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What constitutes a Blow Job?

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Started by #5531 at 02,Mar,10 16:23
Work debate the other day. I maintain that it is not a blow job if it does not result in the man cumming. A Blow Job as foreplay is just that, foreplay. Some of the gals side with me, others do not. Which is correct?

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By slipper at 01,Aug,11 06:14 other posts of slipper 
Either is fine with me no matter what it is called!

By #5532 at 07,Mar,10 06:03
When I give my guy a blow job, unless he cums while I am giving him the blow job, then it is foreplay.
By #47515 at 07,Mar,10 16:02
Then why did you call whatever it is that you give your guy a "blow job" - TWICE?

Why don't we just follow the French lead and call it fellatio?

There. End of debate.
By #5532 at 08,Mar,10 17:42
Are you always so contrary? I referred to it as a BLOW JOB and illustrated that it is NOT a blow job if he does not cum, thereby making it foreplay. So I called it a blow job twice because that is what I am describing, as well as pointing out the difference of a BLOW JOB and merely FOREPLAY. I really do not care what the French call it.
By #7976 at 30,Jul,11 21:03
So I'm confused. And that doesn't happen often. A blow job is a blow job no matter what you call it and whether its incomplete as foreplay or to completion, its a BJ. I've had many a great BJ in my life that didn't end in ejaculation either because it was a quick flirtation in a semi-public place or because I wasn't ready to cum. It's not unusual for my wife to give me a BJ to get things rolling then, we fuck till she cums and then she sucks me to completion so she can catch my load in her mouth. In any event, they're both BJs and this debate seems to be rather pointless to me. No offense is intended to those who apparently have other opinions. But, in my humble opinion, if my cock is being sucked it's a BJ,

By #47515 at 04,Mar,10 17:41
" The 'blow' in 'blow job' comes from the man blowing his load."

I'm gonna need some sort of valid reference for that one, spermkiss. The visual image of someone rendering oral stimulation to an erect cock is quite often one of
"blowing" it like some sort of musical instrument. Same goes for the appearance of "sucking" it. I love to perform cunnilingous ("eat" her pussy (and asshole)) on my wife. But, obviously, that doesn't mean I bite off chunks of flesh and chew them up and swallow them! (sheesh, I spit them out!) In any case, it has nothing to do with orgasm - only pleasure.

For what it's worth, I think many of you are just too fixated on "cuming." It's wa-a-ay over-rated. Ejactulation doesn't mark the peak of pleasure, it marks the beginning of the end of it.

Think about it; the absolute summit of a man's sexual pleasure - that space wherein his brains turn to mush and flow straight into the head of his dick - is experienced in the final timeless moments leading up to the threshold - the point of no return - of orgasm.

Now, given that observation, why would one necessarily wish to muck up such excuisite pleasure with an
"obligatory" ejaculation when it COULD be postponed indefinitely with a bit of conscious intention and practice?

Pleasure, like happiness and even perfection itself, is not a destination nor point of completion; it's a journey - a process of perpetual becoming.

So, stop measuring it and trying to define it, and just ENJOY IT!!

. . . class dismissed. . .
By spermkiss at 04,Mar,10 18:23 other posts of spermkiss 
To be honest with you, I read that somewhere, but I don't remember where (wish I could). It stuck in my mind because it was an ah-ha moment. I, too, had long wondered why the act was called a "blow job" when it involved mostly sucking. Then reading this I thought "Wow, that explains it." Maybe "blow job" had long been in the sexual lexicon and the "blow" was indeed just a figure of speach. Later someone added the "blowing his load" explanation. Would some cunning linguist like to do some research on this and enlighten all of us?

By slipper at 03,Mar,10 00:44 other posts of slipper 
Whatever oral sex is done on ME!!!

By spermkiss at 02,Mar,10 19:38 other posts of spermkiss 
Perhaps you heard the old joke line about a guy receiving oral sex from a first timer and saying "Suck, damn it, blow's just a figure of speach!" Actually, that's not entirely true. The "blow" in "blow job" comes from the man blowing his load. So if there is sucking but the man does not climax and ejaculate then there was no blow job. Clear?

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