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Drinking My Own Piss And Cum

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Started by #677376 at 21,Aug,22 22:04
I really enjoy lying on my back in the shower and taking a healthy piss in my mouth. I never swallow but the excitement it gives me is great. Perverted I know but that’s part of the excitement. I just started cumming in my mouth. I never spit so always swallow my cum. Wish I could give myself a blowjob but that’s impossible.

Similar topics: 1.Piss Drinking   2.Piss   3.Cum drinking   4.guys in bathroom   5.Drinking pee fetish  

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By neednopants at 04,Apr,23 18:55 other posts of neednopants 
Drinking my own pee is a perfect starter for every day. I prefer it fresh and warm. Sometimes I store it in the fridge to create a fantastic night cocktail. But even more I love my own cum. I wank into a glass and drink it - sometimes mixed with some juice or sparkling wine, but mostly pure.

By #672476 at 26,Aug,22 23:33
I often enjoy solo piss play when horny. Led down wearing only panties and stockings. Normally start with little streams over myself, stroking with my fingers so I can taste it

By bikev at 26,Aug,22 07:38 other posts of bikev 
I love eating my own cum (and others) and drinking my piss. Love it when a man cums in my mouth then washes it down with his piss

By knewbi at 22,Aug,22 15:07 other posts of knewbi 
I can understand spitting out your own piss and swallowing your cum makes sense too. Never waste cum. Piss from someone else is determined at the particular time. Sometimes I would some I prefer to just push it out and dribble it down my chin.

By SluttySarah069 at 22,Aug,22 13:54 other posts of SluttySarah069 
I've swallowed my cum and also a lot of other guys' cum - lovely.

I piss into a glass and drink my own piss - there is a video of me doing this if you would like to atch it.

Kinky aren't I?

By wycowboy at 22,Aug,22 13:36 other posts of wycowboy 
I'd have to break my back to gove myself a blowjob but I do swallow my own cum every chance I get. I also will lay on my back and try to piss in my own mouth, I've even swallowed it. Ir's not bad tasting, just salty.

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