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Identical Twin Brother = Identical Cock?

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Started by #619276 at 08,Jun,20 18:05

I was just curious if any members here had an identical twin brother. Is everything identical?

Similar topics: 1.Father and son identical dicks!   2.TWINS - ever been with one or both?   3.twin cocks   4.Looking for my cock twin!   5.Cock doppelgŠ“nger??? AKA r u my cock twin??  

New Comment

By #667453 at 29,May,22 21:09
Twin brothers intrigue me for some reason. It's like a mirror image with a soul.

By #612966 at 11,Jun,20 16:26
My first gf was one of identical twin sisters.
Their body shapes were identical, although her sister had a way more athletic shape. Very fit.
Their boobs were the same. Nipples almost identical.
But their orientation was different. My gf: straight, her twin bi-sexual, with a preference for girls.

By #485312 at 10,Jun,20 04:26
they should call them, 'almost identical twins', since not everything is the same. *Lix*

By #64328 at 09,Jun,20 16:03
I was friends with identical twins and I asked the question. Are your dicks identical? Both agreed that one of them had a much bigger dick
By #619276 at 09,Jun,20 19:24
Intetesting! Is that always the case? There must be members on this site who can help verify!

By leopoldij at 09,Jun,20 13:33 other posts of leopoldij 
Probably not.
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Here's your answer:

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In fact, even sexual orientation can be different:

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