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cum video's

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Started by cumcouplessa at 14,Jun,21 02:14  other posts of cumcouplessa
Question for Admin. We enjoy watching cum video's together, but for some reason can no longer watch the one's saved to our favourites. Comes up with an error code http error 500. Could it be some setting we have wrong? Started a few weeks back.

Similar topics: 1.Me squirting on video   2.Video   3.80 MPH…what does it mean???!!   4.Upload video!   5.Using an iPhone, how do I post a video (please read details)?  

New Comment

By bella! at 14,Jun,21 03:36 other posts of bella! 
It's a "crapshoot" whether admin would see your concern posted in the forum. Were you aware that you could message admin directly?
By cumcouplessa at 16,Jun,21 03:14 other posts of cumcouplessa 
We did try. Message didn't go through 🤷‍♂️
By bella! at 16,Jun,21 04:45 other posts of bella! 
You messaged admin directly and your message didn't go through? With regard to messaging admin, it's no different than messaging any other member...try it again.

By admin at 14,Jun,21 03:47 other posts of admin 
Post a link to the video you can't see. I checked couple of videos from your favorites but fail to see any problems with them.
By DeepThroatThis at 14,Jun,21 19:53 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
I'm kind of having the same issue. Most members can open my videos but then some say they can't when I send to them on a PM. I thought it was a setting thing but not sure.

By cumcouplessa at 16,Jun,21 03:15 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Not sure how to post a link but none of them open.

By cumcouplessa at 16,Jun,21 03:16 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Not sure how to post a link, but none of them open.

By #641494 at 15,Jun,21 08:52
By cumcouplessa at 16,Jun,21 03:14 other posts of cumcouplessa 
cannot open this link.

Adult Discussion Forum