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Where’s Lix

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Started by massco at 03,Aug,21 19:05  other posts of massco
Anybody know about her disappearance?

New Comment

By #645739 at 03,Aug,21 20:56
Probably 6 feet under the cemetery she used to post her naked pictures..
By #619155 at 04,Aug,21 02:30

By #644010 at 04,Aug,21 04:14
We can only dream.

By #623135 at 04,Aug,21 15:37
Richard, is your avatar from a selfie?
By #645739 at 05,Aug,21 21:02
not really darling

By HotFuckerBoy at 03,Aug,21 20:18 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
OMG! She's gone???????
By #623135 at 03,Aug,21 20:38
Haha. Yes, she’s gone
By HotFuckerBoy at 03,Aug,21 20:44 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
I know ... I only answered that way because that's ALL everyone has been talking about for the last week and this guy must have just landed or something hahaha. Just having fun
By phart at 04,Aug,21 00:35 other posts of phart 
Kinda odd,to be so unliked or whatever the issue was, she is the most talked about topic on the site now.
By #623135 at 04,Aug,21 15:28
Phart, she is un-liked by many, but, she is exciting and knew how to put it out. You run with a crowd that did not liked her, but, she had loads of friends.

By dgraff at 04,Aug,21 10:14 other posts of dgraff 
Hell yes didn’t you notice all the partying in the streets if any one gets to missing her there is one remaining picture of her on my page
By DeepThroatThis at 05,Aug,21 01:19 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
Checked your page the resemblance is amazing
By dgraff at 05,Aug,21 01:21 other posts of dgraff 
Hahaha thanks

By Sir-Skittles at 04,Aug,21 17:52 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
That bitch and her midget are grassed... one of the members in Australia said they saw her sulking in the car park at Big Prawn... with an icepack on her sore cunny
By #644010 at 04,Aug,21 22:22
Icepack or iceberg?

By #644010 at 04,Aug,21 04:17
Disney just made a live action version of the little mermaid, she auditioned for Ursula but they need her for the part of the Sperm Whale. She should be back soon.
By #623135 at 04,Aug,21 15:36
Really, Lactose?

By #646522 at 04,Aug,21 01:46
Another thread said she got the boot
By dgraff at 04,Aug,21 12:19 other posts of dgraff 
Yes she let her mouth write a check her ass could not cover

By dgraff at 04,Aug,21 10:17 other posts of dgraff 
They found out she was a big foot and they captured her for studying

By bella! at 04,Aug,21 09:19 other posts of bella! 
Should you become privy to what happened to lix, please share details with one of SYC's newer members, Imagine, she really wants to know.

Adult Discussion Forum