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Does your wife know?

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Started by #536019 at 04,Jan,22 16:48
Does she know you are fascinated with erect cocks? Does she know that you masturbate to gay porn? Does she know that you fantasize sucking cocks... or suck cocks for real?

If she knows, is she cool with it?

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By curious10 at 07,Dec,24 17:41 other posts of curious10 
She does not I would hope she would like to watch me do it and make me swallow the cum then watch her get banged and then sit her creamy cum filled hole on my face.

By Allalexallday at 06,Dec,24 04:59 other posts of Allalexallday 
Yes. She loves seeing me get excited for a big sexy cock. Just like love seeing her get turned on.

By tb1 at 18,May,23 04:03 other posts of tb1 
fuck no!

By jimbo111949 at 17,May,23 22:12 other posts of jimbo111949 
No she doesn't know.

By #688007 at 06,Feb,23 14:17
no she doesn't know i love cock in me

By Jamie at 06,Feb,23 00:22 other posts of Jamie 
Yes she saw my phone when I was log on to this site showing a the cocks..

By jimbo111949 at 26,Dec,22 14:10 other posts of jimbo111949 

By #652979 at 06,Jan,22 20:19
Yes. She actually arranged my first time to suck another cock.

She also knows that i have dated one guy several times to have sex.

She is amazing.
By #536019 at 07,Jan,22 13:16
Has she ever watched you having sex with a man?
By #652979 at 07,Jan,22 13:29
By #536019 at 07,Jan,22 16:13
Awesome! Is it a major turn-on for you when she watches you sucking cock and/or being fucked?
By #652979 at 07,Jan,22 16:48
It is for her yes. At that moment she was amazed i would do that.
By german_guy at 09,Jan,22 17:55 other posts of german_guy 
sounds like a lot of fun for all of u

By wycowboy at 06,Jan,22 18:37 other posts of wycowboy 
My wife knows I look at and wank to men and women on the interwebs. She doesn't like it but she also doesn't care to have sex anymore so..........

By SluttySarah069 at 04,Jan,22 17:12 other posts of SluttySarah069 
She does know that I am Bi and that I X Dress. She has found pics of me dressed as a slut - she isn't happy or amused.
However, I love cocks and spunk and watching guys wank and being watched while I wank. I am an exhibitionist.
By #536019 at 05,Jan,22 16:29
Does she tease or humiliate you about your desires and kinks?
By SluttySarah069 at 05,Jan,22 18:04 other posts of SluttySarah069 
No - but she has a quiet smile when such matters are mentioned on the wireless or the TV.
She's a great girl and I love her to bits.

Adult Discussion Forum