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I want to take pictures of a guy sucking me off & post them on showyourdick (Florida)

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Started by #512385 at 13,Jul,22 22:09
I been trying to find a guy who'd want to suck me off and who'd be ok with me taking pictures of him sucking me off & posting them on show your dick...

I been trying to find this for a long time but havent had any luck...

i have before a long time ago, but now i haven't been able to... doesn't matter what the guy looks like, just want a guy who's older than i am (the older you look the better actually)

if you're interested, just message me. i been having a difficult time finding this.

we could also make videos too if you'd like.

I live in DeLand Florida near Daytona beach.

Similar topics: 1.Florida Oasis........   2.looking for old pictures   3.Any uncut guys near Jackonville, Florida?   4.I want to take pictures of a Guy sucking my cock BUT Can't find one! (I live in Largo Florida)   5.I'm looking for a Lonely Man in western Florida who loves sucking cock a lot  

New Comment

By #683819 at 04,Dec,22 20:50
i wish i was closer i would love suck you and you take pics and post them then my wife would finf out i love cock

By Panda737369 at 05,Oct,22 02:44 other posts of Panda737369 
I want to do the same! I would defintley have to get a pic or video to share too.
By #512385 at 02,Nov,22 02:05
i don't suck cock though. i just like getting sucked really. i'd send you the pics too.
By PITBULL at 29,Nov,22 17:21 other posts of PITBULL 
no cock sucking. So what do you do with a guy?
By #512385 at 03,Dec,22 13:50
i have him suck me off
By PITBULL at 03,Dec,22 14:07 other posts of PITBULL 
do they make you cum?
By #512385 at 03,Dec,22 23:59

By #676980 at 02,Dec,22 01:23
Well u are in luck I suck your dick and lick your balls and swallow your cum On camera I am a sissy little slut whore I am in Sanford fl

By LGA6969 at 28,Aug,22 19:24 other posts of LGA6969 
Wish I was closer I would go down on that
By #512385 at 29,Nov,22 17:15
you could just send me a bus ticket & have me visit you, but we'd have to plan that out first.

By Ehobobone at 25,Sep,22 14:58 other posts of Ehobobone 
I am your man! Call me to set it up
By #512385 at 03,Oct,22 08:59
i tried messaging you. you didnt get back to me.

By probowler298 at 24,Sep,22 16:54 other posts of probowler298 
I would if I was closer. Looks like you collect fuck me in the ass and take pics as well.
By #512385 at 28,Sep,22 14:29
we could still meet if you're far away though
--------------------------------------- added after 1583 hours

why did u blacklist me dude??

By Richie at 24,Sep,22 18:03 other posts of Richie 
You seem to have a lot of photos of guys sucking you off on your profile.
By #512385 at 24,Sep,22 22:56
yeah but it's been a while since ive seen all of them. i moved to a different part of florida. one of those guys found a boyfriend. the other ones just wanted 1 time things. so i have to find someone new now.

By #648265 at 14,Jul,22 04:21
I live in oak hill and definitely down plus no gag reflex
By #512385 at 15,Sep,22 08:46
that's awesome. im in Deland not far at all. you should call me. 262 271 0409

By #512385 at 28,Aug,22 13:22
i'm still looking for this

By #512385 at 11,Aug,22 11:14
im still looking for this.. just saying

By leopoldij at 14,Jul,22 10:15 other posts of leopoldij 
Why don't you go to an online gay meeting site? It's really easy if you're looking for a man.
By #512385 at 14,Jul,22 21:03
i actually tried that many times, most men don't want to be photographed at all.
By leopoldij at 14,Jul,22 22:01 other posts of leopoldij 
I see. So your point is not just to get sucked but also take photos. I understand now.
By #512385 at 04,Aug,22 16:30
oh yeah. it's difficult

By #512385 at 13,Jul,22 22:36
forgot to mention. you dont have to live in Florida, you could have me visit you if you live out of state but that'd take planning though... im always trying to get away

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