ass? That is one reason they have a hard time keeping up with him.
By White_Mamba at 29,Jun,24 09:18 other posts of White_Mamba 
Quite probabably the same way a liberal wipes his ass.. Barehanded.
By Sir-Skittles at 29,Jun,24 11:51 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
The dem libtards don't care if Biden is a mongoloid.. He has not made a single decision since he was elected. Susan Rice, Obama, Soros, and the cunt Clintons have been steering things.

They fear Trump because he will ruin their power base and money train.
By White_Mamba at 29,Jun,24 21:09 other posts of White_Mamba 
They are unified puppets for globalists that unite to form the same slogans of propaganda. Their playbook is to propagate crimes against Trump on charges they themselves are guilty for. Nobody we really know of is in charge of the deep state besides God who knows who the antichrist is. Democraps are nothing more that disgusting apostates filth of hell. The world is a better place wtihout them. Cody appears to be liberal in his feelings towards trump although they hate biden they would more likely vote for Kennedy Not all democrats votes are evil or stupid. Just like if you play in chess and lose its just because the winner came up with the right idea. That's how to win. Stick with the truth and learn from it,,,,,which favors trump over biden by 5 points more than without kennedy.oo Added 1% more with Jill Stein.

By White_Mamba at 30,Jun,24 23:19 other posts of White_Mamba 
Trump is bad business for them. It disurps the business model. If america is going to survive they MUST remove the corruption and power from the deep state.

By White_Mamba at 01,Jul,24 05:18 other posts of White_Mamba 
Democrats and Repubicans, Good Guy's Bad Guy's, Wrestling had the hero versus the heel. Not real but great acting in WWF especially before hulkamania when they had to wrestle and act at the same time. It was a tough gig,, few made lots of money.

Here and now most of the republicans are lame actors. They suck suck suck but we are supposed to believe they are good and democrats that lie and cheat are the heels. Marco Rubio who is a senetor from florida is a 2 faced fucking weasel.

This is exactly what it is. Most Republicans are liars. Conservatives that are true and belong on capitol hill such as Marjorie Taylor Green are few in numbers but are great fighters.. Trump had a bitch of a time unifying the country because Paul Ryan fucked us big tine with him hiding the false russian dossier of that no good fuckassholeof biden wipe hillary clinton wrote it. The CIA, FbI, 95% of congres and butthole fucktard Mitch Mcconnel and Lyndsy grahm, pence were in on it. These people are crooks, they don't belong in government and the sooner they stop breathing will be the sooner this country is free.

Democrats just know how to divide the counry and pay criminal aliens to vote. They know how to advocate to an audience that is stupid with no reasoning common sense.That's it.. Get the picture? They suck suck and need to get back to hell with their p edophilia fucktard biden..

By White_Mamba at 29,Jun,24 22:01 other posts of White_Mamba 
I think BJUK does that but wipes him barehanded..

By tecsan at 29,Jun,24 09:12 other posts of tecsan 
Think there is no debate who lost that one. Alzheimer's joey for sure.
By Ananas2xLekker at 30,Jun,24 14:54 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I totally agree that Biden showed full Alzheimer in that debate.
It really was his worst performance ever. I've seen only parts of it, but those were so bad, I cannot force myself to watch the whole thing.

Biden sounded like he could drop dead at any second, Trump didn't.
That's why Trump definitely won that debate.

Still, Trump sucked too. He only needed to give people some reassurance that he's not planning to be a horrible democracy destroying dictator, but he couldn't do it. He was talking to MAGA people, but you will already vote for him anyway. Any normie republican, independent or doubting democrat, who doesn't like Trump and was considering Biden, might now be discouraged to vote for Biden, but is certainly not encouraged to vote for Trump. The fucker is still lying about the election that he lost and tried to steal and that he's willing to do it again. People who like democracy should vote for Biden's mummy over Trump.

How deep has your country sunk, if a lunatic, rapist, conman, traitor with early dementia and progressive brain damage, is fighting another dementia patient, who's medication plan is not working anymore, for the presidency and the only alternative the media talks about is a guy who had half his brain eaten away by worms and talks like a zombie?

By tecsan at 24,Jun,24 08:47 other posts of tecsan 
Reminder, debate 6/27/24. I believe it is on cnn and FNC.

By phart at 12,Jun,24 12:40 other posts of phart 
Well, ananas, looks like your ideas of "paradise" aren't working after all.
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"You really have to look at what's happening in Europe and realize that progressive policies are under attack. People realize the woke left, when they put together their governments and they put together their policies, they can't produce,"

Can't produce,in other words,not working!
By tecsan at 13,Jun,24 01:18 other posts of tecsan 
Go woke go broke Ananas2xLekker. Woke is the most lunacy I have ever heard of from the progressive left. (neo socialism).
By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jun,24 13:06 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Really? Meanwhile you cannot define wokeness, always straw-man the ideas that you think are woke, and you are unable to explain why they are such lunacy.
By phart at 18,Jun,24 14:05 other posts of phart 
"wokeness" has only recently been defined and from what i understand it is not clear yet.

but wikipedia says
Woke is a political slang adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) originally meaning alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination. Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injustice, sexism, and denial of LGBT rights.

Slang, something that educated people normally frown on.
From what i see, it encompasses whatever action or issue a person has that won't work or live normally in society.
By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jun,24 14:35 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Good, you can use the internet.

So? Why is it 'the most lunacy you have ever heard'?
By phart at 18,Jun,24 15:22 other posts of phart 
that was texan that said that,
I didn't. Because it is not the stupidest thing I have heard.
What is borderline stupidest is when people believe it and argue for it.
By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jun,24 18:40 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Don't answer replies to his posts then. That's you agreeing with him.
There is no difference between what he says and you say.
Why is it stupid to believe it and argue for it?

Or start by explaining how its possible to BELIEVE woke.
There are social inequalities such as racial injustice, sexism,
and denial of LGBT rights. That is not a matter you can believe or not.
By phart at 18,Jun,24 21:17 other posts of phart 
these inequalities for the most part, are social constructs created to cause hatred and division.
The constitution gives us all the same rights, public education k thru 12 is there for the taking for ALL kids to grow up educated and so on.
If adults are unequal it is their choice or lack of making good choices most of the time.
I posted a video of a fellow in UK, that explained this woke stuff and the climate change thing but no one has responded. I guess they don't want to accept the reality explained by someone not of the "science " world.
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By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jun,24 10:57 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You're indeed not woke, if you even deny the existence of the inequalities.

Yes, The Constitution is clear about everyone having equal rights, but the people who have to realize those equal rights don't give a fuck. Your Republicans are destroying public education k thru 12, while we are discussing it. They want to replace it with private schools with a voucher system. As soon as they got what they want, they can cut and gut the voucher system to their heart's content. The school system in Florida is breaking down the fastest. Teachers are leaving, because they cannot live in Florida on that wage and because they are fed-up with DeSantis' stupid anti-woke book banning.
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K thru 12 is NOT kids growing up educated, that's just enough to become a burger flipper. Poor people cannot afford to educate their children, so your education system is only creating more poor people.
Your quality level of education is dropping like a brick. The US is 33rd out of the 44 advanced economies when it comes to the percentage of young people attaining a post-high school degree.

I watched your video. He's funny, but what a bunch of stupid arguments.
First of all; why do you post him, while has has no arguments against woke, besides calling it stupid?

He admits climate change is real, but his argument that he has to do nothing,
is that poor people will not do anything. True, if people are forced to prioritize the survival today, they will not think about survival tomorrow. That's why the rich countries have the responsibility to think about tomorrow. We don't just have the responsibility to reduce our contribution to the problem the fastest, because we created the problem in the first place, we have the responsibility to help them catch up to our level of prosperity, without aggravating the problem we created.

Even if we accept his nonsense, it's still an ignorant argument, because China is doing more to prevent climate change than the US. China is dominating global clean energy technology manufacturing and exports. Meanwhile the US is dominating in fossil fuel production and consumption.

His argument against woke kids, who are protesting the destruction of their future, is accept that your future sucks, work hard for the generation who is causing it, shut up and take it.
His argument is to just drive towards the cliff as fast as you can, because woke is stupid. You accepting that bullshit is stupid.

He is indeed explaining the reality, that people like you say screw the future, by blaming poor people who have a priority to survive. You personally ARE POOR, so I won't hold it against you that you would prioritize your own survival over your survival in the future and the survival of future generations. However, you are NOT prioritizing your own survival today or in the future, because you are accepting lies from wealthy people, which makes you prioritize THEIR wealth
over YOUR survival today and in the future.
By phart at 19,Jun,24 12:11 other posts of phart 
private schools can be selected by parents to make sure their child is educated the way they wish them to be,not the way the government wants. that is the reason for private schools.
A gay couple can send their kid to a private school that has no signs on the toilets, a straight couple can send their kid to a school that teaches the difference in the 2 genders and keeps them separate.Giving the PARENTS the power to parent,not the governments village.

Climate change is inevitable as the earth cools. I don't want to starve to death or live in a cave to make sure people can be here 7 generations from now instead of just 6.
Iran will nuke us all before that becomes a problem because woke people don't want enemys rid of.
By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jun,24 13:06 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Only if they have the money!!!!!!!!
Poor people won't be able to educate their children, making more poor people.
If poor people will destroy the world, like he says, then stop making more poor people. Do you have a skull of ten feet thick?

You're just repeating his argument that we are doomed anyway, so fuck it.
Meanwhile, you are not benenfitting form his idea, because YOU ARE POOR.
My ideology wants to change that, your ideology wants to keep you poor.
I'm the one who might need to make some sacrifices, for people like YOU.
You are already at the bottom. The equality that I want can only benefit you.

I don't fear that Iran will nuke us all. Those extremist lunatics are still more intelligent than you. If the world ends in a fireball, the US will start it.
By phart at 19,Jun,24 17:26 other posts of phart 
I think you are the 1 with a thick skull or perhaps both of us?
Poor people could afford to educate their kids if the public school system was abolished and the tax money taken from the parents was left with them to spend on the kids education.
and besides, why not government vouchers for private schools?
Why should you work a job, and do what it takes to maintain a decent life and then turn around loose part of it to get someone off the floor? They are not your problem, your problem,or responsibility is YOU and YOUR family.
By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jun,24 19:24 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Do you know of any private system that is more affordable than a public system, anywhere in the world? Private systems make profit for wealthy people, that's why those systems are always more expensive. They are not in it to provide the public with something they need, but to exploit the system for their own needs.

Our government told us the lie that you are believing. Everything they privatized became more expensive and most of it became worse.

Everyone is my problem, because all our problems are linked in this global community. Education keeps children from being criminals, who endanger my life and the lives of my family members. Poor people are bad for the economy and they don't participate to the progression of humanity.

The guy from your own video told you so. Poor people don't care about climate change. So, that's why we should lift people out of poverty.
It's definitely your skull that is the problem here.
By phart at 20,Jun,24 00:18 other posts of phart 
Or, is it that poor people are the only 1's not gullible to the propaganda??
By Ananas2xLekker at 20,Jun,24 09:17 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Poor people are already dying from that 'propaganda'.

By phart at 20,Jun,24 00:23 other posts of phart 
This layout is not conducive to lengthy discussions. i am sorry my reply was directly under his. I will try to remember to find a way to seperate.
By Ananas2xLekker at 20,Jun,24 15:29 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You can answer any comment you want. Just know that when you react to my answer to someone else, in disagreement with my points, I will assume you agree with the comment that I reacted to. If you don't, it would be helpful if you convey your own opinion on the matter first.
By phart at 21,Jun,24 03:08 other posts of phart 

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jun,24 13:03 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Do you think I'm not aware that people don't like immigration?

No one likes immigration, except the people who who want to exploit immigrants.
Stop thinking that I like immigration, because I'm woke.
Woke just means being aware of, and actively fighting against, INJUSTICE!
It comes from "WAKE UP!" and SEE the injustice against ALL OF US.
Injustice being done by the wealthy powerful elites, against you and me and everyone.

I support helping real refugees. That's not 'liking immigration'.
That's just considering that every person on this earth has value.
I think that people who are fleeing INJUSTICE should be helped.

I don't like immigration, I just have better solutions to reduce it,
while simultaneously helping people who are fleeing war and persecution.
It would help a lot to reduce immigration, if you stopped supporting INJUSTICE.
If you had not supported the destruction of Gaza, that's 2.2 million immigrants less.
If you joined my side in combating climate change, that might prevent the oncoming
tidal wave of immigrants fleeing countries that will become to hot for human survival.
If you would stop sanctioning South American countries, you would reduce your own immigration problem of South Americans looking for jobs.

That's not 'woke', that's just using that gray matter in your head.
By phart at 18,Jun,24 14:08 other posts of phart 
If south american countries would install functional governments that would operate in a way that could be somewhat trusted with what help was offered, the sanctions wouldn't be needed.But there is nothing down there but hoodlums and crooks and the people won't or don't resist.
it took a revolution and a terriable war to break the US free from the tyranny of england and it's taxes and shit.That is what those south american people need to do,FIGHT for their country.
By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jun,24 14:43 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
It's the sanctions that prevent them from creating "functional governments".
And when they might succeed, you help topple their government.

Your own country hardly has a "functional government", as a result of the Republicans being completely incompetent in the House, and you voting in corrupt hoodlums and crooks as representatives yourself.

The whole of South America is suffering from drugs cartels taking control, because America cannot keep its own people from using drugs and because you let your military industrial complex sell weapons to the drugs cartels. It's your fault their countries are failing in the first place and as a thanks you give them the last kick
by sanctioning them.

By tecsan at 14,Jun,24 07:48 other posts of tecsan 
In my opinion, the democrats are a bunch of damn loons that went off the deep end. Why else would so many be leaving the party???
By dgraff at 14,Jun,24 10:54 other posts of dgraff 
This much i can tell you
Being a democrat 30 years ago was something way different than being a democrat today they have gone off the deep end and we need to come together and stomp the bastards for good if Donald Trump says the word to stomp the Democrats i would be out there with my favorite skinning knife slashing throats i ready to go to war as one of his trained assassin’s
By tecsan at 15,Jun,24 09:06 other posts of tecsan 
Well said. Many close friends of mine that were democrats have also left the party because of the stupidness of their behavior. The dems have falling into a black hole of lunacy.

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jun,24 13:40 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You agree with a guy who says: "slashing throats i ready to go to war as one of his trained assassin’s" and then say: "the dems have falling into a black hole of lunacy."

OMFG, you are stupid!!!
By sherryann at 18,Jun,24 14:04 other posts of sherryann 
The only stupid one is thinking that lone white men are "mass murderers," there's mass murderers killing people every single day & more on weekends where I am.
By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jun,24 14:27 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
And they are NOT 'lone white men'?
Mass murders are committed by a large majority by 'lone white men'.
And mostly by right-wing extremists.

"All U.S. extremist mass killings in 2022 linked to far right, report says"
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By sherryann at 18,Jun,24 15:35 other posts of sherryann 
Not interested in your controlled media. My eyes work well. You probably think all serial killers are white too.
By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jun,24 18:07 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Have your eyes seen many non-white mass murderers lately?
Yes, most serial killers are white. And most are male.
Those are just the facts.
By dgraff at 19,Jun,24 08:54 other posts of dgraff 
Bull shit in Chicago most of the killings are done by black men and now yet they are shipping in illegal immigrants from all over the world there are your murders don’t you dare sit over there in Dutch land and try to tell us what is happening in America 🇺🇸 we live here and we have eyes we see what is going on
Close the fucking borders
By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jun,24 13:22 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Black criminals are mostly killing other black criminals.
Children in school do not need to be protected by armed security,
because of the killing done by black criminals.
The only reason they are not safe, is because of lunatics like you.

In my country, the murder rate is 6 times lower than in yours.
It's also criminals killing criminals, not black per se.
However, our kids are safe, because we do not arm lunatics.

The borders have no relation with your mass murders.
By dgraff at 19,Jun,24 13:30 other posts of dgraff 
So you say come visit one of our major cities you and your family would not last a week in Chicago Illinois without being robbed raped beaten and shot maybe even killed i can guarantee that
By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jun,24 13:59 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Your Republicans are lying about crime statistics all the time.
Sure, crime is much higher than in my country, that is true,
but what you make of it is bullshit, the worst areas excluded.

Children in school are not protected by armed security, because of the risk of getting robbed raped beaten and shot maybe even killed, by criminals. They are at risk of getting killed by school shooters, which are almost always right-wing extremist lunatics, radicalized by the same propaganda that you watch.

Still, the borders have no relation with your crime either.
That's your own many generations American black criminals and
lots of white trash criminals.

Your ideas to solve that crime have not worked.
That's why you have so much more of it than my country has.
There is no street in my country where I cannot walk around safely.
It's your own ideas that created the areas in your country,
where you are not safe to walk around. We don't have those,
because we have done that differently.

However, right-wing policies have already made a lot of things worse.
Voters have now elected the most right-wing government we ever had.
So, I predict we will see safety declining to your level soon.
They are already making their first stupid decisions, like cutting funding
for education and for the immigration services intended to send back immigrants who do not have a legitimate reason to be cared for by my country.
Right-wingers often SAY some good things and then DO the exact opposite.
It's people like you, who don't understand action -> consequences,
who keep voting for their cheap stupid ideas and then be angry about
the consequences.

