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Hook-Up sites - Any good?

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Started by #669162 at 13,Aug,22 17:58
Has anyone experiences of using them? How did it work out?

Similar topics: 1.SYD member hook-up!   2.Admin. Good job with both sites   3.Where to cruise for hook ups   4.Is there any sites good for meeting and hooking up with people?   5.Hook up sites  

New Comment

By PITBULL at 21,Aug,22 22:28 other posts of PITBULL 
what do you mean good?

By thebeewolf at 14,Aug,22 17:41 other posts of thebeewolf 
Sure, they can work. If there's enough local guys on it. Back in the day we used Craig's List. Now I use, and I have hooked up off all of them multiple times. THIS site does not work for me. Not enough locals. Maybe if you live in a big city it would, though.
By #669162 at 15,Aug,22 12:11
Thanks. I seem to meet so many lonely guys on this site and I hoped this was a way for them to get a fuck - but apparently not.
I feel so lucky - more lucky than I thought I was before.
By thebeewolf at 20,Aug,22 17:29 other posts of thebeewolf 
It helps that I'm a straight guy looking to get his dick sucked. There's a LOT of guys who are down for that. Way more guys out there who want to suck than who want to be sucked. Which means I'm usually in demand.
By #669162 at 21,Aug,22 13:06
I'm glad someone is well satisfied, then

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