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Started by thicknsmooth at 02,Aug,22 06:20  other posts of thicknsmooth
/wi23w2ffp1x0pic.html I’m curious if anyone has ever experienced something like what I did. I met another teen boy my age freshman year in high school. I quickly became attracted to him. I would fantasize about being naked with him and worshiping his body. I would dream about sucking his cock and balls. He knew I had a crush on him and that I was turned on by him so he would tease me and talk about us playing around and he would pull his pants down and show me his smooth ass. Once he was sleeping over my house and he got up to use the bathroom and he was in his underwear and I noticed his beautiful cock fell out of the side of his underwear. He noticed this and looked right at my face to see if I was looking. He was a little embarrassed but he blew it off. I was always to scared to make a move in fear of his reaction and my reputation. So I never acted on it. Many years later I found his picture on the internet on a gay boy site. Has anyone else ever had something like this happen?

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New Comment

By #663817 at 11,Aug,22 12:05
He laid his cock out there for you to have.Me and my friend would be playing and he always would show me his cock and wanted to see mine to compare.i was way bigger so we touched rubbed helicopter each other then all the sudden he was kissing and sucking i did him.we would tease and see who could fit it all in our mouth cock and balls.fingered ass but we never thought of putting our dicks in each others ass,but loved sucking each other.2 yrs later he moved away and i started sucking my own dick and loved felt different one day and all the sudden while i had my dick slobbering al over i started squirting my first load ever of cum into my own mouth...and have loved it since..
By thicknsmooth at 15,Dec,22 04:34 other posts of thicknsmooth 
Wow thats hot

By CreativeOne at 11,Aug,22 01:54 other posts of CreativeOne 
Hopefully you messaged him somehow and hooked up

By WHATSUPDOC at 02,Aug,22 21:27 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
no but it sounds like you misswd your chance

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