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jun,24 13:36 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You're starting to sound more and more like one of those crazy mass murderers.
You must be happy that your supreme court reversed the bump stock ban.
When can I expect the news report about you killing 60 people from a hotel window?
By dgraff at 18,Jun,24 13:41 other posts of dgraff 
Just as soon as my president Donald Trump gives me my orders I will then go to war
By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jun,24 13:44 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
History will judge you to be the traitors to democracy.
And you will just be remembered as one of his Kool-Aid drinking cult members.
Just a heads up.
By dgraff at 18,Jun,24 13:47 other posts of dgraff 
I just hope Donald Trump saves Joe Biden for me when the shit hits the fan
By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jun,24 13:50 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Delusional! Like all of people forgotten in history,
you will just be one of the people who died in the first attack.
A stupid stooge, dying for someone who knows how stupid you are to follow him.
By dgraff at 18,Jun,24 16:56 other posts of dgraff 
Hey tell everybody that you know follow me follow me now Donald Trump will lead the way and show us how so follow me now
With the majority of the military being republican just who will protect old Joe Biden his secret service I’m telling you if the Democrats try to cheat in this election they’re will be a war between the Democrats and the Republicans
By phart at 18,Jun,24 18:07 other posts of phart 
secret service can't even keep themselves safe while in california.! 1 got robbed while biden was hob knobing with the stars and poking along off stage with the helpful advice of his boss.

Is walking slow part of dementia?
One test that may help is gait (walking) speed. Previous research demonstrated that declining gait speed is associated with dementia. Further, several earlier studies showed that a dual decline in both gait speed and cognitive function is a better predictor of dementia risk than either measure alone.Sep 8
By dgraff at 18,Jun,24 18:08 other posts of dgraff 

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jun,24 18:16 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Trump is literally showing clear signs of brain damage from dementia.
That is confirmed by many neurologists.
Meanwhile, they don't say that about Biden.
Biden is just showing mental decline consistent with aging.

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We all laughed when Biden said "turn the record player on at night".
Trump talks about preferring to be electrocuted over getting eaten by a shark.
You think that is normal? The things Trump is talking about are absurd.
Every single speech he does is madness from the beginning to the end.
And it's all completely self-absorbed, like a little kid speaking.
He sounds a lot more energetic, but it's all chaotic and repetitive.
Biden still makes points and finishes sentences, Trump doesn't.
By phart at 19,Jun,24 02:07 other posts of phart 
Trump has been under alot of stress lately.
Set aside a moment that you do not like the man,IF you were in his shoes, could YOU handle the stress's being placed on him by all this witch hunting and election interference?
By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jun,24 13:29 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I'm willing to concede that Trump is under a lot of stress.
His lack of sleep might aggravate his brain damage.
That's as far as my sympathy goes for him, because everything
that is happening to him is self inflicted.
Every single thing he is indicted for, is for his own choices and actions.

A man who is stupid enough to fuck up his own life like that,
cannot be trusted to lead the most powerful country in the world.

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jun,24 18:13 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
The majority of the military is indeed Republican, but they also swore to protect democracy. If you try to topple the legitimately elected president, they will have to defend that president. If they are not, they will be traitors, treated as such and judged by history as such.

That's why so many of Trump's former allies speak out against him now.
By dgraff at 18,Jun,24 21:30 other posts of dgraff 
Do you really think that in a chaotic time in a civil war brother against brother democrat against republican those soldiers will really give a fuck about history or how the people will see them of course not they will choose their side and fight for what they believe in
By phart at 19,Jun,24 02:10 other posts of phart 
Yea, several law men I have encountered over the years made it clear if the "shit hit the fan", they would walk off their jobs and protect their homes and family's.
I strongly suspect if a pres like biden ask the military to take up arms against Americans, they would walk away and go home to their family's.
I don't want harm to come to biden, I want to live to see the day he has to watch America prosper while he withers away on his front porch.
But I sure as hell wouldn't put myself in harms way to protect him. he aint worth it.
By dgraff at 19,Jun,24 07:20 other posts of dgraff 
Absolutely agreed 👍

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jun,24 13:33 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
The Nazis were fighting for what they believed in too.
Al Qaida terrorists flew themselves into the World Trade Center
for what they believed in.

History will see you as the same bunch of extremist lunatics.
I understand the extremist lunatics don't care about that.
By tecsan at 20,Jun,24 05:08 other posts of tecsan 
Democrats have no clue what is really going on.
By Ananas2xLekker at 20,Jun,24 09:13 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Ask Marjorie Taylor Greene then. I'm sure that genius knows.

Has she kicked out Mike Johnson yet, for doing ANYTHING?

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jun,24 12:49 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
So many Democrats are leaving the party, because they don't like how Biden
keeps supporting Israel doing a genocide.

Those are not now Trump supporters, because they are not stupid enough to think Trump is better on that issue. Trump would support Israel killing every last man, woman and child in Palestine and steal their land.

"Around two-thirds of voters (67%) — including majorities of Democrats (77%), Independents (69%), and Republicans (56%) — support the U.S. calling for
a permanent ceasefire and a de-escalation of violence in Gaza."

If you see your president acting against your wishes, you stop supporting him.
I think they will still vote for him, because they know the alternative is worse.

By tecsan at 15,Jun,24 09:37 other posts of tecsan 
I wonder if the libtards will still call little hunter's laptop russian disinformation???
By phart at 16,Jun,24 00:17 other posts of phart 
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By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jun,24 12:36 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Who is calling hunter's laptop Russian disinformation?
It's not! The laptop is real! What is Russian disinformation, is saying there was
any evidence of a crime associated with Joe Biden on that laptop.

The Russian disinformant, Alexander Smirnov, who claimed that executives from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma had paid President Biden and Hunter Biden
$5 million each around 2015, has been proven to be a liar, for the Russians,
and he's awaiting trial in jail.
By phart at 18,Jun,24 14:10 other posts of phart 
Your naiveness is showing.
The Russians installed the misinformation that "proved" him a liar. Putin did not get where he is today being a dumbass.
By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jun,24 20:19 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Sure, they first go through the trouble of paying a guy to accuse Biden of corruption and then they plant evidence to prove him a liar. Who's being naive now?

There is not and has never been any evidence on that laptop of Joe Biden being involved in Hunter's nice cushy job. All the claims were based on lies and the Republicans even faked images to look like screenshots of chat programs,
to help support their lies. Did Hunter get that job because of nepotism? Of course,
he even admits that himself. Burisma surely intended Hunter Biden to be useful to them because of his dad. Joe Biden just didn't help his son abuse his position. Nepotism sucks, but nothing illegal happened. The children of powerful and wealthy people have it easy in more ways you can count. Every time I've pointed that out to you, you've defended that system, because you think wealthy people are brilliant
and their superior intellect must be hereditary. You only dislike it when it's Democrats.

I would be very much open to believe that an American politician is corrupt.
It just requires evidence. However, the few things that you did present as evidence were easy to debunk in minutes.

Putin prefers Trump, because he's just like him, a narcissistic authoritarian who hates democracy. The fact that you lot like him so much, proves it.

By tecsan at 19,Jun,24 06:34 other posts of tecsan 
Proven liars like the 51 agents that signed their name saying it was not true or joey saying in a debate that it was fake. Come on dude, keep up would you please.
By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jun,24 13:37 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You're the proven liars. Every time I check your 'evidence', it is fake.

Meanwhile, I see the crimes of Trump happening before my own eyes.
I see him claim one thing to defend himself and then a completely conflicting or opposite thing a while (or even minutes) later. He has been lying about everything,
all the time. The only times he is speaking the truth, is when he is incriminating himself accidentally, while trying to defend himself. That's why he doesn't have the balls to take the stand. He is not defending himself against any indictments.
His only defense is to obstruct and delay, with the final goal of pardoning himself.
That's him admitting he is guilty, on all counts. And you supporting that man,
makes you a massive hypocrite.

By phart at 18,Jun,24 18:15 other posts of phart 
Poor old biden, that big blob of vanilla ice cream that he saw rolling up to him turned out to be the pope instead! I wonder what the popes bald head smelled like. And if you get to see some different camera angles you can see the pope is NOT happy with biden getting that close.

By tecsan at 12,Jun,24 06:17 other posts of tecsan 
I do believe that justice prevailed today because of a competent Judge Norkeika.

The court was conducted 100X better than MORON engorons's court and the same with IDIOT merchan's court.
By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jun,24 14:07 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I agree that Judge Norkeika is competent. Would she have been on the other side,
you would have called her a moron though.

Judge Arthur Engoron and judge Juan Merchan have just as much or more of a respectable career compared with Judge Norkeika.

Judge Elaine Cannon however, has no experience to speak of and is described as being 'in over her head' by friend and foe alike. She's not doing the job that is expected of her, constantly missing deadlines, giving bullshit excuses for that and uses dumb paperless orders that even screws Trump unintentionally, while she tries to help him.
She has been slammed by the appeals court several times and keeps fucking up.
She is betting her career on Trump winning the election and saving her, by pardoning himself. That's why she's constantly stalling. I think, if Trump loses, she will do the right thing, which you will explain as stabbing Trump in the back, to try to save her own career.
Then you will call her a moron too, or worse.

By phart at 04,Jun,24 02:21 other posts of phart 
I just read something that i feel sure annas won't like but I thought it rang pretty true.
You can vote your way into socialism but you have to shoot your way out.
By tecsan at 04,Jun,24 07:15 other posts of tecsan 
That is no crap. Look how many lost they're lives trying to flee is and still are today. annas is an idiot.
By Ananas2xLekker at 05,Jun,24 13:03 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Anyone fleeing Scandinavia?

The countries you call 'socialist' are all oligarchies.
The wealthy elites are in power there, not the people.
Which is exactly what you want America to be.

Not a decade ago, you were all fearmongering about Russia.
Now you want your country to be exactly like Russia.
Tucker Carlson is advertising it like the promised land.

Did Russia stop being communist? No, you became communists!

You idiots want a wealthy, authoritarian dictator controlling your every move,
while telling you he represents the will of the people and the glory of the empire.
That's communism, bonehead!

By Ananas2xLekker at 04,Jun,24 10:25 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
That's communism. You still don't understand the difference? Tiresome!

You can vote your way into fascism, but you have to shoot your way out.
By tecsan at 05,Jun,24 09:05 other posts of tecsan 
Anymore smartass comments? Ananas2xLekker.
By Ananas2xLekker at 05,Jun,24 12:49 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You don't need to be a smart-ass, to understand the difference
between socialism and communism.

Socialism: the people are the government
Communism: the government elites control the people

Capitalism: the wealthy elites control the people and the government
By tecsan at 06,Jun,24 05:09 other posts of tecsan 
Guess that explains people try to flee socialism then. It has never worked.

Now explain the difference between the wealthy elite and the government elites if you can? Both are basically the same here. I know you have a hard time answering questions.
--------------------------------------- added after 122 hours

By phart at 06,Jun,24 14:39 other posts of phart 
I have to agree, there are no poor people in government, only wealthy people that really can't show where their money comes from,take that Mendez "spelling", fellow, free Merecedes, gold and etc, um the dems don't care about it.

By White_Mamba at 11,Jun,24 03:09 other posts of White_Mamba 
Not one time in human history for any governed society has socialism worked.Eventually it leads to failure. The only reason anyone even thinks socialism works is either stupid or they are the dictators propagating freedom through socialism or thier twisted means of defining democracy.
By phart at 11,Jun,24 04:20 other posts of phart 
Why is it in socialist and communist countries most folks don't even have cars ,they ride bicycles and walk everywhere. they eat simple food and don't have alot to show for their work.
Just a quick google search,Wow,
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Communist states are typically authoritarian and are typically administered through democratic centralism by a single centralised communist party apparatus. These parties are usually Marxist–Leninist or some national variation thereof such as Maoism or Titoism, with the official aim of achieving socialism and progressing toward a communist society.

Annas, read that last sentence again,
"These parties are usually Marxist–Leninist or some national variation thereof such as Maoism or Titoism, with the official aim of achieving socialism "

THE AIM OF ACHIEVING SOCIALISM< and then move right along into communism.

What are the 5 communist socialist countries?
Today, the existing communist states in the world are in China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, and North Korea (DPRK).
By White_Mamba at 12,Jun,24 04:34 other posts of White_Mamba 
communism, socialism or whatever the fuck you call it is a result of a government take over. A government that overpowers people. Eventually all empires will come to an end when you stop blowing the president.

By epep50 at 09,Jun,24 04:31 other posts of epep50 
I'm a veteran of 2 wars and don't want to see anymore. I love my country but we seem hell-bent on destroying ourselves as a nation. I used to be progressive in my ignorance. Not anymore. Joe Biden is the worst president any of us will see in our lifetime. The only good that man has done has put a spotlight on the evil of the democrat party and their policies. Kamala Harris has guaranteed we won't see a woman as president or vice president as long as I'm living so we can thank her for that.

By phart at 22,May,24 02:47 other posts of phart 
Now It becomes clearer to me why liberals hate religion .
Kinda hard to push a liberal-socialist agenda when the Bible tells you to be dependent on no one.

Does the Bible say to live a quiet life?
In 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12, the Apostle Paul tells Christians that while excelling in brotherly love they are “to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one.”Sep 4, 2019
By Ananas2xLekker at 27,May,24 16:40 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I hate religion, because it churns out stupid people.

See Tucker Carlson being a Creationist Tool on Joe Rogan's show:
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Why doesn't he mind his own affairs, instead of messing up science,
which he obviously doesn't understand. Or it's just an act, for stupid people.

If we should be dependent on no one, we should kick out all the employers
and enact socialism, where people work for their own affairs, and work together
with others in brotherly love, instead of for outsiders, who profit from the work of others.
We should not be dependent on them and they should not be dependent on us.

Why do you worship the people who do not work with their hands,
but let others work for them?
By phart at 27,May,24 16:59 other posts of phart 
we could all mind our own affairs if the idiot liberals would mind theirs.

ok so you don't like religion, and your youtuber thinks every sound uttered from a scientist is golden. That is your affair ,quit pushing it on everyone else.
science is bought and paid for in most cases that liberals use the information regarding the hot topic of the day.
By Ananas2xLekker at 27,May,24 17:07 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
So what is left from your little quote then?

Are you kidding? I question EVERYTHING, that's the scientific method.
There are no words that I consider golden, that's faith!

Religion is bought and paid for and Tucker Carlson is bought and paid for.
Their arguments only work on gullible people, who are incapable of understanding evidence and logic for themselves.
Science doesn't push anything, they just present their evidence and expects you
to be curious about the truth. You are not, you want to be lied to.

Liberals are minding their own affairs, which is defending The Constitution
and The Rule of Law, while you are supporting a fascist traitor, who wants to be king.
By phart at 27,May,24 20:03 other posts of phart 
So why is it not my affair to defend the constitution?
Because I support the 2d amendment I suddenly am minding someone else's affairs?
Religion is not bought or paid for. it is shared all over the world. Church can be held under a shade tree and folks sitting on the ground.
Science is expensive. So how many scientist you know that didn't go to college? How many labs do you know of that cost nothing?
By Ananas2xLekker at 29,May,24 08:07 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Because the 2nd amendment is the only part of it you support.

Right-wing Christian conservatives are getting in people's business,
by pushing your ideas on people who do not share them, contrary to what The Constitution and all the other amendments allow.

Science is an investment, just like education. Every dollar you invest in it comes back many times over.
By tecsan at 29,May,24 08:11 other posts of tecsan 
You do not always quote science, mostly you biased socialist opinions.
By Ananas2xLekker at 29,May,24 08:25 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Socialism is based on a principle of how I want people to live together.
That is indeed an opinion. There is no science that can show you
that what you want society to be is correct or false.
If you want to live in servitude of some king, that's your OPINION.
There is no science that can deny you your opinion on that.

I base my worldview on solidarity. That is an opinion.
I cannot show you that it is correct or false, with science.

If you want everyone to just care about their own needs and don't care about anyone else, nor the future, then your opinions are logically consistent with everything you are communicating here. However, if you think that makes the world and your life better, then we should first discuss what you think a better life for you looks like. Maybe you just have a different idea of what you want for your life.
By phart at 29,May,24 12:29 other posts of phart 
socialism is living in servitude to those that won't work .

Not much different than your theory of capitalism,the poor work for the rich.
Your idea, the poor work for the poor and the government.
By Ananas2xLekker at 29,May,24 12:35 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Another straw-man. Try to understand something, before you knock it.

My socialism is not 'working for the government',
it's the government working for the people
and not just for a few wealthy ones, like your system.

By tecsan at 29,May,24 04:26 other posts of tecsan 
This is why I refuse to comment about religion with you. You admitted that you are atheist. Thus there is no argument there. Nothing will change your mind except proof of it.
By Ananas2xLekker at 29,May,24 08:15 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"You admitted that you are atheist. Thus there is no argument there."
Is that an admission? Yes, I don't believe in ideas that cannot be shown to be true.
Religion fails even the lowest standards of what is required to determine what is true.

I don't need 'proof' to accept the truth of an idea, I just need good arguments in favor of it and good arguments against alternative ideas. Those arguments should be based on evidence and logic, in accordance with reality.

Believers are the ones who won't change their mind, except when it's proven wrong.
In the case of the supernatural, it is impossible to prove claims wrong, because it allows for denying reality itself. If you believe in magic, everything is possible.

By leopoldij at 30,May,24 23:15 other posts of leopoldij 

By Ananas2xLekker at 21,May,24 15:48 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
American Nazi Nick Fuentes Accidentally Streams Gay Porn
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Another one of those right-wingers who pretends to hate the gays, on a “Christian values” broadcast, who opposes LGBTQIA+ rights or even the existence of LGBTQIA+ people,
but who secretly watches gay porn. They cannot admit to themselves that they are gay
or bi or just want to suck cock, so they turn their insecurities into hate.

Just accept who you are, instead of hating on people who embrace it!

By tecsan at 21,May,24 07:07 other posts of tecsan 
How is the trial going for you Ananas2xLekker?
By Ananas2xLekker at 21,May,24 07:52 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Which one?

The one where the corrupt judge just decided to postpone indefinitely?
Or the one where the defendant got his bond lowered to a third of the original?

Both are not going well. What a failure of your justice system.

In any case, Trump is doing pathetically in his election interference case, where he cooked the books to hide the fact that he paid off the porn-star hooker he fucked.
Damn, you know how to pick your presidents.

By tecsan at 20,Feb,24 08:49 other posts of tecsan 
TRUMP 2024.

