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Father and son identical dicks!

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Started by #25058 at 21,Oct,09 13:37
Does anybody else share an identical dick with their father or son. My fathers dick is identical to mine in colour, size and shape when soft. Never seen him hard so dunno about that.

Similar topics: 1.Father and son - silimar dick?   2.Young dicks/Old dicks   3.where can I find a father-son relationship?   4.happy father's day!!   5.Identical Twin Brother = Identical Cock?  

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By Sirius5500 at 05,Aug,24 07:38 other posts of Sirius5500 
My dick (size, shape, pube pattern) is identical to my dad's, and to his younger brother's.

By nekekal at 26,Feb,21 19:02 other posts of nekekal 
No. We are both circumcised. But his seemed to be about an average cock. Never saw it hard, but if it was anything but average, it would really have surprised me. Mine is on the big side, so we are very little alike.

By galaxy123 at 26,Feb,21 13:41 other posts of galaxy123 
No, my father was very different. His is circumcised and I am uncut.
Both british - Father mentioned his grandmother was jewish or had jewish heritage
He was born 1940s
I was born 1970s
His was much larger than mine both soft and hard.

By #285354 at 21,Nov,14 23:56
My father was cut and I'm not. I'm happy for that.
By 3fdfd at 03,Dec,15 20:33 other posts of 3fdfd 
so are a lot of us !
By tb1 at 25,Feb,21 18:13 other posts of tb1 
I agree 👏👏

By #622304 at 25,Feb,21 15:19
My dad and I share a similar size and shape. I am ab an inch longer at 6 and he is 5” but his balls are slightly larger. We are both cut and have mostly horizontal erection unless we are really excited and get a slight angle upwards.

By metalraven13 at 22,Nov,14 01:00 other posts of metalraven13 
No since my parents had me circumcised and my father isn't.
By #511925 at 10,Oct,16 16:25
You're lucky, the result is great! he knew that foreskin isn't as clean

By #507567 at 09,Oct,16 17:36
my father and i have identical in size, color and shape although i haven't seen him hard but when its soft its just like mine. I sneaky saw him in the bathroom.

By #124819 at 12,Apr,13 15:18
My father and I have compared and we are the same, except i cum more..
By #390287 at 22,Nov,14 06:37
Now that's a story i wouldn't mind learning more details about.

By #497961 at 15,Dec,15 10:07
Details, inquiring minds want to know

By #499016 at 05,Dec,15 04:13
I never saw my daddy's cock he died when I was seven years old, so I don't know if we would have been a like or not.

By #281008 at 04,Dec,15 23:12
aint like my father used to be and he never likei will be haha

By 3fdfd at 03,Dec,15 20:36 other posts of 3fdfd 
Probably few fathers & sons would have identical dicks. You have the mother's entire genetic contribution - which could make the son's dick larger, smaller, fatter, curved - whatever. I guess most guys have seen their Dad's soft cock - but I wonder how many have seen him erect ?
By JeffinKS at 03,Dec,15 21:59 other posts of JeffinKS 
I have NEVER seen my Fathers penis... don't know if I would want to.. might be a little weird

By #373130 at 21,Sep,15 18:44
Me and my dad

[deleted image]
By #44497 at 23,Sep,15 17:22
How sick is this ?

By #390287 at 22,Nov,14 06:40
they are similar, but i think mine is a bit bigger, and his is almost straight when hard, where mine curves down. we're both equally hairy tough.

By #477919 at 21,Nov,14 18:39
Wow, duuude - you must be clones or some shit🙀🙀🙀.

What the fuck are you doing looking at your dad's dick, member than no longer exists ?
By #358797 at 21,Nov,14 19:14
I was wondering the same.

By small-is-beautifull at 26,Dec,10 19:51 other posts of small-is-beautifull 
my father's dick was larger than mine.
By 3fdfd at 12,Apr,13 11:09 other posts of 3fdfd 
mine too - much larger

By #125480 at 27,Dec,10 21:44
wtf?are u kiddin.......dude its your dads dick......who fuckin cares.......i couldnt care less if my snatch looked like my mums or grans........why are u lookin at your dads or sons dick.....clue......starts with p and ends with verted........why the fuck are you askin other dudes...omg!!!!!!!
By hytiger at 27,Dec,10 22:14 other posts of hytiger 
That's not very ladylike conduct, is it?
We don't need that sort of attitude & bad language on this site!

By #3997 at 09,Aug,10 20:34
I have never seen my dads dick to even be able to tell you that we looked the same, especially to know that much about it

By #5440 at 26,Oct,09 10:36
I only wish! My father was a shower with a circumcised penis easily bigger than my erection

By #6568 at 21,Oct,09 15:01
Yes, my father and grandfather looked very like I do now, although I naturally never saw them erect. My Grandpa might have been a little longer than my Dad and I, but thats a subjective feeling as they have both been gone for over 40 years.

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