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Penis bulge

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Started by #4162 at 06,Mar,10 17:59
My wife thinks the bulge in jeans or tight trousers is NOT a turn on, what do you think? see my bulge in pics and comment.

Similar topics: 1.Bulge or Visible Penis Line?   2.Penis bulge   3.BIG BULGE PICS   4.Biggest, puffiest underside/urethral bulge? (corpus spongiosum)   5.Others look at your bulge?  

New Comment

By knewbi at 21,Apr,20 16:58 other posts of knewbi 
As for me.. I just love a nice bulge... Gets me horny as hell wondering what is inside that bulge...

By #36950 at 13,Mar,10 06:19
I agree with Spermkiss. I find that I can wear Levis 511 and 510's now. I usually wear no underware and like to show my bulge a la "Sticky Fingers," if you recall or ever saw that album cover. Sometimes I wear a a thong to push the bulge upward. I just like to show off my average package whenever possible. When I get semi hard or hard, I just smile and keep on walking. r
By spermkiss at 13,Mar,10 23:46 other posts of spermkiss 
Hey, hey! Another man who remembers the glory days of the bulging crotch. The "Sticky Fingers" album cover was legendary and every man from rock stars to ordinary men seemed to compete to see who could show the biggest bulge. Oh how I miss that.
By tb1 at 19,Apr,20 10:21 other posts of tb1 
I don’t know if is ok to post their cover or not

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It had an actual working zipper

By #42635 at 16,Mar,10 13:22
well i say "If you got it, Flaunt it" the tighter the better.
By spermkiss at 16,Mar,10 17:04 other posts of spermkiss 
Right on!

By spermkiss at 15,Mar,10 23:36 other posts of spermkiss 
I'm still very surprised that there aren't more comments on this subject. Aren't dicks what this site is all about? Come on guys, there must be more opinions on seeing a dick bulge in a guy's pants.
By #13219 at 16,Mar,10 02:38
I like the bulges but really prefer the sight of the real thing... Closer to my mouth is even better...IN MY MOUTH IS BEST
By spermkiss at 16,Mar,10 03:19 other posts of spermkiss 
Spoken like a true cocksucker and I won't argue with that 'cause I'm a cocksucker myself. While it happens with some regularity here in San Francisco, in most places men can't walk around in public with their dicks hanging out. What they can do, however, is put their dicks on display inside some nice tight pants and that's what I'd like to see more of.

By #33070 at 13,Mar,10 06:01
I say it depends.When they are to tight it looks like one is trying to hard to show.I like they way it shows on dress pants.Some time i wear boxers so it kinda shows

By spermkiss at 12,Mar,10 22:52 other posts of spermkiss 
First off, sjm, the penis and testicles bulge in your photos is super hot. I, for one, really like it when a man has the fortitude to go out in public with the outline of his dick quite visible inside his pants. The penis is such a lovely organ and it's nice when it's well displayed. Power to the penis!
Now, all you other guys on SYD where are you? How come there are so few comments on this question?

By #47211 at 08,Mar,10 12:35
All I know is that older people in general (no offense intended) seem to wear tighter pants and even without an erection it's like they have a huge bulge. It grosses me out.
By spermkiss at 08,Mar,10 22:26 other posts of spermkiss 
I find it interesting that a man who would visit a site featuring photographs of naked penises and who would post photographs of his own naked penis would be "grossed out" by the sight of a penis bulge in another man's pants. That's my first point. My second is that styles change. When we older men were young, tight pants were fashionable and there seemed to be a certain pride with men who were well endowed to really put their dicks on display. Just as women with a good bust would put it out there for the world to see, a nice bulge in the crotch was the male equal. Admittedly, there are a lot of people of both sexes who should not be wearing tight clothes, heavy people in particular. So many heavy people seem to think that they can look slimmer if they squeeze into tight clothes when the opposite is true. Tight clothes on a fat person only make that fat person look even fatter. Now on to my final point. The baggy shapeless clothes on so many young men "gross me out". Come on guys, I can tell that you've got a nice body hiding somewhere in there, let it show. But, this, too, will pass. It is encouraging to see the beginnings of a return to more form fitting clothes for men.

By spermkiss at 06,Mar,10 23:24 other posts of spermkiss 
It's not unusual for women to think this way, though of course there are exceptions and some do get turned on by a nice penis bulge. Just as the old cliche says that women dress for other women, when men wear pants that show off their dicks, they are mostly doing it for other men. They are saying "Hey, look at what a big dick I've got." Checking out other guy's crotches is a guy thing and all guys, straight or gay, do it.

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