By Ananas2xLekker at 20,Feb,24 18:24 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Defund Trump! Oh, thanks judge Engoron.
By phart at 20,Feb,24 20:34 other posts of phart 
No defund New York.
Send in millions more illegals, let them run the place down the toilet where it belongs.
By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Feb,24 21:03 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
No sign of any Wall Street crash yet. How long until the crisis hits?
How do buildings with TRUMP signs on it keep illegals out? It hurts their eyes?
I do admit many will lose their jobs; construction jobs for Trump.
But, I'm sure they will find some job that pays better. Trump scams his workers too.
By phart at 22,Feb,24 23:20 other posts of phart 
2 major investors have pulled out of new york, truckers are refusing shipping to new york. I would say the earth is quivering a bit so far.
By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Feb,24 10:53 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
History shows how long right-wing boycots last.
You have the attention span of a goldfish.
By phart at 23,Feb,24 12:28 other posts of phart 
I still boycott a restaurant that offended me in 2012.
some may forget,I don't
By dgraff at 07,Mar,24 12:07 other posts of dgraff 
I still don’t buy any Coca-Cola products ever since they stated they were going to hold classes to teach the workers how to be a little less white what kind of a statement was that crazy
By Ananas2xLekker at 07,Mar,24 12:18 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Well, it doesn't look like The Coca-Cola Company is suffering from it.
It would be nice if consumer choices actually held companies accountable for disrespecting the principles of their consumers, but it doesn't work that way. That's just another lie they told you about capitalism. People are fooled by messaging too easily.

If their products are liked mostly by conservatives, they act conservative.
If their products are liked mostly by black people, they act 'inclusive'.
If their products are liked mostly by young people, they act hip and woke.

So, if you see a company be hip and woke, you can be sure that you are not
their target market. They don't fear you, because your group doesn't buy their products enough and you support the capitalist system that profits them already.

Teaching the workers "how to be a little less white"
Just distribute some tan-in-a-can! It works for Trump, he looks dead without it.
By tecsan at 22,Mar,24 04:30 other posts of tecsan 
Guess you just explained bud light. I would not allow it in my front door. I still accept un-opened bud light in the back of my truck. It makes for good target practice.
By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Mar,24 19:18 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
They don't care! Their sales are already up again.
Probably all the woke people who compensate for you.

If they are smart, they brand it as the wokest beer available.
You're not the target market for light beers. That's 'gay'!

By #610414 at 29,Mar,24 04:48
Every restaurant and bar or establishment that serves beer still carries Bud Light and, not only that, all the advertising still hangs on these establishments. So what was proven by this misguided childish stunt? NOTHING.

By phart at 07,Mar,24 13:59 other posts of phart 
Yea, if I happen to go mcdonalds i have to get sweet tea because they sell coke.I don't even like eating at mcdonalds but when the other place is closed , it beats nothing.
I don't give to the salvation army either because of their pamphlet they sent out wanting white volunteers and employees to apologize and all that mess.
Not my fault I was born white,nor is it any else's fault as to the color they were born. You can act like a victim or you can get out there and make your mark on the world. regardless of color
By Ananas2xLekker at 21,Mar,24 07:36 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
True, you are not guilty of anything, just because you're white.
But, you keep voting for a party that has restricting the voting rights of black people and other non-white people as a priority.
That party bans thousands of books from schools, for the only reason that there are black people in it as characters, that they were written by a black person or that it describes black history.
You react to every murder of a black person by police or some fearful grandpa, that they had it coming, because they are 'obviously criminals'.
That's you acquiring guilt for racism, that you haven't been born with.
By phart at 21,Mar,24 10:58 other posts of phart 
You act as if the "fearful" grandpa has no right to defend himself from a black person. Would you feel the same way if the thug they shot was white?
I can't help it blacks don't respect police and are not taught to respect authority.
Banning a book about black history, could it be because it is a bunch of lies and political correctness that doesn't tell the whole story? There is more to the story than most acknowledge .primarly that they were first sold by their own. that is not in most books therefore they are not learning all the truth. they are just taught enough to resent whites, are not taught that their ancestors were sold by their peers. teaching the blacks the truth,would remove the control system that democrats have over blacks,teaching them they are "helpless victums" because of whites only.
By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Mar,24 19:25 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"Would you feel the same way if the thug they shot was white?"
White people don't get shot when they ring a doorbell.

"could it be because it is a bunch of lies and political correctness that doesn't tell the whole story?"
No, it's because you want to rewrite history, to say slavery was awesome.
In any case, ever heard of the first amendment?

There are no people with a victim complex as big as right-wingers.
You're all a bunch of fragile little crybabies and Trump is the worst one.
By phart at 22,Mar,24 22:24 other posts of phart 
No, I and others like me do not want to rewrite history,we are trying to prevent it from being rewritten by folks with a agenda

No one thinks slavery was awesome. A republican President freed the slaves for petes sake.
What folks don't hear about is slaves staying on at the plantation because they were treated well and some were even buried in the family's cemetery plots.
3000 dollars was alot of money in the 1800's and the new books try to make it seem that all slaves were beaten with in a inch of their lives and starved and etc. BULLSHIT.
they were well taken care, they were sadly legally Property at that time and investments. why on earth would any sane person harm them? How would they work in pain or injured? How would they work starved? Apply a little logic and the woke history suddenly does not add up.
Slavery was terriable, it was ended as far as blacks are concerned but now you can call illegals asylum seekers and hire them over and above US citizens. and control them with fear that they will be sent home if they don't work.that's the woke slave trade.
By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Mar,24 15:45 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"A republican President freed the slaves for petes sake."
Sure, and that's why all you Republicans now love the Confederate flag.
You're re-writing history yourself. You know that's all bullshit.
Those were Republicans in name only, and I'm not talking about your RINO conservatives who like the policies of Trump but just not his chaos.
They were the liberals, doing liberal politics, writing the liberal Constitution and caring about liberty for all, including the slaves. The conservatives hated that idea and hated everything the liberals came up with. The Constitution is actually watered down for those Southern conservatives, giving them the electoral college which provided them with more electors per vote.
The liberals favored a majority representative system, like my country has.
You are indoctrinated with the idea that The Constitution is perfect.
First of all, you don't even know what it says and second; it's pretty good, but it was still a compromise, between the liberals who designed it and the conservatives who didn't like that whole democracy thing very much. And that has stayed mostly the same throughout time. Conservatives still don't like democracy, especially not for people who have different opinions. They prefer destroying democracy over losing to the other side. It's also an admission that your opinions are actually not popular. Without constant lying, almost no one would support your ideas.

The slaves didn't stay on the plantation because they were treated well, but because they needed to work for a living and often to pay off the debt to their former owners. Instead of the original slavery, many of them were put in wage slavery or debt slavery. Additionally, it was still a very unsafe time for them. The South was still racist as fuck and would kill lost of former slaves, for just walking around. When you still consider a black kid who rings a doorbell in the evening a mortal danger that you shoot just to be safe, what do you think people back then thought about black people.

Indeed slaves were an expensive investment, but those slaves needed to work very hard to regain that investment. They didn't get their slaves to work that hard for nothing, by just asking them nicely. They needed to be tortured into submission. If you don't understand that, imagine you were in their situation. It always seems like right-wingers are unable to do that. You lot would lay down your lives to protect your guns. Bunker out on your hill, like dgraff, but you don't understand that slaves had NO FREEDOM AT ALL. Many of those slaves were proud warriors, captured by rivaling tribes and sold to the white men. Do you think they would bend over that easy? How delusional are you? They were shown who's the boss in the cruelest ways you could imagine.

"How would they work starved" They got fed, but they were used to eating garbage. The culture called 'soul food' is based on the skill of slaves to make offal and other waste eatable. The black people in your country that are descendant of slaves have no other culture. Unlike Americans from Irish descend, who still celebrate St. Patrick's Day, those black people don't have African culture. That was all beaten out of them, they only have SLAVE CULTURE, with slave music, which is based on singing together in the fields to mike life bearable and slave food, which is based on cooking with garbage.

Your correct that immigrants are abused in almost the same way as slaves were back then. They can go, whenever they want, just like those freed slaves that stayed on the plantation, because they have nowhere to go. They didn't get a ticket back to Africa. Hell, lots of them were born into slavery and had never seen Africa. Where would you go, if you were born on a plantation, in a country where you are not safe anywhere else. Most immigrants are leaving poverty and violence. Do you think they wouldn't leave their exploiters, if they had a better place to go to or a better job to survive on? That exploitative system isn't 'woke', that's what right-wingers created for employers to exploit CHEAP LABOR. Republicans only cut and gut labor inspection.

It's the jobs that Americans don't want to do, because those jobs suck or pay even less than the jobs that lots of Americans still do. I told you many times that you should crack down on those employers. If there are still no Americans for those jobs, then you give those immigrant workers green cards and make sure they cannot be exploited anymore. Then the citizens who came to the US further in the past, have a chance to compete with them too. Then less of you won't have to work 12 hours per day, 7 days per week either. You're all getting exploited. You can change that by starting with the immigrants. Keeping the immigrants out won't work, mostly because your Republicans don't want to. They take orders from big corporations, who want their raw materials for cheap, to make more profit. That involves exploitation of the people who make those raw materials. It's either illegals or American citizens, but they will exploit who ever they can to make more money. Normally you support that. You would support exploitation of illegals too, if they hadn't sold you the story that they are to blame for your exploitation 24/7 on your right-wing 'news' channels that they bought and own.
By phart at 27,Mar,24 23:49 other posts of phart 
proud warriors? If they got caught by the other tribe and traded, they were Loosers.
Soul food, Sheesh, beans,tators, pork chops, what is garbage about that?
By Ananas2xLekker at 29,Mar,24 14:44 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"If they got caught by the other tribe and traded, they were Loosers."
You can fight proudly and still lose. When the white men gives one side weapons that outclass another's side, you can fight proudly, with all your might and still lose. Many died rather than being sold to the slavers, but some got captured. Many woman and children and teenage boys were traded as slaves. When too many men were killed to fight the slavers, women started fighting too.
Go see 'The Woman King'. What am I saying, way to woke for you.

That soul food has of course evolved a bit from the absolute garbage that it was when they were slaves, to ingredients from hunting and gathering when they were freed, to cheap ingredients and leftovers during the segregation era, to still cheap ingredients with some extra's now.

"Slave rations were often meager and frequently consisted largely of leftovers and "undesirable" foods from the masters' kitchens such as
pork ribs, ears and chitterlings (the pig's small intestine)."
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"beans,tators, pork chops" are not expensive ingredients.
It's literally based on the cheapest ingredients possible.
When the slaves were free, as soon as possible they stopped eating garbage themselves and started raising pigs, that they could feed the garbage.

Go read something about it, before you come up with BS like this.
You can literally go to Wiki and learn something.
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By phart at 29,Mar,24 18:54 other posts of phart 
You aint from the south that's for sure.
Anytime you go to the nearby county, there will be a sign, "BAZAAR" "Chittlin's cornbread and fried chicken all you can eat"
Go by that church on that day and you will see Lexux,and Cadillacs in the lot.
they can eat better now, they CHOOSE not to.
By Ananas2xLekker at 31,Mar,24 10:58 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
We were talking about CULTURE, originating from slavery,
segregation and poverty, not CURRENT poverty.

Did you even get the main point?
Most immigrants keep the culture alive from the country they come from; people of Irish descent have St. Patrick's Day, people of Italian descent have their food, so do lots of other cultures. Many people still have their religion.

The descendants of slaves have no culture from the original African countries they came from. You can be sure those countries they came from had cultures. Go to Africa and see a culture that's older than yours (if there is even something like an American culture). But none of that culture remained, because slaves were forbidden to have a culture.

Maybe you think that's a small thing, but your side is crying 24/7 about culture stuff. Just an example; when liberals try to respect other cultures, by saying "Happy holidays!", you lot go apeshit over that almost every Christmas time.
By phart at 31,Mar,24 11:53 other posts of phart 
if they want african culture, Delta is ready when they are to go BACK to where their culture is.The lack of air conditioning, the poor health care,the lousy food supply, the fighting in the streets,oh, well, hell that's not much different than the neighborhoods they have built for themselves here, so they do have the same cultures.
By Ananas2xLekker at 01,Apr,24 10:21 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I don't know if they want African culture, that's not the point.
The point was that they had a right to it, and white people stole it.

You are using the argument that black people shouldn't be so angry about slavery, because they have all those luxuries now. Even if that's true now, generations of African people lived and died as slaves,
were subjugated, tortured and murdered. Then after slavery, their descendants were treated like garbage for several more generations.
Even now after more generations, their descendants have the same rights, by law, not in reality, people like you still keep blaming them,
for not keeping up with the rest of Americans. Whatever blame they could ever have themselves, white Americans have much more of it.
That includes you personally, because you're taking part in the movement that doesn't want to allow them the chance to catch up,
or even allow them equal chances to do it themselves.
By phart at 01,Apr,24 20:20 other posts of phart 
you can't help those that won't help themselves.
When will you understand that folks like in harlem, could leave but WON'T because they don't care?
By Ananas2xLekker at 02,Apr,24 17:08 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Apparently you understand them better.
Surprising, because you never showed any empathy before.
By phart at 02,Apr,24 21:19 other posts of phart 
empathy is sometimes taken as weakness
you try to help someone,let your guard down and thats when they harm you,steal from you etc.
By Ananas2xLekker at 03,Apr,24 09:51 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Not SYMPATHY, EMPATHY; the ability to understand people
by imagining yourself in their position.

You don't do that, you're just giving your opinion of them.

I'm sure you can already predict the term I'm using for it;
It's pretending to represent other peoples attitude or opinion,
while you're only representing your own opinion about them.

By #610414 at 08,Apr,24 14:54
That’s wrong Phart. How do you suggest these people in the Bronx pay for a move out of the Bronx? Same for any one that lives in a poor section of the city they live in? You yourself said in a post that’s in the Dumpster that you’ve never been to NYC because you couldn’t afford it. You enjoy the fruits of an inheritance where you have a homestead. Most poor people pay rent and are not able to have a side hustle like mowing lawn’s or repairing whatever.
By phart at 08,Apr,24 18:40 other posts of phart 
If you are homeless in the bronx or have very little, what is there to leave? WALK to another city, ask around for a job, start over.
If you can sweep floors, get a job sweeping floors in partial exchange for the privilege of sleeping in the back shed until you save up money for a place to rent.
What is preventing people from having side hustles?
What is preventing people that have NOTHING from trying?

Most jobs require tools and knowledge,
BUT all jobs require a BRAIN. and all humans have a brain.or they couldn't breath.
So with that 1 tool in hand, and a good pair of shoes, you start walking and if you see a unmowed lawn, you ask the owner,can i mow your lawn for 20 bucks if you have a mower? "sure" , walk away with 20 bucks.
and go forward.
YOU have to be MOTIVATED to try, or if you are on the government tit, you will lie there in squaller till you die.
By #610414 at 08,Apr,24 18:56
Have you any idea how many"lawns" there are in the Bronx. Also, who said we were talking about the homeless?
By phart at 08,Apr,24 20:08 other posts of phart 
if you are in the bronx, you are pretty much homeless.
Besides, I said if you have nothing to loose by leaving ,walk somewhere else that there may BE some lawns to mow.
Or windows to wash or bricks to lay or dead animals to remove from the street or,a fucking job of some kind.
Anything to start your life over again and stop blaming everyone else.
By Ananas2xLekker at 09,Apr,24 09:04 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You got that wrong, if you are in Port Royal, Naples, Florida,
then you are pretty much homeless, unless you are part of the 5% who can afford a house there.

If you are in the Bronx, then you have a much higher chance to be able to afford a roof over your head and not be homeless.

By #712828 at 31,Mar,24 04:23
What's all this stupid silly ducky stuff.
By Ananas2xLekker at 31,Mar,24 11:00 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
What's this stupid silly ducky comment?
By phart at 31,Mar,24 11:56 other posts of phart 
duck,a waterproof chicken with a kazoo.

By #712828 at 31,Mar,24 18:42
Are you autistic? Autistics repeat a lot.
By phart at 01,Apr,24 20:21 other posts of phart 
i only said it once?

By #712828 at 01,Apr,24 07:28
Studying the scientific methods of research is not in your specialty
By Ananas2xLekker at 01,Apr,24 10:55 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Try to actually formulate an argument for once and maybe we could talk about the scientific methods of research. By the way, I've been educated in the scientific method starting 34 years ago and I've been actively using it for the last 25 years.

You say you have a medical professional job. That requires scientific thinking or at least logical thinking. I've not seen you using it.
It would be nice, if you tried.
By #712828 at 01,Apr,24 21:16

By #712828 at 01,Apr,24 21:22
You form a hypothesis
you collect data for analysis
you formulate a conclusion.
Does it show consistency?
If it confirms this you have developed theory.
If there is no adversity as time goes on then it becomes a law and sound.

You say you are smart and experienced for 25 years on scientific method but have yet to demonstrate what you preach.

Until you can prove to me what you say I consider it a political lie. You fail in presenting logical arguments that we can use to compare and contrast. All I hear from you is bullshit showing links of personal biased fake news but until this point you have failed to show concrete facts. I do.

T here is a difference between logic and critical reasoning. You lack ability to demonstrate any of these requirements that you claim to possess. IT"S NOT EVEN CLOSE.!!

Are you paying attention yet because this is important. I shit you not man

. You hate the republican president that has nothing to do with you. Its hatred towards this man lacks moral decency and reasoning cognitive abilities.

Just like the German Nazi's from 1932-1945. This is all I see is your hate. Nothing less, nothing more and you prove it constantly. I've given you many chances to display critical reasoning and you waste this opportunity every single time.

I've said this before but you are too stupid to assimilate. Unfortunately, not to my intention I've exposed your hypocrisy throughout the site now. The more you do this the more stupid you appear.

