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is it more hot to suck a guy with his socks on or off?

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Started by #611460 at 01,Jan,22 04:43
been sucking a lot of cock lately and i found the guys i’ve been sucking all had their socks on while i blew them, i prefer to be nude when sucked but am turned on by other guys having theirs on anyone else feel the same?

Similar topics: 1.Naked guys with socks   2.Cocks and Socks   3.How do you like it?? ;)   4.White socks and cocks   5.Panties and socks  

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By PITBULL at 07,Oct,22 22:27 other posts of PITBULL 
maybe they feel so cold and need to keep their socks on.

By #662360 at 07,Oct,22 22:21
Socks are a turn-off. Give me nude or stockings.

By LGA6969 at 07,Oct,22 21:57 other posts of LGA6969 

By knewbi at 07,Oct,22 20:50 other posts of knewbi 
As for me... I prefer the guy wear panty hose or just stockings. Seems just a bit kinkier...

By #547796 at 07,Oct,22 20:05
I think it's a hot look, too, like they were so eager to get their dick in your mouth that they couldn't be bothered with "presentation" considerations, haha.

By spermkiss at 02,Jan,22 17:44 other posts of spermkiss 
An interesting thread here. Who has heard the old expression for something that was exceptional (good or bad) "It really knocked you socks off"? That dates to the antique pre-internet days of porn when it was 16 or 8 mm movie film. Often in those movies the men would have removed all of their clothing except their socks. Then they had sex that knocked their socks off.

By #491031 at 01,Jan,22 22:33
Where are you finding these weird guys who wear socks on their dicks?

By littlemike58 at 01,Jan,22 17:09 other posts of littlemike58 
Yes most guys I sucked also have there socks on too

By #275407 at 01,Jan,22 05:53
Depends on if your sucking his toes

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