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Started by ero2715 at 30,Dec,08 21:01  other posts of ero2715
Hey all you guys out there would you like to have sexy fun with another guy or two. Stroking each others cocks until you both erupt with cummm

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New Comment

By pifad at 23,Feb,10 06:46 other posts of pifad 
I like cock play but I have to end the session by sucking his cock.

By #6437 at 18,Mar,09 13:12
MMMMD yes I have played with and sucked another mans cock and it is sooooo goooooooooood!! once you suck a cock you will want MORE!!!

By #3997 at 30,Dec,08 21:06
I wouldnt mind it...cock play is fun
By ero2715 at 30,Dec,08 21:07 other posts of ero2715 
yes it sure is.I have tried it once and I rally enjoyed it can,t wait until next time
By #6363 at 23,Jan,09 12:51
love to try it!
By ero2715 at 16,Feb,09 08:17 other posts of ero2715 
I am sure you will enjoy it. I was not sure at first when I agreed to do it but the feel of another mans hard erect cock and sucking it is mind blowing. I have only ever done it the once and I am still awaiting the next time. Looking forward to it.
By #6363 at 16,Feb,09 20:41
love to suck that big cock head of yours!
By #3997 at 16,Mar,09 17:48
I would let you

By #6437 at 16,Mar,09 17:07
mmmmmm LOVE to suck cocks!!! I'm bi and proud of it!!

By #6437 at 19,Feb,09 15:58
once you suck a cock you will be a cocksucker for life mmmmm!!!

By #6437 at 18,Feb,09 13:03
I have sucked another mans cock and LOVE IT!!!! once you suck a cock you will be a cocksucker for life.

By #5846 at 22,Jan,09 12:31
I would LOVE to be sucked and suck another guys cock
Have hot cum fill my mouth the to push our hot naked bodies together, Kiss one another then wank each other off
By ero2715 at 16,Feb,09 08:32 other posts of ero2715 
like to see you with hard on

By #6497 at 23,Jan,09 13:33
How to get a straight man? This has been my quest for many years. Anyone got advice for me? I have been cruising two straight, married men for about 20 years, never had either of them but I want both of them. How?
By ero2715 at 16,Feb,09 08:31 other posts of ero2715 
with a cock like yours it should not take any effort

By #7595 at 15,Feb,09 20:50
There is nothing better than cock play
By ero2715 at 16,Feb,09 08:29 other posts of ero2715 
I would love to play with yours

By #5031 at 23,Jan,09 19:59
Fuck in a orgy with three guy is really fantastic. I usually fuck with my friends in a orgy and i'm very excited.
By ero2715 at 16,Feb,09 08:27 other posts of ero2715 
I would love to try a 3some

By #6057 at 10,Feb,09 19:37
when was the first time you had someones cock in your hands? How old were you?
By ero2715 at 16,Feb,09 08:27 other posts of ero2715 
My first time was late last year.I am in my fifties.Would love to do it again

By #4825 at 01,Jan,09 22:58
In reality sucking would probably be too risky, though it's my favorite fantasy. But I would love to feel another guy's cock in my hand as he's gently stroking mine. Then to feel his warm cum oozing down over my fingers. That almost makes me cum just thinking about it!
By boy at 09,Jan,09 18:54 other posts of boy 
I feel the same and whenever I tell my wife about these phantasies of mine she gets very hot and confesses that she would like to watch
By #6363 at 23,Jan,09 12:54
love to play!
By ero2715 at 16,Feb,09 08:20 other posts of ero2715 
Foreplay is fantastic stroking each others cock. also watching another guy cumm all over you

By bsd7 at 31,Dec,08 22:53 other posts of bsd7 
anal sex might be too dangerous but i would like to wrap my little hands around the biggest and best cocks on this and feel them throbbing as i stroke them. maybe it would give me an idea what it feels like to have a cock that big
By ero2715 at 16,Feb,09 08:18 other posts of ero2715 
I agree with you. I am not in to annal sex

By #217 at 06,Jan,09 09:33
have a look at my beach pics,the two of us are still rock hard after 3 hours of unbelievable cock play.

By #5347 at 04,Jan,09 20:58
I would love being naked and playing with another guy or guys as long as no anal involved.
By love-penis at 06,Jan,09 03:03 other posts of love-penis 
why no anal...????? stroker.? i 've never done anal but would like to try.

By #5450 at 05,Jan,09 23:27
I can never get enought cock play. I love stroking each other's cock, sucking each other's balls and cock, shooting a nice load, then sooping up the cum with our tongue and passionately kiss.
By love-penis at 06,Jan,09 00:02 other posts of love-penis 
wish i was in ur shoes sometimes

By #4729 at 05,Jan,09 21:57
I would have to suck and swallow my partner!
By love-penis at 05,Jan,09 22:56 other posts of love-penis 
it was my 1st time, we both did not complete the job, i was scared, he could sence that, i think

By love-penis at 05,Jan,09 21:42 other posts of love-penis 
the story above is mine, deleted my p[ersonal page by mistake, try'n to put on nu pics, can you say dope
By #5448 at 05,Jan,09 21:49
how old was u when it happened
By love-penis at 05,Jan,09 22:54 other posts of love-penis 
so here is my age, great, i was 28

By #2924 at 04,Jan,09 00:06
I have and in many ways its better than what a woman can do. Men know instinctively what do with somebody's dick. I find men suck much better too. What I really like is a long hard fuck in my arse, it really is the best. My arse responds to it in an orgasm that is much more intense than jack off or a blow job. When I start it goes on and on getting more intense, few times I've almost blacked out, begin to shake uncontrollable and just loose it. Afterward I get this very relaxed and warm feeling all over and specially my arse just feels hot.
By ero2715 at 04,Jan,09 17:00 other posts of ero2715 
you are getting me hard

By #217 at 02,Jan,09 13:41
I'm up for it

By cumnut89 at 02,Jan,09 01:58 other posts of cumnut89 
sans known risks, absolutely! having a big, hard cock(s) blow hot cum deep into my ass and returning the favor is a turnon. much cum!!

By #1551 at 01,Jan,09 18:09
i am getting hard as i write this!would love to be stroked,and feel another man`s cock in my hand!
By ero2715 at 01,Jan,09 19:47 other posts of ero2715 
The feeling of stroking another guys cock is really fantastic and to suck him off also

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