Therefore, your opinions are not important or influential for me.
By Ananas2xLekker at 02,Apr,24 18:37 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I told you (or previous TS iterations) that we don't have to perform formal argumentation theory here or support every opinion with the conclusions of some study. If science applies, that's preferable, but about 90% of the topics here are not related to science. Still, scientific thinking develops logical thinking; the ability to recognize patterns, draw correct conclusions and the ability to analyze problems and come up with effective solutions.

How difficult is it to present some facts, that we can both agree on
as being real and then provide a logical argument to support an opinion? Or, as an alternative, present an opinion and a reason for why you have the opinion. I used to think it's simple, but talking to people on this website has showed me how many people completely lack that ability.

I'm sure you do it in your profession, when you argument why a scan has failed or when you think equipment is malfunctioning. If someone else then disagrees with you, are you questioning his moral decency and reasoning cognitive abilities?

Our disagreements started when you formulated your morality as 'right and wrong' and say you base it on altruism. I asked you to make a logical connection between that basis and your political opinions. I have done that myself, but your explanation sounded to me like the ramblings of an over-medicated mental patient. Maybe we really do not understand each other, but I think I at least put in an effort to explain my socialist values to a people who have been fed right-wing propaganda from birth. That's clear as day, when all of you associate socialism with Venezuela and Hitler. That's just parroting what you've heard and never gave it one coherent thought in your life. The most well-know person in the US, who supports socialist values is Bernie Sanders. Tell me when you last have heard him defend Venezuela or Hitler. He's talking about providing people healthcare and education and a living wage. Did Hitler care about those things?

Every time I ask you something, you want to first agree on definitions. Can't we agree that most things are defined as most of the dictionaries define them? Then, if there are misunderstandings, we can clarify what things mean to us.

I have specific critique of your former Republican president. I don't just say that the man 'lacks moral decency and reasoning cognitive abilities', I support that opinion by telling everyone what I've seen him do and say and what is said about him, supported by credible sources. If I hate him, then it's not for partisan reasons, not even for his ideas, but because of his actions and his attitude. Still, when he was suffering from Covid, I genuinely both felt sorry for him, combined with a feeling of justice being served. When he makes a good joke, I can still appreciatie his humor. I would say, that's impossible if I truly hated the man. I do really disrespect him for lying and conning so many people, but I also blame the people who believe lies and get conned. I do sort of recognize his talent to fool so many people, it's definitely a skill. It's the only skill he has that made him the man he is. I wouldn't call him successful, because everyone with a brain, starting with hundreds of millions of dollars in inheritance, would be able to hire some good people to run their business for them. Trump even failed that, unless hiring that many crooks for your business is intentional. The only money he really made was playing a successful businessman on TV, all his other venues were mediocre successes at best. He went bankrupt six times, even with a casino. He has been in more courtrooms than most lawyers, getting sued by countless people he screwed over on a daily basis. Give me his father's money and I would do many times better, without having to do all that fraud and exploitation.

What I've done is formulating my opinions and my reasons for having them. If your only counterargument is calling my arguments stupid, then you're only exposing your own hypocrisy, because then you show that you're too stupid to assimilate anything.
By #712828 at 02,Apr,24 21:28
I'm rubbing my eyes hoping you don't cry me a river. You have no scientific or reasoning ability concerning moral ethics or justice. I really don't know what else to tell you and until you learn to be objective we have nothing to talk about.
By Ananas2xLekker at 08,Apr,24 16:46 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Here's an idea; show that you have any scientific or reasoning ability concerning moral ethics or justice.

By phart at 03,Apr,24 15:18 other posts of phart 
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" young Germans are urged to fight the negative health effects of life in modern cities by exercising together and engaging in wholesome social activities instead of drinking and smoking"

I must admit,No I don't hear many democrats ask young people not to smoke and drink ,they seem to encourage it actually.
I guess the theory is, if they are high they will vote for who allows them to be high?
By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Apr,24 15:41 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Sure, outright fascism contains a value that discipline is good.
That discipline is only intended to better serve the Fьhrer.
Hitler was also concerned with the health of his soldiers, researching the minimum daily requirement for vitamins and minerals, that is still mostly used until today, they say.
It was all intended to maximize the efficiency of his army.

Evil despots cannot get a country behind them with 100% pure evil,
they fool you with talk about discipline, patriotism and sacrifice for the good of the country, and then they do the 100% pure evil.
Might be good for you to understand that. Because it's applicable.

The Democrats don't encourage smoking and drinking,
they just consider it FREEDOM to do that if you want.
Republicans used to stand for personal freedom once,
now you just stand for servitude to the wealthy.

Why would freedom only be popular with young people?

By phart at 02,Apr,24 00:52 other posts of phart 
I tend to read some science,but then i look at who funded what I am reading and go from there.people tend to lean towards where the paycheck comes from.
By #712828 at 02,Apr,24 03:45
What I emphasize is common reasoning. What makes sense here. I can be scientific but if people don't understand right from wrong then what can I do?

By Ananas2xLekker at 02,Apr,24 19:08 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
The whole scientific method is based on the acknowledgement that people tend to lean towards where their paycheck comes from.
That's the reason for the peer reviews. Scientists' most important goal is to disprove their own hypotheses and the hypotheses of other scientists. Science progresses by the hypotheses that survive, all the efforts to disprove them. There is no right or wrong in science, there are only varying levels of probability. Still, some of those probabilities are the best approximation of certainty that is possible and there is no better method to exceed that level of near certainty.
By #712828 at 02,Apr,24 21:39
The scientific method is based on LOGIC.
Critical reasoning is the ability to find truth not only with yourself but understanding the true nature of existence which includes people.

You are not only lacking knowledge for reasoning but I submit all are you showing is not logical either.

Anything the left media tells you, then you believe. They want you to hate their political adversaries and for you it works for them. You've been used your entire life. Totally.

There are 3 types of people:
1)Good people```20%
2) Bad people, pure evil 15%
3) Misled people--65%j

Pure evil people you just take their power. Misled people are victims, Good people are true leaders and teachers of representing Justise and virtue.

The true nature of existence is knowledge you do not have or just not enough. Your hatred of this man is not only illogical, it makes no common sense whatsoever. This show your ignorance and being selfish.  Very similiar to the Nazi's finding their own justification for stealing the property of Jews and then murder every single one of them. I find your assertions boring and until you have to have better desires to find truth as it is ,,, we're done.
By Ananas2xLekker at 03,Apr,24 14:05 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
SCIENCE is based on logic, the scientific METHOD is based on formulating hypotheses and trying to prove them wrong.

Sure, with logic, but I was talking about the METHOD.
You don't prove hypotheses right, you fail to prove them wrong.

As Albert Einstein famously said: "No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong."

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By #712828 at 03,Apr,24 14:25
You are diverting from the point. Your irrelevance in trying to divert is exposed with clarity.

Scientific method is to use logic to create a hypothesis then test.

Critical reasoning you have no skills at all since you do not believe in God which means you have no instincts where logic is not the answer solving puzzles or finding answers. You need to go beyond logic and use your humbleness for basic understanding. You have not shown any skills. Since you reject God in reality there is no way for you to use these skills. You have 1 dimensional thinking when you actually need 4 dimensions. L x H X W X T===understanding. You have no heart, only assertions that are not debatable since you've already made up your mind including hating Trump. This is not debatable since you've made up your mind but you are also judging people that have nothing to do with you. America first. Biden is America last and collect money betraying Americans. We have nothing to talk about based on your limitations, experience and choices you've made, already made. You just don't understand me since you go in circles..

I'm not here to prove you wrong. I could care less. I'm here to tell the truth I know is sound. Hypothesis, theory, law, sound. Concrete facts. You don't agree, well ok.

Furthermore people on here are starting to listen to me more than they are listening to you. You want to keep bullshitting its your dime.
By Ananas2xLekker at 05,Apr,24 17:46 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I'm not diverting from the point, I said:

"The whole scientific method is based on the acknowledgement that people tend to lean towards where their paycheck comes from. That's the reason for the peer reviews. Scientists' most important goal is to disprove their own hypotheses and the hypotheses of other scientists. Science progresses by the hypotheses that survive, all the efforts to disprove them."

"Scientific method is to use logic to create a hypothesis then test."
And if you are doing real science, you are designing the test in a way to prove your hypothesis wrong, if it is actually wrong.
If you are designing your tests to try to confirm your hypothesis, then you are doing science wrong.

What do you think 'CRITICAL reasoning' means? It's trying to find errors in arguments, not trying to confirm argument, which is the basis of the scientific METHOD, as I explained it.
By #712828 at 05,Apr,24 19:11
Scientific method is to find out the truth regardless of any circumstances.
Critical reasoning requires a stoic form understanding reality exploring the true nature of existence. What do I mean by this? Logic is a poor way although it could be useful as a tool but where critical reasoning is required involves stoicism, patience and the ability to listen empathically. Wisdom, yes?

Wisdom is not logic. But logic is and can be used as a tool.. Wisdom is learned throughout the course of time when you truly want to find out what is real and what is not.

Logic is a tool to think. Wisdom is how you feel given the circumstances or environment. Another form of wisdom is known as judicial knowledge in order to find harmony and most of all,,,,, Freedom. The hand the mind and the heart when they work together create perfect harmony. The only way to achieve this is using wisdom and judicial critical moral reasoning. There is no exceptions. Finding truth on this scale is based on how you feel not by what you thihk.

What I mean is you use your compassions to find truth. You are an atheist, so you go by logic which is not logical on political discussion. God does not exist for you so your reasoning abilities are severely limited. Certain topics require critical reasoning, or your logic will become flawed. Your 5 senses, at the moment, and here-say arguments with Trump Derangement Syndrome. If you can strive to be all true rather than egoism and pride it should be easier with time, practice and learning..

In your situation with Trump you try to impress logic as to why you hate him. But you use links and fake news to strengthen your assertions. You use your hate in forming truth. You are better than this person and you know everything kind of attitude. This is a defense mechanism known as rationalization. Such as your suffering because of Trump without taking into responsibility of your own actions as to why you are suffering. This is a false sense of truth and in the end you end up with hatred and lack of spiritual growth requiring critical reasoning skills.
By Ananas2xLekker at 06,Apr,24 18:34 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You find the truth, by cutting away the logical errors.
That's what critical thinking is all about.

Another term for a logical error is a fallacy.

By #712828 at 06,Apr,24 20:18
I never said cutting away anything. Why is it that you are the only one on here that doesn't have a clue what I'm saying?
Are you stupid or ignorant? It's both.
By Ananas2xLekker at 07,Apr,24 17:24 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I know, I did. I'm saying it, because there is only one way to be correct and an infinite was to be wrong. That's why science and critical thinking focuses on trying to prove hypotheses wrong and arguments erroneous. If you don't understand that, your basic understanding of science and critical thinking is wrong.

One simple method we use in the company I work for, to find the cause of a safety incident, quality issue or some other problem is a fishbone diagram. There are varying versions going around, but they are all based on considering every possible source of the problem, by categorizing sources, considering all the possibilities and then methodically invalidating every HYPOTHESIS that can be easily dismissed, further investigating everything that can't.

It's a very simple logical tool, intended for our production employees, based on the SCIENTIFIC METHOD. For more complicated problems the supporting department(s) (that I work for) use various multivariate analysis tools, also based on eliminating hypothesis, rather than confirming them.
That's very important, because it prevents confirmation bias.

I was focusing on just this subject, in the hope of getting any agreement between us. You're the one diverting from the point.
However, I see it doesn't work, so lets move on with other points you are making.

I sort of agree with your idea of wisdom. I would define wisdom as the experience of having used logic and critical thinking so often, that a person understands how to make the right decision, without having to analyse a problem or solutions very deeply, but comes to the correct answer on intuition. It's a rare thing. I consider some well-known philosophers to be wise, a few political founders and a few writers. The only person I have ever known, who I consider wise was my Senior Manager, who has since left our company. I have learned very important things from him.

I am an atheist that doesn't believe any gods or a god exists, that's different from 'God does not exist for you'. There are only 3 things that religions claim that I consider possibly true.
1) There might be a supreme being that imagined everything into existence. I do not consider it likely, but science doesn't have any evidence in favor or against it, so I hold it as a possibility.
2) There might be something remaining of our essence after we die. I do not consider it likely, but science is unable to disprove this supernatural thing either.
3) There are probably texts in the holy books that are based on actual events. I don't think at all that even a letter in those books are inspired by the possibly existing supreme being, but people could have surely been inspired by the thought of such a supreme being existing and trying to imagine what such a supreme being would want. Everything in those books is to me obviously the work or at best the best attempts of ignorant, primitive men, trying to explain the world from their incredibly limited perspective, possibly trying to improve their tribal world and maybe even trying to present themselves as representatives of a supreme being to rule over the ignorant, gullible masses.

There is no logical reasoning or scientific evidence supporting the existence of god. You only think so, because you are told so and you believe it. You think that you have the truth, just like everyone else who has some completely different religious ideas. They base their ideas on a god, just like you and still have completely different ideas than you. Still, all you believers think you're the one who are right and everyone else is wrong. That's extremely arrogant. The likelihood that you are correct and everyone else is wrong is at least 1 in a million.

At least I don't consider myself to be correct, because of basing ideas on supernatural guidance. I base my ideas on evidence and logic and I can immediately change my mind on almost anything, as soon as I'm presented with evidence and logic that is stronger than the evidence and logic I previously held on the subject.
I would immediately accept the existence of god, if god presented me with sufficient evidence to believe in them (I don't say him, because it's ridiculous to think god is a man. It's just an example of the flawed ideas in the holy books.).

You keep accusing me of egoism and pride. If your ideas are based on Christianity, I would expect some more humility.
You should read that book of yours a bit more careful. Matt. 7 Verses 3 to 5: "Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."
You accuse me of using links and fake news to strengthen my assertions, but you are supporting your claims with NOTHING. You just call everything I say a lie or nonsense, without any arguments against it, and then talk about 'egoism and pride'. Your arrogance has no limits. Even if you had all the wisdom in the world, the way you communicate it wouldn't convince anyone who doesn't already agree with you.
By #712828 at 07,Apr,24 20:47
Wisdom is everything. My knowledge of wisdom is to just listen while the fool's chatter. Stoicism.

2 things we need is time. We cannot exist without time. The other thing is inspiration. Without that then we have no purpose. none. Money, control and propaganda is the devil's tool of diversion.

You don't believe in God therefore inspiration to you does not exist. What would be the point?

Money and politics in reality does not exist.

What does exist is ideas by which you create an inspiration from being inspired. When money, politics(propaganda), greed and egoism overwhelm our true purpose it leads to destruction.

Socialism has never worked, never. So after 100s of attempts you still create this stupidity.

Israel has persevered throughout history, why is that?
By phart at 08,Apr,24 00:21 other posts of phart 
is this "scientific method" anything like a troubleshooting flow chart
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By #712828 at 08,Apr,24 03:46
The scientific method
Make an observation.
Ask a question.
Form a hypothesis, or testable explanation.
Make a prediction based on the hypothesis.
Test the prediction.
Iterate: use the results to make new hypotheses or predictions.

Question, Research, Hypothesis, Experiment, Data Analysis, Conclusion, and Communication.

In this section you don't need scientific argument Trump created any felonies by questioning the election results. 1st amendment. No question is submitted because you already have fact.
By tecsan at 08,Apr,24 06:28 other posts of tecsan 

By Ananas2xLekker at 08,Apr,24 08:24 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I KNOW!!! I was talking about "TEST the prediction"!!!

How do you do that? YOU TRY TO PROVE IT FALSE!!!
Prove it false, then move on with a hypothesis that might be better. If you cannot prove it false, then you have learned something new. The next hypothesis would be designed to test the limits of the new thing you learned, by proving the next hypotheses false. You learn more from proving a hypothesis false, than from confirming a hypothesis.
That's the scientific method.
You are literally confirming my point there.

What part of this claim do you think is wrong: "Scientists' most important goal is to disprove their own hypotheses and the hypotheses of other scientists. Science progresses by the hypotheses that survive, all the efforts to disprove them." ?


There are LIMITS to free speech. You can just go to e.g. Wikipedia and find out:
"Categories of speech that are given lesser or no protection by the First Amendment (and therefore may be restricted) include obscenity, fraud, child pornography, speech integral to illegal conduct, speech that incites imminent lawless action, speech that violates intellectual property law, true threats, false statements of fact, and commercial speech such as advertising. Defamation that causes harm to reputation is a tort and also a category which is not protected as free speech."

Or you go to the source and read one of the U.S. Supreme Court opinions on the First Amendment.
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As an example: If you say to a hitman: "I would like my neighbor to die and I donate this $100,000 to you for a good cause." and then he kills your neighbor, that is still
the crime: 'conspiracy to commit murder'. You might say:
"No crime, free speech!", but then you are wrong.

Trump has been accused of three criminal conspiracies:
a. A conspiracy to defraud the United States by using dishonesty, fraud, and deceit to impair, obstruct, and defeat the lawful federal government function by which the results of the presidential election are collected, counted, and certified by the federal government, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371;
b. A conspiracy to corruptly obstruct and impede the January 6 congressional proceeding at which the collected results of the presidential election are counted and certified ("the certification proceeding"), in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1512(k); and
c. A conspiracy against the right to vote and to have one's vote counted, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 241.

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When Trump said: "We're going to 'open up' libel laws..",
he was saying that the limits to free speech weren't strict enough, he wanted to make more speech illegal and make
it easier to sue people for libel. Trump hates free speech, unless it's HIS free speech.
By phart at 08,Apr,24 14:42 other posts of phart 
Where does it say all these things we can't say?
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

I Do not see any specific things that are prohibited here.
"or abridging the freedom of speech"

"verb (used with object),a·bridged, a·bridg·ing. to shorten by omissions while retaining the basic contents: to abridge a reference book. to reduce or lessen in duration, scope, authority, etc.; diminish; curtail: to abridge a visit;to abridge one's freedom."

"the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds."

"the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint."

