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Started by fac51x at 12,Oct,22 19:24  other posts of fac51x
Similar topics: 1.Would you recognise your own cock? 2.HAVE A LOOK ON MY FAVOURITES ! 3.Who has a big collection of "Favorites"? 4.Sexy big cox 5.Huge and sexy cox New CommentComments: |
Quite frankly, allowing members to tag up to 1,200 pictures as their favorites was very generous and other than the original poster, I wasn't aware of any member amassing a collection that extensive.
Why allow the server to be overloaded unnecessarily? Heck, I don't want the sever to crash because there are members that want an extensive library designated for their favorite pictures!
Uploads are limited mostly for another reason. Some members where flooding the site with similar mediocre images just hoping that some will attract attention because of their numbers. It was stupid, indeed, because a bad dick pic no one wants to see is still a bad dick pic no one wants to see even if you upload 10'000 of them. But it's impossible to explain, so I had to limit uploads.
I do not believe that there is a limit or maximum of "favorites" that members can tag and add to their favorites.
What you do have to keep in mind is, should the member delete the picture that you've tagged as one of your favorites, POOF!, the picture is gone. OR, IF the member deletes their profile, POOF!, that member is gone taking with them any and all pictures that were posted.
I see admin did respond to there being a 1,200 picture maximum and that is the definitive response. Thank you, admin .
Actually 48 just removed 1 last night
And that is definitely something that I attempted to make fac51x consider. Some active members will delete their pictures which causes anyone who tagged said picture as their fav to lose that picture, as well.