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Does a big cock feel heavy?

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Started by #56819 at 21,Feb,10 14:04
Does a big cock feel heavy if it hangs soft. Do you feel like you have power?

Similar topics: 1.I love a big, thick, veiny cock with big heavy balls!   2.Small, perky cocks   3.Full/heavy balls   4.HUGE heavy cock   5.Heavy cock  

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By #116569 at 17,Jan,17 00:58
mine does
By 3fdfd at 17,Jan,17 02:26 other posts of 3fdfd 
It damn well should - big as it is

By bigone21 at 25,Jun,13 18:18 other posts of bigone21 
yes! it feels great!

i started a thread about it a year ago, but no reactions


but nothing feels like feeling it swinging heavy and low!!

By DeepThroatThis at 24,Jun,13 19:04 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
yes it does, probably the same feeling a girl with big tits has [deleted image]

By #204902 at 20,Dec,12 16:05
It is heavy!! And that's not always and advantage!

It's not easy to get it up!

[deleted image]

By #116569 at 20,Dec,12 14:42
it does

By #281008 at 20,Dec,12 00:43
definitaly heavy need wheelbarrow with shock absorbers for mine so i dont bruise it

By boc at 19,Dec,12 23:14 other posts of boc 
Yes, it feels heavy. One of my exs told me once that she could see that heavy piece of meat hitting against my pants or shorts if I was doing something physical where I moved my waist often. After that I got really self conscious about it showing through pants and shorts.

By #53780 at 22,Feb,10 22:13
yes a big cock does feel heavy and since i have 1 i kno it especially when its hard it annoys me when im with family or at work but i love it in the GYM and i always show it off there
By #332336 at 19,Dec,12 14:25
You've got a nice one!!

By #332336 at 19,Dec,12 14:24
I have a buddy that has a very thick 9" cock. We used a food scale one time to try to weigh it. That thang weighed a pound and a half. It registered 25 ounces on the scale. Then I wrapped it in lips and had it for breakfast.

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