So that tells me, I can utter any words I please.
What it does make me wonder is, can I PRINT IT,that is not a sound, BUT the amendment does include "PRESS" so that is the printed word.
so sure there is some thinking to do,but this freedom of speech thing needs to be addressed.
We do have freedom of speech here.
By Ananas2xLekker at 08,Apr,24 17:05 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
The Constitution is not the only law you have dumb-ass!
And the first amendment is not the only amendment.
Having unlimited freedom of speech would negatively affect the freedoms and rights of other people. That's why freedom of speech is limited to those things that would negatively affect the freedoms and rights of other people: like obscenity, fraud, child pornography, speech integral to illegal conduct, speech that incites imminent lawless action, speech that violates intellectual property law, true threats, false statements of fact, and commercial speech such as advertising and defamation (libel).

Do you think child pornography isn't speech or that it should be legal?

Meanwhile, Republicans are banning books, so how about not abridging the freedom of speech?

And how about Trump opening up those libel laws then?

You're just showing complete ignorance of the law and hypocrisy.
By phart at 08,Apr,24 18:37 other posts of phart 
Uh, what part of what i wrote doesn't jive with you?
What other law? If there is a law that abridges freedom of speech, it is unconstitutional.
As for kidy porn,of course it is bad, but that is a issue with a crime against a person,not a noise or printed WORD.
By Ananas2xLekker at 09,Apr,24 09:10 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"Where does it say all these things we can't say?"

So you do understand that kiddy porn is bad, because that is a issue with a crime against a person. We are getting somewhere.

I explained below, how ALL the other limits to the things you can't say are an issue with a crime against another person.

FRAUD: When there is someone gaining from fraud, there is someone losing from that fraud. Money doesn't appear from thin air (unless a bank creates money, but than that money created is turned into a debt somewhere else). It comes from someone who is defrauded, who can be a customer, a random person with a money account, a business owner, shareholders, beneficiaries of a pension fund, the taxpayer and it is always everyone who does business honestly and is competing against people creating a higher return or getting benefits they don't get, by using fraud to their advantage.

SPEECH INTEGRAL TO ILLEGAL CONDUCT: Speech like: "How about I give you $1000 and you forget you saw me do a crime"? Or "We have to get rid of these stolen purses. Can you burn them in your incinerator? Sure, bring them in at 2:00 AM."

SPEECH THAT INCITES IMMINENT LAWLESS ACTION: "Let's go bomb the embassy! I'll go research the best way inside and you go research the recipes for bombs made with household ingredients." No direct crimes there, but that speech is still considered a crime, because there is a crime associated with it.

SPEECH THAT VIOLATES INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW: Creating a logo or name meant to confuse buyers into thinking they're buying the original brand. That is considered 'speech', while it's not saying anything with words. It is illegal, because it would be theft of customers that belong to the original brand.

TRUE THREATS: "If you want your wife and children to be safe, you'd better move your business elsewhere!"

FALSE STATEMENTS OF FACTS: "Dear shareholders, today we have acquired our biggest competitor in our market at a price we can recover in 1 year of our original turnover, but we expect this takeover will increase our revenue by 80%, within 6 months.", while the negotiations with the competitor has been paused, because their company value was insufficient at the time to buy the competitor. The false statement of facts will result in the stock price of the company shooting up, raising the company value, allowing them to buy the competitor.

COMMERCIAL SPEECH: "Our hair growth lotion has been proven to increase the hairy surface of the scalp, by 50% in 60% of the test subjects with progressed hair loss!", while they haven't done any research whatsoever and the product just contains grass extract.

DEFAMATION (LIBEL): "I would advise against hiring Tom Smith, because we caught him stealing our products and selling them on the black market. He has also sexually assaulted several of our female employees.", while that isn't true, but the person saying it has a grudge against Tom Smith, because he once got promotion that they felt entitled to.

OBSCENITY: I have some problem with this limit on free speech. What one would find obscene might be their opinion based on religion, and your Constitution says: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." It would be 'law respecting an establishment of religion' to determine speech 'obscene' by basis of a religious opinion. Allowing that speech that some people might determine 'obscene' does NOT prohibit the free exercise of their religion. They can just not watch that 'obscene' material. Your free exercise of your religion stops, where the free exercise of someone else's religion (or lack thereof) begins. Unless the 'obscene' material damages someone, it shouldn't be censored. Even when it might be damaging to children, it's up to the parents to protect their children from seeing that material. Still, the person or entity displaying or providing the obscene material has a responsibility, withing reason, to prevent displaying or providing the obscene material to children.

By #712828 at 08,Apr,24 19:50
With free speech comes with responsibility. Such as being morally correct.
Yelling a fire in a crowded movie theater is against the law especially when YOU KNOW IT IS NOT TRUE. You go to jail under disturbing the peace.
By Ananas2xLekker at 09,Apr,24 10:34 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
So, if I understand correctly, according to you, speech is only a crime, if you are doing another crime with it and then you can only be charged for the other crime and not the speech itself?
By #712828 at 09,Apr,24 16:57
Disturbing the peace and causing chaos by speaking is a crime. Using speech to disturb the peace is a crime. misdemeanor criminal offense. Punishable with fines/jail or both.
Committing a crime and disturbing the peace the penalties can be concurrent or consecutive depending on the offenses and/or judgement of the court.
It is against the law. hat Constitutes Disturbing the Peace?
States and local communities enact laws that make it a crime to create a public disturbance or commotion. Sometimes these crimes may be called disorderly conduct. These laws vary from state to state, so it makes sense to review the elements of the crime. Disturbing the peace laws typically prohibit:

Fighting or challenging someone to fight in a public place;
Using offensive language or "fighting words" in a public place that are likely to incite an immediate violent reaction;
Shouting in a public space intending to incite violence or unlawful activity;
Bullying a student on or near school grounds;
Knocking loudly on hotel doors of sleeping guests with the purpose of annoying them;
Holding an unlawful public assembly;
Shouting profanities, offensive words, or slurs out of a car window in front of a person's home over an extended period of time;
Allowing excessive dog barking in a residential area; and
Intentionally playing loud music during the night that continues, even after a fair warning.

In the case of Donald Trump since he has not been found guilty of anything and has been victimized with slander by the fake news complex it constitutes unlawful since they know it is not true thus disturbing the peace. What saves them is that they are corrupt up to the highest levels or courts here. It is against the law legally and morally but because of the justice system here there is no implementation. So Far.. But the constitution says what it says. You have these rights but it comes with responsibility when you are given power on any level including speech. Such as the 2nd amendment right to bear arms. You have this right but it does noy mean you can kill someone with it. Same principle.

By #712828 at 09,Apr,24 23:45
Disturbing the peace. You here are doing it mildly since what you are stating you know is untrue. Propaganda is a crime. Slander is a crime. Freedom requires responsibility and that includes free speach.
I've said Disturbing the peace 4 times now. What is so hard for you to understand other than you being stupid?
By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Apr,24 07:38 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Yes, you did say ‘disturbing the peace’ 4 times, but you’re still not clear why you address that.
Freedom of speech is exactly the right to disturb the peace, as long as you’re not violently doing it or hurting anyone, in the way I described before.

Propaganda is not a limit of free speech or freedom of the press. Propaganda is defined as “information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view”. If propaganda was illegal, every single media company would have long been canceled. The problem is that it is impossible to appoint or elect an independent, unbiased arbiter commission, that is tasked with deciding what is propaganda and what is not. Media companies are only legally culpable, if they violate those limits of free speech.

Indeed, slander is a crime. It's just another term for defamation and libel, which I already addressed.

You better understand that no media company can be trusted to report reality in an unbiased, objective manor. They are allowed by law TO LIE TO YOU, limited only by the categories I commented on before.

You accuse me of believing propaganda, but you're the one thinking that propaganda is a crime, which is terribly naive. I trust no one, unless they provide evidence, based on verifiable facts and logical arguments.

In the US, you still have the Society of Professional Journalists, who uphold the SPJ Code of Ethics, but they cannot legally act against propaganda, unless those limits of free speech are violated. What they do is making reports about all the media companies, including news outlets, and assess their adherence to the standards of ethical behavior. The are allowed to tell a news outlet that they cannot call themselves ‘News’ anymore.

Fox ‘News’ has been reprimanded many times by the Society of Professional Journalists. Here is an article of the SPJ saying “No responsible journalist can accept or excuse this behavior”; only registered users can see external links
“Text messages, emails and other recently disclosed court evidence in the case appear to show that popular prime-time Fox News hosts, with support from network executives, gave their viewers false and misleading information, apparently out of concern that fact-based reporting would damage the company’s brand, allowing competitors to siphon away viewers” is saying; Fox News is doing propaganda.
Fox 'News' doesn't care about the responsibility of using their free speech wisely, they were created by Rupert Murdoch with the sole purpose of promoting right-wing political views, with biassed and misleading reporting. (awaiting your false equivalence fallacy).
By #712828 at 12,Apr,24 23:12
Disturbing the peace is against the law. What part of law do you not understand. The laws in our constitution designate Socratic law based on moral correctness (one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.) Why UNDER GOD? Moral correctness.
You need to go back to school to study humanities before you can debate here. Education is not how much you know but how humbled you are in terms of having the desire to learn. You have yet to impress me with this injunction.

Oh and by the way. Everytime you praised the fake news in such a way displays your unrelenting fucked up belief that they are telling the truth. You make me sick to my stomach. Im so glad you are not an american. Speaking as an american you are not welcomed here. Not if I could help it. I don't want you here. We have enough problems with treason to worry about. Stay there.
By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Apr,24 10:11 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all" Is the Pledge of Allegiance, not The Constitution. Your founders didn't make up the 'under God' part, that was added on June 14, 1954, under President Dwight Eisenhower. Did Eisenhower explain his basis on Socratic law or moral correctness on that? No, he just wanted to fuck with the secular nature, in everything that your founders ever created and intended. They all rolled over in their graves that day.

Every time this idiot tried to present some facts, he was wrong.
Now he's gone again. Let's see if he comes back.

By #712828 at 08,Apr,24 19:58
In this country the constitution is EVERYTHING. You are not from this country so who the fuck are you to tell us our laws of the United States of America especially when you get everything wrong? Learn about your country first. For fuck sakes.

I'm not going to call you stupid anymore. From now on I will use the term "Very Stupid" If you want socialism then do it to your country. Don't believe in God and fuck off to hell.
By Ananas2xLekker at 09,Apr,24 10:51 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I know how you say you value The Constitution, but i see your side ignoring most in it constantly. You only pick the parts you like and interpret those parts in the way you like. You don't even know the meaning and intent of most parts.

You're not the only country that has a Constitution and you are not in the position to make inferences on how much I value MY Constitution.

At this very moment, it is an incredibly hot issue in Dutch politics, because in our last election a right-wing populist party has received the majority of votes (23.6%) and seats (37) in our House of Representatives. They are now responsible to form a cabinet with other parties, searching for agreements for a political program. That party has made very unconstitutional remarks and tried many times to enact very unconstitutional policies and has now promised to respect our constitution so other parties would want to negotiate with them. I oppose their political views for the most part, but I respect democracy enough to give them a chance to improve our country with policies they would find majority support for. Still, I will be watching them like a hawk.

You have no idea how much I know about politics in my own country, so your demand to me to learn about my country first is baseless.

By #712828 at 08,Apr,24 15:50
If you KNEW scientific method you would have defined it. You didn't. All you gave was bullshit.

Prove what false? You are confusing things. Here in USA it is innocent but if found guilty then it is true otherwise it is false. Everything is FALSE unless it is proven to be true.
Critical reasoning and constitutional law is based on socratic prinsiple. Difference between logical vs. doing the right thing. I believe this is the best way. Corruption in our country is destroying us and since USA is super power it will affect you too. You support this outcome. Why
By Ananas2xLekker at 08,Apr,24 17:01 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I literally had this picture on my profiles for 2 years, celebrating the scientific method and explaining it to people here, and you think you have to sum up the steps to me? Stop being ridiculous.

Also two years ago, I talked about recognizing fallacies, which is an important skill in critical reasoning.


The Socratic method is a form of argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions. It's a technique, where critical reasoning is used to show people why the are mistaken, and asking questions to make them think further. This is not a basis for constitutional law.

Are you kidding that I support corruption? I have been telling people here about why the US is corrupt, for years. You are correct, your corruption is hurting my country too. Why would I want to raise awareness of it, if I favor corruption?
By #712828 at 08,Apr,24 19:51
I don't look at your pictures. You're not my type.
It is false until you prove true. How simpler do you need it to be?
By Ananas2xLekker at 09,Apr,24 11:01 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Positive proof only exists in math.
Everything else is plausible until proven false.
You show your ignorance of science over and over.
Or, you are just lazy, putting the burden of proof on everyone else.

By Ananas2xLekker at 08,Apr,24 09:49 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"You don't believe in God therefore inspiration to you does not exist. What would be the point?"
That's bullshit, I'm inspired by actual truth, not the delusion of truth.

Well, at least some people can get inspiration from the bible:
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Very much applicable to topics on this site.

"Socialism has never worked, never. So after 100s of attempts you still create this stupidity."
Again, BULLSHIT, even your own country, which might be the most capitalist country in the world, still progressed from implementing SOCIALIST policies, like; social security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment compensation, K-12 education, housing subsidies, food assistance, veteran healthcare, most infrastructure, the fire department, the police, the military. All publicly funded, so everyone has access to them, rich and poor alike. That has massively increased chances for people.

Now look at all the privately funded (capitalism) necessities of life, like your healthcare insurance which is is the most expensive in the world and still leaves Americans with the decision between death or debt.
Or the education after 12, which is the most expensive in the world. The US ranked #1 in education, in the 1960s and 1970s, because you publicly funded it (socialism).
Now you have privatized (capitalism) a lot of your education, you are falling in the rankings a lot. You're now ranked #20.
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Those 19 countries beating you on education all have more SOCIALIST education.
That's socialism working and capitalism failing!

"Israel has persevered throughout history, why is that?"
Israel is 76 years old, what are you talking about?
Egypt has existed as an empire for 5000 years.
China has been united as one empire for over 2200 years.
What is the thing that you wanted to link to the perseverance of an empire throughout history?
By #712828 at 08,Apr,24 19:52
Israel is not 76 years old. Israel is over 6000 years old.
By Ananas2xLekker at 09,Apr,24 11:23 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
At best you can say that the Israelites were a people from the earliest around 1200 BCE. The were a tribe of settlers sharing the area that now is Israel with several other tribes. There was a Kingdom of Israel (Samaria), whose beginnings can be dated back to the first half of the 10th century BCE, but it was much smaller than the current state of Israel, which was declared independent by themselves on 14 May 1948 and was admitted to the United Nations (UN) as a full member state on 11 May 1949.

It's bullshit to assign that area of land to one specific tribe of primitives wandering around 6000 years ago, over all the other tribes of wandering primitives in the same area.
You could not even distinguish them from the others by genetic ancestry and they hadn't even created their religion until 1800 BCE.

So what is your basis for claiming Israel is over 6000 years old?
Pure ignorance and religious dogma, not logical reasoning.

In any case, your remark "Israel has persevered throughout history, why is that?" is still hanging in the air.
So, I'll catch it from the air.

The IDEA of Israel, persevering throughout history, can be attributed to one thing only; RELIGION. Two surviving religions claiming a specific area as important to their religions. Religions are a strong motivation for lots of ideas. That provides no basis for thinking there is any truth or logic to those ideas. People have been completely wrong and ignorant about everything for thousands of years.

Religions were the first attempt to create some kind of order in the chaos of beliefs. Those beliefs were still mostly wrong and often god-awful. Humanity only started to lose some of its primitive instincts and behavior when it developed philosophy and only started to exchange ignorance with knowledge when it developed science. In the meantime, religion has been mostly an obstacle in the development beyond its originally useful unifying effect. It's only creating division now. I hope humanity will lose the need for religion and replace it with secular humanism.
By #712828 at 10,Apr,24 01:13
Israel is 5784 years old. The nation was in Caanan before it was illegally exiled. It was recognized in 1948 officially by the UN but beforehand it was there and was confirmed by Koran Muslim nations. Israel is older than Egypt.
In Henbrew Israel's meaning is a path, the shortest road to God.
By Ananas2xLekker at 11,Apr,24 14:07 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Do you know how many people have been 'illegally exiled' from the land they were born in, in the last 5784 years? If that provided any claim to a piece of land historically owned by genetic, cultural or religious ancestors, we could all claim every piece of land from everyone else.

If 'Israel' was IN Caanan, than it wasn't a state.
There were some people living in that general area who spoke the Paleo-Hebrew language, but they are not even in the top 5 of earliest written languages. The Egyptians were 2nd, after the Sumerians. Their religion is at best 3800 years old and the claims to a state of Israel ar purely based on religion. I can believe that god has promised me a particular place to live, but that doesn't make it true.

The people who moved to the new state of Israel, after 1948 had mostly one thing in common; their religion. They came from Russia, Yemen, Iraq, Europe and the US, many after having lived in those other parts of the world for hundreds of years, mixing with the local population. Their genetic ancestry from the original people who lived in the area that we now call Israel, is mostly more deviant, than the genetic ancestry of the Palestinians who lived there.

But, I have good news for you; the descendant of a Navajo native American would like you to move, because your house stands on his forefather's soil. I'm sure you would be happy to accept his claim.
By #712828 at 11,Apr,24 22:39
Officially in Quran Muslims recognized Israel, Look it up yourself. Stated that Allah himself opened the Red Sea. Know Stick with facts before wasting both our times.

I should be getting paid for this especially when you don't address topics and assertions from which I am presenting here. I have to repeat myself while you cling to your pride thinking you know more. Trust me, you don't.

Torah was written before Christ by 4000 years describing the true nature of existence in 5 dimensions. Do you know what they are? You can't since your atheistic limitations prohibit you from understanding.

