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Started by #637145 at 21,Oct,21 18:02
I always found it to be a huge turn on to be winked at by whomever has me in their mouth. Especially when a flirty smile is accompanied with it. Do any of you enjoy doing this or have pictures of blowjob winks? If so, I’d love to see it and jerk off to it.

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New Comment

By knewbi at 21,Oct,21 20:14 other posts of knewbi 
Hadn't thought about winking but I love looking the guy in the eyes as he cums in my mouth...
By #637145 at 21,Oct,21 21:55
You should try it. It always makes me cum a little bit harder.
By knewbi at 25,Oct,21 14:44 other posts of knewbi 
Gonna give it a try... I am sure the guy will respond to it.. They seem to respond to the eye contact..
By #637145 at 25,Oct,21 16:23

By #637145 at 22,Oct,21 13:05
I used to have a collection of porn that had a lot of winking. Sadly, the site I had it on, changed.

By cumcouplessa at 22,Oct,21 01:28 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. To be honest, when and if I get to suck a nice hard cock, I get SO involved in that cock, nothing else in the world matters. All I am focused on is THAT cock, and making it cum. Have never thought of looking up at the guy, winking or smiling. Will keep this in mind for next time
By #637145 at 22,Oct,21 06:12
Eye contact is always appreciated. It shows that you really want to serve the cock.

Adult Discussion Forum