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Started by routemaster at 15,Nov,22 09:57  other posts of routemaster
Today, 15th November, is the 90th birthday of the great British star, Petula Clark who has been entertaining us in spectacular style for close-on 80 of those years, ever since she was a child. I've been a massive fan all my life and last Saturday night, BBC 4 t.v. showed a four hours tribute to her, including all hour and a half of her 1974 concert at the Royal Albert Hall in London where I was in the audience. She had us eating out of the palm of her hand, one song after another, a TRUE professional at the top of her craft and for 48 years old, it was a very good print, almost like it had just been filmed, and brought back lots of happy memories. So happy birthday, Petula, you're GREAT!:x :x :x

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By routemaster at 23,Nov,22 17:13 other posts of routemaster 
Many thanks for your contributions. There's an excellent clip on the net of Petula as Norma Desmonde performing "With One Look" from "Sunset Boulevard" and looking totally unrecognisable and she is ABSOLUTELY MAGNIFICENT! As for her old films when she was a teen, my favourite is "The Card" from 1952, black-and-white and based on one of Arnold Bennett's "Five Towns" stories and also starring Alec Guinness, Glynis Johns (who is also still alive, now aged 97) and Valerie Hobson.

By buchanan at 22,Nov,22 18:49 other posts of buchanan 
Wow, Pet is 90. I first knew her via her big hits like Downtown then seeing her in movies like Goodbye Mr Chips with Peter O'Toole. Before she was a pop star, she was a teen actress and I have seen her in old movies.

By woody4647 at 22,Nov,22 18:09 other posts of woody4647 
I saw her in London in the early 80s playing the lead in "The Sound of Music". excellent!

By Andthisisme at 15,Nov,22 11:49 other posts of Andthisisme 
She has had an incredibly long career and I recall in the 60's she had a run of hugely successful hit songs beginning with 'Downtown'.
By tb1 at 15,Nov,22 11:56 other posts of tb1 
I recall those as well kudos on your 90th

By #610414 at 15,Nov,22 11:55
Time doesn't stop, but, Ms Clark is timeless. Happy Birthday!

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