Israel does not have borders. It represents reality as to what we define the term life. The meaning is within our desires to achieve utopia by which our goals are to create altruism in perfect moral form through the will to bestow. Compassion is growth into a better moral state, knowledge and understanding. God wants us to become him by combining ourselves with that goal.

Jew is an abbreviation derived from the area once called Judea in ancient times. Israel is called Israel with their flag from 1948 but it always existed not only for Jews but for all God's creations. You included whether you believe it or not. It does matter. We were born to form God's image through the path of Israel.

Since your reasoning is limited, I can understand why you think the way you do. You think in 3 dimensions but actually the universe is 5. It's hard for you because you just don't see it or don't want to see. Like the blind that can't see.

Countries are man made and political. They are false To divert the truth. Why do you think especially in Palestine why the education is so fucked up. Europe knew the world was round but censored free speech by telling you it was flat. You probably still think that.

Learn your facts not political bullshit that makes you want to believe in truth when it is far from that.
By Maxwell_93 at 11,Apr,24 22:56 other posts of Maxwell_93 
Just we just fund someone already? LMT is stalling out

By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Apr,24 08:14 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
The Quran is based on the prophecies of Muhammad, beginning in 610 CE when the angel Gabriel appeared to Muhammad in the cave of Hira, near the city of Mecca. Muslims believe that Muhammad continued to receive revelations until his death in 632 CE.
That's at the earliest 1414 years ago, indeed far later than Jews created their religion, which includes their claim on their promised land; Israel. That doesn't support your claim that Israel is 5784 years old.

"Torah was written before Christ by 4000 years"
Every source I found disagrees with you.
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What is your source? Are you so falsely confident about what you think you know, that you don't even check the internet, before you advertise your ignorance for all to see?

"Israel does not have borders. It represents reality as to what we define the term life. The meaning is within our desires to achieve utopia..." I thought you were a Christian, but you sound like someone caring about expanding the Jewish religion much more. At least you are making one thing clear for me; no matter how much Israel steals land from the Palestinians and other neigboring states, you will see that as a 'desire to achieve utopia'. And then you are talking about altruism and compassion again, when Israel is killing 250 Palestinians per day with many more lives at risk from hunger, disease and cold.

We are living in a universe with 4 dimensions; 3 dimensions of space and 1 dimension of time, which are relative to each other, why it's known as space-time. Physicists have proposed a hypothesis called 'string theory' (which is not accepted as an actual scientific theory), which requires 10 dimensions of space and 1 dimension of time to make it mathematically feasible. That's the only limited evidence there is for any idea that there are more than 4 dimensions. No serious scientist, that I'm aware of, has proposed a fifth dimension. You must be referring to some weird pseudo-science mumbo-jumbo or your own religious indoctrination inspired brain-farts.

"Countries are man made and political...." Saying something true and then you're going off your rocker again. At one time you are defending the law, the next time you are completely discarding it. Yes, countries are a invention of humanity, just like laws, with the purpose of maintaining order, resolving disputes, and protecting liberties and rights. Do you think it's alright if religions challenge international law? How about your own law? Did you read your Constitution?

Flat earth is a religious idea based on a literal interpretation of the BIBLE. It's absolute hypocrisy to accuse an atheist of being capable of believing that religiously inspired pseudo-science bullshit. If anyone has a predilection towards religiously inspired pseudo-science bullshit, it's you, with your 5 dimensions!

By phart at 08,Apr,24 20:09 other posts of phart 
did anyone figure out the duck stuff?
I don't know why I am wondering,most folks don't give a quack
By #712828 at 10,Apr,24 01:14
they don't.

By #610414 at 29,Mar,24 04:54
Phart, you are wrong. I was taught that Africans WERE enslaved by other Africans. Not a good thing, but, if there had not been a market (white slave traders) there would have been much less slaves.
Why do you deny how discriminated blacks have been in this country?
By phart at 29,Mar,24 12:15 other posts of phart 
I don't deny it, I deny they were victims strictly of the white man ,they seem to never acknowledge that themselves.
By #610414 at 29,Mar,24 21:35
In this country, and that's all that matters in this conversation, the exploiters WERE the white.
By phart at 29,Mar,24 23:26 other posts of phart 
NOT ALL CAT< and I dare you to show me where this is taught in school.
In 1830, there were 3,775 black (including mixed-race) slaveholders in the South who owned a total of 12,760 slaves, which was a small percentage of a total of over two million slaves then held in the South. 80% of the black slaveholders were located in Louisiana, South Carolina, Virginia and Maryland.

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By #610414 at 30,Mar,24 13:07
You are fixated on trying to prove that SOME blacks were despicable human beings. Why would it be different than what was happening in Africa. But, you just said it yourself. That was less than 1%, but that's not what I'm talking about. I was taught in school, at junior high, that the KKK was lynching black men, in the South, for whistling at white women. That was happening in the first half of the 20th century. I was taught about the blue laws where blacks had to sit at the rear of the bus. I was taught how blacks had to drink from a water fountain dedicated just for them. I was taught how blacks couldn't sit in a southern lunch counter with whites. I was taught that blacks couldn't stay in a white hotel.
You can make all kinds of arguments about who got taught what where, but, Blacks are STILL being discriminated against and you are proof of it.
By phart at 31,Mar,24 01:41 other posts of phart 
I don't discriminate against blacks, i discriminate against whites and blacks that meet the definition of the n word.
i have put white in front of the n word many a time in my life.
MANY white people are far more disgusting than most blacks.
By #610414 at 31,Mar,24 15:22
What is the "N" word?
By phart at 31,Mar,24 19:14 other posts of phart 
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By Ananas2xLekker at 11,Apr,24 14:13 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
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Another brilliant South Park episode indeed.
By #610414 at 11,Apr,24 14:53

By Ananas2xLekker at 07,Mar,24 12:14 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
That's personal, I would do the same. I'm talking about all your side's attempts
to cancel every company that ever said or did something woke.

I must admit that the Bud Light ban did some damage to Anheuser-Busch InBev, for a while, but they are already doing better than before the controversy.
Of course, sending a transgender a few beers and them liking it online isn't as bad as bankrupting the cult-leader. However, there is no recent news, that I can find, that the truckers are actually doing anything.

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Last updated: March 6. Not even a ripple, as of yet. I'm waiting in suspense.

By phart at 22,Mar,24 18:12 other posts of phart 
you can add Tyson foods to my personal boycott list, they are hiring "asylum seekers" instead of US citizens
I know you won't see a issue with that.
But the fact of the matter is it is a loophole for the democrats to have "slaves" legally.
that is the real reason most democrats support illegal immigrants, they are to lazy to work and want servitude and dependency on them by the illegals
By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Mar,24 19:31 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
If you are boycotting every company that uses 'illegals', you will starve.
Instead of spending $25 billion to try to close 2067 miles of border, it would be much much cheaper to hire an army of labor inspectors, to crack down on the companies who use illegals as cheap labor.
That will also result in safer workplaces. It's much better for everyone.
By phart at 22,Mar,24 22:14 other posts of phart 
closing the gate, would be quick and easy.And cheaper.
By #610414 at 27,Mar,24 17:09
Ok, Phart, tell us how you would close the gate. BTW, did you listened to Mexico’s president telling the Clown that there are tunnels running from Mexico to the US under the Border Patrol areas?
By phart at 27,Mar,24 23:46 other posts of phart 
sounds like we need to evacuate the patrol areas and use some bunker busters.
By #610414 at 29,Mar,24 03:46
Well? Why didn't the Clown do that?
By phart at 29,Mar,24 12:07 other posts of phart 
I guess he didn't want to start a war.Because you know mexico would be upset we were taking out their shadow government,the cartels.
By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Apr,24 09:14 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You're not taking out the cartels, you are funding them, with the most addicts in the world and your refusal to legalize tax and regulate drug and to treat drug addiction as a health crisis.
By tecsan at 13,Apr,24 07:15 other posts of tecsan 
I am not funding the cartels dumb ass wake up, joey is the one doing that. Find me a Republican that agrees with the idiot. h
By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Apr,24 15:47 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
HOW? How does joey fund cartels? Come up with some argument,
instead of just flipping everything.
By tecsan at 15,Apr,24 08:17 other posts of tecsan 
The motherfucker lets people cross the border and the cartels charge for letting one cross. The open border allows cartels to get drugs into our Ccountry. An open border allows cartels to get young kids in the Country for sex-trafficing. Think I should stop, this is fucking ludicrous.
By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Apr,24 08:21 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Biden is stopping more drugs coming in to your country than Trump.
There is a bill in the house, that would give you almost everything
you want, but Trump blocked it, because that would be a win for Biden.
That's Trump letting in those immigrants, not Biden.
Securing the border costs money. Republicans are blocking that money.

Your nonsense should stop, this is fucking ludicrous.
By phart at 15,Apr,24 20:32 other posts of phart 
read the bill, there is some pork added ,that's why the republicans didn't go with it, get your facts right.,
By Ananas2xLekker at 16,Apr,24 15:29 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Ever seen a bill without pork? That's what they do.
Take what you can get, or get nothing.
By phart at 16,Apr,24 19:28 other posts of phart 
The dems got what they wanted, the bill failed because the repubicans were not going to support the "pork". THe dems are saying,"it's their fault" when it is really not.
The dems could present a stand alone bill addressing a particular problem and get bi partisans support but THEY DON"T WANT IT< they want division, and hate and fighting and confusion for the voters.
By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Apr,24 07:24 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Like what? If Democrats want to let in all the illegals and all the drugs, like you lot are saying, how is this bill giving them what they want?

The division is 100% coming from your side. Your side doesn't want to work together on anything. If the speaker of the house even works together to keep the lights on in the government, then the brainless crew throws him out. It toke 15 voting rounds to elect Kevin McCarthy, then they threw him out for not agreeing with stupid shit that even many Republicans would vote against and would instantly die in the senate. Now Mike Johnson is on the chopping block. I hope MTG kicks him out. The spectacle after that will do fantastic damage to your party.

You can twist it as much as you want, but the bill is a massive restriction on all sorts of immigrants coming in to your country.
Biden challenged Republicans, by giving away those massive restrictions and they are not taking it because it would give him 'a win' according to Trump himself. You are just buying in to all the lies.
Well, it's a trap; Democrats will spend billions of dollars in ads telling American voters what Republicans have blocked, dropping the responsibility for any border problems on Trump. It won't work on you, nothing will, but it will work on independents.

Here's the bill:
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What is it that gives Democrats that open border?

Is it in the summary?

- requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to resume activities to construct a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border;
- provides statutory authorization for Operation Stonegarden, which provides grants to law enforcement agencies for certain border security operations;
- prohibits DHS from processing the entry of non-U.S. nationals (aliens under federal law) arriving between ports of entry;
- limits asylum eligibility to non-U.S. nationals who arrive in the United States at a port of entry;
- authorizes the removal of a non-U.S. national to a country other than that individual's country of nationality or last lawful habitual residence, whereas currently this type of removal may only be to a country that has an agreement with the United States for such removal;
- expands the types of crimes that may make an individual ineligible for asylum, such as a conviction for driving while intoxicated causing another person's serious bodily injury or death;
- authorizes DHS to suspend the introduction of certain non-U.S. nationals at an international border if DHS determines that the suspension is necessary to achieve operational control of that border;
- prohibits states from imposing licensing requirements on immigration detention facilities used to detain minors;
- authorizes immigration officers to permit an unaccompanied alien child to withdraw their application for admission into the United States even if the child is unable to make an independent decision to withdraw the application;
- imposes additional penalties for overstaying a visa; and
- requires DHS to create an electronic employment eligibility confirmation system modeled after the E-Verify system and requires all employers to use the system.

By tecsan at 17,Apr,24 06:28 other posts of tecsan 
Some of the pork may me spoiled which makes it impossible to ingest.
By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Apr,24 07:40 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You have no clue, you're just saying shit.
They told you it's bad, so you parrot that.
There is no way that even informed yourself
on one detail about what's actually in that bill.
I listened to my 'liberal media' telling me DETAILS.
And just reading the summary shows me they didn't lie.
Your media doesn't do details, they just tell you what to think.

By tecsan at 16,Apr,24 07:57 other posts of tecsan 
You only twist the facts. Sure joey can close the border at certain times, but would he???Think you know the answer to that! I dont know the where of your facts, but joey lets drugs pour across the border. You may find some left wing facts that claim validity. Hell, just look at cnn or msdnc.
By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Apr,24 07:39 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
If I'm twisting facts, SHOW THAT WITH FACTS!

By phart at 13,Apr,24 23:05 other posts of phart 
-I am not funding cartels,I want the fuckers DEAD. Bomb them away.
I want people sober,happy,productive,fuctional.
NOT high,sick,depressed,dead,strung out from drugs legal or illegal.
By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Apr,24 15:59 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
WHY are people high, sick, depressed and addicted in the US?

You think it's because there is drugs everywhere and that you can solve it by bombing cartels. Even if you succeed in closing down the border, drugs will just be produced in the US, like the bulk of fentanyl and amfetamines. As long as people want drugs, there will always be a supply. Drugs is and has been easier to buy than a loaf of bread.

In my country, it's even easier, because it will never send you to jail.
Still, the drugs problem is worst in the US, compared with all EU countries.
Until, you understand why that is, bombing cartels and killing dealers,
won't ever work. Your society is sick and it's the ideas you support
that caused that sickness. Drug addiction is just a symptom.
By phart at 14,Apr,24 16:46 other posts of phart 
Drug addiction is preventable. Keep the illegal drugs away!
and severally punish those that use and sell them.
Horse thieves were hung back in the old days those people didn't steal anymore horses.
hang or bomb a drug dealer, he won't sell any more drugs.
You think people "resort" to drugs because there is no other "alternative". That is wrong. People take drugs and get hooked on them because it is the "hip" thing to do, drugs. They get hooked and people like you want to keep them that way because they will vote to support your ideas and the people that allow them to remain high and disabled from working.
By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Apr,24 08:26 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I asked you WHY are people high, sick, depressed and addicted in the US?

It's not because the US is the only country that's not succeeding in keeping the illegal drugs away!

Is drugs a "hip" thing to do in your country and not in all those EU countries?

What is different in your country, from EU countries, for real?
Cut the crap and think for a moment.
By phart at 15,Apr,24 16:44 other posts of phart 
What is different is some people can't watch and learn and think they are to smart to get hooked.
By Ananas2xLekker at 16,Apr,24 15:30 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
And that's just in your country? Try again!

By tecsan at 23,Mar,24 04:33 other posts of tecsan 
Very few are asylum seekers (probably less than 1%). They are illegal and broke the law. I wonder how many are from prisons or terrorists. Most do not want anything to do with work, they just are coming here because biden told them to. I prefer to eat something a terrorist had no contact with. I agree phart, no more tyson crap for me.
By phart at 23,Mar,24 17:42 other posts of phart 
folks don't seem to care that the prisons and insane
asylums in these countries have been dumped out and are spilling over into the US. If these folks can't behave and be assets to their own countries, what makes libs think they will be a asset to ours?
By #610414 at 27,Mar,24 17:12
You are taking an ASSUMPTION and interpolating that into another assumption. One may be partially true. The second one is pure 💩

By #610414 at 27,Mar,24 17:10
Tecsan, most are regular people looking for “the milk and honey” just like your ancestors did too.
By tecsan at 29,Mar,24 03:55 other posts of tecsan 
CAT I believe my ancestors were looking for FREEDOM. The illegals are looking for exploitation of anything they can get for free. Some are even looking to cause deatth and destruction because they know they can in libtard cities.
By #610414 at 29,Mar,24 04:05
"the milk and honey" includes freedom. You are too blind to the fact that most people are decent, hard working Joes and Janes. And it doesn't matter from where they come from.
Tecsan, where were your ancestors from?
By tecsan at 29,Mar,24 06:43 other posts of tecsan 
Just one murderer or terrorist is too damn many. Vet them first. Do not just let them flood in the Country. Even you are probably taking advantage of the liberal system. Yet you use to like capitalism a while back. Yes some are decent, but find out who the bad ones are first. I know one can never be 100% sure but we should try to find out instead of letting them all through. You like them, I bet we could send some your way. Oh, I forgot you live in a conservative state as far as I can figure.
By #610414 at 29,Mar,24 12:06
Tecsan, I live in Miami-Dade County, Florida. The URL is from DCF. The report is from the last 8 yrs or so.

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Refugee Services Statistics

Statistics for Florida 2022

Counts of Immigration Status PDF
Counts of Status + Origin by County PDF
Counts of Origin by Age Groups PDF
These numbers include newly arrived refugees as well as refugees, entrants, and asylees who first became eligible for our services in that Federal Fiscal Year (FFY), which runs from October 1 to September 30.


158,794 refugees arrived or became eligible for Refugee Services in the last Federal Fiscal year.

Cuba, Haiti, Ukraine, and Afghanistan were the top nationalities of new refugees in the last Federal Fiscal year.

224,388 refugees arrived or became eligible for Refugee Services for the last 5 years (2017-2021).

Counts per Fiscal Year by County PDF
We received refugees from 81 different countries last year.

88 percent of refugees were Cubans.

55 percent of refugees settled in Miami-Dade.

199,481 refugees received services being funded by Refugee Services in the last Federal Fiscal year. [unduplicated number of refugees who got one or more services]

About 500,000 Cubans, many of them businessmen and professionals, arrived in Miami during a 15-year period after the 1959 Cuban Revolution. Some figures in Fulgencio Batista's administration were among those who arrived in Miami. The Miami Cubans received assimilation aid from the federal government. The Cubans established businesses in Miami. The Cubans arriving after 1980 did so primarily because of economic reasons.[2] In 1960, the hispanic population in Miami was 50,000; in 1980, the hispanic population grew to 580,000. Cubans were the main source of this hispanic growth in the city, as many Cubans came to Miami at the time due to Cuba's poor economy and a high poverty rate, as well as the dictatorship of Fidel Castro at the time.[3] Essentially, the coexistence of growth and internationalization within Miami-Dade County has perpetuated an ethnically-driven social polarization.[4] The growing number of Cubans in the county have remained loyal to their cultural norms, mores, customs, language, and religious affiliations. The transnational force of immigration defines Miami as a growing metropolis, and the 20th century Cuban influx has greatly affected Miami's growth.[1]
As of 2012, there were 1.2 million people of Cuban heritage in Greater Miami, most of whom lived in Miami-Dade County. As of that year, about 400,000 had arrived after 1980.[2] In a 2022 estimate, Greater Miami, showed a slight decrease to about 1,112,592.[5] As of the 2020 census, there were 129,896 Cuban Americans living inside Miami city limits, representing about 29.3% of Miami and nearly half of the city's Hispanic/Latino population.[6] Many Miami suburbs like Hialeah, and many others especially in southern Miami-Dade county, are majority Cuban.

So, you see, South Florida, from the Palm Beaches to the Florida Keys, has grown to an international power house thanks to illegals that are hard working family people with a strong Christian ethic. The rest of Florida, except for two or three cities, remains a backwater hick, good old boy, conservative enclave that needs yearly help from my area of the state.
By phart at 14,Apr,24 16:51 other posts of phart 
How many illegal chinese immigrants over our border
While a record 2.5 million migrants were detained at the United States' southwestern land border in 2023, only about 37,000 were from China. I'm a scholar of migration and China. What I find most remarkable in these figures is the speed with which the number of Chinese migrants is growing.Mar 11, 2024

that was googled.

Now, china has flown balloons over our military bases, hacked into computer systems, and so many other things, now they are sending people over here to infiltrate and take jobs in key places, possibly to take jobs in places that would allow them to hack and disable American infrastructure for a war effort from china. do you not see this potential?
With everything being made in china,there should be plenty of jobs.
By #610414 at 14,Apr,24 19:14
You see a bogaboo under every bed. Have you thought that Chaina is a dictatorship with very limited set of freedoms?
By phart at 14,Apr,24 19:44 other posts of phart 
Like it hasn't got better in the past few years than it has ever been?
They are building military bases in africa,cuba,and elsewhere.
citys going up like trees. They have industrialized entire countrys in africa bringing them out of poverty and making use of the natural resources that were otherwise going to waste.
China is MUCH better off than it was way back really ought to do some googling.

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By #610414 at 15,Apr,24 00:12
It still doesn't ease the pain and suffering of living under a dictatorship.

By phart at 14,Apr,24 16:48 other posts of phart 
If those people crossing illegally were decent' hard working joes and janes, they would respect our immigration system and come thru properly instead of storming our border like it was Normandy.
Decent people don't disrespect law and order.
Decent people don't steal and tear up private property and squat in homes that are not theirs.
Illegals are illegally here and need to be sent back.
By #610414 at 14,Apr,24 19:21
Phart, why don't you Google how many entry visas per year are available to Central and South Americans. Don't forget to Google how long it takes to get one. Then, come back with that dumbass comment.
By phart at 14,Apr,24 19:47 other posts of phart 
Who gives a damn how long it takes to get 1? Do it right and be legal or BE GONE!
By #610414 at 15,Apr,24 00:17
No more than seven percent of total visas may be issued to any one country in a fiscal year, but that doesn’t mean that one country is entitled to that seven percent. Instead, it means that no country can receive more than seven percent of all the visas issued. For that reason, countries like Mexico, India, China and the Philippines can have a much longer wait time than other places. Like all other countries, they are limited to seven percent of the total visas being issued, but they have so many more applicants who are applying for the spots.

Like I've said, "You have no compassion"
By phart at 15,Apr,24 03:39 other posts of phart 
We don't need them here.
They need to make their own country better.
By #610414 at 15,Apr,24 12:06
We didn't need your ancestors either, but, we welcomed them. Did you forget what it says on the Statue of Liberty? Give us your poor, etc.?
By phart at 15,Apr,24 16:48 other posts of phart 
I am all but ready to send Her back to France . She is being exploited.
By #610414 at 15,Apr,24 17:18
Wrong answer. There's no time frame and there never was. You just don't want other people to have what this country gave to your ancestors........and you.
By phart at 15,Apr,24 20:34 other posts of phart 
Well,you are leaving out alot
My ancestors can be traced back to coming in by New York and going thru the process of becoming LEGAL citizens the right way.Not swimming a river and running thru a fence and hiding from the law.
By #610414 at 16,Apr,24 01:23
Becoming legal? You don't even know the history of Ellis Island. Hahaha

By Ananas2xLekker at 02,Apr,24 19:45 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Probably less than 1% are asylum seekers?
Of course not, almost all of them want to get (are seeking) asylum.

What you are trying to say is that only 1% would qualify for asylum.
That might be true, but that's dependent on the laws, isn't it?
If the law would say everyone who asks for asylum gets it,
then it would be 100%, wouldn't it?

By #712828 at 27,Mar,24 01:46
You are so fucking unbelievable, not even from this country. Your ignorance continues to swallow up your soul like a putrid parasite. You still don't get it. Even with a 50 IQ person with at least a heart would have understood our conversations.
I can't say how I feel about you because you are unimportant and I must work on this as learning. Some is your fault but what makes you so ignorant is you refuse to accept it.
By Ananas2xLekker at 02,Apr,24 19:38 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Still only found one argument to contradict me; "not even from this country",
which all right-wingers have used before.

You are from the US, so you should have no problem coming up with better arguments than Ad Hominem fallacies.

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By Cody8789 at 05,May,24 05:08 other posts of Cody8789 
It’s already run down in the toilet

By tecsan at 26,Mar,24 05:16 other posts of tecsan 
Now what do you think of that idiot moron enogoron Ananas2xLekker ?
By #712828 at 31,Mar,24 04:24
He is a person with deep feelings of Trump Derrangement. There is no cure I'm afraid.

By Ananas2xLekker at 02,Apr,24 19:33 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
As opposed to what I thought of him before?
A bit strange, but since that idiot moron managed to outsmart Trump and Alina Habba, what does that make them?

By #610414 at 25,Mar,24 17:18
[deleted image]

By tecsan at 26,Mar,24 05:22 other posts of tecsan 
I guess that is better than supporting terrorists like hamas or apologizing for calling a murderer an illegal.
By #610414 at 27,Mar,24 16:34
You, Tecsan have a twisted way of showing your love for democracy and your country.
By tecsan at 29,Mar,24 06:54 other posts of tecsan 
So do you. I do not leach off of taxpayers.
By #610414 at 29,Mar,24 21:39
Does that mean every retired person receiving Social Security and Medicare is a leach? Tecsan, you should run for President as a Repucker.
By Ananas2xLekker at 03,Apr,24 10:55 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Repuckers don't actually believe what they are saying, like tecsan does,
they just spout their propaganda 24/7, to make people like tecsan think
they deserve nothing and the wealthy donors to the Repucker party
are entitled to everything.

He thinks there should be no unions, because if your employer exploits you,
you can just find another job. Where? For another employer that exploits you.

Surely, they want the state to help employers to make you work until you die.

It's all propaganda for the wealthy, who don't want to pay for anything
you have a right to, like a retirement or healthcare or an education
for your children or paid vacation or a wage you can actually live on.

They want you to work as much as you can, as hard as you can, for as long
as you can, as cheaply as possible, while they live in a golden lazyland.

He's just being a good cuck for the wealthy and the Repuckers who serve them.
By #610414 at 03,Apr,24 12:56
So true. Tecsan has been like this since I first met him. He practically salivated when the Clown cut taxes. He thought it was for him and like people. Talk about drinking the CoolAid. 😵

By phart at 15,Apr,24 20:39 other posts of phart 
Unions only collect dues from those higher wages and then use them to lobby congress.
So if you support unions, you are supporting elected officials getting bought and paid for. regardless if you agree with what they do or not.
Union dues would go along way towards paying house payments and paying off student loan debt.
Unions also require their members to strike,which affects their income while it last rather they agree or not.
Unions also affect peoples choices of where to work. It is difficult to get a job in a industry that is unionized without joining the cult ,i mean union.

Back 100 years ago, a union may have served a purpose. but there is osha now for safety and minimum wages laws in place. no longer needed.
By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Apr,24 10:00 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
True, unions are the 9th biggest sector lobbying your politicians.
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They are lobbying in favor of union members and workers in general.
The biggest lobbying sector is the Finance/Insurance/Real Estate Sector.
Do you think that's in favor of workers in general or their clients or home owners?

You are a fool for thinking safety and minimum wage is no longer an issue worth lobbying the government for. The employers are still lobbying the government to relax safety laws and lower minimum wage. They would love to kill and starve their employees, and you would love to let them, BECAUSE MAGA!

By Ananas2xLekker at 03,Apr,24 10:45 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Trump does! He has ben scamming the tax-payer for decades.

You pay in to Social Security and Medicare as tax-payer and get the benefits from it when you reach the required age.
That's not leeching, that's a social contract.
You pay your taxes and then THEY OWE YOU!
By #610414 at 06,Apr,24 19:17
They owe you but, they also OWN you.
By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Apr,24 10:04 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
If you actually have democracy, you own THEM.
If you have socialism, you ARE them.
I support the latter and joined them.

By phart at 07,Apr,24 02:55 other posts of phart 
Yea, they owe us, but they tossed all those funds into the general fund and eliminated the fund setup for the social security. If the gov goes tits up, their goes our money.
They might owe you and indoctrinate you to think if you get hurt they will pay you to.. They make it next to impossible to get the disability. My attorney represented 2 quadriplegics that finally got theirs on the second appeal.
By Ananas2xLekker at 08,Apr,24 10:28 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"If the gov goes tits up, their goes our money."
Which entities go tits up more often, the government or private banks?

I know many people on disability. Sure, it has become harder to claim your right
to disability, but you would have had no trouble at all to get it in my country.

By #610414 at 08,Apr,24 12:32
The use of SS funds to pay for general funds expenses was brought to us courtesy of the Repuckers.
By phart at 08,Apr,24 14:34 other posts of phart 
My attorney explained to me that obama's admin made changes that made my particular case difficult.
My attorney said that obama's changes made his job much more difficult.
By #610414 at 08,Apr,24 14:49
The changes that happened during the Obama’s administration was not about the money when it came to the “disabled” category. It was to change the parameters of what qualifies as a disability. WOODY is classified as “disabled” due to more than 5 different reasons caused, mostly, by the work he did, smoking, cardiovascular problems, severe rheumatism and a childhood desease that cause infirmity in the lower extremities (legs). He had to sue SS and won. The problem was that before you could get disability for reasons like having a hangnail. The costs were astronomical and by that time it was well known SS had a limited life span if something wasn’t done to fund it for ever. The problem was that Repuckers mainly, but, Dumbocrats too, did not want to stop funding PORK.

By White_Mamba at 29,Apr,24 01:39 other posts of White_Mamba 
Desantis is the probable VP. According to CNN, Trump has a 6 point lead in the popular vote as of today..
By Ananas2xLekker at 29,Apr,24 11:05 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
DeSantis wouldn't be a smart pick for Trump, he's the third most unpopular governor
in your whole country.

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By White_Mamba at 29,Apr,24 18:56 other posts of White_Mamba 
Floridians are divided over their support for DeSantis, with 51% saying they approve of what he’s done since winning the 2018 gubernatorial election, according to the survey results. That means just 5% of Florida voters are undecided.

The survey found DeSantis has the highest approval rating among Republicans nationwide (84%), over every other GOP governor.

All I can say to your post is to Don't Worry Be happy---Bob Marley
By Ananas2xLekker at 30,Apr,24 14:34 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Then he must be incredibly unpopular with Democrats and independents, to account for that incredible difference between his popularity among Republican voters and his general disapproval ratings.

Neither president can win with just pandering to his own base alone. The VP pick
is not the most important thing, and I wouldn't say Biden has a bright star as VP,
but Trumpists shouldn't be surprised if Trump loses, when he picks DeSantis.
The guy has negative charisma, every time people see him, they dislike him more.

But, I hope he does, because I want Trump to lose.
Better yet, I want him to go to prison, before he can even run.
By White_Mamba at 30,Apr,24 19:42 other posts of White_Mamba 
Just as unpopular as Mike Johnson is with the democrats. The bad ones occupy all democratic domaign as well as 90% of republican. That means 95% of legislation here in the United States are against their constituency.
Negative Charisma to you. Not to the voting majority. You don't even get to vote. All of western Europe is dominated with Left policy. You've been well embodied with government domanence.
If Trump does take the election with Desantis as VP you will witness domination of the white house for the next 12 years. What I believe is that this was planned all along. Pretending to be enemies during the primaries with propaganda mildly attacking each other on the outside but on the inside planning to take back the country which is bleeding out. You're all left wing but your national sovereignty is intact. Not here. This country has been flayed alive of its national sovereignty from Biden that I can tell you right now is coming to an end.
By Ananas2xLekker at 02,May,24 09:29 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I admit that I don't like DeSantis, but his popularity numbers showed that Americans don't like him much either. He was very popular before the primaries, when he hadn't been on TV much, but as soon as people started to see him more, his support started dropping. He started out as the biggest challenger of Trump, but he went down fast and Nikki Haley went to second place. There were people voting for her recently, while she had already dropped out. Did you hear that about DeSantis?

Maybe Europe is on the left compared to you, but right-wing policies have resulted in privatization of almost every once publicly owned service. Privatization and maximization of private profits was literally the goal of founding the EU. The EU enforced privatization and prohibits nationalization. If you look at the economic policies, Europe is just as right-wing as the US. It's just the cultural issues and personal freedom issued where we still differ. But, do explain why you think we
have government dominance. I think you are just misinformed.

On cultural issues though, the US is dominating it's citizens more every day. Republicans want to restrict all personal freedoms, like abortion, contraception,
gay marriage and being transgender. You're also restricting the right to protest, organize workers in unions and cracking down on striking. You want government officials to look over the shoulder of healthcare professionals. You want government officials to decide which books are suitable for children and probably in the near future for adults too. How about that type of government dominance?
You want the government to follow people into the bedroom. I don't want that.

You are talking to a Dutch person, who is pretty far on the left for his own country. It's not saying much about the political affiliation of the rest of my country. There are now 4 political parties, ranging from center right to far right, who need to create a new cabinet. They've been at it for 160 days now and it doesn't look like they are any closer to it, than on day 1. Right-wingers always think lefty politics is just impractical bellyaching, but when right-wing politicians actually have to deliver,
they crumble on their incompetence. They are unable to legislate, just like Mike Johnson's House. Can you point to one thing they have done for you? I'll give you one; they put into law that gas stoves cannot be forbidden, because they made up a story that Democrats wanted to do that. Even if it was true, which it wasn't, is that the most important thing they could do? Is that what's important for people to survive and live a good life? Cooking on induction saves you money, especially when you have solar panels on your roof. My solar panels paid for themselves in 4 years, because of high electricity prices. I'm using free electricity while writing this.

Trump hasn't plan anything ever in his life. Even the conspiracy to steal the election, by calling it stolen and replacing the real electors with fake ones, wasn't his idea. He just saw DeSantis as a rival, so he started attacking him with adolescent nicknames. You're supporting a clown. He only want people to idolize him and he's jealous of the power of Putin, Mohammed bin Salman and Kim Jong-un. He wants to be a leader like them and you're confused about The Constitution, thinking it says he should have that power. If your supreme court gives your presidents that power, you'll be sorry, I can assure you. You will feel real 'government dominance' soon.

"domination of the white house for the next 12 years."?
Interesting that you pick the word 'domination'. That doesn't sound like democracy much.

"the country which is bleeding out"? Please explain how it is 'bleeding out'?

How is Biden attacking you countries 'national sovereignty'?
I would understand if you said that my country has not much national sovereignty left, because ours has been mostly stripped away by the EU. The US is in no such organization. Are you referring to NATO, perhaps?
How is NATO stripping the US of its 'national sovereignty'? Because it's helping Ukraine fight Russia? You know why NATO was founded, I hope? It was Europe choosing the US as it's allies, against the big bad Russians. NATO has picked off almost all former allies of Russia away, for the US to do business with and put military bases in. It has reduced the influence of your biggest enemy to great extend. They can only do business with your other enemies now. Investing in Ukraine's ability to defend itself reduces Russia's power even more. If you stop investing in that, Ukraine will loose and Russia will see that NATO is weak. It also shows Europe that the US is not trustworthy. Instead of bowing to the whims of the US, Europe will need to grow some balls and stand on its own. You will loose all the influence you have created over decades, with enormous costs to build up your military dominance, just because you think Ukraine is getting too expensive now.
By White_Mamba at 02,May,24 18:15 other posts of White_Mamba 
Biden has attacked our national sovereignty by opening the border. How many palesyinians can claim national overeignty in your country? Egypt is right next door andrefuses entry. Why is that?
Trump never cheated and his plan to uphold our sovernty.
By Ananas2xLekker at 02,May,24 20:23 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
OMG another dumb parrot. Biden did not open the border.

Every Palestinian coming to my country would be accepted as a refugee. Everyone who comes to my country asking for asylum is allowed to register for asylum. Not all of them get it, only people who really come from war-stricken countries or people who are being persecuted by horrible regimes for their sexuality or religion. We cannot take in everyone who left a safe country, just for a better future. We are incredibly densely populated; 1,353 people per mi2 versus your 96 people per mi2. Besides, those countries need people in the prime working age, to develop their country too. Those people from safe countries still get the chance to register, but we do not give all of them shelter. We prioritize the actual refugees. It was a bit difficult when all those Ukrainians fled from the Russian attacks. Literally every hotel and sports hall was taking on refugees. There are not many Palestinians coming here, because they cannot get out.

Ask Egypt why they are not letting in refugees. Personally, I think they do it for
a political goal. They don't want Israel to clear out Gaza and steal it for Israel,
so they keep their borders closed and make marters out of the Palestinians.
Maybe they just don't want to take care of 2 million traumatized, radicalized people. It's not like they don't have their own challenges. Maybe they think
when Israel has taken Gaza, they are next.
The US should accept a lot of those Palestinians. You support the destruction of their state. They cannot live there anymore, because of your ally, so it's up to you to take on the people who are now deprived of a place to live.
By White_Mamba at 02,May,24 23:33 other posts of White_Mamba 
National soverenty. Israel was attacked and reciprocated.

The reason why we cannot come to terms is you are progressive left. I'm an independent. I don't go by what the fake news tells me. I'm educated. I'm independent because I understand moral clarity.

You think I'm stupid, fine. You have to do what you have to. I must also do and preach what I feel is right and just.

You do what you want. Trust me, I won't spend any energy into stopping you.
By Ananas2xLekker at 03,May,24 14:37 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
There is a limit to that reciprocation and they are crossing it way too far.
This is genocide and nothing else.

You do go by what the fake news tells you, when you say Biden opened the border. The desert is filled with refugees waiting to get registered. That is a dereliction of your responsibility. Refugees have a right to register for asylum. Then you vet them and find out who are really refugees and let them in. You can turn away all the people who do not qualify and you don't have jobs for. Calling that a risk to your national sovereignty is nonsense.

Why would you think my country has not lost its national sovereignty? Our borders are wide open, everyone can freely walk in. By your logic, that should have destroyed us by now.

I'm educated too and my work is solving problems. It requires analyzing causes and finding the optimal solutions. That is based on logical argumentation.

Everyone thinks what they feel is right and just. That doesn't mean you are right or that I am. However, if you reduce your arguments, to just claiming that you understand moral clarity, than you are wrong by default, because everyone can claim that. It's called the Moralistic fallacy.

You are on a forum to discuss politics. You don't have to stop me, but you can challenge your ideas, by challenging mine.

Preaching is just spouting your beliefs, without having the courage to justify your beliefs. It doesn't matter what you believe, just why you believe it.
By White_Mamba at 03,May,24 17:30 other posts of White_Mamba 
YOu're not talking to your mother about Biden not opening the border. If you want to chat about facts and conclusions let me know.

The only genocide I see here is what is steming froma your lack of brain cells. If you are going to fucking lie I will ban. Are you sure you're speaking as an adult? 60 years Iran which controls Hamas and Gaza, West Bank have threatened not only against Israel but the entire Judaen population accross the globe so shut the fuck up.

You want to talk like adults then fucking act like it or get your fucking bad breath CO2 out of my face. You got that?
By Ananas2xLekker at 03,May,24 21:51 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
There's no use, you're just another douche.
By White_Mamba at 03,May,24 22:36 other posts of White_Mamba 
Fuck you

By White_Mamba at 03,May,24 21:20 other posts of White_Mamba 
Starting to think the only reason you are as progressive left as you are, its because you don't believe in God and have an enormous hatred of Israel and Judaens. A racist never accepts reasoning critiques of finding truth with anything as long as the Jewish People are exterminated.
Your lies about Israel performing genocide? You will die alone and unhappy.

By phart at 03,May,24 00:56 other posts of phart 
it's 1 thing to protest but these folks on college campus's are interfering with folks trying to get a education and tearing up stuff and causing mayheim.
They are not in the park holding signs asking consideration of their concerns, they are being assholes for lack of fancy word for it.
By Ananas2xLekker at 03,May,24 14:43 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
They are not tearing up stuff. They are protesting peacefully.
Protesting is a right, even if it causes a nuisance.

Close to 40,000 Palestinians have been killed.
More journalists have been killed than in WWII.
Israel is doing war-crime after war-crime.
If this is no justification for protesting, what is?
By White_Mamba at 03,May,24 17:56 other posts of White_Mamba 
You fucking idiot. You're banned for life.

By phart at 03,May,24 18:34 other posts of phart 
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even the zero biden has acknowledged the vandalism

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By phart at 03,May,24 18:36 other posts of phart 
hamas was voted in as leaders of gaza, so how are you supposed to separate them and only deal with the terrorist?
Background. The Gaza Strip has been under the de facto governing authority of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) since 2007 and has faced years of conflict, poverty, and humanitarian crises.

In other words, if the palestinians want peace, they should rat out the hamas and help get rid of them so things will return to normal. It is the palestinians fault the terrorist got so strong.

By White_Mamba at 03,May,24 21:24 other posts of White_Mamba 
Dear Fuckwit!! As long as Iran, Gaza, Hezbollah continue to threaten Israell with expermination of the Jews from River to the Sea murdering our children with throwing infants into heated ovens raping Jewisha women as young as newborn. There will be more palestinians murdered. whole lot more. Women there will be MORE palestinians exterminated. 40000 Palestinians? How about 8 million palestinians. Then we are almost even.They had the choice of leaving but remain as human shields. You fucking hate Israel and jewish people so much get your nazi fucking jewish hating smelly cunt to Gaza and fight for the cause otherwise shut the fuck up..
By Ananas2xLekker at 03,May,24 21:56 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Wow, you are genocide condoning monster.
And you understand moral clarity?
Hell awaits you.
By phart at 05,May,24 00:21 other posts of phart 
Uh, i must admit, I am all ears to what you think is a workable fix for the problem.
By Ananas2xLekker at 06,May,24 10:42 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Anything besides murdering a whole people?

The solution was available around 2000. One state of Israel with half of Bethlehem and Jerusalem for Israel and half of Bethlehem and Jerusalem.

The international community should have enforced that solution and protected it with an independent military force, to keep the peace. Instead of keeping Palestine occupied and controlled, it should have had the dependance that all other countries have. The attack of 7th October would have never happened then.

How do we move forward? First, stop the hostilities. The killing of 40,0000 Palestinians is enough retaliation for what Hamas did. Hamas should NOT be allowed to rule over the Palestinians ever again, so they need a government, a supply chain and a system of law, that should function independently from Muslim extremist donors and independently from Israeli oppression. This should be supported by the international community, until Palestinians can support themselves. It would be a return of most of what was on the table in 2000. Most of the illegal Israeli settlements should be returned to Palestine. Many of the Gaza Palestinians should move to the West bank. Gaza was too overpopulated to be sustainable. Free travel between the West bank and Gaza should be made possible.

That is the only route to peace between Israel and Palestine. Not supporting this route means supporting continuous violence from both sides.

If this solution does not get the support of the world, then the next best solution is to end it now. That doesn't mean murdering all the Palestinians,
it means to come to an international agreement to expropriate Gaza and possibly also the West bank. Palestine will cease to exist and all Palestinians will need to be accepted by willing North African and South Asian countries, that will be well compensated. Israel will be forced to pay for reparations to the Palestinians for decades. Saudi Arabia should play a big role. They are your biggest 'friend' in the area. It's time that you get something for that 'friendship', instead of just oil companies and the military industrial complex making trillions of dollars from it.

By phart at 05,May,24 00:20 other posts of phart 
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Read about this sweet heart of a guy.
By Ananas2xLekker at 06,May,24 11:02 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
We call that the Anecdotal fallacy. You find one guy with a criminal record, to make a claim that they are all bad. There are thousands of protesters and you can only find this guy? He's arrested and probably getting some time to think about what he did in prison. In my opinion, he deserves that.

When there are protests, you don't know who is attending. I've been protesting too, I don't know who joined us. There might have been horrible people amongst us. The protests were however completely peaceful. When we left,
the city looked exactly the same as before. Still, some nuisance is permitted.
Traffic was blocked for a few hours.

That is how my side of the political aisle protests. At worst a big nuisance, but no violence and no damage. When right-wingers protest, they do massive violence and lots of damage. We have seen it in my country with the Corona protests and the farmers protests. We've seen it from your side on January 6th.

Last Saturday we had Remembrance day. Thousands of people gather at Dam Square and other places throughout the Netherlands to hold two minutes of silence at 8:00 PM, to commemorate the victims of World War II and the holocaust. We kept our two minutes of silence and watched the program on TV until the end. No one disturbed the official proceedings. There were protests going on elsewhere in Amsterdam. They did not keep silent. I think it's possible to respect both the victims of the holocaust and the victims of the current conflict. However, I see too many people wo do not learn from commemorating the victims of the past. They keep supporting atrocity after atrocity. How will the world ever embrace peace, like that?

The protesters are on the right side of history. People who want to restrict those protests are on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of democracy.

You are not supporting equal rights to protest and you do not support equal punishment, when protesters are overstepping their rights. I do.
By phart at 06,May,24 14:05 other posts of phart 
What gives you this sense of entitlement to block a hwy and prevent people from moving along their daily lives?
you should NOT be interfering with normal peoples daily lives.
NOTHING ,NO law nothing ,entitles you to interfere with the common citizens daily life of commuting to work or whatever.
By Ananas2xLekker at 07,May,24 10:39 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You're wrong, interfering with the daily life or commuting of the common citizens is part of the freedom to protest.

The whole freedom of speech and the right to protest is based on
getting people to think, instead of moving along their daily lives.

Don't you understand why? Because anyone could claim a protest
is interfering with their daily life, when they don't like the protest,
making every and all protests impossible.

If you don't like freedom, go to Saudi Arabia or Russia.
Leave freedom alone, for Americans who do like freedom.
By phart at 07,May,24 21:42 other posts of phart 
Well that is a loop hole that needs closing.
When they block the road, they are violating my freedoms and rights as well.
By Ananas2xLekker at 08,May,24 14:25 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Some freedoms are more important than others.

When they block the road, you can find another road.
That's an inconvenience, not a violation of your freedoms and rights.
There is no freedom or right to get anywhere in an efficient time.
That would make traffic jams a human rights abuse.

Freedom of speech and the freedom to protest is not limited by a right
of people to not be inconvenienced or offended, it is exactly a right to inconvenience and offend people. If it didn't inconvenience or offend people, you wouldn't need any laws to protect those rights.

Understand that when you support taking away freedoms, that you loose them for yourself too. You might want them some day.

Actually, right-wingers are constantly protesting hospitals giving gender affirming care to people. How would you like them to get their heads cracked by the police? I would say they are more than inconveniencing those patients. Are you consistent in the idea that those protests should be illegal too?
By phart at 09,May,24 01:30 other posts of phart 
YOu can't find another road when you are in the middle of a bunch of idiots that get confused and won't make a 3 point turn.
Kinda hard to turn a semi around in the middle of a interstate to. and they blocked I40 here in my state back during that 2020 shit.

You write alot into the "rights" that is not written.
Kinda hard to prove as well.
I see nothing no where that says you can block a road to protest. Not without a permit.
By Ananas2xLekker at 09,May,24 15:38 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
If you find yourself in the middle of a protest, that's your own fault.
Extinction rebellion blocked our A12 many times. That's annoying,
I agree, but we just plan around it.

The farmers blocked several roads, when we went on vacation to Limburg, 2 years ago. It took us almost 2 hours extra and we had to drive through Belgium. I am not on their side, but I still support their right to protests. I also support their right to exist, even though I want massive changes to reduce their pollution. They should not have to pay for that, that's a problem for society to solve.

The Constitution is clear: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.".

As long as it falls under 'peaceably to assemble', it should be allowed.

We don't need a permit. In fact, a permit to protest doesn't even exist.
We are obligated to notify the local authorities of a protest, with a form.
Only a mayor has the jurisdiction to prohibit a protest or to impose restrictions, but under very strict guidelines. The police can ask for a copy of the notification form. A mayor cannot prohibit a protest on the grounds that the protest was not notified.
By phart at 09,May,24 20:35 other posts of phart 
The permit is for using public property.
street or whatever
Like a parade or something.
you can't expect to just block a road and not be held accountable.
you can protest,but no where does it say you can do it in a way that prevents everyone else from going on with their lives.
By Ananas2xLekker at 13,May,24 13:42 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
It looks like that is the law in the USA.
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In The Netherlands we have more freedoms to protest.
We do have a right to bother people, during protesting.
The police even blocks the roads for notified protests.
By tecsan at 15,May,24 07:36 other posts of tecsan 
The police will do the same here as long as no violence occurs. No damage to property and not intterrupting class or meetings etc. Provided the proper certificate is obtained for no money. They will not let you block off a major major highway or road or a road this is the only way to get to an event. No bridges may be be blocked either. This mainly requires commonsense which you socialist do not have any at all.

Now does your police let them block emergency services from saving a life or even disrupt otherd from their jobs etc.
? If they do then your country is fucked.
By Ananas2xLekker at 15,May,24 11:01 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
There is a difference between blocking some random road and blocking 'emergency services from saving a life'. Of course we don't allow protests to endanger people's lives. That would not be 'protesting peacefully', wouldn't it?

You're the one not understanding common sense.
You don't need to be a socialist to understand and support the freedom to peacefully protest. We have right-wingers that understand and support it just as much as I do. It's just you who are having a hard time being consistent on it.
By tecsan at 16,May,24 06:38 other posts of tecsan 
I SUPPORT peaceful protest (although I would not participate in one). Keep out the BS I mentioned above and riots.

I have a problem with breaking and entering, burning, looting and fighting.
By Ananas2xLekker at 16,May,24 10:15 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
SO DO I !!!

We were not talking about riots, breaking and entering, burning, looting and fighting!

I was talking about blocking streets or blocking access to non-vital buildings. I'm not saying this should be tolerated indefinitely, but it is part of the right to protest peacefully.

I support pro-Palestine protesters, when they are just a nuisance, but when they are destructive and violent, I don't support those protesters. Sitting down in a university is not 'breaking and entering', because universities are public buildings. The media only shows the violent protesters. Most are not. Saying bad things about Israel isn't violence. It's also not anti-semitic. I support the freedom to protest and the freedom of speech. Those rights are not limited by you being offended or you being inconvenienced.

I supported the Jan 6th protesters' right to gather at the capital.
I didn't support their violence and goal of overturning the election.

I am consistent and fair, you are not.

By tecsan at 08,May,24 04:14 other posts of tecsan 
How is that NY court looking now Ananas2xLekker?

A fucking clown show.
By Ananas2xLekker at 08,May,24 14:50 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Actually, I haven't heard about his business fraud case in a while. Last I heard, they accepted his $175 million bond, so he could appeal the court order, without his assets being forfeited. They should never have accepted that $175 million bond, because it violated all kinds of rules. The prosecutors were working on that, but I haven't heard any more. Everyone is now focusing on the election interference case, with Stormy Daniels.

Meanwhile Trump is begging for money from anyone, to pay for his legal fees and fines. That is making him a big target for quid pro quo. You think Don Hankey is giving Trump $175 million, just because he likes him? He knows Trump never pays his debts, so he is getting something else for it. That alone should be a reason to ban Trump from running for office.

If you don't want a clown show, you shouldn't support a clown.
In fact, you lot voted for a clown INTENTIONALLY, to "shake things up".
This is the result, if you do such a thing; a fucking clown show. Happy now?
By phart at 09,May,24 01:23 other posts of phart 
We don't want a clown show from anyone, but we sure as hell don't want anymore of biden. Trump is the only feasible choice at this point.
By Ananas2xLekker at 13,May,24 13:53 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I know you think that, but it's just sad that you can consider Trump better than literally anyone. He is both the worst and most criminal president your country ever had.

When I ask you to explain why Trump is better, you come with nonsense about the economy (which was much worse after Trump and is doing pretty good now) and legitimate concerns over his mental health, which would be a good point if Trump was not the alternative, because Trump is suffering even worse mental health issues and he is ABSOLUTELY DANGEROUSLY CRAZY.

Come up with a reason that I can agree are actually in line with your opinions,
in stead of reasons that are not in line with reality.
What do you think is so important, that makes you consider voting for a narcissistic, pathetically petty, treasonous, raping, fornicating, lying, dumb-as-dirt, mentally declining, wannabe dictator, who has no intention to give you anything you consider important, but only wants to run for president to pardon himself for all the crimes he committed and to extract more donations from his gullible followers and scrape every cent from the Republican party that is crumbling under his mismanagement?

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 08,May,24 17:02 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
[deleted image]

Registered democrat.

By Ananas2xLekker at 07,May,24 10:53 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
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Trump's Pecker Problems Persist
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By Ananas2xLekker at 07,May,24 10:26 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
While the National Enquirer killed negative publicity for Trump about him fucking porn-stars and models, they also posted whatever fake-news they could make up on Hillary.
This is all admitted to in court by David Pecker, owner of the National Enquirer, calling it "checkbook journalism".

But, sure the liberal media is 'fake news'.

By tecsan at 07,May,24 04:50 other posts of tecsan 
Just wondering if the story is true about biden shitting his pants on national tv?

By White_Mamba at 05,May,24 01:51 other posts of White_Mamba 
Here is an explanation on truth. An analysis of the true nature of the political rational based on the left's struggle for power. They can't win at the ballot box and they know they are being watched for cheating. The violence and protests of promoting violence towards Israel and Jews world wide.

Racism is the ace under the table term using to attempt im maintaining political power. The ace under the table of racist. zionist, genocide has been used since the turn of the 19th 20th century. You want to know the truth? Here it is.

Ananas2xLekker, CAT just like the numberous anti-israel-Jews that infest this site are fakes, liars and bastards propagating nazism and hatred for the Jews in this domaign.

Here is the Truth. only registered users can see external links

By White_Mamba at 04,May,24 17:41 other posts of White_Mamba 
only registered users can see external links Ananas2xLekker is a lying piece of shit no good mother fucking liar fucktard nazi. Be careful of this garbage.

By phart at 04,May,24 12:44 other posts of phart 
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By White_Mamba at 03,May,24 21:44 other posts of White_Mamba 
only registered users can see external links UPdates on Jewish war with radical islam of iran.

By White_Mamba at 03,May,24 17:36 other posts of White_Mamba 
Biden's margin of loss contues to distance. Barring cheating which I think he will try getting illegal aliens to vote it appears to be less concerning. If you can watch thoroughly of them counting multiple segments of the same vote or the same illegal vote with decertifying the election with cheating if they do cheat I don't see a path of victory for Biden.

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